
Bar charts

Bar charts show grouped data as rectangular bars with spaces between the bars, e.g. the number of tourists visiting a resort each month.

Bar chart displaying the number of tourists visiting a resort each year. It has number of tourists on the y axis and the months of the year on the x axis.
Figure caption,
Bar chart: the number of tourists (per age category) visiting a resort in one year

When describing a bar chart, you should include: -

  • The total e.g. total number of tourists per year.
  • The highest and lowest amounts (by month) shown by the tallest and shortest bars.
  • A comparison of the bars by noting differences between them.


Looking at the graph above, describe, in detail the amount of tourists visiting a resort in one year.


  • describe which month has highest number and quote the number
  • do the same for the lowest number
  • note if there are any patterns in the graph between seasons of the year

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