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Keira Grundy

Although Ed loves George as if he was his own (indeed, for a while he thought he was), you can imagine his delight when he and Emma had their first child together.

Fact title Fact data
6 April 2011
Lives at:
Little Grange at Grange Farm

Keira's name was inspired by the female lead in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, and she was also given the middle name Susan. This pleased both Emma's mum Susan and the Grundy side of the family, as that was the name of Ed's deceased grandmother.

Currently at Borchester Green secondary school, Keira's in the same year as Henry Archer. When she can tear herself away from her tablet, Keira plays rugby and has riding lessons at The Stables. She is seemingly taking after her nana as Neil once commented that Keira could talk for England and even Susan couldn't get a word in edgeways!

Immediate family

  • (Father)
  • (Mother)
  • (Half-brother)