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£65k Not Out!

Chris Evans | 11:34 UK time, Tuesday, 16 November 2010

God bless Malcolm Bluemell and all the other generous souls who bid in our C.I.N. Cricket auction this morning.

Here's a guy who has obviously done quite well in life, and woke up today with no idea he was going to throw such a large bag of sheckles in Pudsey's direction - but nevertheless he did just that.

And he owns his own radio station! He bought it because it was going out of business and he liked the kind of music it played. He may well have just entered my top five coolest blokes of all time.

So, onwards - tomorrow, it's the return of The Magnificent 7. Seven fab Ferraris up for grabs for a two day drive down to the New Forest and back.

See you on the radio.




PS: And don't forget to tune in for our special last minute BONUS auction tomorrow 0730-0800. You could be playing eighteen holes with the World's Number One Golfer Lee Westwood! He got caught up in the excitement of the cricket auction this morning and offered himself up in aid of Pudsey and his pals. What a guy...

PPS: If you too want a piece of the auction action, but just can't compete with the big boys, you can ring our premium rate phone line and win a pair of tickets to what promises to be our most extraordinary Dine and Disco event EVER in July 2011. For just £1.50 you could be eating food cooked by Giorgio Locatelli, bread made by Paul Hollywood of The Great British Bake Off fame, and moshing to Paloma Faith, Paolo Nutini and James Blunt as they play LIVE for your delectation in our 'teepee of love'. For more info click here.

PPPS: And we now have a royal wedding to look forward to. Hurrah, God bless us all.


  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris - great show this morning (what I heard of it) and blimey and well done to the winning bidder!

    Now, I have a bit of a "thing" going on and it's all Pudsey's fault ....

    I am, day by day, hour by hour, turning into LIST WOMAN!

    I have lists of who's going to R2 on Friday, I have lists for breakfast, I have lists for the evening meal, I have a list of what I need to do for myself and Nic before we hop on a train Thursday night, I have lists of what I need to do when we get back on Saturday morning.

    Where would I be without my lists, and is there a List Makers Anonymous Support Group I can go to!??

    Huzzah! for Wills and Kate!


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris,
    The Auction this morning raised a fantastic amount, well done to you and all involved, I can't wait to see how much money tomorrow brings in!!
    I have reserved some pledge money to have a couple of goes on the premium rate line myself.
    Morning Deevs, not long to go now! Your brain must be frazzled by it all by now! I've tried doing lists, but I always seem to loose the blimmin thing once Ive written it!
    Fabulous day here, cold and steamy but very sunny.

  • Comment number 3.

    Good on you Chris and co. working so hard for children in need. Also Deevs for all her work. Good news on royal wedding. Just what we need.

  • Comment number 4.

    It was so exciting this morning :D I was a little gutted though when CLP talked over Bat Out of Hell - and it was the shortened version :( Followed by Mr Blue Sky by ELO it was foggy and it's still foggy here - I think it's getting thicker again.

    Anyhoo whinging will stop! I have a talk to write (about Corrie Ten Boom) and a to do list to shrink - anyone want to help me?

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris: what an incredible amount raised today! Well done to all concerned - mind blowing really! I didn't get to hear the auction, so thank heavens for Listen Again.

    I was standing in my kitchen this morning, feeling rather dreary, when you mentioned the "Sunrise News". It was so kind of you to say "morning, dark Glasgow" that I immediately felt better!

    Cheryl: sounds like you are super-organised. I am a list person too, very meticulous. Until, like FairlyOdd, I lose the ruddy thing!

    Hope everyone is ok today.

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    P.s. Hurrah for the wedding :D Would be Queen Catherine or would she be Queen Kate lol

  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon Chris,

    An exellent amount of money raised this morning, some of us can only dream of figures like that; but good on the people who put their money where their mouth is xx

    It is indeed good news about the Royal Wedding, there have been a number of good news stories recently and long may they continue; especially in these cold, dark winter months. Do you think we might get a day off for the wedding?

    Hi Chrissie xx


  • Comment number 8.

    I'm still chuckling from this .....

    I've been onto Google Maps printing off directions for Thurs/Fri on a postcode to postcode basis (yes, yes, I know we'll have Mr London himself with us in the shape of the Gawjus Ripstickler, but I@m just being cautious ...)

    Anyhoo, I put in R2's postcode and the postcode of where we are dining apres phones, and it's a long haul of ..... 59 seconds on foot!


    Deevs, Queen Of Lists!


  • Comment number 9.

    ps: had she still been with us, dear auld Beezles could even have done that one .... in her killer heels too!


  • Comment number 10.

    LOL Ali - A day off was my first thought about the Royal Wedding too!!

    Do you think we'll get a mug too? ;-)

    I remember going up to London just before Charles and Diana's wedding to see fireworks in Hyde Park - don't really remember much about the fireworks but do remember sitting on the pavement outside the park for hours waiting for the coach home as London was in gridlock!

    Deevs, good job with all the lists, we do appreciate it and just think how nice it'll be when it's over!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Seza, that first pint on Friday night will be like nectar!


  • Comment number 12.

    AliB: hiya! Hope you really enjoy your fry-up on Friday. It should set you up for a busy but exciting day ahead. And you want to be suitably fed and watered before meeting CLP! (hopefully!)


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi again

    Very good news about the royal wedding - as I am now self employed, an extra day off means not being paid so it is not that important to me (although I must admit it was one of the first things that came to mind).

    Good news about the proximity of the eatery Deevs, as CLP said yesterday, we will be gagging for a drink come 7pm on Friday.

    I've just had some good news too. My agency has just called and I have nearly got another contract at the company I have just left (they are waiting for approval for the funding), it is only short term (from just after I get back from hols til the end of January) but it is good for many reasons.

    1. I haven't got to look for another contract during what is traditionally a slow month for IT contracting
    2. It is at the same company - so no new systems to learn or people to meet.
    3. The office is only 4 miles away so if the weather is bad, it won't take too long to get there.

    I can now relax for the next 5 weeks.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Chrissie - AliB managed to get up close and personal (in the best possible taste) with CLP at the O2 last year, don't you remember her and Debs invading the green room? Mind you, you weren't so far away from him yourself!!!

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    mtd - that's fab news, and yes, you must be reet chuffed!

    I still don't know what to do ref my job. I am actually enjoying it now, and it is literally a 5 minute walk from home, and I finish at 5 which means I can still get home early enough to do a good meal, or even bettererer - go the gym/swimming after work. It's just the money - it really truly is awful.

    Big Boss here tomororw. I did ask for a one-to-one with her, with a view to putting my cards on the table re my future/prospects/pay etc but apparently it's not going to happen as she doesn't do one-to-ones with the little people, only those with the word "Manager" in their job title. When I heard this on Friday I was really angry, and yes, a little hurt. But having thought about it over the weekend, it makes me wonder do I want to work here anyway if that's they attitude towards someone who wants to progress and build the team.

    We'll see,


  • Comment number 16.

    Chrissie, I shall have my camera to hand, not just for CLP but anyone else that might pop in. In fact can I make a plea for The Travel Queen - Lynn to swing by, she never fails to make me smile in the morning and I'd quite like to shake her hand.

    MTD, Well done on the contract xx you can rest easy again for a while xx

    Seza, I am sure there will be some Royal t-cloths too...LOL xx

    Deevs, I want to say that money isn't everything but I realise that we all need to earn some in order to survive. I don't earn a lot, never have, but earn even less now than I did 5 or 6 years ago. But the not having to get up in the middle of the night and pack myself like a sardine onto a train to London and then come home again just in time to make some dinner and fall into bed, far outweighs the money I get in my pay packet at the end of the month.

    On some mornings I can get up at 8:15 and still be at work by 9:00 and I am nearly always home by 5:30 with the whole evening before me.

    It's good that you are happier in your job than you were and surely no one can be as bad as your previous "woman" boss. You will know what the right thing to do is - just hang in there xx


  • Comment number 17.

    mtd: you know, I never did get to hear the full story of When The Bloggers Met Chris at The 02! Perhaps I'll get to hear it at one of the 2011 blog meets! And, yes, you are right I was so close to Chris, it was fabulous. Between Chris being so terrific and Hells Bells being so brilliant, it was a joy to behold. Wish I had not been such a wimp when it came to saying hello to Chris after the show!

    AliB: excellent to hear you will have your trusty camera. Hope you get to meet Lynn and the rest of the team - stars, every one!

    C xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Chrissie, I smiled when I saw you use the word 'ruddy!'

    I used to think my Mum was so brave, on the rare times that she used it. If only we were to know what the future would hold eh!

    Good news mtd.

    Hi to everyone else.

    Just off to work now.

    I may be looking for some support on here tomorrow morning.

    I've only gone and booked an appointment!!! Yikes.


  • Comment number 19.

    Yikes indeed MTF - whatever it is you've done we will support you.

    Now I didn't know what everyone was talking about the other day when they said the blog was jumping - well I do now!!

    JUMP! You might as well go ahead and JUMP!


  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon each

    Ive jumped Ali...can i come down now?!

    Amazing show this morning..i may have even been al little late to where i was going as i was determined not to miss the end of the auction..naughty Scoobs! Day off tomorrow so will listen to the car one in bed...dreaming of the day i win the lottery to be able to do it! Good on everyone who is able and willing to bid...proper makes you feel positive about people doesnt it? Oh, and Ive got my money stashed for the Disco phone lines...the GM wont know whats hit him when next quarters phone bill comes in!

    MTF - support headed your way although not sure what for?! My guesses are either hairdressers or dentist?Am I warm?!

    Deevs..i echo the thanks for the organising...x PiP has got me organised to within an inch of my life, we have timings,train seats, transport methods and EVERYTHING organised and put together on one sheet of paper! My hats off to those of you who can...I`ll be in the corner with Chrissie and fairlyodd searching for our lists!

    MtD - great news re job! and Deevs...burger bout yours..such a shame when you love the work but not the bosses or pay..deep thinking to be done i think..x

    Oh, so many people i want to comment to but must dash (how posh does THAT sound?!)... i will just say cant wait til FRIDAY!

    mSc x

    PS - I am intending to wear my `Beez` shoes on Friday..just cos i thought it may be a way of feeling she is with us...and to see if the journey to the pub can indeed be done in 59 seconds in heels! x

  • Comment number 21.

    Deevs - I have had a really bad boss for the last 2 years. I had got to the point where I knew I had to leave as it was making me ill. He didn't recognise my abilities or contribution to the company and the only thing that really kept me there was my OH saying "how would you feel if your boss moved on & someone nice took his place?" I knew I would be really peeved as I was leaving for the wrong reasons. Thankfully he has now been demoted, the new guy recognises what I do & I'm happy again.

    Not sure there is a moral in the tale other than, if you leave make sure it's for the right reasons!

    Off soap box now .......

    CG xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Thanks for your advice peeps - you really are a fab lot! I like my immediate boss, although most of the time I feel that I'm managing her as opposed to the other way round! (she also freely admits this, so it's not just me).

    Yes, I would like to earn more (wouldn't we all!) but then I think of the hour's commute - minimum - added to my day should I move back into the Senior PA arena.

    If nowt else, I'd have no time to organise stuff ......!!!


  • Comment number 23.

    Aw Chrissie, Debs tells that tale so well (with the actions) you have to see it as well as listen.

    Perhaps we will have some more tales after Friday.

    I'm guessing hairdressers for MTF (she wouldn't be so bothered about the dentist given her occupation and all that....) Good luck MTF - I look forward to seeing the results.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Big Chief CLP

    No to be a self-obsessed ego-maniac or anything but isnt it strange that once Dan the Man announces his nuptials in 2011, everyone else drops like flies . . .


    DtM x

  • Comment number 25.

    Camera!! Knew there was something that I had forgotten! Thank you Chrissie and AliB

    I don't have a pair of killer Beez shoes but I'll see if I can wear my funky patchwork ones

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon CLP and the rest

    Missed this morning's show as I was having a much needed lie in, but am happy to see that lots of cash was raised for CiN. Had really wanted to be down in london on the 19th to help answer the phones but lack of funds/holidays has meant that I was unable to. Will phone up on Friday and hopefully speak to one of the bloggers and make a donation!

    Hope everyone is having a good day


  • Comment number 27.

    Great show today Chris - just one question! How come Moira is not doing any links or involved in any banter with you guys? Seems like shes just doing the news and thats it.

  • Comment number 28.

    mtd: there's no doubt about it, Debs is hilarious when she is telling her stories! So, I will look forward to the definitive account of the O2 green room!

    btw, I saw on the previous blog that you are having trouble with your shoulder. Hope the exercises are helping - when I had that horrendous frozen shoulder, nothing worked until I had a cortisone injection.

    MTF: yes, "ruddy" is what I say when I am trying to be polite!

    Hannah: happy to help, re: the camera!

    CG: sorry to see that you have been so ill. Pneumonia can be such a tricky illness - you think you are getting better and then suddenly you are floored once more. Good to hear you have been well looked after!

    Kandks: I have been meaning to say all day: Happy Birthday! Hope you have had a great day.

    JG: I did see your wee "hi" to me last night - thank you! And "hi" back to you! Just hang in there - your situation will take a while to sort out, but you WILL get there. xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Crikey CLP - that is some going, well done to the cricketing boys for stumping up such an amazing day and well donererer to the man who has bought it - WOWSER!

    Mtd, Chrissie - LOL about the Green Room story - Mtd is right - it needs the actions! I am going to print off the photo and take it with me and in case CLP comes to see us, show him what a fab shot it is - AliB, Bingo, CLP, me (with my hand on his thigh!) and SallyTraffic - what a moment, sigh!

    Right off to grill a grad as we recruiters like to say!

    3 more sleeps!


  • Comment number 30.

    debs: cricketing ... stumping ... like it!

    Annie: didn't see you on the blog yesterday - hope everything is ok.

    Can't wait to get home tonight - it has seemed like quite a long day. Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    I wasn't going to post today, the reason bein g that I am moping about feeling sorry for myself. But I've become addicted to this blog so I'll tell my story.

    When I was on my way to the doctor's last Friday morning to get the results of my neck x-ray (not through yet) in order to avoid a very windy corner I took a short cut on my scooter. Not being familiar with the pavement situation I became stuck on a kerb, the only solution being to get off and lift the scooter backwards. So for the past four days I've been in agony with a pain in my leg. The happy news is that I go to see the Consultant tomorrow for my COPD check up. So if anything else happens I'll be in the right place.

    On a brighter note, it's good to feel the excitement of all those going on Friday and all for such a worthwhile cause.

    MM x

  • Comment number 32.


    ***Happy Birthday KandKs***

  • Comment number 33.


    Chin up petal. This ere blog is a very addictive place to hang out. It's also incredibly supportive!

    I'm off to college now, even though it's blimmin' cold outside.

    Take care everyone.


  • Comment number 34.

    Evening each

    Missed the show this morning but what great news about CiN, and well done Chris on allowing us poorer folk to get a look in.

    Chrissie, haven't been feeling too great the last few days and was totally knackered yesterday after being up so early to look after little granddaughter. That's the last one for a while, as the weather gets worse. I'll resume after the worst is over.

    And ta muchly to Deevs for texting me that Tony Hawks was on R2 earlier. My DVD of Round Ireland with a Fridge has been ordered - the book was really funny so I'm looking forward to the film.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi all

    Well done to Malcolm Bluemel, from the gist of it, he seemed quite determined to win from the outset...missed the last couple of minutes as I arrived at work! Actually I should have missed more than that, but that's another story!

    Maddy, you take care of yourself now! Wrap up a bit warmer and tackle the windy corner if necessary!

    Annie, hope you are feeling as bright as you should be soon!

    Happy Birthday KandKs!!

    MTF, hope the haircut goes well, and be strong and determined when you are in there!! When I last had mine cut in July (oops) I was insistent they cut it short, and after once around, I said, no not short enough, until I got what I wanted!! Thankfully it's grown enough now to keep my neck warm!

    I am very envious of you all meeting up! Really wish I could be there, but I can't so will try to get through on the phones when I get home on Friday evening!

    Hi Chrissie!! xx


  • Comment number 36.

    Should have said - Happy Burpday to K.

    JG - that'll be you and me here on Friday then. Reminds me of the O2 evening and relaying all the texts I was getting from the lucky ones. We'll keep the home fires burning.

    Maddy, good luck tomorrow and, btw, it's ok to feel sorry for yourself now and then.

  • Comment number 37.


  • Comment number 38.

    Evening all,

    Sounds like everyone is getting excited for Friday, hope you all have a blast.
    I am on holiday this week, and Mr MC and i decided to have a quiet relaxing week at home. I said it would be good to spend some time at home and we could pretend we were retired ! So far, we have done most of our christmas shopping, are worn out with traipsing round the Trafford Centre and have spent the equivalent to a small countries national debt . Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary so we are hopefully dining out, and on Thursday we are going to arrange our wills !! (not planning on popping off , but it has to be done) . Friday is as yet unplanned . I will be really looking forward to going back to work for a rest ,and it will be cheaper than being at home !!.

    MC xxx who will try and donate to CIN if the credit card hasnt melted in my purse

  • Comment number 39.

    Annie, don't worry, I'll be here Friday!!

    TV in one ear and typing with t'other one...no, that's not right!

    Errrr, I'll be here anyway! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    LOL MC, it's good to catch up with stuff though!!

    Have a good evening tomorrow!! Oops pinger thing on the oven is going off!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi JG, Thanks !

    For weeks on end we have been totally busy , and kept saying, well when we are off in November we will have time to do stuff. I wasnt happy at having to follow Mr MC to the garage at 7.45am yesterday, as he had booked his car in for a service . So that was one precious lie in sacrificed.
    In retrospect, i think we should have gone away for a holiday, it would have been far cheaper than staying at home !!

    Hope you are ok, thought of you this evening as we were passing the bridge.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 42.

    D'you know, I used to have this chicken like object thatI could just turn the dial on, and it would tell me to check on my tea...

    Mr Heavy Handed managed to break it, and now, I have this really complicated timer thing on the oven to deal with..and no, it's no cooked..I've just had to reset it! The stress is killing me!!

    I want my chicken back!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 43.

    MC, oh that bridge!!

    This morning they decided to put a new lady on Southbound toll, the usual lady did northbound (no queue)...we were still queuing on the A57 to get over the bloody thing!!


    JG x

  • Comment number 44.

    Hello Again.

    Thanks for kind wishes, maybe they'll put me down tomorrow!

    I have a complaint to make. How dare Wills and Kate mess us my TV schedule, at least I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here is still on time!

    Seriously, they both look very happy, congratulations to them and I hope the papparazi give them some space. I know publicity is required but not over the top constantly.

    MM x

  • Comment number 45.


    May i suggest a smoke alarm, ...... .
    As long as you like your food "well done " it never fails .

    Tonight, someone had broken down on the A57 , i was driving along there at 4.30pm, i can only imagine the length of the queue half an hour later.

    Deevs , your list- aholic situation made me laugh. I am a list addict, spend hours on them and tick and cross stuff off as if my life depended on it. Infact, i am just off to make a check list on my pending credit card bill.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 46.


    Every year at this time I make a Christmas food list, this is ridiculous as it's the same every year but I need to do it.

    I also make a weekly shopping list in order of the store. When they change things around it throws me.

    MM x

  • Comment number 47.

    Ello CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Most nice ter 'ear yer show this morning & ter 'ear the CiN gig is going along most authouratively friendly with generous people giving deep!!!!!!!!
    The only problem though a felt again yer 08.04 opener tune, although VERY pleasant on the ears, needs abit of extra umph... so 'ow about this ter as a Wed 8 o'clock opener......

    Just an idea for yer playlist!!!!!

    PS A think am getting old... losing me mind.... This morning on reaching for me sunglasses a realsied i'd left me sunglasses in the truck a was driving yesterdee!!!!!!!
    The fourth pair ave lost in as many months!!!!!!!
    Aftert losing me 60 quid pair a few months ago a decided ter look for some cheap ones of which a did in Liverpool city centre... only 50p a pair (summer stock being sold off as now out of season) so a went mad & bought 11 pairs!!!!!!!!
    Only problem am losing all me cheap pairs now... so this afternoon a got back to the depot 'oping the truck in question was in the depot... It was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A asked the driver 'as 'e found a sunglasses case... 'e replied yes... 'elp yerself... when a looked.. it was me sunglass case but not the one wit hme sunglasses!!!!!!
    It's the one a keep me lose change in as a keep losing me money down the sides of the seats in trucks!!!!!!
    A didn't even realise i'd lost that too!!!!!!!
    A said to the driver.... that's not the one a was looking for!!!!!!
    Then a found me new Pink Floyd CD too!!!!!!!
    Also a didn't realsie i'd lost that too!!!!!!!
    A explained the CD was mine too!!!!!!!
    Then a looked down the side of the seat.... & low & behold... me 50p pair of sunglasses still in me 50p sunglass case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's all mayhem & madness in the world of Bingo Star... as always!!!!!!


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Maddy ,

    Sounds like you are in "the club " too . If i could rely on my memory then it wouldnt be too bad .
    Hey, did your boots fit ??

    MC xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Boots fit perfectly thanks MC, I'm very happy with them so worth waiting for!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 50.


    MC, Your week sounds lovely. I was talking to someone the other day and wishing we just had time to potter around

    The boys are away for the weekend so i have Christmas Shopping pencilled in!! Not sure Mr Seza knows about this yet! I'll bribe him with a nice dinner!

    JG, remember it's not a bridge, it's the road back to Finlay

    Maddy, (((x))) Hope you feel better soon

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi all

    Not yet caught up on things on here.

    CLP congrats on the auction and I am sure tomorrows auction will go as well.

    Right off to catch up so back in a min.


  • Comment number 52.

    Evening All,

    Can't blog at work any more. Internet police on high alert seemingly.


    I was going to bid £50k this morning until I realised that a) I thought I might actually win and b) I don't have a cricket team!
    However, I am currently studying for my Level 1a Umpiring course, so I will bid to umpire if that's ok?! It's not just about wearing a white coat, a natty hat and being able to count to 6 ya know...oh no sireeee...
    Really looking forward to Friday and spending all day on the 'phone...I think...and the company, beer and food of course...

    Nic, Level 1 Umpire Rolastic


  • Comment number 53.

    Well, I'm off to curl up with Finlay, night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.


    Good stuff, glad they fit.

    Seza, hiya , hope you are ok, sounds like you have had a rough time lately , hope you are feeling better .

    Night JG,

    Am off to watch "Celebrity" i must confess to even laughing at a bit of it last night .

    Nic, good to see ya , enjoy Friday, keep em all in check !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Oh BTW

    I forgot to say thanks for all the birthday messages I am a mere 21, cough, cough

  • Comment number 56.

    Finlay has deserted me for warmer climes, methinks!

    Also now allowed to watch celebity thingy, what on earth is that woman doing there!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    Rips - thanks for the hello.
    Hope you're well mate, enjoy Friday.

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi KW, will think off you on Friday - hope you're ok and the knees are holding up!

    MC, I'm fine thanks, especially now I've got a day trip to London coming quick!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hey Seza, enjoy it, hope it's as good as last time.
    Yep, the ol' knees are holding up (just), not really enjoying these cold mornings though!!!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening all,

    65K....what could i do with that kind of money? I think I would take a lot of convincing to spend it in a cricket match! Still good on Malcolm Bluemell, I salute you sir!

    Gingembre, good to see you on here my friend. ;-)

    KandK - Happy Birthday x-x-x

    3 sleeps! Whoop! Whoop!

    Daughter update! She saw the midwife today. Blood pressure sky high and protein in her wee......go straight to hospital.....do not collect £200. She is now being investigated for Pre-eclampsia, blood tests taken, 24hr observation started before final decision will be taken. She only has two weeks left as of tomorrow! If her condition does not improve I could well be a granddad by the weekend! Just think there could be another child in need by Friday! ;-) x-x-x

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 61.

    Hello all,

    Keith ,wouldn't that be lovely to be celebrating the new arrival and CIN.
    Hope that your daughter is well and it's nice for you to knw that she is being monitored.
    How exciting ,have you started pacing yet???

    Take care .


  • Comment number 62.

    And have you got the bottle to wet the baby's head !!!!.

  • Comment number 63.

    Wonderful Keith.

    Somehow, I dont think that he (?) will be a child in need.

    I can sense your joy and cant wait to meet you on Friday.

    I have been ordered to deliver a hug, prepare to be suffocated!!


  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Stace .xxx.

  • Comment number 65.

    Two bottles of bubbly in the fridge!

    As for pacing, no not yet although I am concerned for my child and what she is about to go through. After all I have been through it three times....so I know what is in store for her.....LOL


  • Comment number 66.

    Keith ,I can quite understand your concern ,to you your daughter is still your little girl ,always will be .it is a worry ,but shes being well looked after ,and just think that when you are holding that minute bundle in your arms ,the joy that you will feel will over whelm you .

    Will be thinking of you all.


  • Comment number 67.

    Must be going now sleep tight all, and night night you Night Owls .


  • Comment number 68.

    Twit to you Bids ;)


  • Comment number 69.

    Night, night Bids,xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Chris, Lyn, and - what's the other one...? Oh, yes, Johnny... ;-)
    Terrific show this morning, was so pleased that you raised so much for the kids. Top music selection also, and great fun with the cricketers - kept me smiling all day! And it WASN'T a good day, work-wise... so, thanks guys - can't stress how glad I am that the three of you (plus the eternally-lovely Moira) are on Radio 2, kicking-off the day. You really make it worth getting up in the morning for me and Jasper-dog at the mo'. Good luck for the rest of the week's auctions! I'd bid if I could afford to... but maybe next year - only the Lottery can save me now, hehehe...
    Keep smiling!
    Roo & Jasper x

  • Comment number 71.

    Nice one Roo.

    Just reading through some of your blog. Great reading, thanks for sharing


  • Comment number 72.

    HANNAH J - Not sure if this comes too late to help you or not, but I know LOADS about Corrie Ten Boom (what a GREAT lady). She was a missionary in the same line as my parents (think they're wondering where they went wrong... hehe... or if there might have been a mix-up in the London maternity wards in the mid-1970's...) At any rate, if I can be of any help with your talk on Miss Ten Boom, her life in Nazi-occupied Holland, the concentration camp, or her work following the war, please click on my name or my blog-post link, leave a message on Jasper's blog (it's filtered and therefore safe) as to how I can contact you and what sort of questions you have and I will be pleased to help you in whatever way I can.
    Love and peace - keep smiling!
    Roo & Jasper x

  • Comment number 73.

    Hey MTF - THANK YOU! Means a lot. xx
    If you are still online - can you explain why I only got 10p for each of my milk teeth when all my school-friends got 50p or £1? Where's the justice in that?!? More to the point - what happened to that milk tooth that fell out when there wasn't a 'big' tooth to replace it, thus leaving a gap?! You fairies - you stitch us all up in the end. And you with your wings and wands and all that... not fair... ;-) ;-)
    Thanks again for the kind comment, though, seriously.
    Stay happy,
    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Morning folks,

    Another night of not being able to sleep *sigh*

    Anyway i do hope they hurry up and get merred i'm fed up with it already *shakes head*

    Hope everyones well.

    Talking of maps n stuff (don't know if it's been posted before but.

    If you go to that well known map place that also doubles up as a search engine and get directions for Japan - China & Taiwan - China scroll down the list of directions and you'll find a couple of things that'll make ya laugh :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 75.

    Flippin 'eck, going to need the waders today!


  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all

    Yep. up early again....

    ooooh the house band is on.....

    Steve, LOL at that, there used to be a similar one for London to NY but they appear to have taken that off now......

    No grand plans for today, only 2 sleeps to go.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 77.


  • Comment number 78.

    My thoughts exactly mtd!

    cute CLP, cute!


  • Comment number 79.

    This is crazy - sorry Sir Tel but you never got this sort of reaction. Looks like the driving may go way beyond last year's figures if these bids are anything to go by.

    btw, If I win the lottery tonight, I will definitely bid tomorrow.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    WOW!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!

    and I don't even like golf!


  • Comment number 81.

    I dind't know Tim Westwood did golf. Is he gonna crib the golf buggy ....!?!?!

    Time for work!



  • Comment number 82.

    LOL Deevs xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Brisk walk to work in the rain. Chat with receptionist. 5 mins for pooter to boot up and now (not) raring to go go go .... maybe just raring to go go go home!

    Coffee is needed.


  • Comment number 84.

    Morning all!!

    There's some good people in the world aren't there!! Rohan, what a star!!

    Big Aaahhh for Noah - that must have been worth a few quid

    Still waiting for the news stories about how much being done by the new Breakfast Show team - no - not yet? Oh well, big news today, maybe it'll be all over the place tomorrow!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Can I just put a note on here for Wills and Kate ......

    Now listen up, you two. Having organised numerous blog meets, my own 40th birthday spectacular and now the biggest CiN mass-blogger phone sortie in history .... if you need a wedding planner just give me a shout! My rates are reasonable and I promise not to overdo the pink bling (well, maybe just a tad ...!)

    Deevski's Do's - you know it makes sense!



  • Comment number 86.

    AND - I saw and applied for the perfick job for me this morning. It's now the agonising wait to the Agency to phone me.

    Why am I soooooooooooooooo impatient!?!


  • Comment number 87.

    And if Deevs needs an assistant, bit closer to London, who can run around and do her bidding, you know, pop into town and look at halls or talk to the disco - I'm in!!!

    Anyone else fancy a CBA day?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Good morning everyone.

    Chris - what a show today! You are on fire! I couldn't leave until the end of the golf auction - well done. What a star Mr Westwood is, he deserves to be No. 1. Wish I could have bid.

    Noah is sooo adorable! Chris for once you might have some competition there ;o) xx

    CG - sorry to hear you are still poorly. Sending you a {{{{hug}}}} hope you feel better soon.

    CSN - hope your lovely wee dog has recovered xx

    Steve - great to see you back on the blog xx How do you survive on so little sleep? xx

    Oz - hope the move went well and you are settling in to your new abode. xx

    Annie - sorry to hear you were poorly, hope you are feeling better xx

    Hope everyone else is okay.

    Take care
    Mary xx

    ps. getting very excited about heading dahn sarf tomorrow and can't wait for Friday xx

    pps. Cheryl - thanks again for all the organising xx

    ppps. happy hump day ;o)) xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Yes Yes Yes to a CBA day! Sadly Big Boss Lady is due here today. I'm hoping with every ounce of hope in my body that she's holed up in a meeting room all day, tbh!

    Mary - safe journey and see you in 2 sleeps!


  • Comment number 90.

    Ooooooh tempers already fraying and emotions fragile, and Big Lady Boss not even here yet!

    It's gonna be a fun and bumpy day, methinks!


  • Comment number 91.

    Hi everyone:

    Oh, good grief, I was surreptitiously listening to Chris up until about 9 minutes ago, when my boss came over to my desk and just hovered around! Any one know what the final top bid was? I am quite the convert when it comes to the CiN big bids now!

    Mary: lovely to see you here this morning - a wee surprise!

    Keith: it is only natural that you will be concerned about your daughter. I am sure she is being well monitored, and she really is in the right place. xx

    Hope everyone is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Chrissie, What is it with these people?

    I sit in my office, all alone, for hour on end, then someone comes in at 9.25 this morning so I missed the last bit of the show!!

    Keith, best wishes to your daughter

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Keith - best wishes to your daughter xx

    Thanks Cheryl xx

    Aww thanks Chrissie xx

    Chrissie, Seza - can't help on the final bid as I too was rudely interupted!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Seza: I know! It's really annoying. I mean, who does my boss think he is, coming up to my desk while I am listening to Chris?! Makes me seethe!

    It does help to know, though, that you and I are in the same boat!

    C xx

  • Comment number 95.

    And Mary's in that boat too!


  • Comment number 96.

    Morning guys

    Fingers crossed for your daughter Keith - she is in good hands

    Final bids were around the £65ish K mark- number 7 was around the mid £50sK = Double Wowser!!!!

    Right chores for me today and physio this arvo - think she is going to be cross as I've not been doing my lunges - uh oh! Still have been doing the "stork" and standing on one leg and the "ballet" standing on tippy toes - my made up names to make it slightly more amusing!

    Oh and to make my 10 phone calls to CLPs gig

    catch you laters taters


  • Comment number 97.

    Debs: thanks for that. Such a fantastic amount of money being raised for CiN!

    Love the pet names you have given for your exercises!

    C xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Roo - I did my talk yesterday - I'm going to leave a comment on your blog with more info - thank you for your super kind offer!

  • Comment number 99.

    New Blog.

    Deevs, in shock


  • Comment number 100.

    And she stays for the Century ..... NOT OUT!!



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