

Pictograms are like bar charts, but they use small pictures or icons to show data instead of bars.

This pictogram shows the weather conditions experienced in a particular place over a period of time.

Pictogram graph illustrating the number of days a type of weather occurred during a set period of time. Icons describe the weather condition and their number describe their frequency.

When describing pictograms, you should include: -

  • The highest and lowest amounts shown by the tallest and shortest bars e.g. the most common weather compared to the least common weather conditions
  • Quote number of days using the Y axis
  • A comparison of the bars by noting differences between them e.g. there were more sunny days than rainy days.


Compare the weather conditions shown in the graph.

Hint: Which weather condition has the highest result and give the value. Do the same for the lowest. Describe all types of weather shown in the graph.

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