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George Grundy

Born in the midst of a tug of love, cheeky George is proving to be a chip off the old block.

Fact title Fact data
Played by:
Angus Stobie
7 April 2005
Lives at:
No.1 The Green

Born at the heart of a love triangle, George's paternity was initially unclear. He's grown up sharing his time between mum Emma and dad Will, with the added luxury of having Uncle Ed on the scene to lavish even more affection on him. The arrival of Ed and Emma's child Keira, while they lived at Rickyard Cottage, rocked his happy little life. He’s since become fond of his sister, though he’d probably be the last to admit it.

Through his childhood, George has been known to develop strong passions - for a while he 'got religion' in a big way. He's been shown the ways of poaching by his grandfather Eddie, and while his early loves of animals and his grandpa’s tractor remain, these days they’re jostling for position with gaming and lads holidays.

George worked briefly alongside his granddad Neil at Berrow Farm pig unit, before the humiliation of being sacked for breaking work-place rules and bullying Hannah Riley. He's since made a role for himself at Bridge Farm, milking the herd along with other farm work, but sees his future chance for fame and fortune through his social media channel. In the Grundy tradition, his money-making ideas can be very hit and miss, including an ill-advised and poisonous foray into flavouring e-cigarettes.

He has a darker side, as witnessed when he broke into Grey Gables with Brad on his 18th birthday and damaged Caroline Sterling's memorial bench. George is someone who is not afraid to lie, cheat and break the rules to his own advantage.