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Chris Evans | 16:37 UK time, Friday, 7 September 2007

I wonder if anyone else in the world today has spent six hours playing....

...Coldplay's Trouble on the piano.

I only learnt it last night and had to get it polished in time for this morning. A six pm. start on a film set deep in the East End of London. Lots of nice and talented people with heaps of food from the catering bus temptingly available
throughout. It was all part of the new ad campaign for radio 2. i think it's going to air on the main Beeb tv. channels this autumn.

Now someone is coming to view the house on monday, so no doubt we'll spend most of the weekend making it look much nicer than it ever has done for us. Thank goodness for the visits of strangers and guests otherwise most of our houses would never get a good seeing to.

Iced coffees all round in the office just now, real big ones, headaches all round already, why does that happen ?

Very much in the mood for a beer this evening, so let's pile a load of great tunes on the radio and get to seven o'clock as soon as is d.j.'lly possible.

GOD BLESS, have a great SATSUN, see you MON.





  1. At 06:31 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- sorry, just read your news from yesterday. thats awful.

    I have put a comment on yesterdays post. Have also managed to get new bag and scarf photos on my blog so have a look.

    Happy weekend everyonexx

  2. At 07:18 PM on 07 Sep 2007, D wrote:


    Some men find the whole bereavment thing really hard to cope with (not that this excuses them)

    I know a man who allowed it to affect him so much that he let 30 years of marriage go down the drain rather than deal with it properly through some kind of councilling or simply talking to some one............!

    His life and several others ruined..........! changed forever..!

    D x

    Good luck

  3. At 08:28 PM on 07 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris listened to all the show today for the first time.....and a good show it was especislly jonnys bit..why dont you invite the bloggers to suggest some requests...it might work ...in a strange type of way...have a nice weekend i know i will ta ta

  4. At 04:41 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Athame wrote:

    Nope, never have spent more than six hours at a piano or keyboard before. I lack the co-ordination to be able to play any musical instrument.

    On Thursday I watched Bob the Builders Christmas Special 2001 (which we taped about 5 years ago). Hehe XD

    Athame XXX

    P.S. Good luck with the house

  5. At 06:09 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Athame wrote:

    Nope, never have spent more than six hours at a piano or keyboard before. I lack the co-ordination to be able to play any musical instrument.

    On Thursday I watched Bob the Builders Christmas Special 2001 (which we taped about 5 years ago). Hehe XD

    Athame XXX

    P.S. Good luck with the house

  6. At 12:41 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Well my comment on thursdays post doesn't seem to have appeared.

    Hope you are all lovely, now having a little sandwich and taking a break from getting ready for my friends wedding. Have painted my nails, straightened my hair, put my foundation on just got to sought my eyes out and have a nice rest!
    The sun has gone out but i'm sure it will be back out for 3:30! It better anyway.

    Thanks for the comments on thursdays post about my bags. New pics on now so check them out.
    Cheryl the Diva- will see what i can do about the bag. Let me know what you would like and we will sort something ouy.

    Prof Plum- sorry the date didn't happen. Keep us updated.
    I keep dropping hints to 'the fella' that really want to meet for coffee soon. Hopefully when he gets his move sorted out we'll meet up!
    Right must go and finish getting ready, no doubt photos will be on blog soon xx

  7. At 10:08 AM on 09 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Lazy Sunday afternoon one all

    Fancy being able to play the piano Mr Evans .. another talent at your fingers tips, or was it a dubbed dummy piano!

    Hells Kitchen. PMW is looking more and more like Hannibal Lecter to me.

    X factor. I am convinced the lady who plays invisable instruments is a sure winner.

  8. At 06:12 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    Ah well, no Alabama 3 on Friday. Will just have to try harder.

    I'm at work - how horrible is that on a Sunday evening? And hardly any posts to read. You're obviously all having a better weekend than me.

    Anne x

  9. At 08:44 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good evening,

    Not a great weekend no, in fact it went from bad to worse. The whole funeral thing and the daft comment was really just the 'straw that broke the camels back' so to speak. I may have over-reacted due to the blooming horrible time we are having at the moment.

    Things seem to have reached make or break this weekend as we are under alot of pressure due to debts etc which I think is making us horrible people at the moment. So the slightest thing is a big deal and unbearable. He was even talking about selling up and renting yesterday which I have reservations about. When he has been particularly stressed he has threatened to just go off and stop paying the mortgage.

    Felt a bit desperate this morning, mum was worried about me and phoned which made things harder as I really don't want her to know just how bad I feel. She went and told me that sometimes she really doesn't like my husband and that I could go back home! Strangely this didn't help. I even thought about calling Citizens Advice tomorrow morning as life is getting unbearable here. It's all so complicated.

    Sorry for being a miserable, depressing cow and pouring my heart out here, I didn't plan to but I've just been a bit lonely here this weekend.

    Tommorow is another day.....

    Debbie x

  10. At 09:42 PM on 09 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Evening all.

    I've just had a text from some poor chap.

    "hi jane can we meet again fri nite, last nite was brill back at my place, txt me if you do. dave.xx"

    Aw bless 'im she's obviously given 'im the slip.

    So after consultation (and a giggle) with the daughter I've txt him back.

    "hi dave this isn't jane and I've no idea who she is, methinks you have the wrong number so check again; if she's given you the slip then she's a slapper and you're well rid. Good luck.xx"

    Bless him.

    It's a jungle out there innit.

    Ah no, he's just replied. Oh oh.


  11. At 09:50 PM on 09 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Oh my lordy he wants to know who I am.

    Hahaha bless his little socks if only he knew!!!

    He never will of course. There's only so much bad luck a chap can squeeze into one weekend after all. Hohoho.


  12. At 10:24 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello again,

    I just wanted to share something that really did make me giggle today as I realise that I should mention also these moments!

    Little man asked about the time that he was in my tummy and asked how he got there. I didn't know what to say and just looked at him, waited for inspiration. Before I had a chance to think of what to say, he asked me if I ate him using a knife and fork......

    Off to bed, nite,

    Debbie x

    PS. Clogdagh, let him down gently x

  13. At 08:26 AM on 10 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    debbie dont lose the faith it will all come back soon and you will have a new zest for life....had a good weekend with sons birthday at the crocky trail its great for kids and old geezers

  14. At 08:31 AM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    CLP well done on attempting to learn piano, it's something I really want to do... that and learning to sail a boat.

    Missy- Love the handbags! How was the wedding?

    ps. Another suburban family morning

  15. At 08:40 AM on 10 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    YO Christoof & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Trouble, I thought that tune was by that bloke with the beard and the guitar - Ray Lamontagne - yer know it goes :

    'trouble, mmmmmnnnnn.... troubllllle.......
    seems ter be maaaa only friend...
    troubleeee.... mmmmmmmnnnnna...... trouble.... just a wontaaa leave me alone......
    mmmmmnnnn troublllllaaaa'

    Damn guten tune!

    CLP - Oh yeah Coldplay - Trouble. Aye CLP, i've learned that great tune 'Talk' by Coldplay on me guitar. Wrightie often plays this one - I get all excited evertime I 'ear it!
    It's that one with the haunting, prominant opening guitar riff - goes :

    Quietly -
    da, der, derrrrrrrr
    daa, derrrrrrrr
    da, de, de, derrrrr........

    da, der, derrrrrrrr
    daa, derrrrrrrr
    da, de, de, derrrrr.........

    Then louder, yesssss, louder (i'm getting so excited now)

    DA, DE, DE, DERRRRR.......

    DA, DE, DE, DERRRRR.......

    Then the vocals come in!!!!!!!

    Beautiful tune!

    Sorry I can't read music but then nor can Paul McCartney. Yer see that's the big secret ter music. Keep it simple and it makes it 'it the ear 'arder. Make it too complicated like so many modern bands and it all gets too muffled for the ears ter take in - know what am sayin'!!!!
    YES, wow cos I ain't got a clue what am on about!

    Seriously though CLP, we should form a Coldplay tribute band.
    What with you learning Coldplay's Trouble, me with Talk and did yer 'ear Wrightie's singing at the end of 'is shoe on Friday - 'e's got vocal talents - am tellin' yer!
    Wrightie IZ the new Chris Martin!!
    All we need iz a percussionist. ANYONE play drums out there?


    PS Any chance of some Coldplay ternight ter inspire us ALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. At 08:44 AM on 10 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning all

    Debbie - I don't suppose there's much I can say..... stick in there, follow your heart and I'm thinking of you. Just be upfront and honest with people, that way you can never be moaned at for being untrue to yourself or others?
    That sounded much better in my head???
    Big love and xxx's your way from my way.

    clodagh - sorry but I'd just have to have a play for a day or two. That's just me tho'

    Had a really busy weekend at work, I think it was numpty weekend party time in Norwich! On nights tonight and tomorrow, who knows what lies ahead?

    I see the MsCanns came home yesterday, Hmmm I hope there's some closure for all concerned very soon either way. The plot thickens.


  17. At 08:48 AM on 10 Sep 2007, Elm wrote:

    HI everyone

    Had a great weekend myself - me and TLOML got up at stupid o'clock on Sat morning and drove to the beach to watch dawn come up over the sea - then went and saw his great aunt twice removed who is 99 and so spry and able - she is great!

    Yesterday had two trips to the tip - took out cat to see best beloveds grandfather as he is in a home and went the the big blue and yellow store - even I was sick of it by the end - would it hurt them to bring the temp down a few degrees???

    Debbie - really sorry to hear your news, it sounds like it is all happening at the moment and something is going to blow - I don't know what you are goinf though as I am lucky enough never to be in your position but all I can say it don't alienate your family, esp your mum. At the end of the day she will be the person on your side though thick and thin and she pronbaly wants to help, even if she is going about it the wrong way.

    Clodagh - I had that happen to me once - with the text, poor bl;oke texted me late fri night pouring out his heart about how he still loved this girl and how she was hurting him by seeing someone else. i texted back saying I wasn't her and good luck!

    Sorry about the long post, I had more to say then I thought.

    have a good week one and all - only four days for me!

    Elm x

  18. At 09:06 AM on 10 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning boys and girls (and everyone inbetween).

    ((((((Debbie)))))) - you could try citizens advice, or perhaps even a bit of counselling?? Just a bit of you time, to talk stuff your own out with a stranger who's impartial, it can really really help. I'm the same as you - my mum tends to pick up on my moods and says stuff like that - and it doesn't help AT ALL!

    Stay strong, and hope everyone has a great week.


  19. At 09:07 AM on 10 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Oh dear, number one son got up at 6 in a right state, I just don't know what to do with him. I feel sorry for him but things really aren't that bad and I think he needs to start telling himself that. I started cooking (what I always do when stressed!) so house is full of buns and shortbread! Hopefully today will be OK, i hope so cos I'm childminding three kids tomorrow and I can't have him wailing all morning!

    Hope you've all had good weekends, Debbie, yours doesn't sound too good, so sorry things are going badly for you.

    Looking forward to reading what you've been up to Chris (but don't know if we need TOO much detail, if you know what I mean!).

    Em xx

  20. At 09:38 AM on 10 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    hmph - looks like I've been BP'd???

    too long to re-write but hugs to Debs and keep him going Clodagh


  21. At 09:42 AM on 10 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Just catching up with the posts since Friday.

    Missy - hope you had a lovely time at the wedding. Was the bride beautiful? As discussed before on this blog, I'm quite partial to bride's dresses!

    Debbie - you are really having a tough time at the moment. Hopefully you and your husband are just having a bad patch and you will come through this. It is horrendous when our relationships become so difficult. As for the Citizens Advice, I would urge you to do this. They are utterly brilliant. No judging, no embarrassment - take along all your bills and invoices - they will write to everyone and arrange a period where you will pay the very minimum. This arrangement is for six months at least, then gets reviewed and hopefully extended. You will not believe the relief you will feel and it will get you some control on your money. Of course, they will ask for proof of what you and your husband are earning, all outgoings etc. They are incredibly sympathetic.

    Clodagh - that guy would be so lucky to get you! I think it was lovely that you texted him back rather than just leave him hanging around. It's been a zillion years since this happened to me, but I well remember being out with someone and having to say "I had a really good time, but can't see you again because ... I'm just recovering from a previous relationship/washing my hair every night for the next three months/leaving the country to do good works in Africa". Oooh there's nothing worse than someone who fancies you, and you don't fancy them!

    Hope everyone is o.k. for a Monday.

    C xx

  22. At 09:57 AM on 10 Sep 2007, j wrote:

    Debbie - my heart aches for you. Having been through a breakup last year, I can empathise. It's a zillion times worse when there are debts involved - your husband's idea of selling up may not be so off the wall. Our society's obsession with house ownership is strange - no responsibility for house repairs if you rent!

    I think your idea of contacting Citizens Advice is inspired. If you both have less stress involved with living you'll perhaps have a clearer idea of where you two are as a couple.

    I still, and always, will advocate getting counselling - either as a singleton, as a couple or even as a family (although wee chap may be too young!).

    Very, very best of luck. Only words I can give are 'this too will pass'...

    Lots of love,

  23. At 10:31 AM on 10 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere again.

    Forgot ter say before..... we need a bassist too!
    Anybody play bass.

    PS CLP - Yer gotta play some Coldplay on yer show soon man.
    'ave yer 'eard 'A Message' by Coldplay. Great acoustic guitar that then beaks inter electric - so good.
    Plus 'The Hardest Part' such a nice chilled philosophical sounding tune - great.

    PPS - En M (#19) I understand CLP talkin' in detail about 'is new wife.
    If I waz married ter Nelly Furtado and 'ad a blog i'd be writing on it about the curves of ner back - am tellin yer!!!!!!
    Might be resting me computer on 'er back while i'm writing too, probally while she's practising 'er 'vibrato'!!!!!
    That's vibrato - vocal tuning.... yer know errr... larrrrr, darrrrrrrr, la, la, la, larrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


  24. At 12:58 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Afternoon,

    Thanks for the advice. I'm actually seeing my counsellor on Thursday, I have been back to see her since things first started to get really tough. She was my counsellor when the post natal depression was at it worst. I'm hoping that she will also help me to see things clearly but counsellors basically sit and listen, they aren't allowed to advise. Still, it will be good to talk to her.

    My husband has downloaded some information from a debt advice website so tonight I will plough through it and gather all the bills together. Is it possible to freeze payments on credit cards? He had three that I didn't know about! That would help. He isn't very easy to talk to, he gets very defensive very quickly. I'll have to tread so carefully. Wish me luck!!

    CtD, hope your weekend was ok by the way and the cat let you catch up on some sleep.......

    Have a lovely afternoon everyone x

  25. At 01:25 PM on 10 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Just to say that I know for sure that Citizen's Advice will arrange, on your behalf, to have all interest frozen on credit cards, store cards etc. I did have a friend who used a debt agency and there was a charge for the service. All I can tell you is the Citizen's Advice charge nothing and they offer a service that I would think is second to none.

    I really wish you well.

    C xx

  26. At 01:30 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Good afternoon people..... Bingo as no one has yet responded to your call for a drummer - while you're waiting for a better offer perhaps I could offer my services; I played the bass drum in a pipe and drum band. That was over thirty years ago but I can still twirl the sticks - if that's what you're looking for?
    Debbie - please go to CAB they are impartial, free and confidential. They are also incredibly professional. I worked for them for eight years a while ago and they really are the bees b*ll*cks. As Chrissie S said they really can help you with your finances. Best of luck.
    PS Hope you're on the mend HL.

  27. At 02:00 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:


    I can play the dummy piano and the invisable Hawian guitar.

    But I don't come cheap.

  28. At 02:08 PM on 10 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello ALL,

    Bingo Star ere... again...oh I yeah!

    Prof. Plum & Wlismar - Look we'll take anyone we can get as long as they can play Coldplay!!!!

    MInd u CLP iz in charge of this joint (the blog that iz not drugs). So the last word i'm sure would be with CLP - Simon Cowell styleee!!!!!!


  29. At 02:22 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hello everyone! Happy Monday.

    Debbie - my heart goes out to you reading your posts, but that's what the blog's here for. I went to the CAB when my dad died in 2005 and I have to say, they were fabulous. It amazes me how they continue to function on their limited budgets but many towns and people would be lost without their CABs.

    Good luck with your counsellor and thank you for asking after my weekend, despite your own troubles.

    Well, we went out on Friday evening and the first thing I asked him when I met him off the train was "are we ok" to which he told me I looked gorgeous, kissed me and we had a great night. All's well now but I have to confess to a flurry of tears yesterday morning but we put that down to "lady hormones". The love, thankfully, is still very much alive.

    I was also reminded that the cat flap can be locked, so Lady LaLa (her feline pseudonym!) is currently being allowed to stay in at bedtime until she decides to go out, but then once she's out she can't get back in until we open the door for her! The mousetraps remain set with no gullible meeces in them ... but we live in hope (sorry Mickey and Minnie!)

    missy - have you thought about selling your bags and scarves on that well known on-line auction site?? They're miles better than some of the tat on there!

    Talking of old tat - I had an amazing "no holds barred" clear out yesterday of my clothes. I took 4 bin liners full to the textiles rcycling bank. Mr Diva was well chuffed as I'm always trying to nick his cupboard space!

    Oh - the diet's still going good too - despite a beer festival and BBQ at the weekend.

    Next up: new hair on Saturday and Mr Gervais on Sunday. Phew!

    Take care - it's a jungle out there friends!

    CtD x x x

    HL - if your'e reading this, thinking of you and hope you're feeling better soon babe!

  30. At 03:23 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I've just checked out the CAB website and found the office closest to me. They are open in the morning so I'm going to phone them first to make sure that I take everything that I need. I feel more positive already just knowing that I'm going to do that. I haven't mentioned it to 'The Boss' yet but I can't see him having any objections. He has been so negative over my suggestions so far.

    I'm really looking forward to watching MPW tonight, it's the highlight of my evening. I didn't like him at first but I'm warming to him now. And I'm sorry to admit that I actually like Jim Davidson. I think it's mainly because since I was a child he has always reminded me of my dad. Visually anyway, although he is much bigger than dad now!

    Debbie x

  31. At 09:16 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Jamie wrote:

    Hiya just wondering where you got the music from for coldplays trouble thanks

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