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Joey Oldman

Played by Toby Jones

JOSEPH 'JOEY' OLDMAN: born in Minsk in 1921, having escaped Russian anti-Semitism with his great aunt, his only surviving relative - who didn't survive the flu epidemic of '36. With but two words of English he arrived at the Port of London, where the immigration officer changed his name from Olinska to Oldman. Determined to master the language and lose his accent in order to fit in, Joey proved a fast learner, but had schooling only until he was fourteen. Then he went to work in a felt factory in the Mile End Road, cleaning under the cutters. There he met Cath Braden, who was two years older. Getting pregnant as she did when he was a little over 16 Joey did the right thing and married Cath, and her family, despite her father's hostility. Joey loves Cath and, trusting soul that he was, never questioned if the child was his.

It's gotta be worth bundles.
Joey Oldman

For one thing he was too busy learning how to get ahead and was determined to make something of himself. A child hadn't been part of his plan but he bore his responsibility with fortitude. Joey has a real gift with money. One of his talents is to be able to look at any sum and tell how much is there almost the penny. He has two problems: he can never get enough money, and he is burdened with an over-emotional family, none of whom knows the rules about money, nor much else.