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Tagged with: Scottish Drama Writers' Programme

Posts (2)

  1. My Scottish Drama Writers' Programme Experience

    May Sumbwanyambe


    My Scottish Drama Writers' Programme Experience

    Our Scottish Drama Writers' Programme with Screen Scotland paired eight writers with a Scottish independent production company to support them in developing an original TV script aimed at ±«Óãtv One or ±«Óãtv Three. It recently concluded with script read-throughs as part of the Edinburgh TV Festival.

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  2. Scottish Drama Writers' Programme

    ±«Óãtv Writersroom Scotland

    Scottish Drama Writers' Programme

    Screen Scotland, ±«Óãtv Drama Commissioning and ±«Óãtv Writersroom announce the Scottish Drama Writers’ Programme 2021. The programme has partnered Scottish based writers with Independent production companies to develop bold, authentic network drama for the ±«Óãtv.

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