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Blog posts by year and monthFebruary 2010

Posts (11)

  1. Oscar-nominated scripts

    This year's Oscar-nominated scripts are all available online. Find 'em here.

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  2. Climbing To Making It Nirvana While Freebasing IMDB

    I always find the suicide of a successful artist shocking. Such as Alexander McQueen this past month. Take a profile shot of his life and all seems gleaming: World renowned in his chosen field, rich behold comprehension, famous friends and famous admirers. He achieved everything this society say...

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  3. Out, on a grief stricken [character name]

    Check out the alternative endings to last week's live episode of EastEnders, and reveal the other possible murderers of Archie Mitchell!

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  4. An Hour a Day Keeps the Existential Angst Away

    In the book The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters there is a section on the hours these highly successful scribblers devote to their craft. Each and every one of them tells the editor of their gruelling work schedule. Getting up before dawn and pounding on the laptop, at furious pace...

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  5. Hart Hanson Interview

    Hart Hanson - creator and showrunner of Bones - gave a talk at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada recently. Fortunately, one of the audience members recorded and transcribed his speech, which you can now find online here. As a straight transcript, it's a bit of work to get through - but well worth your time, as there's a lot of good advice in there.

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  6. Newsjack: Comedy Jazz

    Ok, in memory of Johnny Dankworth, here's how a sketch is like a jazz tune. Say you're listening to Coltrane play 'My Favourite Things'. He'll start out with the basic tune, and then he'll take it and muck about. He'll take that tune all over the shop, he'll noodle, he'll swoop, he'll throw i...

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  7. Welsh New Writers deadline

    Given the short turnaround for our call for Welsh writers, we have decided to extend the deadline by one week to allow writers more time to get their script and idea in to us. So the deadline is now: 5pm on Wednesday 17th February Just to clarify too - we are stipulating writers must have at least some form of professional track-record, but that might include a bursary/award to write, or a commission for an as-yet unproduced work, or a professionally staged reading in the theatre, or a funded short film. If you are unsure whether you qualify, get in touch with us.

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  8. Newsjack: Special Guests

    Hello. Apologies for missing a week - I was off in Bristol doing some acting and then I lost the email with my login details. Also, I'm only half way through series one of Mad Men so something had to give. Anyway, to make up for my absence, I promise my next blog will contain at least 75% more b...

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  9. The Wire (UK not USA, and radio not TV)

    The new season of The Wire strand of original new dramas on Radio 3 starts this weekend with Alan Harris's play The Goldfarmer. The strand is in it's 10th season, has always been commissioned out of Writersroom by Kate Rowland and has always included commissions for writers brand new to radio an...

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  10. Shifty script

    Eran Creevy's script for his low-budget film Shifty is now available to read. The film was developed through the Film London Microwave scheme in partnership with ±«Óãtv Films. As part of the ±«Óãtv's support of the project, I spent some time with Eran and his producers looking at the story before he w...

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