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Day Two of Eat Like This For The Rest Of Your Life. And Feel Good and Not Too Lardy.

Chris Evans | 10:22 UK time, Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Here's basically how it works - you eat every two and a half hours, this is a must.

You combine 40% protein, with 40 % complex carbs and the other 20% is for naughty stuff - usually brown in colour, chips, bread etc.

Portions sensible for main meals; a cupped hand for protein and carbs; half that for naughty stuff.

Snacks in between must also be a mixture of carbs and protein, ie. a biccie has to have cheese on for example; whole grain toast needs a bit of ham or tuna; celery needs hummus. Now I don't know about you, but that all sounds like heaven to me.

Please remember these are the basics - I'm not the guy who figured this stuff out, he's a very clever chap called Ian Marber. His theory is based on food never being too fulsome to have to be stored as long term fat, but at the same time never being too sparse to send the body into famine panic.

This stops the massive highs and lows of hunger and guilt occurring in the day, as well as drip feeding us the energy when we need it. It also means we're never far away from our next treat, and won't gorge out on dinner having been starving ourselves all day.

I think the guy may be a genius.

Here's hoping.





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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP - sounds good - will give it a go, very exciting thing in one months time as an incentive!


  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - good luck with that diet/ life change plan

    As a natural grazer I do tend to eat little and often but trying to stick to the good stuff is that hard part!

    Conversation in my house last week -
    'do you want rice with your dinner'
    'no thanks - I'm having a wrap and trying to cut down on carbs' .....

    served with my dinner were home made wedges - might have to intruct mr bp into what constitues a carb food!

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris,

    Sounds a bit complicaed to me, but I am a Bear of little brain. If it works for you - go for it! Just don't become obsessed by it, that's never good.


    P.S. Just wondering how many "its" I can use in one blog :)

  • Comment number 4.

    AliB - LOL 3!

    From last blog - hayfever - its a bother aint it! In february!!!

    Are you popping along on Saturday btw? Would be great to see you again my little backstage buddy! :-)


  • Comment number 5.


    Sounds a bit complex for me. I like to keep things simple but if it works for you, it works for you!
    Ali - 4 apparently.
    Deevs is cooking up something from Gordon whatshisface tonight and she won't tell me what it is...hope there is no sweetcorn involved!!



  • Comment number 6.

    No sweetcorn my love, and from the previous blog .....gawn all gooey now! (not helped by Ken Bruce playing the full length version of November Rain as I type this).

    CLP, the eating plan sounds like a good 'un! Good luck with it.

    Baggy - you've reminded me of an episode of The Restaurant where the brief to the couple was "no cards" so they served rice salad, various warm breads and bowls of pasta and potato salads ..... needless to say they didn't win!

    Need to get new photo done today to send to those pesky scamps at the DVLA - so ret chuffed to discover spot on my forehead the size of Gibralter!



  • Comment number 7.

    Agree with Nic, Christophe, all sounds a bit too much like hard work!

    I'm trying the sensible eating approach - cooking relatively low fat/calorie meals on a weekend and freezing them so when I get in from work there's a home-cooked meal ready in minutes and I'm not grabbing anything I can find (which is usually junk, or toast) because I'm famished! Have lost 11 lbs so far this way, and I'm quite enjoying myself and eating better than I have in a long time.

    But I think different ways work for different people so, if your way appeals to you, then go for it!

    AF x

  • Comment number 8.

    Debs, My Mum read in the paper that hayfever was starting early this year - well it has with me, been sneezing and blowing my nose all morning.

    Re Saturday, I am afraid I won't be there. Got a meeting in the afternoon about the "yoof" camp I do in the Summer, then I have a works dinner in the evening! I am sure a great time will be had by all.


  • Comment number 9.

    "no cards" ???? of course they can have cards, on their birthday.

    No carbs!!!!


  • Comment number 10.

    Nic/ALiB - doh now I know why I am NOT an accountant! silly me


  • Comment number 11.

    Sounds good, Christoff. But whether it works or not, yous'll always be a ginger Adonis to me.

    Mind. I'm nuts.

    Speakin' a which. Renee is delighted wit herself that she got Bonged this morning. Hurrah. But FYI, it's pronounced Reenee. Rhymes wit Mussolini.

    The problem I'd have with the above eating pattern is that, daft as it sounds, you're still very focussed on the food. If your problem is your behavioural pattern around food, this can be counter-productive. This is why dieting doesn't work. Because you're thinking about it all the time, ergo for me, the best regime is to focus on the things which make me feel fulfilled, instead of full up.

    But as I said. I'm bonkers. So will shrup batterin' on an' get meself off to the ferry-port, to the land where am in similar company.

    In me best Olive Oyl outfit. Now then Rips. You still comin'? Don't forget yer spinach, yous'll be needin' it if we get a puncture up the Great Orme.


  • Comment number 12.

    Debs - your not an accountant becuase you have a personality?

  • Comment number 13.

    Ali - me since saturday and with the itchy scratchy throat too :-(

    Enjoy your yoof fing n that init


  • Comment number 14.

    Good morning blogettes

    Good luck with the diet/life plan CLP. Sounds more like a life plan to me. Thought SK sounded OK this morning. Did hear her say she had 'the flu' yesterday. So that's what it was.

    Good luck for interviews for Cheryl and one of my good friends who also has an interview on Friday. She actually has a job at the moment but absolutely hates it.

    No snow here near Chester although it did try last night. Managed to struggle out to pub quiz up some sc ary country lanes. We won! So was worth the trip.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 15.

    Deevs, Carbs yes, but GibraltAr surely dear...
    #12 Baggy - Speak for yourself ;O)
    #14 I went to the pub quiz last night and I had about 3 pints of "flu"...;O~
    This weight/diet/not diet thing reminds me of a Peter Kay routine, where he refers to a girl who had "Lost 14 stone"..."In a day!"



  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Chris, Thanks for letting us know the life plan thingy. Even though I won't follow it, I think it's just terrific that you have taken the time to pass it on to us, before you head off for the latest Sporting Challenge! You are such a sweetheart.

    And quite honestly, I can't begin to imagine why you fret about yourself so much, you are an absolute babe!

    Clodagh: now, I must confess - all this time I have been, in my brain, pronouncing Renee's name as in "Just Walk Away Renee", but that's all wrong! I now have to re-train my pronunciation!

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Good luck Chris but I think I will stick with my Weight Watchers. It's much easier - also Rosemary Ccnnelly's diet plan is good - she seems to keep her weight off. It has been going a long time like Weight Watchers.

  • Comment number 18.

    I'm with AliB on this one - all far too complicated for me. I;m sticking with the chocolate and crisps diet!

    Great show this morning CLP - just the right amount of well-directed energy!

  • Comment number 19.

    Baggy #12 - nope because I cant count! LOL

    And I've decided that CLPs regime is too technical for me - so egg and chips it is for lunch! (diet ones obv!)

    Right - so been to sainers and stocked up on more fruit and veg than a normal person can eat in a lifetime, walked the dogs, tidied the kitchen, so I'm off to the sofa wit me book to find out what Edward and Jacob are getting up to.....

    back in a bit

  • Comment number 20.

    Debs, cant believe that no-one has been inquisitive (ok, nosey) enough to ask about post 1!

    Is it hollibobs??


  • Comment number 21.

    good point MTF! Come on Debs, spill the beans... do we need to buy new 'ats?

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi Tiggs, things are sounding positive for you.xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Right then Debs - I've done a bit of detective work. You said recently that your contract has been extended for three months so let's assume you haven't booked a holiday in a month's time. Give us a clue!


  • Comment number 24.

    Dear Chris,
    as much as I love and respect you big fella - the phrase 'life's too short' springs to mind. Indeed with my attitude to your eating regime, it might be!!
    Good luck with it though.
    I should add though that it has never struck me either on screen or in person that you need loose any weight.
    Still - only you can decide that. Well....... You and Tash!!!!

    I should apologise for my comment yesterday regards Sk.
    That 24 hour flu (?!) is a killer. I get it everytime I go to the rugby at Twickenham.
    Probably best to call in sick next time though!!!

    Best wishes to all and great news all round Tiggs x

    How's Hazel btw?



    Who appears to have just declared his love for Chris on a public forum!!!
    Was there ever any doubt though?

  • Comment number 25.

    Debs is Devon bound Barmey that much I do know, but thats Easter time!!

    Mild here today eh?


  • Comment number 26.

    I simply cannot get on the SK i player!!


  • Comment number 27.

    watch out MTF - I'm devon bound this weekened for one night only - really looking forward to catching up with friends and family

  • Comment number 28.

    Cool Baggy, which part?

    Will wish away the snow for you.


  • Comment number 29.

    down to exmouth and staying the night in exeter ;-)

  • Comment number 30.

    Lovely here today MTF. Spring is in the air.

    Hey Tiggs - glad to hear you're well. You're spot on about Masterchef Australia. It's a brilliant format and makes our version look a bit tame I think.

    Come on Debs - spill!


  • Comment number 31.

    Nope, Rips. Hahahaha bless you!!

    Right that's me off again for a bit. Play nicely while am gone won't yous. Big hugs for all the poorly ones, a big Good Luck to the ones with the job interviews and fair play to those sheddin' the pounds.

    Wish me luck battlin' through the snow at t'other end; 'specially as I'll be facin' the added challenge of tryin' to get through Newry. It's so frustrating and sad that all that kicked up again; Newry is a lovely place and the people are so lovely, chirpy and funny... and optimistic for their future. What a tragedy that there is still a tiny minority of bigots over there who don't want peace. Still, I'd say the force of good and determination there is massively strong so, hopefully, all is well.

    Ok that's me. Just 'ave to bat Renee off me leg; d'you know, she drives me absolutely round the bend, up the wall and to the limit of me sanity; but I do so hate leaving her. Still, she's looking sad and frail now; just wait till I get round the corner. Se'll be flirtin' up the stairs an' breakdancin' like a scene with Lou an' Andy from Little Britain. Bet yous a fiver.

    Take care chucks,


  • Comment number 32.

    No snow in that direction Baggy.

    You might get a glimpse of it as you pass Taunton on the M5.

    Have a lovely time.


    You could go and see our donkeys, not far from Exmouth.

  • Comment number 33.

    And PS. Chris. Plenty talc wit that wetsuit, an' drop the water-drinkin', sunshine. Otherwise yous'll be rushin' for a wee afterwards an' flay yourself alive.



  • Comment number 34.

    Safe journey Clodagh and come back soon.


  • Comment number 35.

    where are our donkeys? I'm not sure we will get time but it would be nice to wave at them as we drive by :-)

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello all!

    Chris - sounds a bit too much like hard work to me - I would be constantly thinking ahead to the next snackette in 2.5 hours!! You look great as you are so not sure what is prompting you to make this change? Hah - got it!! It's to make maximum use of the new kitchen!!!

    The sun is shining here in SE London and the birds are twittering in the trees outside - lovely. I am working at home as am still a massive germ and don't want to infect the rest of the office. Got loads done so feeling good. Should really be winding down as I leave at the end of March and will be back on the job search treadmill. At least it will be Spring!

    Deb's - come on, spill!!
    Uncle Carl - how's the hangover?
    Deev - good luck on Friday!
    MTF - every sympathy with the shoulder
    Al - happy Hump day!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 37.

    Sidmouth Baggy, a bit further down the coast from Exmouth, you wont be passing though.

    Hope you get this weather, its lovely.

    Look out for the wicker/willow man just past junction 23 if you are using the M5, prettty cool Barmey isn't he?

    Also, you will pass a pair of camels and a dinosaur.

    Its all going on here you know.


  • Comment number 38.

    Good point Miss P, come on UC, you must be surfacing by now??


    Off to work in a mo.

  • Comment number 39.

    He's absolutely stunning MTF. Between junctions 24 and 25 - 23 might be the dinosaur! If you get the train you see him from the other side. He has the second best buttocks in Somerset.


  • Comment number 40.

    Coming south Barmey, he is almost immediately after J23.

    He has had a lot of interest from the nesting crows the last few days, do you remember the state he got into a few years ago?

    Hen pecked or what!

    Gotta dash.


  • Comment number 41.

    You're absolutely right MTF. I should know that, seeing as I leave the motorway at junction 24! Sorry - I'm listening to yesterday's SK show and it's completely distracting me.


  • Comment number 42.

    now I was planning on going to devon on the A303 as you get the veiw of stonehenge on the way and you don't have to go through Exeter to get to Exmouth, but will go home M5/M4 just so I can see those wonderfun sights!

    Notice I was planning, mr bp is coming too but he gets very little say in which was we go ;-)

  • Comment number 43.


    Apologies for my late surfacing today - I was only released from Burnham-On-Sea police station an hour or so ago. Apparently I was found dancing up and down in front of the towns' webcam dressed in a snowman outfit `trying to attract the attention of a Tooth Fairy'.

    I have no recollection of this. Neither do I recall running up and down the pier shouting `Beez' at random intervals. This I'm told led to at least three people to throw themselves off the pier to avoid an oncoming swarm...

  • Comment number 44.

    P.S. Chris - any chance of changing the `Wrong Bongs' feature to something a little quieter? `Wrong Tut-tuts' perhaps?

  • Comment number 45.

    Carl, Perhaps best to experiment with a different tipple...creme de menthe perhaps...?


  • Comment number 46.

    Lol UC...Very good!

    Nic - I'm fairly sure that there is no capital 'A' at the end of Gibraltar.
    Three pints of 24 hour flu eh? Yet you seem so coherent!



    Ps - Lose not loose...soz!

    Pps - Clodagh, I'll be with you as soon as me pants have dried!

    I'll leave that there.......

  • Comment number 47.

    Murky Lurker reporting for duty!
    Sounds like a great plan CLP, a little of what you fancy never did anyone any harm, let us know how you get on, my mate has just gotten herself one of those vibro plate thingys an Im dying to have a go, Ill be like a rock come summer!!
    I need to pick all you loverly peoples brains on sumthin!
    I work in a raaaaa-ther pawsh place that has a big room with loads of windows, I discovered a couple of weeks ago there are loads of ladybirds hibernating in the window frames and ledges (didnt know they were hibernating until Id hoovered up about 20, i assumed they were brown bread, you shoulda seen the state of me emptying out that hoover bag!)
    Thing is, I need to start spring cleaning soon, when do they wake up??????? They come round occasionally and have a bit of a stagger about, I was in the habit of flickin em under the window seat cushion, until a bloody spider leapt on one an had him for brekkie! I feel my Karma is suffering greatly because of this (and the fact Id hoovered up half their kin) Should I sccop em all up and put them outside?? Or is it far too cold?? should I maybe leave a little snack out for them for when they do wake up? There are about 40 altogether (yes I have tried to count) there are even a couple of black ones with red spots? Any ideas??
    T. x

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Fairly Odd Mother,

    I have the same problem, but don't live in a pawsh house. Have ladybirds hibernating in frames in our windows. Have decided to leave them be as they would surely perish in the cold. Mine are actually in between the frames, so if we get a nice sunny day I'll just open the windows and let them fly away if they want. I like ladybirds as they do eat the aphids, natures little pest controllers. However, I notice we have far more of those pesky harlequin ladybirds (Spanish invaders) who prey on our native ones.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 49.

    #47, Hand yourself in to the RSPCA now...it'll be beter in the long run. ;O)


  • Comment number 50.

    Afternoon all
    Just got back from docs (annual review) and found that I have lost another 4.8kgs since 26th January, proud of myself? You bet I am...
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    First rule of nutrition: eat or die.
    Second rule of nutrition?

    Although I raise an eyebrow at prescriptive rules for eating, there are such things as good ideas and bad ideas, for sure... Eating regularly so that you are never famished and you always know that another meal or snack is coming soon (so you don't need to eat more than you really deep-down want just to "stock up") is a very good idea.

  • Comment number 52.

    anyone know how many banana's you should eat in one day?? I'm on my second?

  • Comment number 53.

    Lo everybody

    MTF am very glad you asked that!! I was shouting at the screen in work but couldn't post.

    Debs, we haven't fixed a date for our next meet up so it can't be that. What you up to!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Afternoon peeps, and my lovely Nic

    Tiggs - blimmin' well done to you - that's fantastic news!

    Debs - is it owt to do with Sarf Africa? Or have you put an ackchewal real date on when you're going to start using your posh new handbag instead of merely stroking it!?!? ;-)

    Thanks to everyone for the good luck wishes for Friday's interview. I shall endeavour to do my very bestest, and make you all proud of me!

    So, back from town. Nails now a priddy shade of dark pink. Also had pic done and have sent driving licence to the DVLA for the THIRD time.

    This afternoon a bit of this, a bit of that but none of the other. Not til later, anyhoooo! Tea to prepare - re-read Mr Ramsay's destructions and they don't look too complex .....!



  • Comment number 55.


    Beware: too many nanas can "bung" you up, if you get my drift ...


  • Comment number 56.

    Aren't ladybirds a protected species? You could set up a little cordon around them Fairly and apply for a grant. Are you sure the little black ones are actually ladybirds and not something they've left behind?

    Nic, forgive my impertinence but I have sent you a message on FB on the subject of SK, having just listened to the whole of yesterday's show. Oh the irony of her being followed by the gloriously sober Chris Evans. Who'd have thought it.


  • Comment number 57.

    Am in floods of tears here!!

    Just watched a beautiful Canadian ice skater do her programme, absolutely stunning.

    She's worked for this for years with her Mum helping her and her mum died at the weekend!!

    So brave and so beautiful

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 58.


    I have heard that eating too my bananas can make you put 's where they don't belong...



  • Comment number 59.

    nope, they belonged to mr banana, of the banana tree, hence the 's was justified!

  • Comment number 60.

    did he live in Banana Lane, Bananaville? And when he'd had enough, he Split!


  • Comment number 61.

    Several years ago, Mr P and I enjoyed a pub lunch in a lovely hostelry nestled in the South Downs. Whilst we sipped at our pre-lunch pint, one of the bar staff was writing up the blackboard for the dessert menu. She looked up and shouted across to the other bar lady, "'Ow many N's in banana?". "None" came the reply.

    Ever since, bananas have been known in our house as ba-a-as.


    Miss P

  • Comment number 62.

    LOL you lot!

    Deevs - I have indeed set a date for the glorious inaugural(sp) outing of the handbag! Saturday - "up to town" doncha know to meet some rather spiffing bloggers X

    Uncle Carl - hilarious - but soz about your arrest n all, sure you can get off with "diminished responsibility"??? Anyone know anyone barmy enough to take on his case???

    Tiggs - yet again fabulous news - good on you dearly!

    hmmmm now let me see I shall have to keep you in suspenders a wee while longer - but the clue is in the "wee" - see, tis to do with the blog weekend in Glasgee - have something occurin on the Sunday now that is making me smile......


  • Comment number 63.

    ROFL Miss P - actually I am sitting here trying not to giggle with tears ready to roll down the cheeks...... priceless indeed.

    Like the out pedanting of PedantNic Rips, keep it up ;-)


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Tee hee Debs. I'll take your case Carl. I specialise in people dressed in chicken costumes, as it happens. It's a niche practice but surprisingly lucrative here in the West Country.

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Barmy, I'll be your wing man - I specialise in accosting people in chicken costumes - see Bristol blog meet FB pics for proof!

    Tis in deedy lucrative in the West Country - we is all bonkers like them wurzles int we!

    (spech that MTF when she's been on er scrumpy jack n'all!)

    oo arr misses - i've got a brand new combine arvester.....


  • Comment number 66.

    #46 Rips - the A wasn't at the end, as it was the penultimate letter.
    #63 mtd - Do I get my title back now? ;O)
    Enough of the bananabarmyness...



  • Comment number 67.

    Nic - As I am an idiot, you are basically bullying me!

    You and your best mate Brown.......;^p



    Who is not and never will be a pedant!

  • Comment number 68.

    Thanks Barmy/Debs - much appreciated, although I'm not entirely optimistic about my chances, I'm already having the `Free The Stourbridge One' T-Shirts printed....

    I didn't mention my Pete Townsend impression on the Guitar Hero machine in the pier arcade, did I? Apparently I got a bit over-excited and at the end of the track, threw the guitar into the sea.

    Didn't go down too well with the arcade manager. Perhaps I should have disconnected it from the machine first....

  • Comment number 69.

    #66 You never really lost it Nic!!!

    Looking forward to the news Debs.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    # 49 Nic, make me feel worse why doncha?
    # 56 'Rama are they really??? Yayyyyyyyyyy. Im making a mini ladybird friendly pen as we speak (type), isn't what they leave behind yellow tho?
    Well it was when I was a girl!

  • Comment number 71.

    Mcw, I dont live in a posh house either, but its the people inside who count anyway, doncha think?

  • Comment number 72.

    Afternoon one and all!

    Am in shock today as I have seen the orange thing in the sky known in a previous life as the sun! It quickly turned to rain but good to know it is still out there!

    Busy day today - actually doing some work!

    Debs - hot date??!!
    Dorest - great diet!
    Tiggs - well done, great loss
    Deevs - fingers crossed

    Off now to make a cuppa and skive for 5 mins.


  • Comment number 73.

    #68 Carl - The guitarist whom you mentioned was once described as having the sort of face which looked like everyone else's does in the back of a spoon...
    #70 Happy to help ;O)

  • Comment number 74.

    Debs - You don't have a hot date with Peter Andre do you :O)



  • Comment number 75.

    Har har har! Gordon Ramsey has sliced his finger while demonstrating the correct way to chop! Love it.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 76.

    Auntie Sandy - got it in one!

    Nic - 50/50 would love my hot date to be with the lovely PA but not so - my version is considerably taller and considerably less rich!

    Any ways - dont go buying hats yet anyone, this guy has issues and I need to see if they are still clouding his judgement or if he has moved on from this time last year.

    Will keep you posted

    debs - on the moderate and sensible side of excited!

  • Comment number 77.

    Whoop Whoop Debs, You go girl. I am beyond excited for you xxx now when are we having that Mini Essex meet?


  • Comment number 78.

    Whoo hoo Debs - thought it was a man bringing on that excitement!!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 79.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Debs .... Go You!!!!


  • Comment number 80.

    Debs, so it wasn't the prospect of a night out Darn Essex that was fuelling your excitement then? ;-(

    Never mind, will have to organise a get together before you go so we can hear all about your plans then a get together when you get back to discuss how it went!!

    Not feeling any pressure are you?

    Deevs, how's the Ramseying going?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Evening all

    Sorry about the grumpiness earlier, but I don't do feeling poorly very well!

    Anyhow, I'm feeling much better now, and would be better still if FB would let me upload my photos of Paris!

    Hi and welcome to MJ and any other new folk

    Debs, good on yer!

    Baggy, I would be careful using the A303, Mr JG and I came back that way once, and it's very slow in places, especially if you get stuck behind a lorry!

    Back after trying again with these pics

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Evening all

    Well I went to the gym for a second session (a record for me) so feeling really proud of myself.

    Really disappointed, actually remembered to take my password with me today only to find my work has blocked me from logging into the blog.


  • Comment number 83.


    Well, to be honest Seza I'm a bit disappointed with Mr Ramsay. The Pork Chop with Piquant Sauce didn't live up to expectations. It was ok but not piquant enough for my liking - think if I ever do it again I'll either use 2 x chillis, or not de-seed it. Full up tho!

    MJ - well done on the gym front! I'm just trying to keep moving more during the day whilst without employment - the stairs in the multi-storey are a great work-out: I always make sure I park on level 2 for hat extra flight of stairs!!!

    JG - glad you're starting to feel human again. Looking forward to the Paris pics.

    I feel really tired this evening. Not sure how I managed to fit a full tine job into my life: today I went out at 11ish, got home mid pm, de-scaled the shower heads (as you do!), did the ironing, did tea ...... how am I going to work full time too ......!?!?!

    Laters hunnies - be genbtle with Beez when (if!) she arrives later!!



  • Comment number 84.

    Just been sitting here with my daughter discussing what sort of retirement home I am going to go into!

    Kids don't you love them?


  • Comment number 85.

    Wooo Hoooo - we're going dahn the pub!!

    (hope I don't wake up with "flu" in the morn ......)


  • Comment number 86.

    Well have finally managed to get some pics done, via the "simple downloader" ie 5 at a time....

    Have a good night Deevs, I've tagged one especially for you!!

    MJ, well done on the gym, I have enough trouble walking the dog!

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    JG Your pics are fab. Looks like you had a lovely time. was the dog pleased to see you back and are you feeling better?

    Deevs, Bought James Martin Winter Cooking today - Puds and Stews and cakes! Some experimenting to be done I think

    MJ I feel your pain! When i'm at work I can read the blog but when I try to log in, the border guards lock up the computer! Hence i spend my time talking to the computer in the hope that people can hear my responses!

    Of course, when I get home and can post, I've usually forgotten all the brilliant thoughts I had earlier!

    Well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Same with me, I can read it but not reply.

    I feel woefully inadequate with all this cooking going on, it doesn't help that I'm sitting watching Masterchef at the moment. I'm o.k with shepherds pie, spag bol and stuff like that but Gordon Ramsay and James Martin are a bit much for me. Did a midweek roast tonight bad planning as it is a no eating day today and the crackling was perfect.


  • Comment number 89.

    Evening all.

    I have just landed.

    I will be back as soon as I can see the screen clearly again.

    Wiping away tears of laughter at post 43!

    The one blooming night I havent got the B-O-Sea webcam on.

    Still, the Mercury comes out tomorrow.

    They are bound to have captured the excitement.

    Just going to pop some crabcakes in t'oven.

    Debs, big whoop whoop, tell us more!!

    Back as soon as.


  • Comment number 90.

    Good evening bloggers... as usual apologies for my prolonged absence but this baby malarky takes up soooo much time. I trust you're all well and by the looks of it I'm way behind with who's on here these days. Welcome to all the newbies and a big hello to all of you I know already. I'm on evening 6 of baby-man sleeping in his cot-bed, going to bed and sleeping from around 8 till 4am... this new found couple of hours of freedom is a bit wierd but lovely. We're off down to Wales to meet all the rellies down there this weekend so no doubt he'll be spoiled rotten and we'll have to start all over again with routine when we get back but in the meantime I'll make the most of it.

    B-M & Boo

  • Comment number 91.

    Seza, we had a brilliant time, and although it was freezing, at least it was dry for us!

    Was a bit concerned about the twin prop planes, especially coming home as we got bounced around a bit..Mr JG has a few more scars in his hands!

    Finlay was ecstatic to see us, even though MIL had stayed here so he could be at home. He wasn't happy, as she had gone out on Saturday for ages and he'd had a wee...trouble is she didn't think to check his bed and it had all soaked in there so poor thing had a wet bed until we got home...

    Mr JG was angry with her, and so was I, and we think next time we go away, although she's offered to stay, we may just put him in kennels, as it's to much worry!

    Other issues cropped as well, and we are just not comfortable with her ability to cope with stuff, as next time we're away Mr JG's brother is coming with us!

    MJ, I don't cook much either, don't worry about it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    U Carl what a life saver you are. Killing myself laughing here!!!!

    Bit of a stressful day and bad news at the end of it - well not bad bad but a bit of a blip. Hopefully it will sort itself.

    Just off to catch up with the rest of the comments and sort kitchen out - meal cooked here this morning and zapped meals on wheels style to the old ones so bit of clearing up to do here!

    Giggling Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Is it just me or is anybody else having trouble with f/b, don't seem able to post any comments.


  • Comment number 94.

    It's a bit iffy MJ, but has let me post a comment a few minutes ago

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    Evening all

    (((((Beez))))) sounds like you need that.

    FB is doing some funny things tonight MJ.

    Only 3 more sleeps - not that I am getting excited at all.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Lyndy, Sounds like you and Baby man are getting on fine! The good thing about getting in a routine is, even when you go away and get spoiled, you can get back to where you were. Enjoy your trip

    JG Glad you had a good time but sorry to hear it didn't go well with your M-i-L. You've got to know Finlay's well looked after if you're away don't you? Difficult situation though.

    Beez, what have you been up to? Hope the bad news not too bad?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 97.

    MTD, heard you mentioned on the Drivetime show again, well done!

    Enjoy the meet, I wish I could get down there, I love London, but all spent out after last weekend! Not to mention that it's a long way!

    JG x

  • Comment number 98.

    Good evening all.
    I see that your all happy people today,and I did ejoy reading all the slightly different topics.

    Chris ,I just might have to try your diet ,well Ido have to do something as I've just found that I am just one point off being a diabetic .

    I love my food but its not a choice now I just have to do something

    Jg ,Glad you had a nice time in Paris ,and the pics are lovely .

    Deev, good luck for Friday ,you'll knock em dead.

    Seza ,Happy cooking .

    Mj don't worry yourself over the cooking .I'm only bog standard because Mr Bis a man that is a meat and two veg type so get the chance to do to much more than that .

    Mtf ,whats this I see about you being a Lady .

    Debs ,hello my friend hows you .and please do tell .


  • Comment number 99.

    I know Bids!

    Guess they dont know me after all!

    Come on dinner, I am starving.

    Smelling good.


    Oh and Bids, you is not a bog standard cook.

  • Comment number 100.

    One hundred!


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