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February 10th 2012

Chris Evans | 15:50 UK time, Friday, 10 February 2012

Noah Nicholas Martin Evans became a threenager today at 0831hrs.

From two to three, and then infinity and beyond.

And what do you know, Ken Bruce's little lad Charlie turned four, also today. And then shiver me timbers, if I didn't end up at The One Show, where I was informed Keeley Hawes - our guest on Friday - also has a birthday today. February 10th is obviously where it's at for birthdays at the moment.

In other news, we're doing Valentine's tomorrow (Saturday), to beat the rush.

Have a nice weekend.

See you Monday.

Oh, and yes, I agree Daniel Radcliffe is as good a guest as Breakfast Show host could wish for.

Peace And Love.




Check out our video of Daniel Radcliffe giving us his tips for Radio 2's 500 Words competition:

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  • Comment number 1.

    Happy birthday Noah xxx

    Chris - enjoy your weekend with the family and your early valentine celebration.

    Susan x

  • Comment number 2.

    Have a wonderful Valentines day Chris and Natasha xx

    Happy Birthday Noah xx

    Not long until clocking off time - enjoy your weekend folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Happy birthday, gorgeous Noah! xx

    Chris: three years ago, it was such a privilege to be on this blog, wishing you and Natasha all the best with your beautiful little boy. It seems like five minutes ago. Thank you for your terrific blog today. And, I hope you Natasha have a lovely Valentine celebration. You are both so loved up, I am sure it will be lovely! xx

    Have a great weekend, everyone - thanks for all the chat this week.

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Once again happy birthday Noah .good show today Chris

  • Comment number 5.

    Also have lovely valentine weekend

  • Comment number 6.

    Happy Birthday Little Man! :) Enjoy your weekend guys, hope it's a special one. xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Evening all,

    Happy birthday Noah!

    I hope you have jelly and ice-cream, always a must for a party!

    I am looking forward to the bloggers coming to watch me in Panto tomorrow! Safe journey. xx

    Not long now and I am off out again, there really in no rest for the wicked I guess? Still only four more shows then I will have to find out what is next on my list of things to do? ;-)

    Have a great weekend one and all....

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 8.


    Given that the population of the world is around 7 billion there are probably in the region of 20 million people celebrating their birthday today.

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello everyone.

    Happy Birthday Noah. xxx

    Chris, great show. I enjoyed listening to Daniel Radcliffe. xx

    Busy evening for me as little grandson is staying with us overnight.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 10.

    ***Happy Birthday Noah!!***

    And Little Bruce and Miss Keeley!

    I hope you all have jelly and ice cream and party hats!

    MBD, that is a lot of people! I wonder if there are, on average, the same number of people born each day or if some days are more popular than others?

    Hope everyone has a good weekend planned - I'm thinking it must be almost time for FNWC! :-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Evening everyone

    Happy Birthday Noah, I can't believe where the time's gone!!

    Gail, I know I've missed you, but I'm thinking of you and D xx When the ex mr JG lost his Dad, I just went with the flow, we had only been together a year. I found making tea for them all when they were chatting through things, answering the door for them, and just generally helping around the place helped them. Just go with the flow, and with what your heart feels... You'll be surprised how muchit is appreciated...

    Sezza, the wine is already poured here! lol

    I hope the Somerset mini-meet goes well!

    MC, hope you're wrapped up warm, and that the new stadium is really nice!

    I might be up for an Edinburgh meet, I've never been there, only around the by-pass! ;)

    Not much planned for this weekend, apart from tidying up and cleaning the fish out. I didn't bother planning anything in case it snowed!

    Back in a bit, need to make some phone calls....

    JG x

  • Comment number 12.

    Evening each and Happy Birthday wee Noah.

    Hope you have a lovely Valentines evening tomorrow with Tash, Chris.

    Gail, I'll be thinking of you and David on Monday. My brother's funeral was a Humanist service and it was lovely - I'm sure the person leading it will look after David.

    Keith, break a leg and I'm sure your fellow bloggers will be cheering.

    Mary, I agree with you about Glasgow. Much as I love Edinburgh, Glasgow is much more friendly. My mum and her family were from Glasgow and I visited often, I remember being sent for the rolls to the dairy when I was about 6. I still enjoy a wee daunder down Sauchiehall Street.

    CSN, have a lovely time with the little'un - is it midnight feast time?


  • Comment number 13.

    Evening all,

    just popping in to wish Noah a happy birthday ,couldn't let that go by , so it's three years ago that we were all waiting with baited breathe ,and then now there will soon be another little evans .

    Annie ,Mary Crissie ,strange isn't it how we all feel comfy in one place and not the other ,maybe a day here and then a day there ???? don't really know how far apart Ediburgh is away from Glasgow.

    Have a good w/end all and hope that the weather is improving for you all.

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 14.

    Bids, we had a lovely meet last year with CSN and Mr CSN in Glasgow, even though the rain was pouring down. However, if we meet up in Edinburgh there's the possibility we might get Rosie to attend.


  • Comment number 15.


    My last post was based on some very unscientific thinking.

    I just divided 7 billion by 365.

    Apparently the day of the year on which the greatest number of people are born is the 5th of October.

    This just happens to be nine months after New Years Eve.

  • Comment number 16.


    5th October is the most popular birthdate in America. 14th November was the most popular in UK according to birth records on 1st December, 2009, it's probably changed slightly now.

    29th February is the least popular birthdate.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 17.


    Don't you just love Google.

  • Comment number 18.

    Greetings CLP, Noah, Tash & ALL Bloggeroooons...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ave just got 'ome after yet another busy dee.... Almost too busy ter blog like most dee's lately.... But as the 10th is a special dee... For above mentioned reasons.... Am jumping inter the blog ter blog!!!!!!!!

    Firstly ter say the reason for the 'WHATTA COINCIDENCE' is that 'ave just got 'ome after going ter visit me girlfriend.... And ter 'elp celebrate 'er best friend's birthdee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Although 'er birthdee was the 9th.... But she was ok with me giving 'er a card and a few pressies a dee late.... (couldn't make 'er birthdee gig due to work commitmantations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    And WHATTA COINCIDENCE also as terdee a bought/ posted some birthdee stuff to me father who's birthdee it is also.... But also not on the 10th.... Me dad's on the 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So although the birthdee's ave been involved in are noot on the 10th.... they are VERY much surrounding the 10th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Which brings me ter the main reason for jumping inter the blog when a should be sleeping..... Ter say/ write:

    LARGE 'APPY BIRTHDEE GREETINGS TER THE THREENAGER DUDE... AKA NNME AKA NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Although just a little late, a dee late.... Very much like me girlfriend's best friend a dee late too... Soz but better late than noot at all - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As for alotta birthdee's around now.... Ave noticed this also.... Alotta aquarians around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Of which a wonder what the reason is.... Nothing terdo with Valentine's making couples get upter naughty..... As 9 months from now does noot equal ter a birthdee now - also know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Another thing a noticed is there's alotta capricorn birthdee's of VERY famous people around January.... A can only put that down ter the very ambitious 'ard working streak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Although doesn't expalin why alot seem ter drop in January.... Very much like February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Another mystery ter boggle the Bingo brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nite nite ter all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS A think this could be the most complicated 'Birthdee Greeting' ave ever done!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    Blog #18 - A like this, a good omen, as aged 18 is one of the most important birthdee's out of all birthdee's if noot the most prominant!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Morning Greetings Ter ALL...

    Ave just been through Liverpool Lime Street Station on me way ter work... Usually a go by car but terdee not so.... And guess who was yet again in the subway from the Undeground ter the mainline station......

    The world's worst busker again.... A came around the corner to silence... 'e was just finishing 'is trademark texting... Then it was up and down strokes same tune 'e's been palying for years...... Same C-major and little blows on the 'armonica!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Morning all,

    Well the sun is shining in Somerset! It is cold mind.......Looking forward to the min-meet today! I am off to see them in the local pub soon, I had better not drink too much before I go on stage! LOL

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 22.

    'Lo everyone

    Was that our Debs declaration of the mini-meet that Graham read out just now? Have a lovely time

    Have been busying around this morning getting the house sorted for friends coming round for dinner tonight

    Time for a sit down before the next round of readying!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    As a newcomer to the blog I've not encountered The-MEGA-New-Bingo-Star before.

    My, he's a bit strange isn't he?

    What exactly is this mini-meet that everyone is going on about?

  • Comment number 24.

    MBD, I think NotSoBigUn is in a panto and a few of the blogger who live in that area are going along tonight

    For a newcomer, you are very opinionated - I wonder, would you walk in on a group and say the things you do to people's faces?

    Do we not know your Uncle?

  • Comment number 25.


    hope you are having a fab valentines early today and that Noah enjoyed his birthday and his new big boy bedroom. Can't wait to hear about his room.

    How fab was Daniel as a guest and so sincere.

    Hello fellow bloggers how are we all? Sorry been a bit of a stranger


  • Comment number 26.


    Pray tell how long one has to have been blogging before being allowed to express an opinion?

    I doubt it very much that you know my Uncle, unless of course you are Doris Stokes.

  • Comment number 27.

    That's interesting my friend's birthday is the 5th October!

    Mine is the 27th April (yup you lot don't forget! I'm going to be 26 lol)

    Went to MK to celebrate my friend's 26th today - was good to see everyone but I left my bank card at home. Thankfully Mr GirltaristHan was able to read my bank details over the phone and I went to chat to a lovely man in the bank and he was able to help me out - thankfully wasn't a wasted trip - I swear Bedford is stupidly expensive for petrol.

    How are you all?

  • Comment number 28.

    Evening each

    Just to let those interested know - there's a wee note on FB CLP Bloggers page about an Edinburgh meet.


  • Comment number 29.

    I'm an October baby! I'd have thought there are a fair few folk with birthdays around 14 November (my mum and my niece being two of them)... ;-)

    I hope Noah had a fabulous birthday - I'm dying to know what his redecorated room is going to be like...

    I overslept a bit on Friday (oops...) and missed most of the Daniel Radcliffe interview, so will have to catch up on the old iFlayer. I really like him though - talented, intelligent and a genuinely nice man. I wonder if he will EVER be able to have an interview about anything, for the rest of his days, without anyone mentioning Harry Potter...?

    GirltaristHan - you have my sympathies; petrol prices are insane. x

    KKS - Hello! How are you? Thanks for your texts, you're proper lovely. Am doing ntb - there's going to be a nice big obituary for Jasper in the next issue of the magazine in which he had a monthly column. Have you forgiven JV yet for his shocking theft of your seat at CiN (hmmm... "seat theft" = "a chair-lift"...?!). x

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Roo Roo Roo
    Thats ok hun, I am here anytime for anybody. Ahhhh can't wait to see the obituary for Jasper bless him. I have forgiven JV for his seat theft as he tweeted a pic of us lol so he revoked his little crime in my eyes.

    I am like you and I am just dying to know what Noah's new room is like.

    It seems to feel cold in my living room tonight, don't know why.


  • Comment number 31.

    KKS - Baby, it's cold outside (Ray Charles)! Cold in here too...

    Roll on Summer, when we can all complain about how hot it is!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh....so finally my date is here...lol

  • Comment number 33.

    And about time too JG. Enjoy your night out. xxx

  • Comment number 34.


    Happy Birthday for yesterday Noah!

    We all have 'orrible colds at the moment, lots of sniffing, sneezing (I got told off for sneezing too loud by the boy) and generally feeling sorry for ourselves! The joys of changeable weather hey!

    The good news is our car is at the garage being fixed, and we should have it sometime this week - hopefully!!!

    Hope everyone is doing okay, and hugs to all that need them {{{{{}}}}}

  • Comment number 35.

    sorry to use this for my own means
    Roo - if you have my number please can you text me? I seem to have lost yours somewhere along te way

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello you all,

    Well as you can see we are back from our jaunt to the west country and Panto. Twas a lovely panto ,lots of children ,lots of laughter and fun and as before the players did a grand job and entertained us all ,and I must say Keith exelled his part as Sqire lox.Yes he dis he was fabulous and played a (Super ) roll ..lol. best one I've ever seen .Lin and Debs will confirm that I'm sure.

    Thanks again to keith and his merry band and also to the villagers themselves .

    Well it looks like Scotish meet is getting of the ground nicely now ,looking forward to it . looking forward to some peeps I've not yet met and seeing the ones I already have ,I can see good times a head..

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 37.

    Evening each

    Survived 1yr old while his big brother, Mum and Dad went to the cinema. He's a treat to look after, just potters about, then sleeps for ages.

    Bids, looking forward to seeing everyone in June. xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Annie ,

    Wild horses won't keep me away ,we were talking about over breakfast this morning .
    so it looks like it's on then .
    Just got to make sure Crumpy knows what's beengoing on behind her back lol.


  • Comment number 39.

    Morning chums!

    Lovely to hear that the mini-meet went OK. There's nothing better than laughter with friends to make a weekend extra special.

    JG - how was the date? ;-)

    Ebb - hope the germs soon disperse, but in the meantime, please use disposable tissues ....!

    Huggles, hi's and hey ho's to the rest of you.

    We had a lovely weekend too. Billy Connolly on Friday night was absolutely amazing. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea (Rips and Scoobs to name but two) but he was really funny. Not so much a stand-up comedian but his usual observational/anecdotal humour. He was on stage for just over 2 hours, with no interval - not bad for a 69 year old! Then after the show we went for a divine curry in Nottingham. Bliss.

    Saturday was the biggie! We went over to see our new puppy and got to spend an hour with him, on his own away from the rest of his litter. He was shy at first but soon came out of his shell and had a good explore around the floor of the breeders' dining room! He even managed a high-pitched "bark" which had us all in stitches. We're now counting down to 9th March when we go back to collect him, and he moves in with us. I've put a pic on FB if you want to see him (many of you already have, and thank you for the lovely comments, which made us both smile!)

    Busy week ahead for both Nic and I, and only 7 days until we fly away for a fortnight of winter sun. I'm really looking forward to seeing my mummy! :-)

    Right, best get on before I send you all to sleep with my waffle. Please be assured I'l be back later to waffle some more ......

    Muchos amore,

    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    Morning all

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Glad Mr C was good Deevs I tried to get tickets but they were all sold out I am currently keeping my eyes peeled for some in the local rag. Not paying extortionate T-bag prices. Your new family member is absolutely as cute a button you wait till he sees his own reflection and then starts barking, ours is 16 and still makes us giggle with his daft exploits.

    Was over your neck of the woods yesterday took a trip to one of them furniture shops which has now started doing carpets and has a permanent sale on, ordered the new carpet for the lounge, hall, stairs and landing.

    Then unexpectedly after peeling the potato's and slamming the chuck in the oven the other half came up with the idea of going out for a carvery and a pint or two of real ale, I didnt take much persauding it was a very productive weekend.

    Have a good Monday everyone it will soon be Friday again, woohoooooo

    CB xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Good morning all,

    Morning Deev,and yes did see the young man on the other side ,he is some handsome beast ..isn't he .and I bet you can't wait for you holibob,not long now.

    And what a day ,it's been sunshine and blue sky till just now ,going a bit grey .
    but not with this one I'm feeling good day ,just wondering how long it will last lol.
    not much on the cards for me today just one appointment then off to drop a bottle of bubbley to a friend who's getting married tomorrow.

    Gail ,My thoughts today will be with yourself and David ,I do hope that the day goes well for both of you .

    Take care all..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 42.

    Morning CB,nearly missed you there ,your w/end seemed to be fruitfull for you and a slurp to round it off ,cant be bad eh!! seems like your going to be busy with all that carpet .

    Right off to get my breakfast and then out .


  • Comment number 43.

    Morning all!
    Can confirm that indeed the mini meet was as good as always :-) Keith gave a stellar performance - and there was a vision that will scar me for life! LOL

    Went to see the The Woman in Black yesterday - wow - great filum but certainly the most scary filum I have EVER seen! Daniel R was right when he said go and see it first before you take the kids - then you WONT take the kids!!!!! There were lots of adults walking out!!!

    Busy ole week so wont be around much, Gail, hope today goes as well as it can and I'm sure your presence will be valued.

    so excited about an Edinburgh meet - just need dates confirmed and then I can get it booked.

    Right, coffee and here I go!
    Happy Monday everyone

  • Comment number 44.

    Good morning blogettes

    Gail & David: Thoughts with you today.

    Weather here on Welsh border miserable - not cold - thank goodness but grey and dismal.

    Hope all are OK.
    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 45.

    Ahem .....

    NEW BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    x x x


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