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Flintoff The Scale

Chris Evans | 10:39 UK time, Thursday, 22 September 2011

Well done and thank you to Kent County Cricket Club for hosting our Children In Need cricket match yesterday. After the gloomy meteorological underture that greeted our journey to Canterbury, the sun turned up bang on time, to bless what turned out to be a joyous afternoon.

The world famous Bunburys were on hand to play the part of our adversaries and what turned out to be infallible foe.

They have not suffered a single defeat in the twenty years they have existed, a period during which they have also raised over fourteen million pounds for charity.

Our team was largely made up of pupils fron St Lawrence School, and pals of the son of Malcolm Blumel - the guy who stumped up the cash to for the Pudsey auction prize in the first place.

Malcolm, you certainly bowled us all over with your generosity!





  • Comment number 1.

    Well done Malcolm and everyone else involved, it sounds like you all had a fantastic time.



  • Comment number 2.

    Me again, David has just e-mailed me to say he has just had lunch, poached egg on toast, Gertie's egg which was a double yoker! YUM.



  • Comment number 3.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    A sunny day here but the wind seems to be getting up, don't quite know if it's a day for my jacket or coat.

    Well done Malcolm and all who took part in the Canterbury cricket fun day and all for a good cause.

    Gail-Congratulations to Gertie for laying the double yoker, I haven't had one of those for ages.

    MM xxx

    Off to the shops >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello everyone

    Chris, the cricket bash sounded fabulous - can't wait to see what bids (donations to Children in Need) it attracts this year!

    Not surprised that Pudsey turned up to join in. He's always trying to get in on the action on the phone answering day

    Laters my lovelys - cupboards to stock this afternoon!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris: terrific blog from you today - sounds like a great day yesterday. Malcolm, well done on your donation, and I am sure it was all worthwhile for you and son.

    Not a lot to report at my end - usual stuff, but looking forward to a wee cheeky long weekend - a holiday Monday coming up!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.


    On my way back from the supermarket I popped into Paddy McGuinness's shop for some sausage rolls. They were still warm and I couldn't wait to get home and have one.

    Now having a cup of tea, would you like one Gail, Sezza & Chrissie?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Maddy: just read your post. Would you believe, I have just made myself a cup of tea, too!


  • Comment number 8.


    SNAP Great minds!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Sezza - I couldn't get back online yesterday but I wanted to say that I'm with MtD ... I had a makeover at the same make-up counter but it was at H****y N***s and, just as MtD said, I wasn't pressured into buying any products at all. I had a great time and when the make-up lady was told (by girlfriends) that it was my 'big' birthday, she put loads - and I mean loads - of samples into a carrier bag for me! I'd definitely do it again.

    Won't be here tomorrow. Off to a funeral (a relative of 'im indoors) but I'll lurk over the weekend. I really must find time in my working day to blog!

    Have a good weekend y'all and take care.

    Keith - many congrats xx

    Annie - thanks for spotting me!

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Evening each

    Keith, thanks for the update. Good news about the job - I do SVQ here, we must compare notes.

    Jillygoat, have only been to HN once in Edinburgh. I got miffed at them when they moved the Big Issue seller on because it didn't suit their image.

    Back in a bit. xxxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh, aren't the nights drawing in!

    It's really getting dark now :-(

    Think I will take myself in for a bit of a makeover sometime, might be a bit of fun

    Coo, doesn't Liza Minelli look well!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi all

    Glad you had a good day Chris, I think Keith's idea for a blog day out next year is a goodun (there's no way we could get the sort of funds together to pay for a match but watching would be good).

    Chrissie and Gail what's this about a bank holiday? Is that another one you get up there that we don't????

    No news on the house problems front at the moment, the surveyor said we need a builder (quelle surprise) so we still don't know what the problem is or what's causing it. The only good thing is that the surveyor knows a builder who could do the job so that's a bit better than having to try to find one using a search (which is what the insurance company suggested......).

    Hugs if you need them (I certainly do....)


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Ah bless MTD, have a hug. No news is good news, as they say.

    Many years ago the daughter's bedroom door frame came away from the wall - husband was making 'subsidence' noises - (the doors were solid pine and really heavy). It turned out that it was because the dear daughter slammed the door so hard when she was in a huff. Problem solved with a couple of wooden pegs.


  • Comment number 14.

    Sezza, Liza Minelli's face isn't moving!! Spooky.


  • Comment number 15.

    Annie, I thought she looked really good then she talked and nothing moved!!

    Oh dear!


  • Comment number 16.

    Sezza, only her mouth moved - and nothing sensible came out of it!!


  • Comment number 17.

    Eve all how are we all?

    All good here. Malcolm Blumer what a star player. Sounds like a fab time was had by all involved.

    Gail - well done to Gertie for her double yoker
    MM - has the wind settled there now?
    Sezza - I am sure Pudsey will help us again this year bless him, wonder if is girlfriend blush will be in on the action this year
    Chrissie - any plans for your cheeky long weekend?
    Jillygoat - hope the funeral goes ok (as these things can). I agree that I must find time in my working day to blog
    Annie - that was a bit nasty of HN to move the BIG ISSUE seller on how mean and rude
    Sezza - Its horrible dark by 19:15 yuck yuck yuck and before we know it the clocks will go back :-(
    mtd - sorry to hear you are having house problems

    hello to everyone no mentioned

    kks xxxxxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Eve all hope we are all well

    Malcolm Blumer what a star player. Sounds like a fab time was had by all involved.
    Gail - well done to Gertie for her double yoker
    MM - has the wind settled there now?
    Sezza - I am sure Pudsey will help us again this year bless him, wonder if is girlfriend blush will be in on the action this year
    Chrissie - any plans for your cheeky long weekend?
    Jillygoat - hope the funeral goes ok (as these things can). I agree that I must find time in my working day to blog
    Annie - that was a bit nasty of HN to move the BIG ISSUE seller on how mean and rude
    Sezza - Its horrible dark by 19:15 yuck yuck yuck and before we know it the clocks will go back :-(
    mtd - sorry to hear you are having house problems

    hello to everyone else

    kks xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Evening KandK
    Evening KandK LOL!

    The wind has calmed down here now thank you.

    The Big Issue seller outside the supermarket here is a lovely person, in fact, he is the most pleasant person I see around here, always greets me with a lovely smile and likes to keep an eye on my scooter for me. Once when it was getting soaked in a sudden downpour he pushed it undercover.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 20.


    ahhhhhhh what a lovely chap. There appears to be a slight echo is hear tonight.

    Glad the wind has calmed every time I hear the wind picking up outside I think I am right back in the eye of hurricane Irene!!!

    kks xxxxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Good morning all,

    A beautiful day here on the south coast ,wall to wall blue. I have my brother coming to stay with us this weekend so its going a busy one for me .
    I dob't know what you all have planned but what ever it is I hope its goingt to be enjoyable,
    I will be cleaning and I maybe do a little bit of baking .

    Take care and have a good day all.


  • Comment number 22.

    Morning All,

    For some reason I didn't blog yesterday, probably because I had nothing really to say!

    Thank goodness it's Friday, I am a bit tiddly tired this week and am wondering whether to get up early tomorrow to watch the rugby or sleep - decisions, decisions :) After that I am going to lunch with my parents haven't seen them for a while as I've been so busy and I feel that I've neglected them. Sunday I'm leading the church service, then seeing a friend for lunch and then collapsing on the sofa.

    Dozy, A double yoker - yum yum xx

    Chris, The cricket sounds wonderful, congratulations to all those who donated and took part. I like Keith's idea of a blog day out, you can then all come back to mine for a night cap....lol.

    Jilly, Thinking of you and 'im indoors today xx

    Have a nice day now.


  • Comment number 23.

    Morning all

    Glorious sunshine here today.

    All the better for seeing the rogue satellite crashing towards us in the clear blue sky!!

    Boy1 worked out this morning that if there's a 1 in 3000 chance of it hitting somone, that's only as many people as in the 2 biggest schools in town - his and one other - thank goodness it's not inter-school sports today!

    Laters my lovelys - if the space spores don't get you!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning everyone and Happy Friday to you all. 4 day week this week and it seems to have dragged along like tortoise with 2 broken legs.

    Listened to Michael Sheen this morning on the show Christof, he is very talented and seems like a really nice guy. Thought he was fab as Brian Clough and Tony Blair havent seen Frost Nixon but I am going to find that one out now. Did see him in the film with Billy Connolly and it was good.

    Talking of Billy watched his route 66 last night and he had me right old giggling away with him. Cracking fella can you get him on a Friday at all think it might be riotious especially if he brings his banjo.

    Loads of catching up this weekend starting with the pub tonight.

    MTD sorry to hear about your house problems hope it gets sorted for you quickly.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi everyone:

    Good grief, work has really been getting in the way of my blogging! Just seen the three bosses off the premises - they, and their wives, are off to Nice for the long weekend! It's ok for some, that's all I'll say!

    Jilly: hope today went as well as possible. xx

    mtd: so sorry to hear of your trouble with the house. Fingers crossed everything will be alright - I can imagine this is a worry. xx Re: the holiday weekend - I'll be honest with you, I have no idea what this one is for! We call it "September Weekend Holiday" and indeed that's what it is! I think we get this because we don't get August Bank.

    kks: I saw your comment the other day about your job becoming permanent - I did mean to say, that's great news. As for our plans for the weekend, not a lot happening ... I hate to say it, we are still unpacking!

    Bids: have a lovely time with your brother. xx

    CB: well done on getting through the week - it's always a nightmare coming back from holiday.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.


    Is FNWC open yet.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 27.

    A tortoise with 2 broken legs you say.

    Must have been used as a weapon in the recent riots.

  • Comment number 28.

    Hooray Hooray Hooray!!

    It is Friday and there is wine in the fridge!

    And I have been let off taxi duty tonight!!

    Watching the one show - who wouldn't want Stephen Fry on their quiz team!!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi all

    TFI it's Friday (somebody else thought of that one didn't they??). FNWC definitely open chez dipper.

    I agree Sezza - that would put one in the eye of the 'British Quiz League' team that we have in our local league (mind you we beat them in the cup this season........ did I mention that we won the cup?).

    It doesn't look as if we're going to get a new blog - so we're stuck with this on for 2 weeks (or until we get blocked......) MOD's can you keep the blog open please - pretty please with knobs on xxxx


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    A cup, mtd? You should have said!! Well done!!

    At this rate we'll still be on page 1, the blog!!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening all - long time no blog. I have been lurking when I can.

    George Michael in Verona last week was brilliant and the weather was so hot and sunny. At least I saw summer for 5 days!

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but RM is still doing Christoph's show next week with Miranda the week after - boo

    Pasta and a small glass of white consumed.

    Cheers everyone

    Love Susan xx

  • Comment number 32.

    I'm quite looking forward to the week after next. Miranda might make a good sub (I haven't heard her Bank Holiday shows). At least I'll be able to save my portable batteries next week (I won't bother to put it on until Pop Master (which I am quite enjoying but am finding it difficult not to say the answers out loud which would be a tad embarrassing in the middle of the office.....).

    Cheers Susan.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi all, I have a 11 year old boy and a 35 year old man playing ps3 together very happily in my house today, seems aunts are only good for driving and buying dinner! We have a date with the science museum tomorrow in London. Wish me luck! Baggy
    Ps on phone so apoligies for not commenting on all people and please have a hug if you want one

  • Comment number 34.

    Evening each, hope everyone is enjoying FNWC. Have just poured first glass. Have had stepson and stepdaughter for the evening, bringing me up-to-date with their lives.

    Am not at all sure about the new FB and wondering whether to give up on it.

    6yr old was writing his list for Santa today (!!!!) and top of the list was 'A peund for Lundun' (his spelling). He's obsessed with Big Ben and the London Eye and needs a pound from Santa to get there. Bless.

    Back in a bit when I've caught up. xxxxx

  • Comment number 35.

    I'm not looking forward to the next two weeks of mornings!

    Mtd, I'm impressed if you know anyone knows any answers to Popmaster! You should be on a quiz team - you could win a cup maybe!

    Susan, Am joining you in a glass of wine! Cheers!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    MTD, you won a cup???? Congrats.

    Ali, I will definitely be faffing about in my dressing gown tomorrow morning, after having breakfast in bed.

    SB, All our boys, old and young, vie for the PS3 - it's a boy thing.

    Hallo Susan, nice to see you - how's the move going?

    Sezza, missed the One Show and I really wanted to see Stephen Fry. I'll watch it tomorrow.

    Hallo to everyone else. xxxxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi again

    Annie the move is not going as we still need someone to buy our house - Bums as you might say!! Had my first every visit to the Strawberry yesterday lunchtime for hot beef sarnie and chips.

    Must have an early night as up till all hours yesterday trying to get a job application done and submitted. Wish me luck as if I could get another job we would move regardless.

    Baggy have fun with the 'boys'

    On to the hard stuff now - tea!

    Suse xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Susan, good luck with the house sale, hope you don't have too long to wait. And good luck too with the job application.

    Did you see Alan Carr in the Strawberry in Who Do You Think You Are? It's changed a lot since the days when I first visited it. Then, it had a manky sofa, a couple of wobbly tables but was filled with young, vibrant Newcastle musicians. A friend and I resorted to the back room from Bob Dylans dire St James Park concert too - he was so out of it he had to be held up on his stool while playing. Oh happy days.


  • Comment number 39.

    Annie, started watching Alan Carr but got fed up with him so watched something else but I can't remember what!!

    Night all

    Sweet dreams

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Night Sezza.

    I've felt a bit like that with the last few Who Do You Think You Are. RM might be more interesting next week.


  • Comment number 41.

    Morning all

    Didn't have a reason to be up and about this morning, so didn't set the alarm and typically woke up a mere 30mins later than my alarm goes off during the working week. Typical eh? So I'm pottering round and wondering how best to go about my day. Perhaps some breakfast and then some sewing. Off to a quiz tonight (not gonna get a cup from it like MTD based on the past few years experience of it!) so it'll probably be a good idea to have a shower and get dressed at some point (currently attired in big woolly jumper over my pj's)....

    Hugs to all in need of one

  • Comment number 42.

    Moring all, sorry not been able to post all week, week from Hell at work I'm afraid, number of redundancies including my best friend and me and my team have had to pick up the peoples work. Nuff said dont want to bring the blog down.

    So looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

    Just been catching up:

    Ali, just want to say how exciting about the movie!

    Jillygoat, good luck with the degree - I'm sure you'll be the students new bessie mate - wise words from a more mature person!

    Annie, loving that your grandson warmed the bed for his little brother!

    Sezza, I had a make over a couple of years back in NYC - but then felt compeled to by tons of the "stuff" which if I'm honest - hardly got used afterwards....

    Keith, good news for GD, wow seen the photo of your new motorhome, I've never been on hols in one, but one of my dream hols is to to the west coast of the US of A in one, enjoy it "youre worth it" :-)

    Dozy and Deevs, enjoy your holibobs

    Chrissie enjoy your long weeked, did the ariel get fitted?

    Hugs for mtd - and anyone else who needs them

    Susan good luck with the job app - let me know if I can help

    Morning Oz - I too have been awake since 6am after getting woken up by a dog barking across the road, grrrr!

    Right quick coffee then a taxi run taking GD to work, then back to oggle the lovely James Martin

    Have a great weekend everyone

  • Comment number 43.

    Morning all

    Debs, sorry you had a pants week. Hope you were saying you and your team had to pick the pieces up - not that you and your best friend are in the same boat. Hope she finds something soon and your weeks get better

    Running around this morning I think

    Need to persaude Mr Sezza he'd really like to do a bit of decorating!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Debs - I'm not sure about the 'mature' bit, but I'll try my best!

    Thank you for your good wishes ... the funeral was a celebration of a 90-year old lady who led a rich and happy life. It's such a shame though that we don't always know what interesting lives people have led until it's too late. A long day, but a thought-provoking one.

    Enjoying the sunshine - let's hope it lasts!

    I've not enjoyed this series of Who Do You Think You Are as much as previous series, although I did enjoy the Emilia Fox episode ... not sure I want to watch RM's episode though - he gets on my doo-dahs just a little bit!

    Incidentally, who's sitting in for Christoph for the next two weeks? I know I should know this but I've obviously missed more than I thought!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 45.

    I've just looked on CLP's homepage and seen just who's sitting in for him over the next fortnight ..... needless to say I'll be switching over to the local station for two weeks! Mind you, I'll still be lurking on here!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 46.

    Afternoon each from sunny (and warm!) Fife.

    Apparently we have a heatwave on the way - or did I dream that?

    Debs, sorry you've had a rotten week, not nice for your friend.

    Jillygoat - I meant to say well done on your uni place. Debs is right - you'll be everyone's best friend.

    Have cut the grass, now off to deadhead.


  • Comment number 47.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 48.

    Hilarious Where are all the people ? are they on Jeremy Kyle or on Prison Block H

  • Comment number 49.

    Just watched The One Show on iplayer. What a lovely man Stephen Fry is.


  • Comment number 50.

    Annie, he is a thoroughly nice chap isn;t he!

    Evening all

    Been busying round all day, feels like we only just sat down!

    Been out walking this afternoon. It was lovely out there - can't remember when we had such good weather

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Wasn't he just Annie, are you going to watch his new series tomorrow?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Definitely, mtd.

    Sezza, fingers crossed the good weather lasts till next weekend when JG and I meet up.


  • Comment number 53.

    Hope so Annie. Are you meeting halfway?


  • Comment number 54.

    ooooh a mini meet - is she coming to Scotland or are you coming south of the border?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Sezza/mtd - We're meeting in the borders, really looking forward to it.


  • Comment number 56.

    Annie, sounds lovely. Borders is nice with all those books and the coffee shops too!! ;-)

    Mtd, are you due a holiday soon? It seems like ages since you were saying you were off to Scotland

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Just checked in....Yes, me and Annie are meeting up next weekend!

    Haven't caught up, and can't... sorry!!

    My new job is going really well, just taking up to much time...

    Have sort of got a new bloke on the go too :)

    Hope everyone is ok

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    BTW.... Please don't mention the new bloke on FB....

  • Comment number 59.

    JG - good for you on all counts!!

    Night all

  • Comment number 60.

    JG, sounds like things are going well for you. So pleased to hear it

    Will catch up with you soon and hear more about this new man!! Til then, our lips are sealed! xx

    Night all, sleep well, Sweet Dreams

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Go you JG - glad things are going well for you.

    You're right Sezza it is ages since Scotland and Iceland. Still it's less than 5 weeks now till we're off to sunnier and warmer climes - can't wait.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Welcome back PP

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi everyone:

    Just having a catch up - nice to see some good chat on the blog.

    JG: lovely to see you - and great to hear all your news. Nice to hear about the new man!

    Debs: yes, at last we have a TV aerial - what a palaver! So, now we have all the channels, what did we do last night? Switched off the telly and had a kitchen party! We also had one on Friday evening too - it's "all go" ChezS!

    Also, Debs, sorry to hear that your friend lost her job - awful for her. xx

    We had a really good day yesterday - put up our prints on the walls of the lounge and the hall, so it is starting to feel like home. And I unpacked two boxes - that's the last of them. Although there are two full suitcases to be attended to ...!

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

    C xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning Chrissie and everyone.

    Lovely and sunny here.

    Minor decorating job has now turned into a major one, I just hope it is finished before the Christmas. LOL!

    JG, lovely to see you and glad all is going well. xx

    Chrissie, nice to hear you have nearly finished your unpacking and you now have a TV aerial. Kitchen party sounds good. xx

    Debs, sorry to hear about your friend. xx

    Annie and JG, enjoy your mini meet next weekend. xx

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Morning ladies! well its not the weather that was expected today - grey and wet it is, so no trip to the zoo after all, bums!

    Chrissie, glad to see your tradition of kitchen parties continues! Tell MrS change in tradition today, steak pie not a roast - for the first time since time began, I just dont fancy one! what's that all about! LOL

    Have a good day everyone

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi all

    For those of us concerned about the current changes on FB 'you ain't seen nothing yet'!!!

    I might try an alternative if this actually happens.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hello all,

    Glad to see that there's been no change on here not like tother side. Looks like that everyone is AOK,

    Crissie ,so pleased to see that the kitchen Parties have resumed and that the new kitchen has now been christened ,I presume it was a good bottle.lol.

    Debs ,sorry hun that you've had a grotty week,and about your friend. Looks like that visit to the zoo wasn't to be eh!!! another day ,and don't like to say but it's a beatiful day here .

    Jg ,Great news all round from you ,and have a great time with Annie next week ,I'm sure you'll both have a blast.

    Annie ,your grandsons are a canny pair ,bed warming ,never thought of that one my self,and i'm liking the christmas list ,getting in there early good idea.

    Mtd, you didn't win a cup did you,you never said ;) well done you .lol

    Csn ,hope that your decorating is going well,thats one thing I'm pleased that we have a friend that comes in and does all of ours ,all done and dusted within a couple of days.

    Wev'e had a couple of grandsons b/days over these few days one last week one this.
    Fourteen and sixteen now and taller than me. We were all out as a family down on the waterfront last night celabrating and it was very nice too having these young men, which they are now around you.

    well my brother is now in the building ,not quite sure how long he's staying for !!!,love him to bits but we do clash sometimes ,same birth sign so I'll say no more .So I not only have Mr B to ,I have my brother to boot, big breaths I think eh!!lol.
    have done lots of baking so thats a good start ,and a family gathering on friday as our girls announced last night ...we're all coming to on friday mum.
    So I think I need to get my thinking cap on .

    Take care all and enjoy your Sunday.


  • Comment number 68.

    mtd ,Not that it bothers me too much I still dont like the change and I would be happy for an alternative if there is one .But as you know I don't venture very far on the internet ,would be happy for some adviise !!!


  • Comment number 69.

    Oh, a lovely Sunday lunch time in a beautiful English country garden, eating canapes and drinking champagne - is there anything much better!

    Have just got home from a bit of a do for someone who's moving away from the area

    A very pleasant couple of hours!

    I'll be back when I can type straight!!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hello all - happy Sunday
    well I did London on Sat with my nephew and husband (or rather carried the bags) and we covered the science museam, walk by the eye and houses of parliment and hamleys, very busy and had one very tired boy to take home
    hope all are well - great news JG xx


  • Comment number 71.

    Well the beef is cooking is nicely roasting awa and i'm having five with my feet up.

    Sezza, Canapes and champers ,very nice for a sunday luch time ,feeling quite jealous.

    Baggy ,nice to see you ,hope the jobs going well .I must start doing the museums only done one and that was years ago ,something to look forward to .Have you taken one said nephew back to his own abode now or is he with you for a stay over .


  • Comment number 72.

    Hi bids, we had to take him back to his Dads sat night in exchange for us cutting into his time with my nephew - but we did have him Friday night which was lovely.
    The museams are great, because they are free you can spend as long as you need to in them (so if they don't interest and your child want to leave you don't feel bad) and you can donate what you feel.

  • Comment number 73.

    Hello all

    Thank you for the link mtd. I don't like the changes they are making.

    Sezza, sounds like a lovely sunday lunch.

    Baggy, bet your nephew loved his day out in London.

    Bids, I am just having five minutes peace too while the lamb is cooking. Glad you had a lovely evening with your grandsons.

    The decorating has become a big job because Mr CSN has decided to decorate three rooms at the same time and is preparing them for electricians, plumbers and plasterers to come in before he paints them and one of the rooms is the kitchen.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh CSN I feel your pain! We had building work and therefore total redecoration to the main two rooms downstairs earlier in the year. Fab now mind complete with new carpets and doors but it is a long slog to get there - good luck.

    Just started on SNWC if anyone else cares to join in?

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Thank you Susan.

    It is nice to know that someone understands what I'm going through with all this work. Nightmare!

    I might have a glass of wine. Cheers!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 76.

    wine sounds great but I am on the squash!
    Csn - good luck with the house changes, I've been waiting years for mine to be sorted - and my garden is a nightmare - maybe one day

  • Comment number 77.

    Thank you Baggy.

    One of my son in laws is a gardener, shall I send him round to you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Csn - that would be perfect - we paid for one man to clear it and to lawn it, he cleared it but the lawn never went down and now we are back to where we started!

  • Comment number 79.


    Lunchtime socialising is all very well but it knocks you out for the rest of the day, doesn't it!

    Baggy, sounds like my kind of day - all bar Hamleys! Can't stand the place. It's always so crowded, it makes my head ache!

    Luckily my boys now prefer the fruit shop over the road! I think I could drop them in there and shop the whole of Regents Street while they play with the pads and pods and gadgets!

    CSN, now I'm worried! I've just mentioned the D-word to Mr Sezza. Should be a smiple job....................

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Well, where did the weekend go?!
    I spent some time in my loft yesterday I was on a mission to find well preserved baby items. Found one christening dress (do baby boys still where christening dresses)? One silver teething ring, one toy fire engine and a shawl. I was a bit dissapointed as I thought I had kept more baby things than that unless they are well hidden. But I had fun sitting up there the rest of the time with old photo's...bliss.
    love Loli x

  • Comment number 81.

    Morning all

    zzzzzzzz This must be the worse thing to play in the MORNING. RM has got no energy and this proves it.

    Bring on Miranda. Soon.

    Rant over

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 82.


    Note to self must try to pay attention in the future. Had the shock of my life this morning when the radio came on and I didnt hear Mr Evans just the mono tone voice which sent me straight back off to the land of snooze.

    Kenneth is on now so normal service has resumed. MTD I do that too when pop master is on embarrassing when you are sitting in a quiet office shouting out random band/singer names.

    Had a lovely weekend catching up with friends, found a charity shop that does all new gear (designer brands etc) for a fraction of the price and all the money goes to a disabled childrens charity so we had a bit of root around there yesterday morning and then back to ours for sunday lunch. It was a nice day.

    Have a good day everyone

    CB xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Morning all,

    I have to say that I agree, my 40 mile drive to work this morning seemed to take a very, very long time. I even started to drive faster just to get it over with! Normally I sit in the car a listen for a few moments when I arrive in the car park not today.....my get up and go has gone.

    Rant over


  • Comment number 84.

    Morning all

    I need to make a complaint!

    This really isn't what I was hoping for

    Dull, dreary, definately not the way I want to start the day!!

    I was promised sunshine and it's very cloudy!!

    Why, what did you think I was moaning about?


    Sezza xxxxxx

  • Comment number 85.


  • Comment number 86.

    Now, there's a nice suprise!

    NEW BLOG!!


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