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Chris Evans | 10:13 UK time, Thursday, 6 September 2007

The finger is well on the mend, the one the Mrs. allowed to have a fight with the nasty end of an electric whisk. The all new super duper finger fixing, skin grafting superglue is doing it's job however until further notice she's not allowed...

... to let it sweat.

So, no gym, no getting too near the aga and a temporary sussation of celebration of the nuptuals... oh well actually not exactly, calmer activities still cleared as long as they don't include the usual GINGER PRINCE marathon sessions that tend to inspire rivlets of perspiration to run like rivers in spate down the natural grooves and crevices of the highly sculptured form of the new Mrs. E.

She really is the bomb !

Wow, I think I've gone a little light headed.

I need to go and lie down.

CLP 2007.


P.S. Were the prok pies really as good as they sounded ?

Yes they blimin' well were.


  1. At 10:32 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    CLP - a bucket of water for you me thinks?????


  2. At 10:39 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Nothpaw wrote:

    a little less detail before breakfast please mr E!!!

  3. At 10:42 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Ooooer Chris!!

    Talking of ooer - did anyone see Hells Kitchen last night? First time I've viewed but my word, Marco is the business isn't he? That LOOK!!.

    Anne x

  4. At 10:58 AM on 06 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Your a poet Mr E....

    De x

    What a good lesson in keeping away from nasty


  5. At 11:00 AM on 06 Sep 2007, andy from ayrshire wrote:

    what's with the groundhog day TV themes Chris, the waltons and dallas are on a continuous loop.

    shocking stuff especially when i havent heard Grange Hill yet :-)

  6. At 11:08 AM on 06 Sep 2007, JoJo wrote:

    No chance that Mrs E. had her accident due to losing concentration whilst suffering from physical exhaustion then?

    TOP TIP:
    I always find a good hand whisk does the job just as well - and proves a much safer option, eventually achieving the exact same results!


  7. At 11:12 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Nothpaw wrote:

    a little less detail before breakfast please mr E!!!

  8. At 11:13 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Una Vino Blanco one and all

    Is this the CE blog or an excerpt from something of the top shelf.

    Always like a good pie though.

    Bingo.. What were you doing in Mc Donalds car park? I thought from the traffic report you were stuck in traffic at Ellesmere Port. Was it a romantic rendezvous?

    Missy. The date never happened! Love your Woolly bags. But if if rains, with all my make-up inside, I could end up dragging a six foot long hand bag home on the bus with me.

    Pavarroti gone. What a shame.

    Good day sunshine one and all

  9. At 11:15 AM on 06 Sep 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    I say, steady on old bean!!!

    Very glad to hear that Mrs E's digit is recovering well - I hope washing up is banned as well as cooking !!

    jillygoat xx

  10. At 11:18 AM on 06 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Good morning CLP and blog peeps.

    Heavens to betsy, CLP ..... cold showers all round mefinx. For some unknown reason whilst reading your blog today my mind wandered to that dark, dark corner of my mind reserved for me and Russell Brand. Phew!

    Anyhoooooo, moving on ...

    Chubby Club weigh in last night and I managed to lose 2.5lbs this week. Hurrah!! Seems I'm doing something right at last. Well and truly chuffed to billyo with that result.

    Got a challenging weekend ahead on the diet front tho - our local BEER FESTIVAL on Friday night and a bbq on Saturday. I've decided to drink halves instead of pints at the beer fest!

    Hells' Kitchen: I think Marco PW is fantastic. What a man! He can come and poach my eggs any day. I think Jim Davidson summed it up really well on the first night when asked why he was there by MPW, he just simply replied "it's a 2 week cookery lesson that a million quid couldn't buy me". Nuff said. Great stuff.

    The Restaurant was good too - Mr Diva and I guessed who the bottom 3 would be. Looking forward to tonight's challenge. I know who I want to go but won't say anything in case any bloggers watch the repeat over the weekend. One thing I will say tho ... the man with the drums: is he a Hobbit????

    Ordered a new washing machine this morning - it's coming on Sunday so only 3 nights of sleepless stress worrying I've orderd the wrong thing or measured the gap wrong!!

    Bingo - heard you get name-checked by Sally Traffic yesterday, you traffic groupie you!!

    missy - lovin' your bags. Let me know when they go on sale: can you do purple/lilac/pink combo knitting please??

    Debbie - well done for yesterday, you were very brave.

    HL - if you're out there, thinking of you and look forward to hearing from you soon hun!

    Righteo, coffee time (again!!)

    Back laters.


    PS: Happy Thirsty Thursday
    PPS: your head is humming and it won't go

  11. At 11:26 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Una Vino Blanco one and all

    Is this the CE blog or an excerpt from something of the top shelf.

    Always like a good pie though.

    Bingo.. What were you doing in Mc Donalds car park? I thought from the traffic report you were stuck in traffic at Ellesmere Port. Was it a romantic rendezvous?

    Missy. The date never happened! Love your Woolly bags. But if if rains, with all my make-up inside, I could end up dragging a six foot long hand bag home on the bus with me.

    Pavarroti gone. What a shame.

    Good day sunshine one and all

  12. At 11:27 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Oh my God, Chris too much info. I like you very much, but I'd rather not picture you "in the act" if you don't mind!

    Please get rid of that pork pie picture, I'm still detoxing and it's making my mouth water. Have any of you Norfolk folk tried the lovely pork pies from Swafield farm shop? They are so scrummy.

    Em xx

  13. At 11:27 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Una Vino Blanco one and all

    Is this the CE blog or an excerpt from something of the top shelf.

    Always like a good pie though.

    Bingo.. What were you doing in Mc Donalds car park? I thought from the traffic report you were stuck in traffic at Ellesmere Port. Was it a romantic rendezvous?

    Missy. The date never happened! Love your Woolly bags. But if if rains, with all my make-up inside, I could end up dragging a six foot long hand bag home on the bus with me.

    Pavarroti gone. What a shame.

    Good day sunshine one and all

  14. At 11:34 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Una Vino Blanco one and all

    Is this the CE blog or an excerpt from something of the top shelf.

    Always like a good pie though.

    Bingo.. What were you doing in Mc Donalds car park? I thought from the traffic report you were stuck in traffic at Ellesmere Port. Was it a romantic rendezvous?

    Missy. The date never happened! Love your Woolly bags. But if if rains, with all my make-up inside, I could end up dragging a six foot long hand bag home on the bus with me.

    Pavarroti gone. What a shame.

    Good day sunshine one and all

  15. At 11:35 AM on 06 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Chris Evans - you are hilarious! I well remember my lovely husband thinking he was a bit of a love god too! Bless all you boys!

    So glad to hear Natasha's injury is on the mend and by the sounds of it she is relieved from cooking duties for the time being. It's giving me ideas!

    Debbie - I'm so glad you managed to get through your speech. I'm sure you did a marvellous job and of course you were shaking, this was for your lovely nan and mum - so emotional. I hope you are o.k. today.

    Annie G - thanks for the tip on the battery operated hose thing. I can't even bear to type the word s. I'm off the garden centre at close of play today!

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

  16. At 11:37 AM on 06 Sep 2007, bashful wrote:

    That's far too much information. Less is more sometimes

  17. At 11:41 AM on 06 Sep 2007, newblogger wrote:

    Gosh just blogged for the first time - my word we get to hear about Mr E's sacklife!

    Also yes I agree about Hell's kitchen Marco - gosh that man has some charisma - he should have a health warning stamped on that bandana. I wouldn't normally think of straying for a quick experience but you really would - wouldn't you?! I bet there's an unexplained baby boom next June!!!!

  18. At 11:42 AM on 06 Sep 2007, bashful wrote:

    That's far too much information. Less is more sometimes

  19. At 11:49 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi Chris and team abd all fellow bloggers,

    What a delight your post was this morning Chris, apart from good news on the finger front, to hear (ok read) how totally over the moon, crazy, ditzy in love you are was so luurvly. I am also, and have to concentrate real hard at times to stop concentrating on my wonderful man (if you get my drift)
    Anyhow, guess I best do some work - oh no, too late mind gone back to much nicer subject... right - stop it girl, behave, knuckle down and WORK!.............oooo but I do love him.

    Take care all

  20. At 11:59 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Derek wrote:

    Sounds like you need a cold shower Mr CLP glad your enjoying your new married life and make sure you keep that whisk away from the lovely Mrs E

  21. At 11:59 AM on 06 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I don't know were ter start, what ter say..... terday..... as there's just so damn much ter..... TALK about - am tellin' yer!!!!!!

    CLP - I'm very sorry ter hear about the temporary no heavy jig situation. But "always look on the bright side of lifeeee.... der der der dum, always look on the briggght side of life".
    It could be worse, say Tash 'ad 'ave broken her finger. The finger would be in a jig thus no damn jig at all!!!!!!
    Seriously though - Natasha I 'ope it is getting better fast and not too painful.

    Dissing Dave (Yesterday #30) - Look man if anyone ain't like Orson, i'm easy.
    Everybody 'as their own tastes in musical interludes - know what am sayin'!!
    But I didn't see any comments about the situation from Missy.
    Dave man yer not upter abit of Prof. Plum wind up humour, if so it's working..... LOL!!!!

    Missy (Yesterday #33) - Alwight Missy, as i've just said, writted, errr wrote, above I didn't see any bad comments from yersen and i'm easy anyway.
    If anyone ain't like Orson i'm good about it as it'll bring down the tickets prices ter get inter one of their gigs - know what am tryin ter say!!!!!
    Last thing I need iz 'avin ter queue around the bloke, sorry block, or fight over the net, Madonna stylee just ter get gig tickets.
    But I get a little feeling that you might just be the type who might just like ait of Orson - munch two!!!

    Gingembre (Yesterday #36) And No1 terday, i've still not 'ad a No1 'it on the blog yet or in the TOP40.
    Forgotten what I waz on about know errrr..... oh I yeah!!! The Slay - yer must 'ave the wrong person Gin, i've never been on a slay or taken anyone on one.
    We don't get any snow around ere anymore - global warming!


    PS - I was just going ter ask ALL bloggers out there would I be able ter share with you some Bingo Star special self esteem boosting, morale boosting Bingo phylosophy?

  22. At 12:00 PM on 06 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I don't know were ter start, what ter say..... terday..... as there's just so damn much ter..... TALK about - am tellin' yer!!!!!!

    CLP - I'm very sorry ter hear about the temporary no heavy jig situation. But "always look on the bright side of lifeeee.... der der der dum, always look on the briggght side of life".
    It could be worse, say Tash 'ad 'ave broken her finger. The finger would be in a jig thus no damn jig at all!!!!!!
    Seriously though - Natasha I 'ope it is getting better fast and not too painful.

    Dissing Dave (Yesterday #30) - Look man if anyone ain't like Orson, i'm easy.
    Everybody 'as their own tastes in musical interludes - know what am sayin'!!
    But I didn't see any comments about the situation from Missy.
    Dave man yer not upter abit of Prof. Plum wind up humour, if so it's working..... LOL!!!!

    Missy (Yesterday #33) - Alwight Missy, as i've just said, writted, errr wrote, above I didn't see any bad comments from yersen and i'm easy anyway.
    If anyone ain't like Orson i'm good about it as it'll bring down the tickets prices ter get inter one of their gigs - know what am tryin ter say!!!!!
    Last thing I need iz 'avin ter queue around the bloke, sorry block, or fight over the net, Madonna stylee just ter get gig tickets.
    But I get a little feeling that you might just be the type who might just like ait of Orson - munch two!!!

    Gingembre (Yesterday #36) And No1 terday, i've still not 'ad a No1 'it on the blog yet or in the TOP40.
    Forgotten what I waz on about know errrr..... oh I yeah!!! The Slay - yer must 'ave the wrong person Gin, i've never been on a slay or taken anyone on one.
    We don't get any snow around ere anymore - global warming!


    PS - I was just going ter ask ALL bloggers out there would I be able ter share with you some Bingo Star special self esteem boosting, morale boosting Bingo phylosophy?

  23. At 12:06 PM on 06 Sep 2007, wrote:

    LOL newblogger!! Good point!!

    Ref: the pork pie piccies. Yes please remove them pronto. I'm focussed on my chubby club plan and I fear I gained several pounds just feasting my eyes upon the image of those pies!

    Crispbreads a callin' ....

    CtD x x x

  24. At 12:37 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Elm wrote:


    I have recently given up meat and so I miss pork pies - no not really, even if they are the best in the world.

    I do miss hot sasauge rolls but not the end of the world.

    Do you mind Chris, some of us has less exciting wake up calls - cats have done present for us on white rug and had to clean it up first thing! Now need new white rug and so a trip to ikea beckons so all clouds have a silver lining.

    Does anyone else out there have the same trouble dragging their male counterparts to the yellow and blue store - I get one trip a year with him, any more and I have to take a friend - any one else have this issue?

    Thursday alreay - what better news could there be?

    Elm xx

  25. At 12:49 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Nev wrote:

    Too much info.!

    Those pies look as good as they sounded - I am off for some lunch.


  26. At 01:13 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Blimey Christophe, I come back after having to focus on work for a few days, to find you're all fruity!!!

    Someone had a good start to the day!

    Bet you're extra cheeky and naughty on tonight's show. I can always tell when a certain someone is feeling a bit fruity, because he's very, very mischievous!

    Hello everyone! I've missed you all lots and lots. Sorry I haven't been around, but am just too busy at the moment, so much so in fact, that I have already clocked up more overtime hours than 'regular' workign hours this week!

    I will try to catch up on everything I've missed, but in the meantime, I do hope you're all healthy and happy.

    JoJo - was that a double entendre???

    S xx.

    P.S. Love is a many splendoured thing.

  27. At 01:37 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Whooaaa! TOO Much information there me thinks!!

    Tickle :)

  28. At 02:00 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Ding dong.


    ps ooh, and some Branston for me on that pie please

    pps mange tout

  29. At 02:17 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Louise wrote:

    defo a cold bucket of water CLP!

    Mind you it's so refreshing that a male is so enthusiastic about their wife..... keep it up.

    mange tout, mange tout!


  30. At 02:23 PM on 06 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere again.

    Earlier I asked the permission of ALL bloggers out there can I give each and everyone of you out there some Bingo Star philosophy, morale boosting, self-esteem boosting advice and this includes you too CLP.

    But i've 'ad no takers....... oh well ere goes anyway....


    Remember if ever you are feeling down,

    NEVER feel that you are a lost cause........

    Unless your satellite navagation ain't working..

    then you just might be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bayyyye........ trarrrrrr!!!!!!!!

  31. At 02:55 PM on 06 Sep 2007, wrote:

    CLP enough already!

    What is it about men's and their belief that a "marathon session" is always what's required... a quickie can be just as good :)) NC1 here I come!

    Bingo- ha ha!

    Pavarotti- A loss of a big voice but he brought opera to the masses so he had done a fab job!


  32. At 03:43 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:


    I guess my pc decided to paste my posts 4 times.

    Bingo. Sorry if you think my humour is a wind up... but I am never going to start talking love boat stuff. Always has to be one bad egg in the box to keep conversation alive.

  33. At 04:10 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Badsalsadancer wrote:

    Cold shower time methinks Chris....but you are both a great advert for marriage..yikes it may even convince me to make my girlfriend my child bride soon!!

    And remember...Love IS Always 17!!

    isnt Life GREEAAAATTT!!!

    PS - Hope poorly finger is better soon

  34. At 04:12 PM on 06 Sep 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Just wanted to say:

    HL is a wee bit poorly at the mo but says 'hi' and hopes to be back with us in a few days' time.

    Pavarotti - I saw him in concert in Munich about 20 years ago and he was amazing. He really did make opera 'trendy' and I used to love the Three Tenors concerts. Mind you, I still think Gigli and Jussi Bjoerling were the finest tenors ever.

    Good luck to the Busby on her last bulletin tonight x

    jillygoat xx

  35. At 04:26 PM on 06 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Jillygoat: thanks for the HL update. If you speak/text can you give her my healing love!


    CtD x x x

  36. At 04:41 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Richard Wherlock wrote:

    ginger prince.
    good man
    much better than mills&boon

  37. At 04:57 PM on 06 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bino Star ere.

    Prof. Plum - No Apologies needed. I like reading your comments, some of which have been known ter wrock, sorry rock the boat abit.
    But I don't think anyone on ere iz a bad egg at all.
    Keep the 'appening blogs coming Prof.


  38. At 05:07 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ps Sorry

    Don't you think, Marco Peirre bears a strong resemblence to Hanibal Lecter.. well the actor the Welsh chap.

    Old Mc Donalds Farm that was definetley the Black and White Minstrels.

  39. At 05:08 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Ay Bingo man and Missy, Johnny Boy of the Sports Locker actually read out a derogatory comment on the Wireless from someone claiming to be Missy! 2+2=7 apparently. My humblest apologies to anyone inadvertantly offended by my blog post yesterday it was neither my intent nor my "in tent"!

    DD Out

    Christophe, is the practice related to digits in whisks anything like the old Allo Allo flying helmet and wet celery?

  40. At 05:15 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    Jungle Boogie

    ...thank you


  41. At 06:10 PM on 06 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hey Lamby Pie Tart,
    (Noticed you have lost the tart but that's okay I don't mind)

    Just finishing up for the day and noticed your pork pies and two of those beauties are a far better enhancement plan than the one I posted about today in my blog, have a peek if you want.

    You could eat them or shove them down your top.

    Thank Freddie Mercury its thirsty Thursday, off to pub for beer and ribs – but not before I learn to drive a VW camper - Yikeadoodledandy.


    PS hold on to your sweet peep - special people need holding tight

  42. At 06:13 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Bingo - feel free honey - give me some psychoanalytical help - Gawd knows I could do with it!

    Am missing the show :-( as I have been/am in teleconferences. Don't these people realise that some of us HAVE lives????

    Love and kisses,

    S xx.

  43. At 07:06 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Marilyn Coper wrote:

    Hi Chris, thank you so much for speaking to me on ladies minute on Thursday 6th - you have made my day!!!!! just chatting live on air about Hells Kitchen and Gordon Ramsey has made me famous in the village of Clowne....thanks again and keep on doing what you are all doing its a fab show! Marilyn Cooper x

  44. At 07:25 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Chris, very touching that the honeymoon period is obviously in full swing. But....

    The only sweat that I could work up with my husband right now would be by launching the contents of the fridge in his direction.

    He has always been a bit snobby towards my family and of course yesterday gave him plenty of ammo. I managed to ignore his comments last night but today, different story. The red mist has descended and I need to calm down a little.

    He made a rude comment about my family including my mum within it today. I just can't calm down now. Worried that I may be a little overprotective of mum at the moment so perhaps I should just avoid him. Or do I confront him, oh I just don't know!

    Debbie x

  45. At 07:31 PM on 06 Sep 2007, prof plum wrote:

    Hope this a allowed

  46. At 07:48 PM on 06 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:


    You ought to be in Rudgwick right now.

    The sky is the most bizarre collection of colours, glowing in an ominous 'before the storm' fashion. We have turned the lights off in the house as the light is so incredible outside.

    I hope you get to see this your way.

    Chris. Way too much information old chap. I think you should stay away from those pork pies if this is what they do to you.

    Finished the numbers today and tomorrow they buy me my new train set.

    Not an actual train set, you understand, more a figure of speech. If I say any more, I shall be shot at dawn.

    And that wouldn't be very nice a couple of days before my birthday.

    Still struggling with Marco's prowling, moody, up-tight rhino routine. I'll keep watching, but, on-balance, I prefer M. Blanc's programme.

    Except that idiot Sam. I mean, his wife is irritating, but he is bone-idle and useless.

    Oh, and it's someone elses fault.

    I 'ope zat 'ees restaurant iz clozed. Forezza.

    Much peace & love


    PS Christ you know it ain't easy

    PPS He did not wear his scarlet coat

    PPPS Do you, mister Jones?

    What's the link?

  47. At 08:07 PM on 06 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    ginger prince marathon indeed you do make me laugh....

  48. At 09:02 PM on 06 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:

    And 'ee 'as been clozed down.

    Thank you Raymond. You have done the viewing public a favour.


  49. At 09:42 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Phil W wrote:

    Did you know Chris that super glue was invented during the Vietnam war to close up wounds!

  50. At 10:32 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Oops, confronted him and it didn't go well. He is currently in the spare room. I suppose I should have kept my mouth shut after all.... when will I learn!!!


    Debbie x

  51. At 07:50 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning peeps and peepettes

    Lovely and sunny here in Norfolk today, hope it is where you are too?

    Debbie - what a week you've had, I hope that you end it on a high note and manage to enjoy the weekend.

    Had a great night out last night, 8 of us met up for a drink in a town just outside Norwich. We all work together week in week out. My jaw aches today from laughing so much as stories were told and general merriment was had by all. Not much planned today, MrsW is at work so it's me and the ankle-biters. Need to pop into Norwich later to get a few bits. Back to work tomorrow - hmph!

    Have a great weekend one and all
    missy and Em M - give me a wave if you see me???


  52. At 09:17 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Feeling a bit emotional and even worse now after watching Prof Plum's YouTube link to Pavarotti in action!

    First week at high school hasn't gone well at all, although everyone has been lovely, he's been breaking down in class because he's in such a state, just worrying about getting to each lesson on time etc. Yr 7 Co-ordinator phoned me yesterday, really nice chap, they're helping him but I think he just needs to get through the first few weeks. When he went off today he looked terrible, white and shaking, just because he doesn't know where the English room is (he's got a map which we looked at earlier). I'm being very patient and calm but I'm running out of ideas. I wish he wouldn't keep bursting into tears but he doesn't seem to help himself. After seeing that little boy's funeral on the news last night I can't help thinking how lucky my little boy is; but you can't say something like that to an 11 year old can you?

    Debbie - have you tried explaining to your chap that it hurts your feelings when he makes comments about your family? Maybe you need to talk about it at another time, when you're not feeling so emotional. The whole in law thing is a bit of a nightmare isn't it? Does anyone have a really good relationship with their in-laws?

    Gingembre - Whereabouts are you on duty this weekend?

    Em xx

  53. At 09:19 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Morning all.

    Debbie - I think you and me should get together hun! Me and Mr Diva have NEVER argued in all our 13 years together (maybe the number 13 is a sign???) but this week has been really hard, resulting in blubbing into the pillow from yours truly on more than one occassion. He went back to work this week after 6 weeks off after an unexpected op (as most of you know) and he has been really grumpy all week. Added to the issue is that the cat (mine when she does anything wrong, ours when she's behaving!) has woken us up in the middle of the night 3 times this week by bringing live mouses into the house. She has never done this before but now its 3 times in 6 days -Ughhhhhhh!!

    So - sleepless nights thanks to MY cat, himself being tired and broody and me trying to hold it together like a mad thing. Many, many tears were shed at 4.30 am this morning in Diva Towers and I feel that sometimes he doesn't want me anymore, which hurts big time.

    Let's see what the weekend holds - surely things can't get any worse?

    We're off to a beer festival tonight so will be amongst friends. Ditto with a BBQ tomorrow.

    Thinking of you Debbie - hope it all works out.

    MfR - spot on about the hobbit and Minnie Mouse. Back o'the net! Who's next, d'ya think? And who's gonna win. I have my early faves .....

    TGI the end of the week!

    CtD x x x

  54. At 10:08 AM on 07 Sep 2007, j wrote:

    Debbie - I'm so sorry for you. It's not an easy time you're going through and to feel you have no support from your chap, in fact to feel that he is throwing the boot in makes things ten times worse. However, you might not be able to see things terribly clearly at the moment. Is there anyone who you can talk to who will be able to give you the support you need and deserve? They may also be able to throw a bit of clarity onto your relationship to see where the way forward is.

    Chin up girlie!

    Re the main man (the very lovely Mr M-P,W) was fab last night - but who is that silly little jumped up 'celeb' Lee?!! I don't even know who he is but he behaved like a first class plonker.

    ARF, ARF said the performing seal...

    Sunny days,

  55. At 10:32 AM on 07 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Whoa Christoffe. Turn that bloody heatin' off.

    Ginger Prince an' Sweaty Betty's too much for me what with the hot flushes an' all.

    You will be glad to know that the cousin Barry's missus is also on the mend and back at home in the said psychopath's tender care. He sent me a lovely text this morning saying she's still a bit sore so his breakfast was late but shit happens.

    Now Debbie. Tell 'im go play with 'is marbles.

    From the sound of your hubby he needs a lesson in Real Life. Maybe he should spend some time with our Barry shootin' squirrels and avoidin' authority of any kind. No time for snootiness around him.

    In fact where I'm from we don't stand for any chap with ideas above 'is station. Snootiness used to be rife in the circles the Dear Departed Father used to mingle in; namely the Rugby Union circles. Full of Toffs and Army Major types.

    And I am reminded of the time one of the snootier London clubs came Oop North, when Eric had to take the Top Brass under his wing. One of the officials' wives was an elegant, stylish lady in a fur coat and a white turban, who spent the afternoon looking like she'd just eaten a lemon and preening herself in front of the mirrored doors. When it was time to go, Eric, having successfully entertained everybody in his usual style, shook hands with the Major, and then warmly bid his wife Farewell with the words,

    "It was lovely to see you, June. And I hope your head soon gets better."

    Bless 'im.

  56. At 10:40 AM on 07 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Cut off in me prime there.

    Happy ARF everyone, Have a fab weekend, It's absolutely glorious here on the North Wales coast, hope it's the same wherever you are.

    30 days to our Mummy and Baby holiday in Singapore, the daughter is beside herself with excitement and so am I.

    Have to get me jabs though. I think. Hepatitis A, Rabies and Cabbage Root Fly.

    Isn't life great.


  57. At 10:52 AM on 07 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Good Morning and it's Friday!

    Debbie - I have to say I think your husband was very insensitive, at the very least, to say something about your family at this time. Of course you were right to confront him. I know this will sound a wee bit "out there" but I wonder if he was a little jealous about you delivering the speech at the funeral. Is it possible he felt a little put out and perhaps excluded? Just a thought - I am trying to think back over family funerals we have had and I would say my husband didn't deal with them well either. It will all calm down again, but I think you were so right to let your husband know how you felt.

    Cheryl - pet lamb! And so unusual for you and Mr Diva. You know, it could be that his operation affected him more than even he knew, and getting back to work is always difficult after something like this. Also, don't forget you are now on a new eating pattern and this is probably affecting you too!

    I don't want to give the impression that I "know everything" but these two instances I have experienced and thought I would let you know I do understand.

    Hope you both have a good weekend - it will all get back to normal!

    C xx

  58. At 10:54 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each

    Debbie dear: poke his eye out when he's not looking.

    Anne x

  59. At 11:27 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    ChrissieS - thanks for the advice. You're probably right - I need to try and chill out a bit and not be so sensitive.

    Annie G - lovin' your styleee! Go girl!

    Will endeavour to have a nice weekend despite the shennanigans at Diva Towers.

    I love this blog page - it's the best therapy ever and it's free!

    CtD x x

  60. At 11:49 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all!!

    (((Debbie and CtD))) - have to say I'm a bit with Anne - poke their eyes out with a wet kipper!! Sometimes men really do prove they are from another planet don't they???

    MPW - I'm LOVING this prog!!! Although I would still give the gorgeous Mr Ramsay my number any time and he's deffo more my cup of tea than MPW, MPW is SUCH good value for money. I love the way he seems to almost mesmerise everyone he comes into contact with, even the boys!! He is deffo on his own planet though - imagine living with him (no thanks!). What's going on with Anneka????? Maybe we should let her go home.
    And I'm sorry - but I really dislike Jim D ... what a complete and utter pl*nker.

    AAAAAAnyway, hope everyone has lovely, peaceful, injury- and argument-free weekends (me included!!!)

    Love y'all

    T xxxxxxxx

  61. At 12:12 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hi all, bit of a poo day so far. Was having a lovely walk thro' the city and spending money as it's payday today when I bumped into a friend who's sister isn't very well. I had visited her last week in hospital and she hardly recognised me (known each other for 25yrs), anyway her latest assessment was yesterday and she could have as little as 3 weeks left to live. I was so sad I just turned the buggy around and have come home.
    Treasure each day my friends x x

    Em - I work the north (Sprowston, Thorpe etc) side of the city but that doesn't actually mean anything most shifts?? Last week I ended up in Diss most of the night. Doesn't take too long with the 'nee naws' on!

    Debbie - I hope today is panning out better than yesterday for you. The jealousy suggestion could have a bit of truth behind it? Only you will know how your 'better' half works?

    To all bloggers/blogettes, have a great weekend, the sun is out and life's too short not to enjoy yourselves.

    HL - I understand that you're not too well? Speedy recovery to you and hope to hear from you soon x


  62. At 12:37 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Gingenbre .... Diss? At night???

    Does it get any scarier???

    Thinking of you and hope you are "with truncheon" !!

    Beware the geese and ducks on the pond.

    CtD x x

  63. At 12:54 PM on 07 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    DISSING DAVE & MISSY - Look I owe you both BIG apologies.

    There's been a BIG MISS-understanding, a blog MISS-hap, a MISS-demeanour, I MISS-judged the situation, I waz MISS-informed, so I don't want er MISS this opportunity ter write a MISSive ter yer both.

    DAVE man yer were dead correct. Someone did leave a message dat The Saunders aka Jono read out live on the uk's airwaves about Orson being bad, inoperative ter the ears!

    I thought yer mean't Dave someone 'ad writted on the, on the blog - BIG sorry!!!

    I know what's 'appened 'ere.

    MISSY it's ok...... it wasn't a MISSY that Jono S read out......
    It waz a MISSEY!!!!!

    Yeah the MISSEY 'ad an 'E'. (And I ain't mean drugs ere)

    Although sometimes I feel I could do with some.... fast!!!!


  64. At 12:56 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    cold shower methinks.


  65. At 01:00 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    CtD -
    I believe you live Sudbury way???
    The story I have to tell from Jades nightclub??!!!
    I'm sure that was the name of it?
    Now that (or she actually) was scary x x


  66. At 01:01 PM on 07 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    YO CLP,

    Bingo Star ere again.

    PS - Yesterday you played Old McDonalds farm. WHAT a coincidence. I was just writting on the blog yesterday that I waz bloggin from McDonalds carpark - yyyyyyyyyyyyes!!!!!!!

    I was so excited when you played that tune that I am presently bloggin' from 'Toys R' Us's' car park.
    (That's mean't within a 'R' the wrong way - nothing like teaching kids 'ow ter get confused early on in life!!!)

    Dat 'R' iz a right BAD EGG!!!!! - am tellin yer!!!

    PS I 'ope Wrightie won't mind me writing this but - Christoof - Great Show!

  67. At 01:06 PM on 07 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Em M - what a shame your son is having such a tough time. High School is daunting for most children as it is just so different. In my daughter's school, they assign 5th and 6th year students to help the 1st year students find their way around. Is it possible the school could do this for your son? Also, surely he is not the only one feeling like this.

    And I totally get your frustration over this - eventually we do run out of ideas! I am sure that you will see a huge difference next week and in no time, he will adjust - it's just really hard for him right now.

    Gingembre - terrible news for you to hear today. It's so awful when this happens to someone we know - it seems unreal, doesn't it? You are so right - every day is precious and I really do try to remember that, but of course we are always sidetracked by the rubbish we have to deal with. Just try to remember the good times, that's all we can do.

    C xx

  68. At 01:21 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    (((Gingembre))) - you're right - just wish everyone thought the same way.

    Stay safe out there!!


  69. At 01:51 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Well what a morning. Just back to work after a week off and as I am the only one working in this office (another story for another time!) I have had piles and piles of paperwork and post to sort through. Time for a break......

    Darling husband went off to work without a kiss or goodbye this morning. I have spoken to him a few times to test the air and things are still a little strained. I really don't want to have a horrible weekend so I must 'bite my tongue' for the boys sake.

    At the funeral he didn't mix at all. He and my sister's partner just stood and chatted amongst themselves, they looked like bouncers or something. I wondered actually if he was put out that he didn't have my complete attention all day. I was talking to cousins and family that I haven't seen for years, he has met them before so he shouldn't have worried about talking to anyone.

    Thanks for the comments they do make sense. If all else fails, yep I can poke him in the eye. Both even.

    Clodagh, yet again thanks for the laugh!

    Cheryl, hope things perk up for you this weekend. It sounds like you are both tense for different reasons and tiredness does horrible things to people too. I think I'd be tempted to keep the cat in for a night!

    Em M, hang in there, it really does get easier. It's good that the school are being so supportive so quickly. Bless him, I really hope he has a good day today.

    Gingembre, what sad news, so sorry to hear that. You actually made think to myself that life really is too short and I just sent my beloved a message telling him that I loved him. Don't know what to expect back from him though......

    Debbie x

  70. At 02:11 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    EmM - your poor boy!! It's a hugely stressful time for them. You'd think the school would be more sympathetic. Is there anyone he can meet up with from his class on his way to school so that they can go in together?? Or suggest to the Year 7 Co-ordinator that they have someone at an "information desk" by the entrance to just remind kids how to get to where they need to go ... just for the first half term or so, till they've found their feet!

    Also, if he gets there maybe 10 mins earlier than he needs to, then he doesn't have to worry about being late, he'll have a bit more time to find his room.

    And keep reassuring him that in a couple of weeks' time he'll be able to find his classrooms blindfolded!!!

    I really sympathise with you both cos my daughter had the same problems when she went up to 'big school'. It's hard not to get frustrated with them, but they're so scared to ask for help when they're new. Just try and keep reassuring him that it will all be fine, and hat as Chrissie says he deffo won't be the only one who feels like this. All the newbies will be anxious, it's just that some of them will hide it better than others and some of them will have an established support network already ...

    Good luck and ((())) to your boy.


  71. At 02:24 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre - you are correct in ref to my abode, but Jades was just closing down as I moved into the area (I emigrated over the border from Essex in 1995!). Jades car park now houses a "Golden Arches" restaurant (Bingo - you could blog from it!), and a well-known DIY chainstore .. and lots and lots of litter!

    Tell me more, if you dare PC Gingembre!

    CtD x x

    PS: I believe the club of the moment to be "Easterns" but have never, ever been there - thankfully!

  72. At 02:53 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Afternoon each

    Chrissie: did you get the spider thingy?

    Lets try to get the Alabama 3 played tonight folks. Anarchy, anarchy.

    Debbie & Cheryl: Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Anne x

  73. At 03:02 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Just one cornetto one and all.

    I did send a message earlier which must have been barred.

    It was just to say sorry to those having a bad spell, and a comedy link to cheer you up. It was all in the best possible taste.

    You can find it on You Tube under Gimme Gimme entitled "A womans hidden treasure".Failing thats have a look at Jim Carey's work out.

  74. At 03:47 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Guess what.............he didn't cry today! And I've nearly finished my detox! Yippee!! Have a great one everyone, treating the kids to a Bella Italia tomorrow, somewhere we can all find something we like on the menu.

    Em xx

  75. At 04:04 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Ctd - I did type you a very long reply as my night in your town but looks like I've been BP'd????

    Oh well, you'll never know now ;)


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