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Apple Frangipane Tart


1 sheet ready rolled puff pastry

125g soft butter

125g castor sugar

125g ground almonds

2 eggs

2 tablespoons plain flour

4 small eating apples

1 egg yolk

2 tablespoons apricot jam or apple jelly


Take the pastry and cut a strip from the longer side and cut it in half again lengthwise. Do the same with the shorter side.

Brush round the edges with egg yolk and stick the strips of pastry to the sides – making a border around the pastry.

Beat the sugar and butter until pale and fluffy. Beat in the eggs then fold in the almonds and flour.

Spoon into the middle of the pastry and spread out evenly.

Quarter the apples, core and slice each quarter thinly.

Arrange onto the frangipane by overlapping in a row.

Brush the edges with the egg yolk and chill for an hour.

Set oven to 180oc and bake the tart for about 30 minutes or until the frangipane is set in the middle – insert a skewer and when it comes out clean it’s ready. Warm the jam or jelly and brush over the top.

Apple and Blackberry Sorbet


4 eating apples, peeled cored and chopped

Juice 1 lemon

200g blackberries

400ml water

200g castor sugar

4 tablespoons liquid glucose


Toss the apples in the lemon and place in a bag. Freeze for 2 hours. Freeze the blackberries.

Boil the sugar, water and glucose until the sugar has dissolved.


Blend the frozen apples and blackberries with the sugar syrup to a smooth puree and freeze again in a plastic tub.