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Pudsey's Back and This Time It's Personal.

Chris Evans | 09:56 UK time, Monday, 15 November 2010

Tomorrow on The Brekkie Show, auction item number one - our Big Boundary package: Freddie Flintoff to captain your own cricket team and bring some of his esteemed pals along, to help out the batting line up! This one could go for fortunes.

Wednesday - The Magnificent Seven ride again, and Thursday -The Drive and Dine tables are up for grabs once more.

Plus on Friday, 31 of the most loyal bloggers will be manning and womaning the phone lines - I believe. We're all gonna need a stiff drink come Friday night.

Don't forget you can have a dabble for a pair of tickets for this year's Drive and Dine for for £1.50 a pop - for the first time ever - in our special phone in competition. Our website has all the details.

And it's gloriously sunny outside! Result !!!

Right, time to try to look at least a stone lighter than I really am at a magazine photo shoot. Toodle pip.





  • Comment number 1.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Huzzah to have you back CLP

    Right, dont want to go on, but as the blog is a CiN theme - theres a fair few of us coming to R2 on Friday to man the phones from 10 am - it would be FABBY if you could poke your head around the door and say hi to us!

    Some of us might even have a certain book, hoping for a bit of green pen??????

    Happy Monday everyone!

  • Comment number 3.


    Stoopid is as Stoopid does - totally missed your mention of us - oh dear - can i really be let lose on the phones!!!!



  • Comment number 4.

    Morning everyone.

    Glad your back Chris, loved the show this morning.

    Very cold and frosty here.

    Happy Monday to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Good to have you back Christoff. The Big Boundary cricket thing is an immense prize - I can imagine cricket clubs up and down the country going crazy today. And hats off to the team for the £1.50 Drive and Dine phone entry - it seems that something like this is suggested every year but the legal shenanigans have made it too difficult. Not this time though - well done. You're going to raise a massive amount.

    Really, really looking forward to Friday and to getting on those phones. Can't wait to see everyone - it's going to be a blast.

    Love Barmy xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Hurrah CLP. Thanks for the new blog.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday too.


  • Comment number 7.

    Welcome back CLP - we are indeed going to be there en masse on Friday. A few stiff drinks will no doubt be imbibed following the shennanigans (sp) - a sort of live FNWC (chards and merlot and probably a lot of the pink stuff as well).

    Hope there's plenty of ink in that green pen, my copy of the tomb will be there with me.

    There may be a few menshes and countdowns this week, I think we may be getting a bit excited (I know I am) 4 sleeps!!!!!


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah!!!

    So good to have you back Christoff and it's Children In Need Week.

    My family always laugh at me cos I get all excited about these amazing experiences I could never bid for but this year I've got my £1.50 ready (well, actually, I've got £3.00!) and there's no stopping me!!

    And now I can really look forward to Friday!!

    My spirits have indeed been well and truly lifted!!!

    And now Ken's playing Convoy!! Cheesy pop indeed! Can the day get any better?


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi all

    Had to pop in again to brag a bit - I've got tickets for the R2 quiz tomorrow night (CLP is hosting, Simon Mayo and others are participating). woooooo hoooooo !!!!!

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chris: welcome back - it was wonderful to hear you this morning! And, thanks to you - and everyone concerned - for the opportunity for us all to be in the "lottery" for the Drive and Dine. I think I will be entering several times!

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well. I am getting so excited thinking about answering the CiN phones on Friday - and I won't even be there! I am sure you will have have a fantastic time - a day never to be forgotten.

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    mtd: well done! Oh, good grief, something else for me to be envious of! Just joking of course: sounds like it will be a great night. xx

  • Comment number 12.


    Well done, have a great night.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 13.

    I nearly had a minor heart attack this morning - I was checking my holiday with my manager and he didn't have Friday booked off for me!! Luckily he's a nice chap and checked his emails and there it was so he booked it off there and then.

    I am very excited I just need to wear something bright and that will make me stand out in Kings X while I wait for my two blogging friends to find me :)

    My Mum has told me I'm not allowed to buy any books off my wishlist between now and Christmas - that means that I can't get the Fruitcake!! NOOOOOOO!!! She did say that I should get an autograph book just in case I bump into enough people that I would need it lol.

  • Comment number 14.

    P.s. One day when I am rich enough I'm going to bid on one of the money can't buy things - if a dance lesson with Anton came up I might be first in the queue

  • Comment number 15.

    Morning All.
    Great to have you back Chris and it's going to be a great week!
    I missed our mention on the show too, anyone know roughly what time it was?
    MTD, Well done you, that'll be a fantastic night.
    Hannah J, Im busy trying to find something to wear too as Pudsey T shirts are like gold dust round these parts.
    Again a mahosive ''Tanks'' to Cheryl for sorting us all out, I owe you a big drink! x
    Have to limit myself to two drinks after tho, get way too chatty after that and I wont want to go home, can't see himself being too happy getting a phonecall at 1am sayin, er, can you come and pick me up?
    Laters T. xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Trish

    See above for the mention - I don't think it was on the show (although I did miss the first 20 minutes or so.

    Hannah - I think you should get your Fruitcake and substitute another title in your wish list. Even if your mum has already bought it - you will have a signed copy and one to read and then pass on.

    Bless you Chrissie, it is so like you to get excited on our behalf. It's a shame you won't be there but send a hug with Mary and I'll send one back - glasses of the red/pink/white stuff will be raised to all absent bloggers no doubt.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    FairlyOddMomma: My t-shirt choice is more for spotting capabilities in KingsX station - A lovely blogger has got me a Pudsey shirt and is bringing it with her because my nearest store that sells them is 25 miles away in that city called MK.

    MTD: that works - good idea! I just need to make it to the red and blue themed supermarket as I think it's a smidgen cheaper there than the orange themed one (get me?)

  • Comment number 18.

    Off soon to be squished into a machine at the horspital (ladies of a certain age will know what I mean - you younger ones have this 'pleasure' to come).

    Just a thought - will I need a CIN tshirt for tomorrow night as well? I might need to try and buy another one.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    Welcome back Chris, you must be feeling refreshed after your break.

    A cold but bright day here on the Wirral peninsula.

    It certainly is a big week. Unfortunately I can't help man the phones despite being a telephonist in the past. This is due the fact that because of my COPD sometimes my voice goes requiring me to do a very loud cough. This wouldn't sound too sophisticated ha ha!

    Enjoy the magazine photo shoot CLP!

    MM x

  • Comment number 20.

    Hannah: re: things money can't buy - if my lottery ticket had come up on Saturday night, I would have pledged thirty grand yesterday to have lunch with Terry and the present Lady Wogan!

    mtd: yes, indeed, I am genuinely excited for all of you. I will send a hug with Mary and look forward to mine being returned!

    C xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi All

    I'm back.

    Will also be manning the phones on Friday and looking forward to meeting everyone for the 1st time.

    Also looking forward to drinking a few glasses of somethings refreshing in the evening. Think we'll be needing by then.

    Beany x

  • Comment number 22.


    Really getting my head in gear now, think last Friday had been hanging over me more than i realised!

    Have got train times sorted out - am going for the main line station rather than our little branch line, more choice of train. Anyone else going via Liverpool Street or maybe Stratford - straight onto tube then!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 23.

    PS Thinking back to last year - Oh Yes, we'll be ready for that drink!!

    Think that was our first port of call when we finished our shift!!

    Am looking forward to seeing everyone but boy are we going to work hard for our fun!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Beany! I am so excited to meet everyone and put names to faces - I think I need to come with a badge that has my screen name in big letters followed by my real name lol.

    Sezagirl - I'm thinking at dinner we need to see in relation to which station we leave by so that we can make sure people leave in groups or something (the other option was to pass a piece of paper round and people sign up to their relative station but then I thought that was the admin person in me lol.

  • Comment number 25.

    Just a quick pop in, to say hello again.

    Its the most glorious day here, so soaking up the warmth, while there is still some left.

    Not bad for mid November eh?


  • Comment number 26.


    The boots (special 20% discount by way of an apology for delays in sending out orders of which there weren't any) which were ordered on 24th August have just arrived.

    Hope they fit and won't have to be returned!

    MM x

  • Comment number 27.


    Hope the boots fit.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Put them on Marj and give us a twirl.


  • Comment number 29.

    Thank you CSN, so do I, will find out soon.

    Hope you are well and everything AOK!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 30.


    Would have given them their first outing on Friday had I been going!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Afternoon lovely peeps and especially CLP!

    What have I created!?! I fear that come Friday the blog will implode with the sheer excitement of those of us going up town to do our bit!

    CLP, reservations have been made for drinks afterwards and you are more than welcome to join us, me auld china! Nice gaff, not far from the door of R2 I believe .......

    BTW - is Steve Wright on holibobs again this week? He had CiN week off last year as Graham Norton was sitting in for him. Is he worried someone might waggle a collection tin in his direction? Anyhooo, the lovely Richard Allinson will be more than welcome in the phone room for a quick Huzzah!

    Right, best try to get on although to be honest, I am having a truly bad CBA day after a sleepless night.

    Muchos amore


  • Comment number 32.

    i like Richard . . shame they got rid of him from saturday afternoons :(

    Make sure on friday that LOADS of pics are taken please :-D


    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 33.

    Steve, you're obsessed with photos!!!


  • Comment number 34.

    Why is this page jumping again.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Perhaps it's a Van Halen fan ......


  • Comment number 36.

    Deevs LOL!

    Are you having the same problem?


  • Comment number 37.

    Hard to tell CSN, our IT set up here is so dire! I have to wait ages before being able to scroll down, then the screen breaks up. Most annoying.

    And very soon office colleague will be back, which is even more annoying!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    Hmm, having listened to the TT album - I should put that very much in inverted commas - most definately Rob Williams next album

    NOT a happy bunny - TT tickets anyone?????



  • Comment number 39.


    I am . . it's my lifes ambition to have billions of pics :-D


    It's doing it to me as well *sigh* right royal pain it is :(

    hey ho ne'er mind.

    steve :-D

  • Comment number 40.

    DEbs, IMO they have got greedy ref the Robbie reunion thing. Didn't even try for tickets when I saw the price of them!


  • Comment number 41.

    Hi All

    Just popped over from "next door" as Deevs mentioned that CLP referred to the CiN volunteers in his blog, so I had to come and see for myself. A woo and indeed a hoo!!

    MTD, I am SOOO jealous of you going to the Christmas quiz. I applied for tickets too. Give Mr M a big sloppy kiss from me, and tell him he HAS to come and see us on Friday.

    Er...he doesn't read this, does he?

    Deebee X

  • Comment number 42.

    Lovely crisp afternoon in Kent.
    Mtd hope things went well, xx
    Agree Deevs, TT tickets far too expensive and Id rather see Bon Jovi at Hyde Park anyway!
    Off on the school Jog.
    Ta Ta, T x

  • Comment number 43.

    Hello All
    Apologies for absence - forgot user name!! although I have been 'keeping up'.
    Looking forward to meeting everyone on Friday - although I am a tad nervous! Still not managed to buy any T-shirts from that supermarket - will try again tomorrow!

    My screen has the hiccups?

    Ash x

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi all,
    Nice to see you back Chris and hope that you managed to get some rest.
    what with seeing all these lovely bloggers on Friday and your busy schedule you'll need a rest.

    Money ,well if I won the lottery ,I would first of all give to my favorite charities quite a generous sum ,then sort the family out then keep just enough to be comfortable with.And if I gave it all away it wouldn't bother me either .

    Lovely sunny day here ,very mild too.Having A round about day today as I went retailing it first thing and came back with some very nice purchases for Myself and a couple of pressies ,so now just doing a few chores ,not too many mind as it's my day off.

    Just going to have a cuppa now .


  • Comment number 45.

    Talking of Take that ,like them ,not Robbie .Sorry they were doing just fine without him .

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 46.

    Hello all

    The OH doesn't want to go tomorrow night so does anybody out there want to join me? You need to be able to get to West London before 7.30pm. FB message me if you want to come?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Good evening all,

    Still excited about CiN!!!

    As for the things that money can't buy, well good luck to those who can afford them I say. I have good things in my life and I am not rich (only in love!) and too much of a good thing would be a waste....LOL

    My daughter has two weeks to go from Wednesday, I am beside myself everytime my phone goes off! Not sure how I will react on Friday with phones going off all day. ;-)

    Off for my final meeting of the day,

    I may pop in later if time allows after panto rehearsals.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 48.

    P.S managed to get a t-shirt from ASDA today, well my OH has on my behalf (I don't do shoping). If anyone is struggling let me know and I will try to get one for you.

    K x

  • Comment number 49.

    Keith - HEs behind you!



  • Comment number 50.

    oh no he isn't

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh Yes he is!

  • Comment number 52.

    Me again - just had email from Beeb - recording of christmas quiz postponed due to unforeseen circumstances (hope everybody is OK). So when I get the nod that they are going ahead again, there will still be a place up for grabs (just not for tomorrow).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    evenin' all, hope you're well?

    Welcome back Chris, good to have you back.

    To the 31 of you going down on Friday, you'll have a ball.
    CLP will definately pop into see you just like he did for us last year, only 4 of us there though.
    Wonder if Mr Andre will be there again?
    Anyway, work doesn't allow me to join in this time but I'll listen in and will call through to hopefully speak to one of you at some point during the morning.

    Hell yeah!

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 54.

    MTD I have sent you a FB message - would DEFINITELY be interested, if you haven't already given the spare ticket away.

    Deebee X

  • Comment number 55.

    so looking forward to Friday and meeting up with all you wunnerful bloggers again! A.so looking forward to extorting loadsamoney out of all you lovely R2 listeners, in the nicest possible way! Now where do I get my T Shirt, pudsey ears and cool bandana from again?

    C U Friday CLP et al!

    DD out

  • Comment number 56.

    Good Evening One and All,

    Hooray - it's good to have you back Chris. I did try and give RM a chance but it just wasn't doing it for me!

    As everyone else is getting a bit excited about Friday, so then shall I. Although I do feel a little nervous too, it's the responsibility and spelling really isn't my strong point...LOL. But it will be lovely to see everyone and put some more faces to names.

    I manged to get a t-shirt from @sda. There wasn't much choice and although I am not a size 12 I am also not a size 22, so I went for a blue one, which when I got home discovered it was for men - oh well!

    I'm trying to remember what went on last week, as I didn't blog.

    Gail brought a caravan x
    Oz moved house x
    Baggy is enjoying her job x
    Seza needed a hug x

    I am sure there were plenty of other things, but I can't remember; but have a hug anyway {{{{HUG}}}}.

    Best get on and do the washing up as it won't do itself.



  • Comment number 57.

    Ali, I wear Men's T-shirts all the time, it'll be fine!

    Am really down that I couldn't get there on Friday, but on the plus side, I have decided that I am donating the amount it would have cost me on the train, and will save the hotel cost! Not sure if I'll get a chance to ring through to you bloggers, will try, or will donate online after...

    Seza, forgot to mention to you how good you must feel about the boys doing so well in everything! x

    Hi Chrissie!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    Am sat here, listening to him upstairs on the phone booking his next trip to the USA....

    Dunno how he's going to afford it!

    I just wish this place could just be on the market and out of here...

    Just had to do something I do agree with for him too!

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Don't agree with... Doh!

  • Comment number 60.

    Greetings Of Nice Ter CLP & Each Blog Dude... And Dudess...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Yes it's all most exciting the Children In Need gig that the beeb 'as every year!!!!!!!
    Ave ALWAYS watched the Friday night gig with Sir Tel & many top names giving their time for free ter 'elp kids....
    As for the Freddie Flintoff gig... i'd love ter try & bid but after the last time a tried ter bowl over arm a took out me P.E. teacher's glasses, during a P.E. cricket lesson at secondary school!!!!!!!!!!!
    A don't wanter be responsible for doing the same the The Flintoff!!!!!!

    While am on... can a just say a was listening ter yer most friendly Breakfast Show this morning & a thought yer Playlist was most nice.... But a thought yer 8.04am opener could do with a bit more... umpth ter wake up the nation.... So a just wanted ter recommend this tune >>>>

    (Am sure even Moira would like this baby.....)


  • Comment number 61.

    PS Does The Flintoof wear glasses?????


    Ok 'is shades then... a don't wanter take out 'is shades with me bad bowling!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 62.

    Hey it looks like my I-pod touch now works xxxx

    Happy birthday tomorrow to Lisa xxx

    Love Billie xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    I think you'll find, if you dig around on Twitter, that our CLP bought that cricket prize with his own money at the Andy Flintoff Charity do, and has re-donated it to CiN...He's not said it, but .. it cost a LOT!!

    Good work Chris!! xxx

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Hope everyone has a good time Friday ..I be swinging my pudsey at work as can't get a white t-shirt anywhere xxx

    Love Billie xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Coo has everyone got sleepyitis. .Not like the blog to be this quiet at this early hour xxx

    lol xxx

    billie xxxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Evening All

    Yup, CiN week has got me out of lurking mode (finally remembered my password)and back online to say:

    Welcome back CLP and thanks so much for the mention above. I was a surprisingly happy bunny for a cold, foggy Monday morning, and that has to be down to you, the team and the bloggers, cheers!

    So I'm not the only one getting just a little excited about Friday then?! And thank goodness I'm not the only one likely to get the names mixed up as it's my first, very special blogmeet!

    Not sure where the time has gone and if I'll find a t-shirt that's AOakley-shaped in time for Friday - let's see what I can find between tomorrow and bloggers brekkie near the Beeb on Friday morning. Might go with Billie's idea and swing my Pudsey instead - if that's allowed in the phone-in room?!?

    Love and hugs to all - see some of you on Friday, eek - that's only 4 more sleeps...

    Love Ann xxx :-)

  • Comment number 67.

    Too much punctuation - not enough sleep...


  • Comment number 68.

    MTF. Just read your post on last blog. .. Yes that is true. Will be moving to south wales xxx

    hope everyones ok xxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Cripes ...strike a light ..... It's too lonely here tonite xxx

    Gonna go bed as not gonna be a Billie no mates :(

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning hunnybunnies!

    Cold and very frosty here in Cannockshire on this fine November morning.

    I feel so much bettererer today after an amazing night's sleep - that'll be the 50 lengths I swam after work then!

    Listening to Chris you can so hear the excitement in his voice ref CiN - and I really, truly wish I had enough of the folding green stuff to bid for the cricket auction lot for my man. I've never known anyone so bonkers mad over cricket and he's even got me excited awaiting the start of The Ashes next week and following cricketers on Twitter!

    I'm going to walk to work today. In the time it would take me to scrape the ice off the car, I'd be there! I guess it does have its benefits, even if they do pay peanuts.

    Right, there's a corned beef sandwich waiting to be made so I'll bid y'all ttfn. Office to self today so will be back laterererer!


  • Comment number 71.

    Morning all

    now heres the thing - I am getting up earlier this week than I have for the last 3 months - even though I don't have to go to work... What is that all about?

    Thanks for the e-mail Deevs - if CLP getting excited as well as all of us it could get a bit explosive by Friday.....

    I don't really 'get' cricket, I do like to know the score when England are playing but that is about it. I prefer football, motor racing and athletics.

    Off to the physio this morning for a bit more work on my shoulder. If this doesn't work, next stop back to quack for hydrocortizone (sp) jab...


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Morning everyone

    Freezing cold and very frosty here.

    KandKs. Happy Birthday, have a wonderful day. xxxx

    MTD, hope physio goes well this morning.

    Happy Tuesday to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi all,

    Three days to go until your fun day eh!!!.Lovely sunny day here,but we have had a very hard frost .I hope it goes a little before I Go out of the door this morning .

    Deev ,have a friend who is as mad on cricket as Nic ,so I don't contact her through the cricket season.

    MTD,that's what they call sods law ,I never sleep on a Sunday as I've wound down by then after my time at work.

    Well I think another cup of tea is beckoning so speak later .

    Have a nice day all and hope it's sunny for you .


  • Comment number 74.

    Song of the day: Slip Sliding Away ......

    that was me "walking" to work!

    Stay safe out there this morning, whether on foot or wheels.

    Happy Birthday KandKs!

    Bids - you should go with her to a match. I never thought I would enjoy watching live cricket but its fab: just the people watching, eavesdropping, and Mark Ramprakash's bum make it all worthwhile!

    mtd - good luck with the physio. Have you thought of acupuncture?


  • Comment number 75.

    Happy Birthday Kks.

    aaaaaahhh Mr Blue Skyeeee. Love that song.

    Thanks for the good wishes. Deevs, the physio gives me acupuncture for about 5 minutes as well as ultra sound and mild manipulation. It feels OK for a while afterwards but as soon as I try to reach for something or put a coat/cardigan on the shoulder doesn't want to know. Hopefully we will find a solution soon.

    Blooming eck - £65k!!!!!!! What will the drives go for tomorrow at this rate???

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning All,

    Chris what a fantastic job you and Johnny are doing selling the Cricket for CiN. I don't usually follow cricket, but even I'm getting excited!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 77.

    Morning All,

    Just wanted to pop on and add to the general hype about Friday - very much looking forward to meeting you all, sharing a cold drink or two afterwards.
    I've never been involved with anything like this but can imagine that as well as being a worthwhile way to spend a day, it's also a tremendous amount of fun. I love the way that events like CIN give the country a lift.

    I also wanted to thank Cheryl for sorting us all out (if you'll pardon the expression).....
    Bloody decent of you and Nic to offer take us all out for dinner afterwards - If it helps, I'll do the tip....it's the least I can do ;0)

    Hannah - can I offer you a word of caution when it come to standing outside Kings Cross - dressed in bright colours, drawing attention to yourself........don't! An afternoon in custody would be such a waste of a day ;0)

    Happy Birthday Kand K's x

    Nice to see you Gingembre

    That's all for now - take care out there

    I love these frosty mornings.....really....I do.



  • Comment number 78.

    Rips, if the love of my life sees that his Management Accountant self will implode!!!

    Note to all: he was joking!!!!!


  • Comment number 79.

    Morning all

    Isn't it a beautiful day!!

    Am just waiting for all the misery-guts who predicted Chris taking over the Breakfast Show would mean the end of Children In Need to come back out of the woodwork to applaud him on his wholehearted, unstinting, amazing support for the charity!!

    Well Done Chris and all the many people who are making this happen!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 80.


    Well said Seza xx

    It is indeed a beautiful morning. I love cold, sunny, frosty mornings more than life itself :)

    Chris did a great job this morning, I didn't get to hear the end of it but mtd said it was £65K so well done everyone.

    Right I've now got to get my act together over Friday, it's a long time since I've been to London in fact probably last December!! I'm staying the night at my parents, then I am half an hour up the railway line. Which means an extra half an hour in bed!

    Anyone going into Victoria??


  • Comment number 81.

    Was £65K the winning bid?!?



  • Comment number 82.

    AliB - i'll be going in to Victoria but I haven't checked train times yet, not doing breakfast though, are you?
    Beany x

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Beany,

    I am doing breakfast, the thought of a fry up is keeping me going this week ;)


  • Comment number 84.

    Just had a quick look and will be at Victoria at 0835 which should give me time to get up to Oxford Circus!

    Will be staggering / swaying back through Victoria in the evening after dinner though!

    Beany x

  • Comment number 85.

    Happy bright and frosty Tuesday everyone!

    You all sound upbeat and happy today - Friday will be great fun I'm sure, I'll be thinking of you all.

    I've been lurking for a while now - the pneumonia came back and it's been a struggle the last few weeks. My OH has been fantastic as has our daughter and her fiance. This cold weather is actually very good as it's bright & clear and helps me to breath. I've mananged to walk around the back garden & my strentgh is slowly coming back.

    We got the new kitten on Friday, she is settling in well, although the other cat doesn't like her much at the moment! She has cheered me up no end.

    Hopefully normal service will soon be resumed - can't wait to get back out on the horse again.

    Love to all

    CG xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Please post the result

  • Comment number 87.

    Hugs to you CG. Hope your recovery is a speedy one.

    Well said freccle!!!


  • Comment number 88.

    ... although thinking about it, the powers that be for CiN are probably verifying the liquidity of the winning bidder prior to publishing the winning bid amount?

    I can see Pudsey now, bent over his desk, with his Bankers cap on, counting the pennies from a very rich cricket fan!


  • Comment number 89.

    Hooray for a Royal Wedding :)


  • Comment number 90.

    How did he get to be 28?



  • Comment number 91.

    I know MTF - makes me feel old!


  • Comment number 92.

    Maybe Wills won the cricket bid for CiN and he's going to turn it into a wedding reception!?!?


  • Comment number 93.



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