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Marmalaid Ghranaidh


2 ½ punnd oraindsearan à Seville
2 liomaid
4 pinnt uisge
3 ½ punnd siùcar

Bruich na h-oraindsearan ann an 2 phinnt uisge goileach gus am fàs iad bog. Bheir seo mu uair a thìde.
Nuair a tha iad deiseil bheir far an teas am pana agus tog a-mach na h-oraindsearan, a' gleidheadh an uisge anns an robh iad a' bruich.
Bheir an sùgh às na liomaidean agus dòirt dhan phana e leis an uisge/sùgh bho na h-oraindsearan. Cuir ann cuideachd na sìol.
Nuair a tha na h-oraindsearan fuar gu leòr bheir am meadhan àsta agus geàrr seo cho beag is as urrainn. Tha am fo-rùsg seo còmhla ris na sìol a' dol dhan phana leis an sùgh.
Geàrr rùsg nan oraindsear ann an maidean beaga agus cuir seo uile ann am pana eile le dà phinnt de dh'uisge ùr.
Cuir an dà phana air an stòbh fad uair gu leth.
Nuair a tha an ùine seachad dòirt an sùgh liomaid is eile tro shìoltachan agus an uairsin tro chlobhda peàrlainn ann am pana ùr. 'S dòcha gum bi feum agad a chuideachadh tron t-sìoltachan/peàrlainn le cùl spàinne. Dèan cinnteach gun glèidh thu is gun sgrìob thu dhan phana an slaman tiugh a tha a' cruinneachadh aig bonn an t-sìoltachan.
Dòirt dhan phana ùr seo cuideachd a-nis na maidean rùisg agus an uisge anns a robh iad a' bruich. Mu dheireadh tha an t-siùcar a' dol dhan phana seo.
Goil an t-silidh air a shocair an toiseach feuch an leagh an t-siùcar. An uair sin goil gu làidir e son 20 mionaid gus an ruig e an ìre far a bheil e a' cruadhachadh.
Nì thu cinnteach às a seo le spàin bheag dhen t-silidh air truinnsear fuar. Cuir do chorrag troimhe agus ma tha thu a' faicinn preasan san t-silidh tha e deiseil. Air neo, ma tha tomhas-teasa agad, 's ann a tha thu ag iarraidh gun ruig e 105C.
Mur a bheil an t-silidh buileach deiseil cuir air ais air an teas e fad 15/20 mionaidean aig gach àm.
Dòirt an t-silidh ann an crogain a chaidh an sgalladh le uisge goileach.


2 ½ lbs Seville oranges
2 lemons
4 pints water
3 ½ lbs sugar

Boil the oranges until soft in 2 litres of water. This will take about an hour.
When the time is up remove the pan from the heat and lift out the oranges reserving the cooking liquid.
Juice the two lemons and pour this and their pips into the pan with the orange cooking liquid.
When the oranges are cool enough scoop out the pith and seeds and put this also into the pan.
Cut the peel of the oranges into match sticks and add to another pan with two pints of water.
Allow both pans to simmer on the stove for 1 and a half hours.
Now pour the liquid from the pan with the orange pith and the lemons through a sieve and a muslin cloth into a new pan. You may need to help it through the sieve with the back of a spoon but remember to scrape off and keep as much of the jelly that will gather underneath the sieve as you pass it through.
Add the sliced peel and liquid to this pan as well as the sugar.
Allow the mixture to simmer gently until all the sugar has melted then bring it to a hard boil and boil for 15 to 20 minutes till it reaches setting point.
Setting point can be tested on a cold plate. Put a teaspoon of the jam on the plate and run your finger through it. If it forms creases on the surface then it’s ready. Otherwise you can use a thermometer to check the mixture has reached 105C.
If the mixture isn’t quite ready boil it again for 15/20 minutes at a time.
Pour into sterilised jars.