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±«Óãtv Writers


  • Thoughts from an Open Call reader

    ±«Óãtv Writers

    Script readers

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    I’ve been reading scripts for schemes, competitions and all sorts on and off for over a decade, and from when I first dipped my toe into script reading, I learned about how highly regarded the ±«Óãtv Writers Open Call was. It’s one of the biggest opportunities for scriptwriters in the country, with no threshold on how experienced you had to be, no entry fees and few parameters on the story you could submit. None of that matters because Open Call’s aim is to find promising writers from across the UK that the ±«Óãtv can help develop.

    However, with great accessibility comes great competition. In the latest Open Call there were nearly 5000 submissions for around 15 or so positions on the Scripted scheme and circa 70 for the Voices programme. Those are tough odds, but that should not deter anyone at all. It’s understood industry-wide how hard it is to get accepted through the Open Call opportunity and it’s known that every stage a writer gets through in the process is a success – the end is not the only goal. Each stage a writer gets through is a fact they can put on their CV, on cover letters and in applications for other opportunities. It’s a sign of how far they have come…

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  • The Responder Returns

    Tony Schumacher


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    As the multiple award-winning and nominated Liverpool-set drama The Responder returns, we took the opportunity to speak to the show's creator Tony Schumacher.

    You can watch the whole interview with Tony or read extracts below.

    Series 2 of The Responder comes to ±«Óãtv One and ±«Óãtv iPlayer from Sunday 5th May at 9pm. Catch up with Series 1 now.

    Watch on ±«Óãtv iPlayer

    Was the writing process different for you when you were creating Series 2 of The Responder?

    Do you know what? It wasn’t. I was expecting it to be, and everyone talks about the difficult second album syndrome, but I think I’m just too stupid to get stressed about it! So it was literally just ‘Do It Again’ – I went into a room and did it again.

    Do you have a favourite scene or moment across the two series?

    I always say this, and people must be sick of listening to it, but it’s still by far and away my favourite scene, which is in episode 1. It’s Chris (Martin Freeman) and Marco (Josh Finan) in the police car driving along.

    One, I love it because it’s beautifully shot. It’s in the dark. It sums up what being a copper is so much about which is you and the person you’ve arrested or the person you’re with and that small fish-tank…

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  • Do you want to get into scripted TV? Get top tips on making industry contacts and widening your network

    Emma Luffingham

    Head of Development and Executive Producer

    Recently the Head of Development at posted . We asked Emma to expand on her thoughts and advice from that thread here on our blog.

    It’s been a strange start to 2024, with a variety of issues culminating in so many brilliant people looking for work in scripted TV. I’m emailed daily from people wanting to introduce themselves, ask advice and enquire about opportunities.

    A thread I posted on X offering some advice on networking received an overwhelming response (I mean, overwhelming for me), which clarified quite how difficult things are.

    In an industry that can feel isolating and closed off at the best of times, building a network and making yourself visible is essential. Often it’s your one shot to make an impression and I remember walking away from meetings thinking I’d failed miserably. It took practice to work out how best to make the most of the conversations I had, and now, on the other side of the table, I’ve gained a bit of an insight into what might help you stand out in a crowded market.

    1) Always remember it’s in the interest of the industry for us to meet new people.

    The industry has grown…

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  • Blue Lights Series 2

    Bronágh Taggart and Noel McCann


    We spoke to writers and  about their experience in the writers' room and writing their own episodes of the new series of the Belfast-set police drama, Blue Lights.

    Watch Blue Lights on ±«Óãtv iPlayer and ±«Óãtv One from Monday 15th April

    Watch the trailer for Blue Lights Series 2 - A year after the events of series one, Grace, Annie, and Tommy face a whole new set of challenges, as rival gangs fight for control in Belfast.

    Can you outline your writing career to date?

    Bronágh: I started out as an actor and still am an actor, that was my gateway into…

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  • ±«Óãtv Writers Annual Report 22-23

    Jess Loveland

    Head of New Writing, ±«Óãtv Writers & Drama Commissioning

    The ±«Óãtv Writers team is thrilled to share our latest annual report covering activity and data for 22/23.

    Download and read the ±«Óãtv Writers Annual Report 22-23

    We hope you enjoy reading about the many talented emerging writers we have worked with via our writer development groups and invite you to celebrate their successes with us.

    You will also find information about recent events, partnerships, and productions that we have been involved in. Plus, a look ahead to the exciting projects and initiatives we’re cooking up for this year.

    If you have any questions or want to find out more about any…

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  • This Town

    Steven Knight


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    Creator, writer and executive producer Steven Knight and director Paul Whittington introduce the new drama This Town.

    This Town comes to ±«Óãtv One and ±«Óãtv iPlayer from Sunday 31st March at 9pm

    Watch the trailer for This Town, a brand new six-part series from Peaky Blinders and SAS Rogue Heroes creator Steven Knight. Set in a world of family ties, teenage kicks and the exhilarating music of a generation, This Town tells the story of a band’s formation against a backdrop of violence, capturing how creative genius can emerge from a time of madness.

    How would you set the scene for This Town?

    Steven Knight (writer) - The setting and backdrop for This Town is 1981, Birmingham and Coventry. ‘81 was a time of turmoil and change in every sense - in society, in…

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  • The Verb Dramas 2024

    ±«Óãtv Writers


    The ±«Óãtv Writers in collaboration with Audio Drama North and ±«Óãtv Radio 3's The Verb, offered writers in our development groups the opportunity to gain a short audio drama commission. Listen to the four resulting dramas and find out more from the writers.

    The Verb is a weekly "Cabaret of the Word", featuring the best poetry, new writing and performance, presented by Ian McMillan. The Verb is a longstanding collaborator with ±«Óãtv Writers, offering the chance for writers from our development groups (including Scripted, Writers' Access Group, and Voices) to garner a short audio drama commission - and also the opportunity to appear on the show. 


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  • What does being a TV Script Editor in Kids & Family entail?

    Luke Frost

    Script Editor

    Luke Frost has worked on shows including Phoenix Rise, Biff & Chip, The Amelia Gething Complex and Class Dismissed. He explains the role of a Script Editor in Childrens and Family scripted TV, in both development and production.

    I’m really lucky to be able to work across development and production, and the Script Editor role for each of these can be quite different.

    If you’re in development you’re sourcing new projects and working with writers to come up with ideas for shows. So this involves reading lots of books, new ideas, sample scripts, meeting different writers and thinking about…

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  • From Book Editor to Script Editor

    Ellie Drewry

    Script Editor

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    Ellie Drewry outlines her pathway from book to script editing and what the disciplines have in common.

    Ellie took part in the 2023 scheme from Rope Ladder Fiction and Eleven Film, a development programme for aspiring script editors, which opened again for applications this week.

    I worked in book publishing for years. When I was a book editor I assessed, commissioned and edited promising manuscripts across genres and formats. Being inquisitive and interrogating writing choices with love and care was my favourite part of my job – making stories the best and the most emotionally…

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  • Top Tips for Building an Editorial Career in Scripted TV

    Alexis Hood

    Story Producer

    As part of a short series of blog posts related to script-editing we asked experienced Story Producer to share some advice on getting started on the editorial side of television, in both development work and production.

    When you’re starting out, the TV world can feel incredibly intimidating, and difficult to get your head around. If you’re reading this and wondering whether you’ll ever be able to break in – trust me, this is the hardest part, and I’m here to tell you that it gets easier!

    The first step is to begin making some connections, while doing lots of research, and getting…

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