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Briosgaidean Dinnsear Ghranaidh


Nì seo mu 16 briosgaidean

2 unns margarine
1 ½ unns siùcar
2 spàin-mhòr siorap
1 spàin-tì pùdar dinnsear
6 unns flùr plèin
1 spàin-tì sòda-arain
Teòclaid dorcha
Pìosan dinnsear siùcrach

Buail ri chèile an t-ìm agus an t-siùcar.
Blàthaich an t-siorap agus dòirt seo ann.
Ris a seo cuir an dinnsear agus am flùr.
Leagh an sòda-arain le spàin mhòr de dh’uisge goileach agus dòirt seo ann.
Measgaich a h-uile sìon còmhla gu math feuch an tig e ri chèile ann am ball.
Dèan nathair fhada dhen taois air a' bhòrd agus geàrr ann am pìosan beaga mu òirleach a dh’fhaid e.
Le làimh dèan buill bheaga dhen taois agus suidh iad air treadha a bh’ air a lìnigeadh, a’ fàgail beàrn eadar gach cnap taoise.
Bruich san àmhainn na briosgaidean fad cairteal na h-uaireach aig teas 170C.
Nuair a tha na briosgaidean fuar buileach leagh beagan teòclaid dorcha agus còmhdaich aon leth dhen bhriosgaid leis an teòclaid. Fhad ’s a tha an teòclaid fhathast bog crath pìosan beaga dinnsear siùcrach air a mhuin.


Makes roughly 16 biscuits

2 oz marg
1 ½ oz sugar
2 tablespoons golden syrup
1 teaspoon ginger
6 oz flour
1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
Dark chocolate
Crystallised ginger

Cream together the butter and sugar in a bowl.
Warm the syrup and add to the bowl.
Pour in the flour and the ginger.
Mix together the bicarbonate of soda with a tablespoon of hot water and add this to the mixture.
Mix this all well until it forms a ball.
Roll the dough into a long sausage shape on a worktop and cut it into 1-inch pieces. Shape each into a ball using your hands.
Place on a lined baking tray leaving plenty of room between each biscuit.
Bake at 170C for a ¼ of an hour.
When the biscuits are completely cool melt some dark chocolate and dip one half of each biscuit in the chocolate. Finally, sprinkle the chocolate-coated side with finely chopped pieces of crystallised ginger.