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Hey, how inspiring and convivial is Michael Sheen?

Chris Evans | 10:30 UK time, Monday, 26 September 2011

What an absolute TB - Top Banana. Could have chewed the fat with him till this time next week.

Which would have meant him having to be in Scotland as that's where I'm going to be.

Gonna spend the first week of my hols trying to play golf half decently in front of far too many people, with a load of golfists who are miles better than I am. It's one of many ways of depressing yourself, yet I am still very much looking forward to it. We is crazy is we not?

So - see you in a fortnight, be nice to Moira whilst I'm away and I shall return after September has evolved into October and basically it'll be Christmas.

Peace and Love and all things good.





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  • Comment number 1.


    Have a good few weeks off Chris, we shall miss you. Of course we shall look after Moira.....and Lynn :)


    I agree with Sezza, this weather is not what was promised - so do we really believe that it will be 82 degrees by Friday???

    Happy Monday Everyone


  • Comment number 2.

    Is it wrong of me to say that until the introduction, I couldn't remember who Michael Sheen was?

    i think he's one of those actors who's so good at their job that they completely beome who they're being - if you see what i mean.

    Nice chap to listen to though

    Ali, hang onto your hat, it's gone a bit bright and shiney out there!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris, have a lovely holiday, looking forward to you coming back already!
    Morning Ali and Seza, Weathers a bit grey in Sandwedge today too, think its supposed to take up tomorrow, Im keeping a beady eye on me washing just in case.
    Need to take the dog out for his shuffle (hes old now bless him) tho so fingers crossed it holds off till we get back!
    T x

  • Comment number 4.

    Good afternoon Chris,

    thank you for taking the time to blog. ;-) I would love a week off to play golf, never seem to have the time to fit it in. You have even managed to book the weather, lucky you!

    The sun is trying to break through in Devon and I have high hopes for the week ahead, I mean the weathermen never get it wrong do they???

    I had a lovely weekend in Manchester, even if they do talk funny up there. lol Listening to the locals in the pub was like sitting in on an episode of "The Royal family". Ha ha ;-)

    Tomorrow is my first day working as a consultant for my new company! Exciting times.......

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 5.


    Where is everyone today?

    Sezza, You were quite right the sun has got his hat well and truely on now :) xx

    Keith, Meant to say congrats to everything, loving the look of your motorhome. I am sure you and MrsK will have lots of happy holidays in it xx

    Hi FOM, Hopefully the sun has made it to Sandwedge now xx

    I am just contemplating whether I need to go to the bottom slapping shop after work, or can I procrastinate one more day??


  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, enjoy your holiday, and the golf - just checked the weather and it's heatwave from Wednesday - yippeeeeeee.

    Just back from a hundred-mile round trip to see daughter-in-law, new baby and gorgeous granddaughter. Was lovely and the sun shone all day.

    Back in a bit when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 7.

    Well, that didn't take long!!! Where is everyone?

    Keith - get you - Consultant, no less. Sounds very grand. Hope you've had a successful day.

    Loli, sounds like you had a lovely trip down memory lane in your loft. I gave our christening dress to my oldest son and his wife but it's not been used. My lot are heathens. Bet the photos brought a wee tear to the eye.

    Nice to see you fairlyoddmother.


  • Comment number 8.

    Evening all

    Thanks all the lovely comments... I'll keep you posted on any developments...

    Keith - alright Mate? Nowt wrong with Manchester that a bit of sunshine wouldn't cure ;) Congrats on the new motorhome, and the new consultancy company!

    Sezza, I was expecting Martin Sheen, as in Charlie's dad, so had a bit of a surprise too! lol

    Nice that the blog has been posted today, which should mean it doesn't get closed off while CLP is away!

    Back in a bit, need to make some phone calls and get something to eat...

    JG x

  • Comment number 9.

    Evening all,

    Thanks AliB, I have a lot to look forward too right now, maybe life is turning a corner!? xx

    Thanks Annie, I am not sure my part time appointment is too grand but it is a new venture for me! ;-) xx

    It's quiet on here ain't it......

    I am out tonight (just for a change) probably looking at the script for the Panto in the New Year, it is that time of year again......Oh yes it is!

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 10.

    hello all
    Keith - we too are in a panto (thats me and mr bp) showing at the local community centre in my village, rehersals are already underway and it is shaping up to be pretty good!

  • Comment number 11.

    JG - I want ALL the details at the weekend!!

    Keith/SB - Panto?? It's September, would you all stop it? Was in local garden centre last week and they were getting out all their Christmas stuff - and 6yr old has already written his list - pound for London, new teddy and a Scalextric car. I also got Asthma Uk's Christmas card leaflet yesterday. It's getting closer - I can just hear Beez!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Watching the One Show - Ospreys at Rothiemurchus - my favourite place in the whole world.


  • Comment number 13.

    annie - sorry, but we are a bit rough so we need lots of practice!

  • Comment number 14.

    Ohhhh Baggy what are you doing? We are having a go at Jack and the Beanstalk"! This is our 30th panto in our society so we are attempting to make it a little special. and yes we start the read through now so that we can get as much right by February! (Sorry Beez! ;-)xx )0

    JG, all is good with me thanks! I see life is taking a turn in the right direction for you as well, much love xx

  • Comment number 15.

    notsobigun, we are doing a new panto called georgie porgy, losely based around the nursery rhyme. It is very funny and ideal for all ages (tickets on sale soon)

  • Comment number 16.

    Ok, I give in. Keith, are you Jack? SB, and you georgie, the pudding or the pie?


  • Comment number 17.

    Oops, that should have been 'are you', not 'and you'.


  • Comment number 18.

    lol, Im none - funnily enough I'm playing a cat!

  • Comment number 19.

    Well, who's kissing the girls and making them cry??


  • Comment number 20.

    a slightly older then the script requires man, mr bp is playing his best mate

  • Comment number 21.

    Annie, I'm sure you'll get them out of me ;) lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 22.

    JG, I surely will!!!

    SB, I'm slightly worried about that.


  • Comment number 23.

    Sorry, I'm hogging the blogging tonight, but JG - red or white??


  • Comment number 24.

    Hi all.

    Chris, have a great holiday and enjoy the golf.

    I have had a nightmare of a day and it is nothing to do with all the men in my house, will tell you all why when I get my money back.

    I'm so upset and in a bad mood tonight, enough said. LOL!

    Hi Annie, JG, Keith and Baggy.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Coo, I go out for a couple of hours and you all come out to play!

    Oh Yes it is..................the start of panto prep! Enjoy yourself luvvies!

    CSN, sounds like you've had a rough day, hope tomorrow's better

    Annie, white please!! ;-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Good morning all,

    A bit of a hazy start to the day here today ,and I'm not quite sure which way it's going to go .
    Not much going on here today It's only work that beckons for me today and thats not drawing me today Ohwell !!! onward and forward .

    Take care al and have a good day in what ever you're doing .


  • Comment number 27.

    Morning All,

    Well the sun is trying to break through the clouds here, when I looked out of my window this morning, all I could see was fog and it's not lifted quite yet.

    Nothing much to report really, in fact life is a tad dull at the moment, which I think is what I need.

    JG, Read about you know what ;) ;) good on ya, and have a fab time with our Annie xx

    For those that are listening to RM, which is me as I can't be bothered to change the dial; I was wondering how many more times he is going to mention that it's his WDYTYA this week!!! I certainly won't be listening on Thursday morning!

    Happy Tuesday Everyone :)


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi everyone:

    Bit of a struggle getting up this morning - a long weekend is lovely, but I always wish I had "just one more day" off!

    I had a lovely day with my sister yesterday, starting firstly with food shopping at T*sco where we were served by the grumpiest woman ever - it must be miserable to have an eight hour shift to get through, and you don't speak a word to anyone, other than to ask for their money. But that didn't put us off, we had a lovely lunch - including a glass or two of wine (of course!) and then I went home for a quiet evening. A very nice weekend, I am glad to say.

    CSN: sounds like you are in the middle of a nightmare - hang in there, it will work out in the end! And, I hope you get your money back. xx

    Bids: is your brother still with you? I know what you mean about clashing with him sometimes - families can be difficult, can't they?!

    Keith: hope your day is going well.

    Annie & JG: how lovely the two of you are meeting up at the weekend - have a great time together.

    AliB: I haven't listened to RM - I tried yesterday for two minutes, and that was enough. However, I am intrigued as to what WDYTYA stands for!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Ooooh, just got it Ali - Who Do You Think You Are!! Yep, I'm a bit slow today!


  • Comment number 30.

    Lol Chrissie, Glad you got it in the end xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Afternoon all,

    Well that did not go quite to plan today! I drove to within 4 miles of my appointment and received a phone call to say my client had cancelled! So it looks like an afternoon at home for me. :-(

    It the sun comes out long enough I may have to cut the grass......make hay while the sun shines and all that. ;-)

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 32.

    Hello Everyone.

    This Indian summer we're having is good.

    I'm presently trying to give my cat Tom a frontline on the back of his neck as he's been scratching a lot, not fleas but a skin irritation he gets sometimes.

    I went quietly into the other room to get it without making a sound but he knew and he was off into the garden. I slowly walked after him doing a full tour of the garden. As this was going to continue for a long while I decided to come back into the house and await another opportunity.

    He's now sitting here looking at me, I think he knows what's coming next.

    Right off we go again!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 33.


    Success! I think it's a game to him and he enjoys the fun!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Well done Maddy!!

    I have apparently been designated official spider, wasp and other scary things catcher in this house

    I have pointed out that, as the the only girly person in the house, the boys should be rescuing me but it falls on deaf ears!!

    Been a funny sort of day but I'm off to the cinema with my friend tonight and I'm really looking forward to it

    That's if we can sneak the chocolates in!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Sorry for the disappearing act last night, it was my little niece's birthday, so ended up talking to her for quite a while, then needed to get tea on the go....

    Annie, Pinot Grigio, but I'll bring it!!

    I'll bring the basics though, as I'll be there earlier.... will ring you tomorrow or Thursday...

    Maddy, I need to do the same to Finlay, but might need to enlist the help of a neighbour lol

    Glad you had a good day with your sister Chrissie! Some of the cashiers in our local ELH are so miserable people prefer to use the self-serve tills lol

    Thanks Ali ;) ;)

    Well, I need to ring my Mum and get some tea, might be back...might not lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 36.

    Sezza, you popped in whilst I was typing, have a lovely evening!!

    I have a Finlay-dog to deal with all those nasties, thankfully!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.

    What a lovely day it has been, well what i saw of it throught the office window of course..

    RM must admit not a big fan.

    Annie, my husbands three grandchildren live in Scotland and they havent been Christened either and yes i had a lovely time with the old photo's.
    I wish i could make wish to have one whole day with my children when they were young again.
    love Loli x

  • Comment number 38.

    Good morning all,

    Wall to wall blue here this morning ,it's going to be a grand old day. Unfortunately I have to go to work whilst Mr B and my brother are off for a jaunt to the New Forest.

    Crissie as you see ,yes My brother is still with us and I'm being very good honest ;)

    Well ,better be off so hope that you all have a good day and are having the same type of weather as we are here down on the south coast.

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 39.

    Morning all

    Very misty start this morning but now the sun is out and the sky is clear, bright blue!

    Stunning day

    Now I just have to find the best way to make the most of it!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Morning each - gorgeous sunny day, hope everyone's enjoying it.

    Lunch planned with gorgeous daughter, then I have to do a couple of hours work this afternoon - poo.


  • Comment number 41.

    Morning All

    I am pleased to report that it is also a stunning day here in North Kent...hip hip hooray.

    Shame I am stuck in a boring old office all day, with not a lot to do! I am currently in limbo land and won't know what's what until I have a meeting with top boss on the 12th Oct. I am currently being paid for 8 hours a week and not doing anything, which is a bit boring and doesn't sit well with me. So if you've got any work for me to do send it over.

    Still today is Hump Day and that can only mean that the weekend is just around the corner :)

    Have a nice day now.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi everyone:

    A pleasant day here in Glasgow - getting warmer and sunnier - lovely! We really will have to make the most of this last wee blast of good weather - Scotland is due for snow in October!

    Not much to report from me, just popping in to say hello.

    Have a good day, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon All,

    Where is everyone? I guess out enjoying the sunshine and quite frankly why not.

    I'm going to walk to the Post Office later to pay £1.36 for someone who forgot to put the right postage on a letter, it better be worth it!!


  • Comment number 44.

    i am not one to moan ( much) but can someone have a word in Richard Madeleys ear hole and ask rather nicely if he can do some to be proud of tomorrow and friday please.all this week he has had us regretting and what we said no to and it is dismal.

    up lifting is what we need.something to feel good about ourselves.

    off soap box now.sorry

    going to catch up

  • Comment number 45.

    oh.by the way.it is beautiful down here
    been to the beach this morning and just sat watching the boats.
    it was lovely

    if i could remember how to write in blue i would in honour of the blue sky

  • Comment number 46.

    Afternoon each

    Chrissie - I heard that story about the snow in October. I might be stuck in Carrbridge for the winter!! Wouldn't be bad actually.


  • Comment number 47.

    Hiya all

    I can't even think about snow today!

    It's been so lovely. I think I've worn more sunner clothes this week than all summer

    Annie, I read that as Cambridge! Thought I could pop up and see you!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Been boiling here too Sezza.

    Carrbridge - north of Aviemore - a wee bit of a trek for you methinks.


  • Comment number 49.


    Never mind blue, you would appear to have forgotten how to write in English.

  • Comment number 50.

    Okaaaay Annie, bit too far to pop up and meet for lunch then!

    Mr Sezza did mutter about coming up north of the border for a holibobs in the future but when and whether that will happen, who knows!

    I shall have a list of visits to make if we do!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Sezza, tell him Glasgow!! Lots of good friends waiting to meet him. xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Evening everyone

    I had a bit of a surprise this evening as I had to pop round the ex on the way home with some post...

    He'd dropped round here earlier this afternoon and let Finlay out for me, so I could stay for dinner!!

    Now considering he never ever cooked when he was here, I was gob-smacked!! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Just watched Who Do You Think You Are. RM is a wee sweetie.


  • Comment number 54.

    JG That's a nice treat.

    Annie, if I set foot over the border, I am duty-bound to go to Aberdeen! Other than that, we'd have to work on it!

    At the moment, it's a pipe-dream so we'll wait and see!

    Is it this weekend you two are meeting up? Have fun xx

    Night all, sleep well

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Good morning all,

    Another wall to wall day here for us and hope that you're having the same. Another busy day for me today It seems its bee a busy week all round ,mind it does make the time go quickly and It's Friday tomorrow Yeh!!!

    Have a good day all...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 56.

    Good morning everyone,

    Very grey and cloudy here in Ayrshire today but still warm, yesterday was absolutely beautiful.

    We had a lovely time at the weekend, got there on Friday afternoon, on Saturday we visited Jedburgh and Galashiels, Sunday we did Mellerstain House which was really lovely then back home on Monday lunchtime. David had worked a few weekends before we went so we treated ourselves to dinner out on the 3 nights we were away which was great.

    Hope everyone is ok.



  • Comment number 57.

    Good morning everyone.

    Lovely day here.

    I spent all day yesterday clearing out the kitchen cupboards and didn't get to bed till 2 30 this morning. My lovely son in law came round in the evening to help Mr CSN get everything ready for the electricians, who arrived very early this morning and the plumber is coming in later to take the radiators off the walls for the plasterer, who will be with us for four days from tomorrow.

    This is such fun. LOL!

    Gail, glad you had a lovely weekend. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi everyone:

    I don't think I am alone in saying that I can't wait for Chris to return. Getting ready in silence in the morning is just awful. Still, Miranda on Monday, so I'm looking forward to that.

    Having said that, I do like RM as a person, and I think he's an excellent journalist, but he's just not for me on the breakfast show!

    JG: that was a nice surprise from your ex.

    Sezza: sorry about mentioning snow yesterday ... but it's preying on my mind what we have ahead of us! It would be lovely if you and MrSezza can venture north sometime - yes, there would be quite a few people here to meet you!

    Annie: Carrbridge would be lovely, I'm sure, but don't forget, you, me and Mary are heading to Bids' for the winter!

    Bids: that's still ok, isn't it?!

    Gail: I was thinking of you yesterday - glad to hear you and David had a lovely time.

    CSN: wow, you really are in the middle of it! Just think, though, how lovely everything will be in time for Santa arriving!

    Only an hour until lunchtime - yahoo!

    C xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Ssssshhhh! you havent seen me!

    Boss has just nipped out for a sarnie so I thought I would show my face.

    Isnt this weather fab, my tomato's are all ripening in the garden with the sunshine so I shall be making up more batches of chutney and passata the weekend by the looks of things.

    Off to take No 1 Son to his supercar drive day on Saturday that was his c**s present last year. Talking about "c**s" trying to sort out our works meal at the moment and I have about 10 different menu's on my desk and they all sound delish! Decisions Decisions.

    CSN good luck with the home improvements.

    JG Hope you enjoyed your meal after you got over the initial shock.

    Sorry if I have missed anyone but have a good day all of you.

    Roll on Monday and Miranda I have a feeling that it could be a lot more upbeat and slightly hysterical next week in the mornings.

    CB xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Good Afternoon One and All,

    Wow what a scorcher! It really is wonderful to be having such lovely weather so late in September; so why am I stuck in an office????

    Gail, Glad you had a good few days away xx

    csn, Bless you xx are you managing to keep sane over there? Still as Chrissie said it will be all lovely for C**s

    Hi CB, I'm looking forward to a more upbeat Breakfast Show next week too. I just about tolerate RM, but I find him rude when he keeps interrupting the people he has in all the time!!! xx

    I've nothing really wild or exciting to report, except that I walked to work today and it was lovely, not sure the walk home will be quite as nice, as it is now very hot :) Still mustn't grumble :)


  • Comment number 61.

    Hello all.

    Thank you Chrissie, CB and AliB for your support. It is coming in here and chatting to you that is keeping me sane!

    How long is it to Christmas. LOL!

    I am in need of a cup of tea and can't get into my kitchen to make one.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Lovely hot sunny afternoon.

    Right, I am going into the kitchen mess now.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    CB: nice to see you earlier - I promise I won't let anyone know you were here! We have our office "C" lunch booked for 15th December - not long to go now (sorry CSN!)

    AliB: as Terry W would have said "ooooh, it's too hot for me!". It's turned out lovely here too, after a very dull, black morning - I thought we were due for thunder, it was so black!

    CSN: good luck in that kitchen!


  • Comment number 64.

    Afternoon everyone. Hope you're all well.

    This weather is completely nuts! I've spent the whole summer moaning about the lack of sun and here it is only two days away from October. I'm not complaining at all, but it feels really odd. We had summer in spring then we had autumn and now we've got summer again. It's 27 degrees here in Somerset and there are Halloween costumes and Christmas cards in the shops. Crazy.

    AND, more to the point, I've had to put the boots away and get the sandals back out. Well frankly, I'm just not pedicured. I had put my feet away for the winter, if you see what I mean.

    Love Barmy xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Obamarama - I know what you mean had to repaint the tootsie's last night as they haven't quite been banished to my boots as yet.

    I remember a few years ago being in Wales for a weekend one October and we woke up on the sunday morning with the church bells ringing and the sun streaming through the open window and remember thinking "what a beautiful day". It may be hot but we will all be moaning in a few weeks about the cold and wet.

    Poor ole Deevs has definately picked the wrong week to leave the country for some sun. Typical.

    CSN put your rose tinted glasses and completely ignore the mess and dust it will be worth it all.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Evening all

    Agree with what you're saying about the weather and the clothes not quite matching!

    Somehow, it feels strange to be here in t-shirt and 3/4 trousers when the leaves are all on the turn

    I'm not complaining - it's beautiful today

    I booked our C**s do last week - bowling, eating and shopping - sounds like my kind of do...............and all within a taxi ride (or pick up if I can persuade Mr Sezza!!)

    Right, off to stir the spag bol

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Evening all.

    Thank you Chrissie, least I got a cup of tea this afternoon. xx

    Thank you CB, rose tinted glasses sounds like a good idea. xx

    Electricians have gone now and will be back next week. Plasterer has just been to put all is his stuff in the garage and now just waiting for the plumber to arrive.

    It is like a mad house here at the moment, but I'm sure it will be worth it, when it is all finished.

    Hi Sezza, I am so looking forward to Christmas this year. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening each

    Just back from gorgeous daughter's - lovely cuddle from 9yr old.

    Right!!! Who's talking about Christmas?? Off to check.


  • Comment number 69.

    Hells teeth, it's all of you. Stop it right now.

    Chrissie, I'd forgotten we're going to Bids for the winter. If I get back from Carrbridge, that is. We go north every October holiday and up to now we've had lovely weather - fingers crossed this year will be the same.

    CSN - sounds like you're living in a builders yard.

    CB, your post reminded me I've forgotten to bring the DVD daughter loaned me - Miranda's first series. She says it's hilarious.


  • Comment number 70.

    What was that Annie? You're going C**s shopping!! What fun!!

    S'funny how different we are. Personally I'm not really looking forward to Miranda on the radio. When I heard her last time, she was so disorganised.

    I'm not sure I can cope with that in the mornings - too much chaos already at that time of the morning!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Sezza - bite your tongue!!

    I have granddaughter's, daughter's, youngest son's birthdays to deal with before I even think of the C word.


  • Comment number 72.

    I'm here with one eye on clothes, another on Finlay, and another on the channel I finally found the Spurs match on...lol

    C-word...what the hell!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Annie, I feel like I am living in a builders yard. LOL! xx

    Sezza, I think Miranda will be a lot better than RM. xx

    Sorry JG, but I love Christmas. xx

    csn. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    I need to go and help Mr CSN with some more preparation for tomorrow.

    I might pop back in later to see if anyone is still up.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Good Morning to all bloggers far and wide.

    Its showing all the signs of being another lovely day, I hope its the same for everyone.

    Here we are, the last day of September and the weather has been promised to extend into October too. Who would have thought it?

    I just hope, all that talk of the 'white stuff' is incorrect, I mean seriously, how could it possibly be, when you look at what we are getting at the moment?

    Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend, whatever you have planned.

    I'm off out to enjoy the splendour that Mother Nature has provided. There isn't a price ticket on that.

    Happy Days.


  • Comment number 76.

    Good morning all,

    Moning MTF, nice to see you this fine morning ,you're a bit of a stranger here now.

    An absolutely stunning morning here and wall to wall blue.And it looks like its set for the weekend as well.
    Have all the family here tonight ,dont normally entertain on a friday as its a work day ,so I spent 7hours in the kitchen last night preparing .Made 24 meat balls ,a big pan of chilli and a big pan of spagetti bolognese. hard going but it will make this ev ening a lot easier,just got to heat and eat.

    Jg, Annie , enjoy your w/end and take care whilst traveling.

    Crissie , oh yes !! your in the diary ,all booked ,just have one more visitor before then ,so dont you worry.
    But Crissie ,I'm very much with you on asll this talk of snow ,can't be doing with it.

    Hope everyone else is AOK and take care and have a good day.


  • Comment number 77.

    Good morning all,

    looking out of my office window this morning it looks like another day in paradise!

    Now I could stay on here all day or simply work hard and finish early.......decisions, decision, decisions!? :-)

    Hugs to all who need them, infact hugs to your all..........

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Bids, Keith.

    Yes its that time of the year, that if you can be out there, then well, be out there basically.

    The best things in life really are free. The Levels are particularly beautiful at the moment, so I shall be a wandering over that way all weekend. The starlings are starting to flock again, thats always a sight to behold.

    Keith, if you can get out of there, do it. You know it makes sense, oh yes you do. LOL!!

    Gotta fly, weeds to pull from the comfort of my deckchair!


  • Comment number 79.

    Morning All,

    It's gorgeous here too - Happy Days - and the fact that it is going to last into the weekend is good news too :)

    MTF, Lovely to read you xx I miss you on here xx

    Morning Keith and Bids (and anyone else who has snuck in) xx

    Bids, Looks like you've got a busy night tonight but the food sounds delish :)

    Keith, Get out in the sunshine, I am sure there is a little white ball with your name on :)

    I've just got to get through 5 more hours of boredom then I'm off to do the weekly shop, then to my friends for tea and then Street Pastoring. Tomorrow I shall be being pampered to within a inch of my life and I can't wait. It was a birthday present and I am having a shoulder/back massage, a facial and a foot massage; never has my body been so loved....lol.

    Happy Friday Everyone


  • Comment number 80.

    Sunny salutations form Shropshire.

    Looks like the opinion here at work is "stuff it lets all leave early today as the sun has got his hat on". So like a lemming I shall be following the throng out of the door as soon as physically possible.

    Friday night job tonight so pub for me, I love the weekend.

    Suddenly dawned on me last night my husbands sort of auntie is arriving from Australia on Monday and he has volunteered us to put her up for a day or two, so Sunday I shall be mostly cleaning and cooking.

    LaliB - enjoy your pamper day my mum absolutely loved hers earlier in the year it left her so relaxed afterwards she was floating on air.

    MTF - so agree enjoy the things in life that are free as much as possible

    Keith - do it go on leave early, plenty of time to be stuck in the office when the winter comes in force.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 81.

    On this beautiful, sunny day, I fear I must make a dark and secret confession

    I know it is something that many will find unbelievable and, i am afraid, will make some of you question our relationship but, I beg of you, do not think less of me

    I fear, following my reaction to Mr Bruce's Album of the week, that I am going to find the next month a long and difficult one for there is a featured band and the 10pm programme that usually wafts me off to sleep will instead, lead me to a nightmare state!

    For, in truth I have to admit, I HATE PINK FLOYD!!!!

    In fact, the mere hint of Comfortably Numb or the shrieky waily woman makes my skin crawl and my brain crawl into a dark, dank corner and quiver

    There, I've said it! I'll just go hide until someone comes to tell me it's ok, I'm not banned!

    Sezza the Shameful!!

    PS Mr Sezza can't understand it either! He loves them!

  • Comment number 82.

    Sezza, I think we've all got one of those confessions lurking. The moment I saw the words Waily woman, I went cold all over. You see, mine is a Kate Bush thing. I hit the 'off' button to spare myself the torture! Yet she is so popular, its all down to personal taste.

    Ali,,after your dedicated night of street pastoring, you enjoy and savour every moment of your 'pamper' session.

    CB, hope you achieve your 'poets' day.

    Back to the garden for me, sprucing everywhere up. Its looking good. Shame I had to sit in a bed of nettles to reach some of it, ho hum, numb bum!


  • Comment number 83.

    Hi everyone,

    Really busy at work so just a flying visit to wish you all a great weekend!



  • Comment number 84.

    Hi everyone:

    Just checking in to wish everyone a nice weekend. I have been slightly spoiled today, and have been for lunch with one of the bosses - it's lovely to be taken for lunch unexpectedly!

    Bids: I am so glad our booking is in your diary ... I really wish we were coming to spend the winter with you and Mr Bids!

    Keith: I hope you did leave early today. xx

    AliB: enjoy your massages - you'll be feeling great after them!

    CB: good luck with the preparation for your couple of days of entertaining.

    Sezza: re: Pink Floyd - I must confess, I can take or leave them. My deeply loved, dearly missed Dad loved Another Brick in the Wall!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend - I am hoping to spend tomorrow with my sister, but the weather is looking not so good, so a day out may not be on the cards.

    C xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Hello Everyone.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Evening each

    Gorgeous day in the sun with 1yr and 6yr old. And, if anyone gave me a thought when Sally Traffic was on - yes, I was in the ginormous queue to the Forth Road Bridge. Took ages to get home.

    Sezza, well that's you off the man in the cupboard's Christmas list. Pink Floyd is his favourite band.

    Ali, enjoy your massage tomorrow - sounds lovely and you deserve it.

    Howdedoody MTF, nice to see you and hope the bum is less numb now.


  • Comment number 87.

    Evening all

    Well I'm in Scotland....woohoo!!! Took a bit longer than I thought, mainly because I had stop a few times for Finlay...so 4 hours later, I finally got here!! Just need Annie's company now, and we're all set!! Hope the traffic's better for you tomorrow!!

    BTW I hope he does it tomorrow too, because it's funny... Finlay keeps walking into the patio door....lol He's not used to them...

    Ali, enjoy your pamper day...

    Sezza, I didn't used to like them, but they've grown on me.

    MTF, I used to do that with Queen, but they've grown on me too!

    Hi to everyone else, have a good weekend all!!

    JG x


  • Comment number 88.

    Glad you got there safe JG. Poor Finlay, does he have a bump on his head?

    Was going to iron some clothes but really can't be bothered so I'll just chuck them in the case and hope for the best. Have been awake sine 3am so hopefully I can stay awake for Strictly at 9, then off to bed.


  • Comment number 89.


    JG, Glad to hear you got there safely, even if it did take you a bit longer. Enjoy your weekend and give Annie a hug from me!

    Annie, It sounded like Sally was having a busy day today, The sunshine has been beautiful and, mixed with the colours of the leaves, absolutely glorious!! Give that JG a hug from me, won't you!

    Right, must be time for me to grab a glass of something cold and white ready for Strictly!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Annie, there's an ironing board here....not found the iron yet, I would assume there is one...

    Finlay is going mad on the balcony...he can hear the ducks and geese on the loch we overlook! Hopefully he will have settled a bit more by tomorrow!!

    I'm going to watch Strictly too

    JG x

  • Comment number 91.

    JG - as if I'll be ironing!! Now that's my idea of heaven - overlooking a loch, with a glass in my hand. Can't wait. Have satnav, printed instructions from the rac and navigation on my phone. Will I get lost? Of course I will.


  • Comment number 92.

    Do you think it would take me long to get there?

    I could pack quickly and share the balcony with Finlay!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Damn and bums. Got a phone call and missed the beginning of Strictly.

    Sezza - see you tomorrow.


  • Comment number 94.

    Well, Lulu's gone up in my estimation - what a good sport. Rubbish dancer but a good sport.


  • Comment number 95.

    I bought a top with a frill down the front this week. Why don't I look like Ola Jordan in it??

    Lulu and Brendan make me smile!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Annie and JG - Have a fabulous time... xxxx

    Hello to everyone else - looking forward to a FAB-U-LOUS weekend - hope you are too.

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Bet you're all out enjoying the sunshine today!

    Is gorgeous out there today

    Have been for a little walk with Mr Sezza while the boys were busy

    Now a bit of chill out time

    Back for Strictly, Dr Who and Merlin!!


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Quiet ere innit?

    Not much planned for this weekend. Looking forward to Dr Who and Merlin (don't do Strictly) but not looking forward to Dr Who ending :-((.

    I hope Annie got to JG's place OK and they are having fun, whatever the weather (the report from JG wasn't too good this morning but hopefully the sun will have burnt through the mist.)


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    oooh nearly next page - will I get to do it? Probably not at this rate (I forgot about the 3 minute rule boooooo).5 3 1

  • Comment number 100.

    NEXT !!!!


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