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Blog posts by year and monthJune 2007

Posts (5)

  1. Radio Days

    We've got some new entries in the Script Archive. This time we thought we'd bring you some radio plays. Smooth Apparatus by Laura Wade is a short play that tells the story of the morning after the night before. Goal Difference, an acerbic commentary on the state of modern relationshi...

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  2. Deadlines

    Less than four weeks remain until the deadline for the Verity Bargate Award at Soho Theatre. I've decided to enter the competition for the first time. Most of the stuff I write is co-written comedy, but I've been working on a proper, full-length stage play about crime in Glasgow for a while, and...

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  3. The Big Wide World

    It's all change at the mo. Get my grades from uni in a week (yuk) and my three years of microwave noodles and Daytime television are over. It's terrifying how quickly the past three years have gone, but everything's looking good. My summer's filling up nicely with meetings and other projects I'v...

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  4. A Right Royal Competition

    Following the success of Sport Shorts and World Cup Tapes, we've just launched our new competition with Radio 5-Live: The Royal Tapes. It's an opportunity to debate the Monarchy and get your work produced - starring Alistair McGowan. Winners of previous competitions have taken their writing care...

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  5. Back to basics

    The re-write continues and yet again the business of comedy becomes very serious. Things are so hectic at the moment that I'm finding myself having 3 minute bursts of inspiration before stressing about something else I've forgot to post or fill in. Not too surprising then that staring at my comp...

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