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Blog posts by year and monthApril 2008

Posts (9)

  1. College 3

    Life is unusually quiet in College towers. Time to sit back in the leather armchair and enjoy the wood panelling, or take a turn around the cloisters while meditating on why words with a 'k' in are funnier than those lacking the hard consonant. Last week was quite frenzied as I wrote to peop...

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  2. Rudy's Rare Scripts

    OK, not that rare now that we're publishing it. The first episode of Rudy's Rare Records is now available in our Script Archive. It's Lenny Henry's new radio series, written by Danny Robins & Dan Tetsell, and is (slightly embarrassingly) only our first Radio Comedy script in the archive. I'm working on getting some more, but in the meantime this one's a corker. You can also read our recent interview with Lenny and Danny about the show.

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  3. Jimmy McGovern - and others - on The Street

    Just found this over at BAFTA - Jimmy McGovern and two of the other writers on The Street - talking about writing on the show. Unfortunately it's all in video and there's no transcript, but worth a watch.

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  4. Matthew & Ashley Annotated

    Isn't the Internet great? We had a ±«Óãtv writersroom Q&A with Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharoah last week. They of Life On Mars, Ashes to Ashes, and the forthcoming Bonekickers. Anyhow, we recorded the session and will be putting up an edited transcript soon. But if you can't wait, people wh...

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  5. College of Comedy 2

    It is now a week since deadline day, and the intensity of submissions arriving at a rate of one every two minutes has been replaced by a period of reflection. There have been some queries to the college mailbox and on writing forums, largely to do with process, communication and the genre of ...

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  6. Social whirl

    Today is a rest day which is just as well as I was at a ritzy ±«Óãtv party last night. It's a rest day because yesterday, in between ironing my party outfit and catching up on DVDs, I handed in my Treatment for my latest Holby ep. My new editor is very thorough, I've been tweaking my guest stor...

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  7. Hullo again. Did you miss me?

    Well, that went quite amazingly smoothly. Everything appears tickety-boo at this end, but you may notice a couple of things. Firstly, old entries can no longer be commented on. Part and parcel of the upgrade, I'm afraid. The counterpoint and good news to this, of course, is that you should now find it much easier to leave comments on the blog. And if you've been as frustrated as I have about that, it'll be a real improvement. The other thing is that you now need to register in order to leave a comment. It shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes, and will register you across all of the ±«Óãtv's other blogs as well.

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  8. Better, faster, stronger

    We're going to be upgrading the ±«Óãtv's blogs tonight - so from 6pm this evening UK Time, you won't be able to leave any comments on the blog. Sorry 'bout that. Everything should be back in working order again by Thursday morning. Just thought you should know.

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  9. College of Comedy - Phase One

    Well, midnight has gone, the submission deadline has passed, and the ±«Óãtv's College of Comedy has received 1300 submissions, rather more than we expected. Doing a detailed breakdown is one of those aspirations probably doomed to remain an aspiration, so instead here is an impressionistic accou...

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