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Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Monday, 10 September 2007

Anyone seen a fox around, apparently there's been a few sightings in...

... the Broadcasting House area of London Town, which if course isn't a town in the first place, what's all that about ?

I haven't seen her yet but the Fox is back and back on form alledgedly having presented a sterling batch of highly immaginative ideas for the business slot at this morning's programme meeting.

Hope you all had a great weekend, personally I though the sport, although victorious, was all a little bit dull.

Read loads, specifically about an Indian bloke who's dead rich and by the sounds of it pretty cool as well. He's worth around £19 billion and spent £34 million on his daughter's wedding.

Also, read about the true art of barbequing, nothing like I thought it to be, it seems I've been getting it wrong for years. It's all about a six hour slow smoke, I'm soprry but i simply don't have the time.

The wife's finger is well on the mend, so much so, that Mrs E. played in a golf tournament this morning, actually so did I but I had to leave early to come up to yee Old Smoke for to do t'show.

The bike was bought by the way, we are now officially part of the Triumph family. We had a viewing on the house this morning and generally it's all going on....

Teas up, there are tunes to be picked and guests to be researched.





  1. At 03:36 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Badsalsadancer wrote:

    Hiya Chris & Team......
    Totally agree about the winning dull-fully ways..maybe we are too used to be soo disappointed losing that we cant get high when we do well?

    6-hour BBQs? Is that tantric cooking? A slo-pot is faster!!

    Chris just been reading some of your past blogs..and as Im approaching a forthcoming wedding in a month I need some good tips from your high-speed diets of recent times (Children In Need+ The Wedding Diet) - is it all down to this infamous powerplate you keep mentioning- where can I try one in the Midlands..can anyone help pls?

    Keep On Rocking The Radio !

  2. At 03:42 PM on 10 Sep 2007, DCD wrote:

    Welcome back to the Fox, roll on 5 o'clock and the drive home....


  3. At 03:45 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Welcome back Foxy! My Fox the Fox is .... did the listener who came up with the Beat The Busby theme tune get paid for their composition, or was it donated by them for the good of the Drivetime show? And, if they got paid, was it a one-off payment from Auntie or did they get composers royalties every time CLP played it on the show?


    Glad Mrs E's finger is getting better!

    CtD x x x

  4. At 03:56 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Andy wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    Glad that Foxy is back her research is clearly second to none. But I have to say I will miss Busby's voice. Her laugh made me go weak at the knees!

    Can she not do another item on your show just so I can hear her speak?

    And BBQing is all about patience, and if you haven't got it grill it.

  5. At 03:57 PM on 10 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Good to hear Natasha is doing fine. If she's back playing golf already, she must be delighted (and relieved).

    Very interesting to read about the Indian guy but I truly think spending £34m on a wedding is obscene. However, I guess if you have £19b in the bank, that figure would be like spending ..... well, not a lot!

    I won't hear the show tonight as I have to work late to cover my colleague going home ill with a massive hangover. Normally I would have no sympathy, but she looked so awful - and I have been there, got the t-shirt, so I'm not annoyed.

    Welcome back foxy!

    C xx

    P.S. CtD - glad to hear your weekend was good and things are back on track!

  6. At 04:04 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Daniel wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are all well.

    The weekend has shot by once again, but I'm looking forward to the end of the week as I break up for a week! First holiday since December, so it's long overdue I feel!

    I was frankly appalled at how England played against the USA on Sat - none of the home nations played great to be honest, but we don't stand a cat in hells chance of winning this year I'm afraid.

    Glad Mrs E's finger is all better Chris, hope you get an offer on the house.

    Badsalsadancer, John Lewis sell Power Plates, there is a branch in Touchwood; Solihull. I haven't been to see if they stock them, but their website definitely lists them so the stores would be able to get one I'd think...even if it was just to demo.

    Have a great night everyone.


  7. At 04:07 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Glad Mrs E's finger is on the mend.

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend. The wedding I went to was just lovely so beautiful. I have put some pics on my blog!

    Havent had a latte for 3 days now and starting to have really bad withdrawel symptons!! Yippee foxy is back! How very exciting, will be listening in. Right peeps have got a beret to knit so will catch ya later xx

  8. At 04:08 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Tickle wrote:

    And a foxy Monday to everyone! Hurrah!

    What a great weekend - sunshine, sport - although the rugby proved disappointing...however, I did get to spend some time on the ol' stomping ground! Walked past the old home and found it almost dilapidated! Someone must have bought it from whoever my folks sold it to originally is rebuilding it.

    So - I'm showing Mrs Tickle the front of the house when a hen suddenly walks past the gate and gives us a look - a guard hen? Surely not!!

    What makes it more odd is that this isn't a rural area, it's an established residential area! The wildest animals are dogs and crows! Never has a hen been seen there....

    Tomorrow, kamikaze crows pay me a visit by knocking on the front door...

    Tickle :)

  9. At 04:22 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Eugenie wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Really glad to hear how happy you are with new wifey. Can't wait to hear the Fox!!
    Eugenie (Leeds)

  10. At 04:26 PM on 10 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Afternoon Fox Hunters.

    6-hour slow-smoke?

    For Keith Richards' sausages maybe.

    Now then Debbie. Watch what you say to t' little feller.

    Once again the Dear Departed Father Eric fell foul of this hazard upon being asked by the big sister the question, "Dad, where did I come from?"

    Eric steeled himself, looked at her earnest little face then sat down and perched said sister on his knee.

    (Actually this is where the story takes on the category of Big Whopper, since his more probable response would have been the usual "Go an' ask yer mother"...but anyway..)

    So there he is, sat sittin' with the fully attentive sister on his knee. He explained everything, in full, start to finish, warts and all, to the sister's rapt attention. When he'd finished, he looked at her bemused little face and said, "Now then, does that explain it?"

    "Not really," says Alison, eyes like hard-boiled eggs and suffering from mild rigor-mortis.

    "Which bit don't you understand?" asks Eric.

    "Well," says she. "It's just that my friend Susan says she came from Liverpool."


    Any road up.

    Me text chappie. Ah no, I haven't followed it up, bless him. I'm not that mean.

    Besides, the daughter has expressly forbidden me to. Hurrah!


  11. At 04:32 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    missy - just had a peek at the wedding pix and you looked absolutely amazing. Good on ya!

    CtD x x

  12. At 04:39 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Richard Wherlock wrote:

    Chris you broght the bike top man.
    did it come with a tin to collect the dripping oil.

  13. At 05:00 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Bob reader wrote:

    I thought i would let you know mt mouth is still watering from those pork pies last week !. I had to go out the weekend and get some . yum yum . Now Im adicted ( i think ), can you sugest a good pork pie diet , is there one similar to the atkins one ???????

  14. At 05:04 PM on 10 Sep 2007, flo wrote:


    its not good enough just saying your now part of our Triumph family - we want to know what Triumph you went for.

    Please do tell.

    Flo xx

  15. At 05:11 PM on 10 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Missy,

    I also had a wee look at your latest photographs. You look stunning. I have one quick question aimed at the guy you fancy and are trying to get together with: with is your PROBLEM mate?! Get your act together or your gonna find you've missed your chance!

    Missy - great photographs, and the bride was indeed beautiful.

    C xx

  16. At 05:17 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Debbie - everyone is right, use CAB....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't use one of those firms that advertise to help repay stuff. I did and ended uo owing far more!!?? The CAB will help you. Good luck to you and hubby. XXX

    missy - OMG! how hot did you look at the wedding? I need more than a latte after seeing that pic x

    HL - hope you're back soon and are A-OK.

    CLP - agree with the sport, better than exciting and ending in defeat?

    Off to have dinner and get ready for work. Some cd's that were released today have arrived in the post so I'm gonna have a listen before I go in. No offence CLP but I've been dying to hear one of them!!


  17. At 06:35 PM on 10 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah hurrah check out the state of Johnny in 'is vest.

    It's workin' already; look at the size of them sparks flyin' out of 'is shoulder.

    Marvellous. I'm off to get meself one without delay.

    Where d'yous put the batteries.


  18. At 06:38 PM on 10 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Mind you, Johnny, look at that bless 'im, one of 'is eyelashes has fell off.


  19. At 07:34 PM on 10 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ah NO.

    Johnny. Now what's happened.

    'E's meltin'. An' 'is wick's dropped down.

    Get that shirt off quick or 'e'll 'ave to be taken home in a bucket.



  20. At 07:57 PM on 10 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    well its monday...happy monday everyone...glad the fox is back but the busby was a worthy adversery....good weekend clp....and not a lot of ale drunk

  21. At 11:43 PM on 10 Sep 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Evening Christy and fellow bloggers! Hope you are all well, great to hear the foxiest foxy fox back, it gives me another go at learning her theme tune! Pretty uneventful weekend for us too untill last night, wee man was having a bath to try and get rid of some the grime embedded into him from the weekends playing, and being the thundering thick I am i tried to close he window over the bath, silly thing to do I know.....
    The bath mat slipped from under my feet and down I went like a ton of bricks and managed to catch the side of le bump on the bath, panic followed as himself struggled to lift to lift my beached whale-esque frame off the floor,, after a frantic phone call to the midwife I was advised to take it easy and If i showed any signs of anything to go straight in,it was all a bit scary but after about half an hour the shock wore off and shim was back to kicking around like a footie player, stayed in bed nearly all day today, just to be on the safe side you understand, how are all my fellow pg bloggers doing?, xxxxx

  22. At 09:11 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Morning one and all

    How do you spend 34 million on a wedding. Must have been very expensive sausage rolls.

    Got a Robin in the house yesterday that flew in through the window. Quickly spotted by the dog. Now for once she had the upper hand. She chased it under the sofa over the table while I'm shouting "leave leave". She of course took no notice, finally grabbed her and ran out of the room. I like birds but not when they are flying around your head.
    It must have been over an hour before that Robin decided to fly away, (apart from the dog )it's seemed perfectly happy to hop around. Maybe I am the birdperson of Alcatraz.

  23. At 09:41 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello all! CtD, get you getting a name check yesterday!!!!

    Yay to Foxy being back - could we perhaps get someone to create a new jingle for her too?? Never outfox the fox is great, but it was such good fun to have that little competition for Busby!

    Any road up, must get on!

    Hazel, where are you???? Hope you're ok.

    Have good days all.

  24. At 10:07 AM on 11 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Mr C.Evans & All Keyboard Operational dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.... terday.

    CtD - I 'eard yer mention live on the UK's airwaves about the pork pies.
    I'm not that keen on pork pies meself. But I bet those specialy construsted ones that CLP 'ad got the Nick dude ter buy were probally spiffing.
    I ain't like sausages either, unless there those leek beauties.
    I wonder if errr... the pie makers in question do leek n pork pies... mmmm....mmmmmm.......mmmmmmmmmmm..... yum!!!!!
    Still i'd rather 'ave a Raison Revel!!!!!!

    CtD - Congrads on the mention. It proves CLP cares about 'is blog friends!!!!!!

    Prof. Plum - I wish a bird would come unannounced inter my 'ouse. I could do with a little romance - am tellin' yer!!!!

    PS Prof. Plum - I see yer blogged at 9.11 on 11th of the 9th on the anniversar of 911 - SPOOKY!!!!!!!!!!!


  25. At 10:21 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Nev wrote:

    Buying a triumph - is this a result of too many pork pies that you now need a bra? Get back on the power plate young man!

    As to Johnny in that vest, I am worried about how long he has been breathing in - no wonder the rugby team had no energy on Saturday, it's squeezing the life out of them. Get the Springboks to wear them and we may have half a chance on Friday.


  26. At 10:46 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:


    Dont set me off .. Now have you seen the U tube clip .. entitled where was Bush in the loop....

    off to try on my new PVC outfit I purchased last night.

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