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Plum and berry cobbler


125g plain flour
75g cold butter
35g castor sugar
1 egg

Rub the flour and butter until they resemble fine crumbs. Add the sugar and mix well. Add the egg and mix to a dough. Place on a floured surface and roll out to fit a fluted pie tin. Press into the edges and level off the pastry with a knife. Chill.

100g soft butter
100g castor sugar
Zest of 2 lemons
2 eggs
80g ground almonds
25g plain flour
25g flaked almonds for top
125g lemon curd

Beat the butter, zest and sugar with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time then fold in the ground almonds and plain flour. Mix well. Spoon the lemon curd into the bottom of the pastry tart case and spread evenly over the bottom. Top with the almond mixture and smooth off. Scatter over the flaked almonds.
Place in a 180oc oven for about 30 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.

Blueberry compote
350g frozen blueberries
Juice of the lemons
100g castor sugar

Place in a pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove blueberries with a slotted spoon and set aside. Boil the remaining liquid to a thick syrup and cool.

Blueberry cream
500ml double cream
Blueberry syrup

Whip the cream to stiff peaks and then fold the syrup in to ripple it rather than completely mix through.
Serve a slice of the tart with the compote and cream.