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It's Not A Diet, It's Eating Differently!

Chris Evans | 11:02 UK time, Tuesday, 23 February 2010

So I met a man yesterday - I've met him before but we didn't go through with it. This time however we are on!

I don't eat at all during the day - nothing! I know this is very bad for me but I love my food so much at night, I want to be able to eat what I like and as much as I like, but it has to stop and now it has.

Diets are like buses and holidays - you go on them and you come off them - that's why by and large they don't work. This very clever man has a whole different approach and it means I can eat more - all day and still have exactly what I want for dinner, it's just that I won't WANT as much. Not only that but I will have more energy in the day.

I have honestly NEVER eaten before a breakfast show before - EVER. Today was the first time and with the time now standing at before 11a.m. I have eaten a total of three times.

What and how, I will tell you tomorrow. . .






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  • Comment number 1.

    Don't eat all day? Ever likely you are starving by evening.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 2.


    Little and often is they key, and a little bit of what you fancy won't kill you.

    Everything in moderation - have lost over 2 stone on this theory and the weigiht is STILL coming off (2.5lbs this week!)

    And I'm not making any slimming club richer either.

    It's good yes!?!

    Chezmondo The Diva


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning All,

    Am the first one here.


  • Comment number 4.


    (from previosu Blog)

    I sincerely hope the top shelf of your fridge is stacked with bottle of fizzy pink stuff.

    It would be a shame for you to let the side down ....


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning, Beez and Deevs.


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning All,

    Peeeeees tell me more! My partner is a FATIST - he cannot bear it when I put weight on, and at the mo' I'm v v unhappy, so I eat MORE, vicious cycle I know, but can't help it at the mo'.

    Will be heading for the 'div' court if I don't do something and pronto!

    Any advice most welcome.


  • Comment number 7.

    Deev - the fridge in the garage is the booze fridge!!
    Well done on the weight loss. Must get on the scales some time - last time I looked I was 2 stone down from this time last year :)hopefully a smidge more now. Also seem to have skipped two sizes - new trousers I bought have had to go back for a size smaller - wayhay A?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning CSN.
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 9.


    First of all - don't listen to your man about your weight - I know what its like to be talked down too becuase you have piled on the pounds and it breeds low self esteem which does make you eat more and dress unattractively - it os a vicuous cycle!

    All I can suggest is eat good stuff more often then bad stuff, we have graze boxes delivered to work which is fruit and nuts and stuff, it stops you reaching for the crisps and the choccie.

    And excercise can be free and easy, I try to get off the tube a stop early and walk the rest, maybe you could do similar or park further away from the building etc?

    Finally - get the other half involved positively by requesting treats if you get too and stay at target weights agreeable by you both and make him compliment you when you are looking good so you feel sexy - it will make all the difference!

    Still working on the other half myself - its a slow process but worth it :-) says she fighting to keep off all the weight I lost for my wedding!

  • Comment number 10.

    alternatively - for the more drastic measure - I tend to stop eating when I a) feel the feeling when you first meet someone and b) when someone I love leaves me

    I do not recommend either of these measure is you are already in a happy relationship!

  • Comment number 11.

    I've never had to diet, I only weigh 7st 7lbs.


  • Comment number 12.

    Yeah, me too.

  • Comment number 13.

    Ello CLP & ALL Bloggers....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - After that lot above.... all a can say iz get on the blower ASAP ter Tash & tell 'er.... we'll be needing a new toilet aswell az the new kitchen!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 14.


    Plenty of fruit and veg, a varied diet and not too much of anything, especially not alcohol (3 glasses of wine last week for me and lost 2lbs...)and some exercise...sorted.
    CSN - You be careful if the wind gets up now...
    #9 Baggy - Sound advice.
    Beez - From previous blog - yes, they taste fab!


  • Comment number 15.

    Very interesting Christoff . .

    have yet to be convinced though,

    surely its all about "balance???"


  • Comment number 16.

    Bingo, did you call me a big fat liar? Oh well. Fair enough.

    I blame all these cookery programmes. By the time I'd watched Australian Masterchef and Raymond Blanc last night I was practically gnawing at the table leg.

    I agree with you Nic - everything in moderation, including moderation.

    Oh, and I'm with Cheryl on the previous blog - what are these "left over chips" of which you speak?

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 17.


    You may have made some reference to this on your show today but I have to comment on the car crash which preceded your show today. I have attempted to put 3 comments on the R2 message boards about her today, all blocked, though it seems ok if you want to put a comment up having a go at you. Why are R2 protecting her incoherent, drunken ramblings?


  • Comment number 18.

    LOL Barmy !!

    Nic, must admit if I stopped the wine at night I would probably have lost 4 stone by now cos I eat fairly sensibly - just sometimes too much. Don't like fizzy drinks (except pink) sweets/chocs etc. so that helps.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Barmy, Until you have been to our local chippie, you may well not have come across this concept before...



  • Comment number 20.

    Weight watchers did it for me but then I only had 10 lbs to lose. I do keep fit six times a week and I eat what I like but less of it. That's what weight watchers teach you - diet for life and it works. That includes drinking alcohol. I was on 18 points a day.

  • Comment number 21.

    I think you'll find 18 points a day exceeds the government's safe drinking guidelines, Stella.

  • Comment number 22.

    It works for me - I'm sticking to it.

  • Comment number 23.

    18 pints of Stella a day would finish me off...or have I got the wrong end of the stick...;O~



  • Comment number 24.

    Captain Stella

    I misread that - I thought you said 18 PINTs a day - good going! I thought the clue was in the name 'Stella'.



  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon Christophe,

    Just popped in to say thankyou for playing such blinding toons on your show. You helped take my mind off my soon to be 18 year old daughter driving on our narrow icy country lanes this morning. My car nearly had an intimate conversation with the hedge yesterday it was so snowy!
    Your new meal plan sounds intriguing. Unfortunately, I do love a glass or two of wine of an evening and know if I gave that up then I might look more sylph like!! So looking forward to you spilling the beans tomorrow.....It's not beans is it????....phut!

    Mcw x (Who should really know better!)

  • Comment number 26.

    LOL again Barmy reet made me giggle that!

    Just been in to town and joy of joys, resurfacing of road near the bank so had to walk miles ! I am SO not fit!!! Mind the wind was bitter cold so instead of my usual reasonable pace it was a bit of a power walk - oh I do have a heart - thump thump thump - cough cough cough :)

    Must be lunch time...
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Obamarama - A didn't call anyone anything like yer say a might ave above... Am a nice person.. a don't say nasty things about people unless they are 'ighly nasty ter me... Only then a eventually can be forced ter speak me mind on things... but that's very rare az am such a nice person!!!!!!! (noot that any of the above iz meant in egotistical terms.... just explinational terms!!!)
    Ave been told me posts are being pre-moderated for a while in case a go 'mad' on the blog again!!!!!!
    But that won't 'appen az long az women don't drive me ter madness!!!!!

    Am very sane but when yerv gotta BIG 'eart & people take pieces of yer 'eart... then that 'eart 'urts bad!!!!!!
    If a didn't ave a BIG 'eart then a could go through life.... in a 'eartless way & noot care about things as much!!!!!!
    In a way too, me positivity is me downfall... it leads ter more negativity coming my way!!!!!
    Let me explain.... Because a see the positives in everything & in people... even when am in a negative situatiion like job or in a realtionship with a negative person... a should see the negatives more & move on faster!!!!!!
    But a try ter see the good in all... even when there's noot much good 'appening... bit like me Sainsbury's job... should ave moved on faster butta stick it out.... until things get so bad it breaks me!!!!!
    Same with relationships!!!!!!
    So in a strange way... being too positive.... is a negative!!!!!!!!
    (Soz ter the blog ploice who've gotta read this ter check it's ok ter let it 'it the blog - 'ope am noot confusing yersen... in fact am getting confused wreeting it!!!!!)

    PS Me #13 commentation iz meant in 'umour tones only, noot meant ter be malicious or nasty in any way at all ter anyone at all!!!!!!!

    A just read CLP's blog & even at bed times, sorry bad times, like know, sorry now, me mischevious sense of 'umour kicks in instantly!!!!!

    So a felt a 'ad ter comment on the CLP diet comment... and a am know, sorry now, commenting about me comment about CLP's comments!!!!!!


    PS Soz ave gone off on a long explination ter say am noot being nasty ter anyone on the blog... all a meant ter say was 'Obamarama - am noot being nasty to you az a like you.... very much so!!!!!!'

  • Comment number 28.

    NicRolastic and Beanygreen - Actually my name is Stella but I only drink wine - a bottle and a quarter a week. My husband finishes the bottle.

  • Comment number 29.

    Hey Bingo - good to hear from you. I didn't think for a minute you'd said anything. Just my attempt at a little joke while your comment was off being pre-modded. Glad to hear you're sounding so much better my friend.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Bingo,

    Nice to see you here. Hope you are ok?
    How is your mum?


  • Comment number 31.

    I'm wondering the same process works for alcohol too. For example, one Saturday evening I had four pints of the black stuff (my first real drink since Christmas) and woke up with a bit of a head. Next weekend, purely for the purposes of scientific research, I intend to start at eight thirty in the morning and double my intake, but spread it across the day as a whole. I shall publish my results at some point after that, providing I can remember to do so.

    Do you think I'll be able to get a grant for this? I'm thinking that in order to prove my theory, I'll need to repeat the experiment a good few times...

  • Comment number 32.


    Intrigued to know the 'diet' secret. All this talk of eating has made me starving!

    Loving the show. Especially Johnny and Moira on 'head to headlines'. Top quality tunes too.

    E-L x

  • Comment number 33.

    Excellent thinking Carl. You need to do a randomised double blind trial. That's not a statistical term by the way - more a description of the state you'll be in by the end.


  • Comment number 34.

    Barmy, Owing to the importance of this experiment, I've decided to bring it forward to today. However, the results maybe somewhat affected by my having to down the drinks I should have had from eight thirty onwards in one go in order to get to where I should be.

    S'alright though. Hassn't afffected me one ioioiota.

  • Comment number 35.

    Afternoon all,

    Chris, Glad to hear you are eating in the day again! I can't imagine not eating till dinner time, I'd be collapsed in a heap by 11am!

    I've had "internal issues" for years and am always on the look out for new ways to assist. I have been experimenting with 6 small meals a day rather than 3 bigger ones. Seems to be working well, so long as it's healthy stuff - ie fruit instead of chocolate and biscuits! I think the idea is that if the digestive system has a little work to do all the time (instead of a lot to do infrequently) you are less likely to get "issues" and less likely to pick at bad things. Its not so much a diet for the usual reasons, as to make me feel more human again!

    Will be intrigued to hear more about Chris's diet.

    Uncle Carl - If you want to get a grant to fund your research you will have to have some initial data to "wet their appetite" so to speak, so you'd better get on with those experiments!


  • Comment number 36.

    Carl, Sounds like you would fit in well to our Tuesday night quiz team...good luck with the hicxperiment...
    Bingo - Don't 2 negatives make a positive, mathematically speaking...?


  • Comment number 37.

    Got plenty of stock in Carl? get drinking - just started snowing here - yet again.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Dragon - already workin on it, me ol' pal. Prepared me grant application, but forgot to factor in kebabs...

    Also decided that I should vary the `food groups' in order to improve the acccuracy of me results, so am adding a vodka chaser...

    Sho farr, sho goooooood........

  • Comment number 39.


    Shnowin' ere too. Better ave a couple a tots o brandy to keep meself warm...jusht medicinal y'undershtand!

  • Comment number 40.

    S'all gone quiet over ere. Shomfin I shaid?

  • Comment number 41.

    Thought you had dropped off Carl that's all.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 42.

    #17 Didn't hear it so I can't comment, but it will probably be in tomorrows Daily Wail.

  • Comment number 43.

    As a follow up to my #17 post, please see "Time for a change?" on R2 message boards...take a look...hopefully it will make a change to all the CLP bashing that seems to go on there...


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi all

    Not attempted to diet for years - hence the sideways growth. I know that cutting down (even cutting out for a while) on the alcofrol would have an immediate effect. Won't be trying that before the weekend though. (I wonder why????)

    Started snowing here as well.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Beez - Me - drop off? Nah, I'm ready for any....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

  • Comment number 46.


    It's really very simple. You should eat when you need to, don't stuff your face, don't eat sh**e, and eat slowly.

    Now I know it's easier said than done when we have busy lives; indeed, when our lives are not busy ENOUGH and we're bored. But it really is down to that. What's happening these days is that a) we're bombarded with food at every turn, be it on TV, magazines, socially, whatever, and b) we tend to eat for emotional reasons. Emotional eating is a huge problem; we so easily turn to food for comfort or distraction.

    You'll be absolutely fine; I know that. But you do tend to beat yourself up rather a lot over your love of food; so stop it. Enjoy your life, you certainly deserve to. Just don't overdo it with the rubbish foods and the booze; on the other hand, do NOT starve yourself; that way your body will simply flip into starvation mode and over-compensate by storing whatever you do eat. Now you don't need ME or anyone else to tell you what to do, you know already. And I'm guessing the lovely Tash would NEVER let you compromise your health, even if you didn't.

    And I'm saying this as one who's battled with food for many years. So much so that I have to cut right down and not eat junk or I'd instantly gain a few stone, I reckon. I went through anorexia and bulimia and am out the other side; and let me tell you, it's a legacy I would NOT wish upon my worst enemy. Becoming obsessed with, or phobic about, food is at best, boring, and at worst can seriously interfere with your life and for some it can be life-threatening. Gaining a diploma last year in Practicioner Skills with the Eating Disorders Association in Ireland taught me so many things I didn't know, and I'm proud to say I gained said diploma despite not ever having had any sort of counselling myself. But LIFE has taught me everything else. I've still a lot to learn before I would confidently counsel anyone, and one day, in the right circumstances, I'd hope I could take this up. Heaven knows there is a huge need for help out there; eating disorders are becoming frighteningly common amongst increasingly young people, nay children, male and female, and resources are scandalously short. But in the meantime, let's try to break this cycle. Let's all just enjoy the charmed lives we all have; let's celebrate, lets' stop beating ourselves up about our bodies and what we choose to fuel them. But let's keep a sense of proportion and responsibility, and stop pretending that we have no control over our choices. There is not, and never will be, any magic elixir which will allow us to over-indulge in any regard with no consequences.

    Now. There endeth the lesson. More tea, Vicar?


  • Comment number 47.

    Oh Nic that was spooky!!!

  • Comment number 48.

    MCW - Not a Daily Mail fan myself and a bit too easy to blame them for her shortcomings. If it's on listen again, try that; if not, trust me, it was BAD!



  • Comment number 49.

    Snowing here too. Apparently a 10 degree heatwave is on its way! don't hold your breath!

  • Comment number 50.

    Well said Clodagh and thanks for being so honest. If I ever needed counselling I'd be hammering your door down chuck - you speak so much sense. Paul McKenna has made a fortune out of telling us that the key to being a healthy weight is to eat when you're hungry, eat slowly and consciously and stop when you're full. It might sound bleeding obvious but it just goes to show how skewed our relationship with food has become that we need telling.

    As for you Carl, it is a noble and selfless thing you do in the name of science today. Good man.

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 51.


    Not sure that even if I felt brave enough, I could find fault with what Old Ma Rubbish said.
    I have lost a fair bit of weight recently by simply not drinking during the week (where possible!) and not eating junk all day add added to this a small amount of exercise. I do also understand how easy this is to say and how hard it is to do, as I have failed at it many times before.
    I just obviously mean it this time because it has been really easy.
    Here's hoping I can keep it up......I'm not putting any money on it though.
    The Prime numbers thing not working for anyone then?




  • Comment number 52.

    Nic re *48 - just listened to it as suggested and totally agree. Embarrassing.

    Thinking of which - Uncle Carl, you are a trooper, again, how is the research going?

    Well said Clodagh


  • Comment number 53.

    #48 Listened to last half hour on iplayer-(and the sun hadn't even risen then, let alone passed over the yardam!)
    Chris made some interesting comments in his introduction.

  • Comment number 54.

    I meant yardarm!

  • Comment number 55.

    Snowing really heavily now, think I might delay seeking out my bikini!

  • Comment number 56.

    Howdy all

    Greetings from a cold, grey and wet SE London where I am residing under the duvet being sorry for self as not feeling well. Have no fear - I will recover for Friday!

    Now me, I love food. Love it. The joy of life is a good meal - even better is cooking it. Therefore, I am cuddle sized and, being short, that makes me fairly rectangular in shape. Do I care? Nope - clothes fit, I'm healthy (well, other than today and the aforementioned frozen shoulder) and I am very happy. Reason? Ex-husband who told me I was "repulsive" if I went slightly over his optimum weight requirement. Taken me years to get over it but I have, and I am me and I am happy with it. Totally understand though why other people worry about weight, size, hair colour etc.

    From previous blog - tried the CD's in alpha order but ran out of room so now some are on order and others are in pile on floor. Choosing a CD to play is like the shuffle function on a Poddy - never sure what will come out of the pile!!

    Am going to retreat back under the duvet as am feeling a bit grumpy (if you couldn't tell!)

    Miss P

    PS - Uncle Carl - thought of you this morning as I was reading Rick Wakeman's grumpy old men book. He related a tale of a short lived TV show called "That's my dog" where contestants had to guess the celebrity the dog belonged to. I was roaring with laughter! If that one can get through, some of ours should defnitely be made!!

  • Comment number 57.

    Oh Lord - justlistened to the last 20 mins of SK's show - what a shower.

  • Comment number 58.

    'ello all - Sh'me!

    I just called to sayy...I love yoooooooHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    S'great thish shcienche thing....oh hang itsh four o'clock...


    oh hold on - how many pipsh should there be?

    Musht go - time for another drinkee drinkee!

    P.Sh. Hiya Mish P - shorry busy being all Magnush Pike. Sh'goin really well! Oh - your ex ish a numpty - you look fantashtic!

  • Comment number 59.

    Afternoon each

    Anyone want some of this work?! No? Oh well..that`ll be all mine then!

    Eating plan sounds a good one CLP..and great words from Clodagh as ever. You really are a star.

    Having done the being belittled bit i now love myself and have someone who loves me for who i am and what i am to him. Soppy but true! Happiness certainly comes from within.

    Now, never listen to SK..but have had to just listen to the end of the show today as it seems its the topic of conversation... oh my is all i can say.. now i know why i dont listen. But maybe she needs help and i hope she gets it if she does.

    Now, all thats a bit deep so i`ll leave you with this....

    An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and, upon returning to her car, found four males in the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at the top of her lungs, "I have a gun, and I know how to use it! Get out of the car!" The four men didn't wait for a second threat. They got out and ran like mad. The lady, somewhat shaken, then proceeded to load her shopping bags into the back of the car and got into the driver's seat. She was so shaken that she could not get her key into the ignition. She tried and tried, and then she realized why. It was for the same reason she had wondered why there was a football, a Frisbee, and two 12-packs of beer in the front seat. A few minutes later, she found her own car parked four or five spaces farther down. She loaded her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report her mistake. The sergeant to whom she told the story couldn't stop laughing. He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four pale men were reporting a car jacking by a mad, elderly woman described as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair, and carrying a large handgun. No charges were filed. Moral of the story? If you're going to have a senior moment...make it memorable.

    Any else think of the delightful Renee when they read this?! No offence meant Clodagh..hope you take it as its meant!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 60.

    UC..you make me larf! Keep it up! Cheers!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 61.

    UC - I suspect you are looking at me through only one eye, and that one is half closed! However, I accept the compliment gracefully and would like to say that you are also fabulous.

    Btw, your pips were waaay better than SK's!!

  • Comment number 62.

    Afternoon One and All,

    Chris, you are a little tease, you said on yesterday's blog...to be continued and again today.

    If you are Fat, Happy and Healthy - fine, if you've got it flaunt it and if you can't hide it decorate it - that's what I say :)

    My Doctor weighs me eveytime I go, which is about once every 16 months! Last week he said I was bordering on chubby (good job I am not easily offended), it made me chuckle.

    Re the SK thing, my alarm went off at 7 and I haven't quite timed it right so that I don't hear her voice at all and this morning was bizzare to say the least! Defo time to hang up the headphones.

    MissP, Hope you feel better soon, same to Pip who is also under a duvet xxx

    Nearly hometime - hooray.


  • Comment number 63.

    #58 Carl - Hopefully, there will be a vacancy at Radio 2 between 5 and 7 weekday mornings...with that quality of speech and dedication you should fit in just nicely...or maybe nishhhlee...


  • Comment number 64.

    MishP - ta very much, You're lovely you are!

    Ash ish Scoobydoobeedoobeedoo! In fact, you both desherve a toasht!


  • Comment number 65.

    Becaush you'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee gorgeoush! I'd do anthing for you,
    Becaush you'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee gorgesoushhhhhhhhhhhh...

    Feel a bit shick acshually...musht be a shide-effect!

  • Comment number 66.

    Artnoon all. Diets, hate 'em, you'd never guess to look at me, haha!
    Baggy, fear not, I too am an advocate of bread in the fridge. All you doubters out there, don't knock it till you've tried it! Also in times past have made and frozen a weeks worth of sarnies with all sorts of fillings, taste the same as when made fresh.

    On the subject of SK, am wondering if she has some kind of degenerative illness like MS and the ±«Óãtv are blocking adverse comments out of respect. Just a thought, but agree it was embarrassing to listen to this morning.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 67.

    Good afternoon all blogettes

    Thanks msScoobycat for the best 'senior moment' I've heard in an age. Really made me chuckle. Don't hear much of SK normally - getting ready for w--k. What I have heard recently she had seemed a lot more coherent. Her being miffed @ Deadly's running round after Moira was quite entertaining. So can't comment about today. If she is having one of her 'moments' I have has been embarrassed for her in the past. Maybe she should now be allowed to 'retire' with some grace.

    Best of luck Cheryl with the interview. Keep pestering those agencies as well. They do it enough to employers I don't see why you shouldn't do it to them.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 68.

    Ooh..Deevs got an interview..missed that! Good luck chuck!

    And Lin..you is lovely! and agree re SK..if there is something underlying i hope she gets support. Cringing on her behalf listening.

    As for the bread in the fridge..not tried that one, cant get anything else INTO our fridge! I keep all bread type products in the microwave tho.. (turned off of course before you say it UC!) and they stay fresh for ages.. top tip of the day!

    PJ - glad you liked the `moment`..made me chuckle too cos its something i can imagine my mother doing when she gets older!

    Really off now..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 69.

    Yes Lin, I agree we should leave off the comments re. SK. I know it was torturous listening this morning but we really don't know what happened. It will be sorted in double-quick time by those who do, I'm sure.

    And I'm remembering an excrutiating incident when I was totally intolerant and snooty with a chap I thought had been on the sauce; turned out he'd had a stroke. I'm not saying for a minute that this is the case here; what I'm saying is we don't know. And we don't need to. Whatever the reason, she deserves compassion, not derision.

    Mind you I thought Chris was hilarious in the immediate aftermath...

    Right, Scoobs.. none taken, my dear; you are, of course, spot on!!! I was thinkin' exactly the same.. jayzus.

    Mind. I don't know about delightful. Given am goin' back to Ireland tomorrow or Thursday, she's discovered a small rash on her arm which has become Lassa Fever or Legionnaire's Disease and is therefore highly contageous and life-threatenin'. It'll 'ave dropped off by tonight. Therefore I am usin' the same psychology on her that she always used on us when we got our arm stuck in the mangle or set fire to our ears.

    "Oh dear. That'll be a pig's foot in the mornin'."

    Watch this space.


  • Comment number 70.

    Hello Everyone

    Can't believe I am looking out at a blanket of snow again!!

    It's nicely edging the flood where the river is bursting it's banks opposite our house. Oh well, at least it's still light enough to see it all so that must mean spring is on it's way.............please!

    Agree with all you said about food and eating, I' just like to know why it is that if you decide not to eat something, you immediately become obsessed with that thing and start thinking of sneaky ways to get it - ie.if someone gives me a cake it would be rude to refuse type thing ;-}

    Didn't really listen to SK this morning, dragging myself awake and into the bathroom for the time she was on. Thought she sounded very excited about the whole doing interviews thing. Did read an interesting comment on another radio 2 DJ's blog this week (no, it wasn't this one or the new drivetime one) about possible changes to times. Might be reading too much into it but it did make me think.

    Thanks for the senior moment, will share that at work tomorrow

    Ali, getting any further with your plans?

    Off to cook something to try and warm up

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Obaamrama - A din't for a minute think ter were being serious... a knew yer were joking!!!!!!
    Don't worry am noot gonna top mesen 'cos a thought yer were questioning me niceness on the blog!!!!!!

    CleverSuperNanny - Good news about me mother, she came outta 'ospital yesterdee after 10 dees of observation!!!!!!!
    She's still obviously got 'er illness & she iz ill... but she's looking alot better & feeling alot better!!!!!!

    Nic man - A can see yer obviously a man of mathematical standing!!!!!!

    Talkin' of which.... a am turning the negatives of me relationships inter positives... ter 'elp me do as well az a can in me maths exams next week.... a will tell all termozz!!!!!

    Blog ploice allowing of course!!!!! But am sure the blog ploice don't need ter worry... az if a do tell all about me maths... it'll be nice!!!!!!


  • Comment number 72.

    PS Clodagh, posted that before your's appeared on my screen


  • Comment number 73.

    PPS Bingo, I was thinking about you today, glad to see you back and I'll read your post when it appears

    If it doesn't say, how is your Mum getting on

    Oh and I have seen the same lorry 3 times this week with the girls name on. Often I think the names are quite interesting or pretty but this one is Mo Pat!!

    Somehow that just doesn't flow


  • Comment number 74.

    Last one on SK, as I seem to be being "told off", I think that whatever the reason for this morning's issues, they need to be addressed. It's not the first time it's happened, it must be embarrassing for her to hear about it and listen back to and it's the perception which matters too. Surely, whatever the reason, it's not an acceptable standard and actions need to follow.
    Ok, I'll shut up on that now...good luck with the not diet Chris!


  • Comment number 75.

    Good lord, Seza.. I'm not the moral arbiter here, my sweetheart; you can post whatever you like, hun, as can everybody else. It's just I don't like to see vulnerable people vilified, that's all; so let's go easy is what I'm saying.

    Sorry if I sounded a bit Headmistress there. But I meant what I said.


  • Comment number 76.

    Think I need to lie down....

  • Comment number 77.

    Fair point Lin and Rubbish,

    Should wait to see really.
    When will I grow up and start thinking about what I say, before I say it?
    Oops, sound like the CMM now!



  • Comment number 78.

    Anyway, Nic. You know you love it..


  • Comment number 79.

    I know Clodagh, I just wrote mine, posted it and then read yours which seemed very sensible.

    Has Renee been working with the felt pens again? Have you tried a scrubbing brush on the rash?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 80.

    And Rips. Probably never. At least I do hope so, bless you.

    Remember this. Growin' old is inevitable. Growin' up is optional.

    Clodagh NotImmuneToStickinErClogInIt.xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Good idea, Seza. But nope, thus far I've just reminded 'er that there's people in Haiti have had the legs amputated without an anaesthetic. Which is probably not helpful but it's put it in perspective somewhat.

    And if it IS a pig's foot in the mornin' I shall duly deliver her to A&E. In the meantime she's tuckin' into pie&peas so I suspect it's not Swamp Fever.


  • Comment number 82.

    Oo oo oo

    Diva got a request played!!

    Good Choice!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 83.



  • Comment number 84.

    Evening each

    Chris, can't wait for more diet news tomorrow. Eating all day is my sort of diet.


  • Comment number 85.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    busy weekend, 6 night shifts on a row, ouch!
    Got tickets today for Jay-Z in june - supacool

    Diets - no real words of wisdom other than i did lose 2 stone in 2008/09 over a 6 month period.
    basic instructions to myself were "less in the mouth and more on the feet" plus almost totally cutting out bread.

    See the usual stuff's going on here, hope you're all tickerteeboo and have a good blog meet (I thknk there's one upcoming?)

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 86.

    CLP and all

    It is really interesting that you say what you - before I saw todays blog I was looking at photographs of me and my friends taken 24 years ago when we were young... whilst we looked young and had things like collegen, and natural uplift in places we don't have anymore, we looked absolutely starving... so skinny and thin... perhaps that is relative, and I know that when i looked at these pictures, that I haven't seen for 24 years, that I critisised my weight and the way I looked. Yet retrospect has shown me that there is no way I could ever be that thin again nor would it look good on the old woman or the old men that appeared in the original!!!

    However, to add to this, I met an old mate, who appears in these photos, for the first time in nearly a quarter of a century, this month. And he looked exactly the same to me. But he is not, he is one of the thin, skinny guys on the photos. And I am going blind anyway! And hopefully he is too!!!

    So I say lets enjoy getting older, lets embrace the way we were, and love the way we are!

    Helava xx

  • Comment number 87.

    I hear that Chris is on holiday next week. It is such a shame that Johnny Walker has decided that he is not going to fill in any more.

  • Comment number 88.

    Right, finished reading the posts for today.

    Uncle Carl: You under the table yet?
    Scooby: I have those senior moments in large carparks, notably Tesco and Asda. Was once effing and blinding, sure my car had been stolen and passed another woman doing exactly the same. We both eventually found our motors, but only after discussing phoning the polis.

    Listened again to the last 20 mins of Sarah Kennedy. I quite liked waking up to her when I was working full-time. She doesn't sound much different, to be honest.
    Clodagh: I comfort myself with the thought that the alternative to growing old is being deid! And I hope I've grown up before my zimmer's delivered.

    Back later folks, when I've thrashed everyone on Wordscraper.


  • Comment number 89.

    Evening all

    Just popping in to say I keep my bread in the fridge as well, although if I've got room I freeze half the loaf, and just keep half in the fridge, we get through a loaf a month....

    CD's - Definately in alphabetical order, by band, and then in chronological order for multiple albums!

    So, have still got my cold, but less severe, but still deaf in one ear as it hasn't cleared from the flight - any tips anyone, given that I'm all stuffed up anyway?

    As for diets and food tips, have none, other than I can't eat first thing, and probably need to drink less wine to lose weight, but I'm happy as I am!

    Hope everyone is OK, still haven't properly caught up...

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    Ahh...cars, once pressed the unlock button, heard the beep, and tried to get into Mr JG's car, only to find it was another black Audi A3 parked next to his...the owner was watching and laughing!

    I'm sure he parked it there on purpose!

    JG x

  • Comment number 91.

    Evening all

    Diets - been doing one for the last few weeks 500 calories one day what you want the next, works brilliantly lost quite a bit of weight, hence now joined a gym to keep the momentum up and by a stroke of luck Saturday is an eat what I want day.

    Bread - deffo in the fridge.


  • Comment number 92.

    Hi everyone

    Lamb chops in oven, veg prepared, glass of wine in hand. I'm in Heaven!
    Just had lovely afternoon with daughter and grandson. Daughter only has six weeks left before baby is due. I am very excited.

    Bingo. Great news about your mum, glad to hear she is feeling better.xxx


  • Comment number 93.

    Evening CSN. Just wondering if I'll get through the snow forecast tomorrow to look after 4yr old. Had a lovely time in Pizza Hut with the 10yr & 7yr old tonight. Must think 'Diet' tomorrow.

    Do you know what the baby is? The 4yr old has a little brother due in May.


  • Comment number 94.


    Bingo, glad to hear your Mum is doing well and good luck with the maths

    Annie, Da Hut sounds good

    CSN That sounds lovely,

    JG Glad you had a good time. Not sure what to suggest about your ear, esp if you all blocked up. Time is probably the best healer.

    Did you do lots of good stuff on your trip? What was your favourite?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Annie,

    Lots of snow here today and daughter had to see midwife.
    No, it's surprise! surprise!

    Great fun with granchildren, keeps us young.


  • Comment number 96.

    Whatever it is, it'll be welcome, eh, CSN?

    7yr old has written a Newsletter for the family - full of poo stories! Boys!


  • Comment number 97.

    Annie, yes very true.
    Other daughter due two weeks later has been told it's a girl.
    That's so sweet, bet that was the best read you have ever had.


  • Comment number 98.

    Bet you've been buying pink stuff CSN. I was right out there when I heard we were having a little girl last year. Boys clothes are so boring.


  • Comment number 99.

    Oh No!!


  • Comment number 100.

    What's wrong MTF? Don't you like 99???

    mtd ffb xxx


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