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Many Pets - April 2024

ManyPets - April 2024

We contacted ManyPets and it said it was sorry to hear about the feelings and concerns of pet parents featured on Watchdog and that it would like to thank them for choosing ManyPets to help care for Nala, Alfie and Rusty.

It said it was passionate about meeting customer needs, ensuring its policies are priced
fairly for the risk they cover, and reflecting customer feedback in its decisions and
improvements where it can.

It said while it believes that its customer communication is clear, it has received
feedback from some customers that its renewal communications and explanation
of its pricing and any changes could have been better. As a direct result of this
feedback, it said it has already improved it’s email, video, and written website content
especially around the factors it uses to calculate premiums.

It said it remains committed to helping pet parents navigate the complex and sometimes
costly world of caring for a pet. That’s why it was the first in the UK to create a
policy designed to cover pre-existing conditions, why it offers interest-free monthly
payments, and it’s also why it adjusts its pricing approach from time to time to
ensure its prices reflect the risk covered – so it does not disadvantage non claimants,
i.e. those with typically healthier pets.

It said it provides comparatively higher levels of vet fee cover and fewer exclusions than
some providers, so that many pet parents can fund more advanced care for their
pet. The cost of that care however needs to be reflected in our premiums to ensure
all the pets covered by our policies are adequately protected. It flagged that recently, insurance premiums have also been significantly impacted by the increasing cost of veterinary care, partly driven by the advancement of vet care but also by general inflation. This too is a factor in the renewal premiums mentioned on Watchdog.