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Domino Day

Lauren Sequeira


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Writer Lauren Sequeira introduces her new supernatural six-part drama about modern-day witches in Manchester. Domino Day is Lauren's first original drama for the ±«Óãtv.

Watch Domino Day on ±«Óãtv Three and ±«Óãtv iPlayer from Wednesday 31st January

Watch the trailer for Domino Day

Can you tell us about Domino?

Domino Day is about a very powerful witch, who doesn't understand the true extent of her powers. All she knows is she needs to feed off the energy of others and she uses dating apps to find her victims. There is a coven of witches based in Manchester that see her as a threat and want to stop her before she hurts someone.

Why did you decide to set the series in Manchester?

The series was originally set in London but the ±«Óãtv are really keen to represent other regions and to film and set dramas all across the UK. I’ve always thought Manchester was just such a cool city - a little bit of old and new, especially in the fashion sense. The swagger is just different to London so I thought it would be unique to set a witch show here.

What makes the series unique?

Domino Day is unique as it's about witches but looks at modern relationships as well. It's a very sexy show, blending relationship drama with the supernatural, which I think young people will love.

Domino Day (SIENA KELLY) (Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Sophie Mutevelian)

What are the key themes?

It’s very sexy and dark but also the main character Domino is finding herself throughout the series, which I think a lot of young people can relate to. So the show is also about self-acceptance as well as how you connect to people in the modern world, especially when there are apps everywhere.

What did you want to explore and develop in this story?

I really wanted to explore sisterhood. Obviously, there are guys in the show but I see the series as a real display of sisterhood, as you've got Domino and this coven of witches. For me, the three main witches are Sammie, Kat and Domino so it's a real display of Black Girl Magic on screen.

What made you write it as a genre?

I just love the supernatural genre. The Americans have done it so well with the likes of True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, etc. And I just thought...we need our own show in the UK!

Where did you find inspiration for this story?

A lot of my own dating stories are in there and Domino's journey is a lot like the journey I've gone on in finding myself as a writer, finding my own voice and learning how to own my own power and magic.

(L-R);Leon (PERCELLE ASCOTT);Domino Day (SIENA KELLY) in Domino Day (Photo credit: Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Sophie Mutevelian)

What in the show do you think audiences will most relate to?

I think everyone will relate to the dating and the dating apps. I think they'll also relate to those core themes and the feeling of life being a little bit out of control and trying to regain it.

Where does the story begin? Who do we meet in the beginning?

We first meet Domino in the bathroom of a bar. Her nose is bleeding and we have no idea why, but she seems to know the reason for it. She cleans herself up, goes back into the bar and we see her waiting for a date. Whilst she's there, she starts chatting to the barman, played by Percelle Ascott. There's an obvious natural connection between them and it's the sort of perfect real life meeting which is so rare in the dating world, but then her actual date arrives. We can immediately tell he's not right and there doesn't seem to be any chemistry between them but Domino is desperate to go back to his house and when she does, we find out why...she needs to feed.

(L-R); Jules (MOLLY HARRIS); Sammie (BABIRYE BUKILWA); Geri (POPPY LEE FRIAR); Kat (ALISHA BAILEY) and Domino Day (SIENA KELLY) in Domino Day (Photo credit: Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Todd Antony)

From that point, how does Domino's character develop?

Domino is trying to understand why she needs to feed. She's only known one other witch in her life, her ex-boyfriend, so she's trying to find out what kind of witch she is whilst this coven of witches are circling her trying to find that out as well. So she goes on this journey, but is also trying to figure out how to be a good person with the immense power she possesses, compared to the other witches.

You touched on the female relationships in the series, can you tell us more about the coven?

Yes, each coven member goes through their own journey with her. Sammie, who is an aura witch, is the first to see how much Domino is struggling. She’s very empathetic towards her and is the first of them to really make contact. Whereas Kat, who's the coven leader, is a bit more guarded. Jules is the newbie to the coven who initially doesn’t really care about being a part of it but goes on her own journey to seeing the coven as a sisterhood. And Geri is just quite angsty. She really dislikes Jules’ indifference at the start but then they sort of come together at the end.

(L-R);Domino Day (SIENA KELLY);Jason (JONAH RZESKIEWICZ) (Photo credit: Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Sophie Mutevelian)

Which scene is your favourite?

The first time Domino feeds off a date. It's one of the scenes that was the most clear in my mind when I wrote the script as I really wanted to do this "rug pull" moment where the show is suddenly introduced as supernatural - whereas beforehand it could've been mistaken for just a normal show about relationships. I really wanted the audience to fear for Domino in this setting and be worried that the guy might take advantage of her but then for it to become a really powerful moment for her.

Can you give us an overview of the cast that you've assembled? Siena is of course BAFTA-nominated…

I knew Domino was going to be a tricky character for someone to play, especially in the first couple of episodes where she isn't connected to the coven yet. We needed someone that could really get inside her head and feel what she feels. Siena has this really great way of portraying vulnerability, but also strength in just one look. It's hard to describe but there's just something in her eyes that when I watched her casting tape I just said "that's my Domino" and everyone was on the same page. We were lucky we got her so early on.

Leon (PERCELLE ASCOTT) (Photo Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Sophie Mutevelian)

And what about the coven?

The coven is amazing because they're all friends. Babirye is just Sammie in a way, they’re very warm and caring. Molly is more serious than Jules, the character she plays. Jules just doesn't care but Molly works really hard and you can see that in all her takes. For Alisha, I really wanted a strong black woman as the coven leader. She goes on her own journey with her attachment to magic which sort of echoes Domino's in a way, and that's how she connects to Domino. And Geri, like Jules, is sort of the light relief as it's a very dark show and sometimes we needed some light moments. And then the guys, Percelle and Sam are both very good looking men with different qualities. They show themselves as different potential love matches for Domino so it's interesting to see that love triangle play out.

Silas (SAM HOWARD-SNEYD) in Domino Day (Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Ben Gregory-Ring)

How's the collaboration been with the other writers and director?

There are two other writers on Domino Day, and , who are doing an episode each. It's been great to do the writers' room with them and that whole process. I know writers' rooms are more of an American thing but I'm a very collaborative person. I always want to hear ideas that will make my ideas better.

If you could describe Domino Day in one sentence what would it be?

Domino Day is dark, sexy and deep - it has a lot to say about the world.

Jules (MOLLY HARRIS) in Domino Day (Photo Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Sophie Mutevelian)

What was your pathway to becoming a professional screenwriter? When did you first even think that was a possibility and what did you do about it?

I always knew I wanted to get into visual storytelling. I went to university to study media with a focus in directing, but then came across screenwriting. It was a career path I’d never even considered before and I completely changed my trajectory. I studied it further after graduating — doing an MA in Screenwriting at LCC. It allowed me to hone my craft and build a portfolio of scripts I could then send out on spec. I then spent a few years sending out scripts, trying to get an agent and/or an option, but it was years later when a spec script of mine got into the hands of , who were looking for writers for their upcoming show . Getting that first credit really kickstarted my professional writing career — I was able to get my agent and then more credits followed until I finally got my first original show greenlit.

Lauren Sequeira

Before that point were you writing TV spec' scripts or were you writing for the theatre?

Yes, I was writing lots and lots of spec scripts. Lots of genre in there too, which the industry doesn’t do a lot of. I had done a couple of short plays soon after graduating at local theatres like , but I always knew I wanted to primarily be a TV writer writing High End TV.

Sammie (BABIRYE BUKILWA) in Domino Day (Photo Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Sophie Mutevelian)

What's the most useful advice you've received on your writing journey?

To not focus on the competition in the industry and trust that your own voice is unique. With lots of writers and producers out there, I think there’s a danger to always look at what others’ are doing. But everyone’s journey and path is different and their own. You do need resilience for the moments of rejection, but your passion for the stories you’re telling — stories you need to tell — will always carry you through.

(L-R);Jules (MOLLY HARRIS);Sammie (BABIRYE BUKILWA);Kat (ALISHA BAILEY);Geri (POPPY LEE FRIAR) in Domino Day (Photo Credit: ±«Óãtv/Dancing Ledge/Ben Gregory-Ring)

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