
How to make extrinsic feedback effective

When delivering feedback, consider the five key points in the acronym STOVI:


Ask yourself: who provided the feedback?

If it was a coach, it is likely to be accurate and reliable due to their high knowledge levels.

This would make performers more likely to trust the information provided and implement their next steps with intent.

However, if the information was provided from a teammate, the reliability of the feedback may be questioned due to their knowledge levels not being as high as that of a coach.

Jodie Burrage and Judy Murray
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Coach Judy Murray with Jodie Burrage. Feedback from a coach is likely to be accurate and reliable due to their high knowledge levels.


How quickly after the performance was the feedback provided?

The quicker the feedback is provided after a performance, the more sense it will make to the performer.

This is because the performance will still be fresh in their head and they can remember the examples the coach is referring to.

This would then allow the performer to make more sense of the incoming information and understand what they need to improve.

Calum MacRae with Scotland rugby 7's team in 2017
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Scotland rugby 7's team getting immediate post match feedback from coach Calum MacRae.


Providing the performer with positives before negatives will give the performer a confidence boost as it lets them know there were some strong aspects of their performance.

Does the coach provide the performer with positives before negatives?

Providing the performer with positives before negatives will give the performer a confidence boost as it lets them know there were some strong aspects of their performance.

It will also make them more open to hearing some of the negative aspects of performance, which will then allow them to fully understand why these areas were weak.

However, if the coach provides the negatives first, it could lead to the performer lacking confidence and being demotivated to listen. This would be detrimental to their progress as they would miss out on hearing advice on how to improve.