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Lisa McCoy

Played by Karen Hassan

Her office has four clocks showing the time in Belfast, Brussels, Dublin and London

As the head of the organisation, Lisa wants to appeal to the hearts of minds of the public. Lisa is all too aware that there are a lot of different hearts and minds out there. Lisa recognises the border can be both invisible or visible and she works hard to keep things soft.

Lisa considers herself the most positive person she knows and keeps smiling in an area of extreme complication. Her office has four clocks showing the time in Belfast, Brussels, Dublin and London and she carries four mobile phones so she can answer any question from any government at any time.

Lisa remains '100 percent neutral' even in her choice of Soft Border Patrol uniform. The fetching shade of burgundy/plum is designed to offend the least amount of people in the border area.

She chose the slogan “We’re Here For You” and hopes people interpret it as reassuring, rather than threatening.

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