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Chris Evans | 08:38 UK time, Friday, 18 September 2009

...the audio book has been another eye opening experience.

There are so many words that when organised in rows and rows that just keep on coming at you relentlessly, and beat your mouth, tongue and brain into submission. Words that you've always been able to pronounce effortlessly, suddenly get muddled in a syllable jam somewhere between your throat and hole in the front of your face.

I am also seriously considering tracking down the dentist who in 1975 thought it was a good idea to remove one of my canine teeth which was needed to hold my jaws in place. As a consequence of its absence I now have a wonky "bite" which is not helping this precise - pronunciation - process.

Have a great weekend you cats.





PS: All Request Friday tonight - you know the drill. Post your super shiny suggestions for a fantastic first track below....


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  • Comment number 1.

    buzz light year! how cool are you chris!! what about some good old meatloaf tonight?? X

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP

    Is Buzz seeing you thru? Good luck with the recording!

    ARF - Rocks - Primal Scream

    Thank you.

    Have a fab weekend!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi again!

    It sounds like constant reading out loud might be a bit more taxing than was realised... I'd better get practising for reading to the baby.

    I love Buzz Lightyear... one of those films where I liked the sequel batter than the original.

    Booboo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning peeps
    Glad to hear from old colleagues that you are doing signings for the book, might have to venture down to Brizzle again soon, Debs, care to join me?
    ARF The Jags Back of My Hand

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    ARF** ZZ Top- Gimme all ya lovin'


    PS-like Buzz Chris.....and well done for doing the audio book....might have to be lazy and consider that option.

  • Comment number 6.

    I bet seeing your book all crisp & neat in front of you feels good.

    ARF I drove all night - Roy Orbison, for my love

  • Comment number 7.

    Hiya CLP!
    I know exactly what you mean!!! I have had to read out a passage from Birdsong in my A level English class and it is sooooo difficult! you forget how to say words you have used for years and what the punctuation means!!! It is sooo annoying!
    at least you have Buzz to cheer you on!!!

    ARF - R.E.M - Bad Day
    Love the show!
    Have a brill weekend

  • Comment number 8.


    ARF - Meatloaf - You took the words right out of my mouth?


  • Comment number 9.

    Morning Chris

    Loving Buzz on the desk and is that a row of Ferraris in the background?

    How about a bit of ZZ Top to kick off ARF - Legs.

    Have a great weekend too!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Tiggs OMG...that was the very first single I purchased......I must have been about 10 or 11????

  • Comment number 11.

    ARF- Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke


  • Comment number 12.

    Absolutely love that song and not heard often enough (imho)
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Do they edit out the sound of the page being turned or do you have to stop, turn, continue?? Or do you have to turn it as quiet as a very quiet church mouse??

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning Christoph

    Maybe Buzz is making you nervous! Keep up the good work.

    Fom previous blog.....


    Maggie May, Rod Stewart

    Thank you.

    Pen xx

    pee ess, Cheryl, stay as sweet as you are xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks Pen, now I can't get that song out of my head!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Morning all,MTF of the old sticky keys here!!


    Lady Lynda............The Beach Boys. Add a touch of class to what is already a classy show.

    Cant stick around, people to see, places to go.

    Be kind to one another.


  • Comment number 17.

    lol Tiggs

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi All

    My ARF, inspired by the very shiny Buzz Lightyear, is You've got a Friend In Me from Toy Story for all the nice people here on the blog

    Deevs, are you sure the congestion charge is sorted? ;-)

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    To infinity, and beyond!!!!

    Woo hoo it's Friday!! Good luck with the book Chris. Must be weird reading out loud for hours!!

    Hope everyone is ok and has a great weekend.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 20.


    Just this minute dun it! Fanx for the reminder, you're a good sort!


    x x x

    peeeee esssssssss thanks pen! xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    PS i know we're not all fans but did anyone here SK play Victoria Wood this morning. Waking up to "Let's Do It, Let's Do It" & my favourite line "Set fire to the buttons on me flame proof nightie!" sure starts the day with a smile! :-)

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    I have a desire to sit down now with a hot cuppa and dare I say it a Wispa Gold and watch Toy Story instead of working!!!


  • Comment number 23.

    Just want to make sure you did it Deevs. Wasn't sure if you are getting enough reminders over your shoulder

    MTF Can't recommend anything for the sticky keys. Don't suppose sticking it in the dishwasher would help much! lol

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Seza....yep...I heard it...very funny.....she (VW) aint my cup o tea but have to admit...I did chuckle to the lyrics...ver witty indeed...


    PS- Well done the Deev re congestion charge...you can thank Red Ken for that one....x

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning Bloggers

    How are wqe all this fine Autumnal morn?

    I must say I also noticed Buzz in your picture this morning and I have been to invinity and beyond to come up with my ARF for today.

    I am going with a prime slice of the finist Friday cheese, You must be able to smell it...

    Men at Work - Down Under

    Catch y'all in a bit

  • Comment number 26.

    Sezagirl - Didnt hear it but is that the song that also contains the lines, "Smack me on the bottom with a Womans Weekley"

  • Comment number 27.

    Seza - yes I did hear that in the shower with SK this morning - not literally but you know what I mean - made me laugh - seems funnier and more appropriate now I am older, compared to when I first heard it - spear an avacado up my lower portions - still laughing now..oh dear!


  • Comment number 28.


    This is my first post on this site so hello to all.

    I am currently listening to my first audiobook and i have to say the narrators american accent is terrible. I'm reading the Game and the narrator is Dexter Fletcher, I'm sure Chris's audiobook voice will be much better though.

    With regards to the first song, too many to choose from but i'm thinking:

    ARF - Pour some sugar on me by Def Leppard

    A bit of energy to kick the show off and a band i have seen live, great Sheffield band.


  • Comment number 29.

    Seza, I didn't hear it, but just love Victoria Wood, especially the bit that goes

    This folly
    Is jolly
    Bend me over backwards on me Hostess trolley
    Let's do it
    Let's do it tonight!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Bend me over backwards on me hostess trolley...

    Seza you've started something now : ))


  • Comment number 31.

    NM...sounds like a very good idea indeed....put the kettle on...I'll bring the Gold.


    PS- Slim.....that's really blue and wiffy....still good tho'.

  • Comment number 32.

    Hahaha .... I was thinking about the Woman's Weekly line ...!!!


    x x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    Just realised by the timings and dates of these signings that CLP must be having another week off, boo hiss!

  • Comment number 34.

    Funny.....twas the hostess trolley bit that started me larfin too!!

    AND....I'm using mine tomorrow night as we have guests...so watch out Mrs TB.


    Oh Hi Leigh...WELCOME....great...another geeza....watch out girls...x

  • Comment number 35.

    Wear your baggy Y-fronts with the loose elastic....
    Teehee, VW is great!!

  • Comment number 36.

    Ok I admit it. I lied.

    My favoourite line IS the one about the Women's Weekly but I didn't want to write that on the blog in case no one knew what I was talking about & took it as some sort of invitation!


    Bet you haven't got that on your Ipod, Deevs

    Smiley Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Seza...she's downloading it as we speak!!! lol

  • Comment number 38.

    TB - Guess I will have to wait till I finish work.... :( No golds at the garage next door, will have to get them when I do my food shop tonight.

    Right I really must crack on. See y'all later.

    NM x

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Lyndy. May I suggest, with all respect, that you save the hostess trolley moment for a few weeks? Might be a tad awkward at the moment! :-)

    Seza xxx

    Must go & do some work. Why doesn't the weekend start at 9am Friday? :-(

  • Comment number 40.

    LOL!! Noooooo - might give Mr Deev the wrong impression!

    Now, where's that bed-bat ....!?!?!

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    Can you get that on i tunes?? TBH it wouldnt supprise me some of the songs I have found on there... Was it not a double A side (what ever happened top those?) with Hale and Pace's - The Stonk for commic releif one year?

    I was also pondering in the shower this morning if come the new year we will be hearing this again

    Bounce bounce Bounce bounce Bounce bounce bounce Bounce bounce Bounce out of bed
    put down the post pick up your toast with the man with the ginger head.

  • Comment number 42.

    I would request an ARF, but mine was picked last week and that wouldn't be very fair. Smug, moi??
    Happy Friday to all x

  • Comment number 43.

    Deevs, maybe Mr Deevs could use one of Barry's line

    Don't Choose me
    Din't use me
    Me Mother sent a note to say you must excuse me!

    I just looked the song up to get these lines. Scarily, you can have it as a ringtone!! Imagine that going off in the board meeting!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Seza???? When did I say that? Must have been a FNWC moment....lol


  • Comment number 45.

    Good morning all! Did I miss the tea run?! Can I have a triple shot latte please … bad night with baby girl! Saw every hour!!

    Christoff, hubby and I used to love listening to audio books as we tootled up and down the A82 back fore to my folks … but with a 4 year old and 11 month old, Winnie the Pooh has replaced Patricia Cornwall and Rankin!! Arrabest with it!!!

    Lyndyloo - I’ll bet that bump is looking beautilicious now!! I was cuddling a 3 week old the other day and was freaked by how quickly you forget how to make a smooth handover with someone so teeny! Hope the work men are efficient and get the job done quickly!

    MC - oooo, haven’t heard that one in years!! That would bring back many memories!

    SuperBP - at least you weren’t adjusting your undies at the same time! Lol

    Tangobaz - when you get the video, can you put it on U-toob for us all to peruse!!?

    NM - Yay for Friday … but not quite so exciting when you’re working at the weekend! I use baby wipes, which are also amazingly good for mopping up red wine! Hmmmm.

    Hellenbach - I heard that bit on the way to work! But pleeeeaaasssssssssse … no Frog Chorus! ;)

    JG - what a waste!!!

    Seza - bonny in the Highlands too, thanks!

    Eb - the pup and my babe could cuddle up in a poorly wee heap! L

    Diva - ignore! Not worth wasting the keystrokes! Mwah!

    Jules - my bro spilt irn bru on his laptop keyboard … then used the hair dryer to dry them … which melted them! He pulled his old laptop keyboard apart and replaced the keys rather than pay £70+ for a new one!

    Nic - I cae home to hubby watching the cricket … which was depressing enough before I even saw the score.

    Wickerman - it does get boring, doesn’t it?

    Cesca - last time CLP played Meatloaf I was late for work!!

    Tiggs - I’d join you both if I wasn’t at ‘tother end of the country!!

    Dani - I’m sure you read beautifully!

    Darce - I didn’t see the Ferraris!

    Pen - I love Maggie May!

    MTF - Thanks for your company last night!

    Tinsel - hope you have a lovely weekend too!

    SirSlimJim - how are you this bonny day?

    Hi Leigh! Welcome!
    Amy Eleanor - ask away!!

    Hamm …. what to request!!?

    Huggles, Susan

  • Comment number 46.

    Susan......you get 1st prize in the 'most considerate blogger' competition.....congrats...xx

    FYI....Brighton weather report......'rubbish'!!!! Dull, grey, windy, cold....I could go on...but I wont, for fear of a lack of symnpathy...lol


  • Comment number 47.

    What a splendid bunch you all are. Happy to be here. I know I have only been on here 5 minutes but I'm off on holiday now, somewhere sunny - huzzah! And I get to avoid another humiliating display by England's cricketers on Sunday - double huzzah!
    Happy blogging folks and be nice to each other.



  • Comment number 48.

    Phew Susan What a post. Have you had the triple shot? Hope your poorly person feels better soon. ((x))

    TB I've just read back all the posts to see what I said that you'd said before I worked it out! FNWC has a lot to answer for but it was definately that Freda telling tales! lol

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Susan, Your posts have been sorely missed. How do you do it and with a poorly ickle one as well? Hope she gets better soon and you get some well earned shut eye! xx

    Where's the sun!!!!!!!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Ditto on the nice bloggers here. Can be (for me anyway) a bit intimidating being a newbie! Have a great holiday Nic. Not at all jealous, we have lovely grey clouds here and the temp is a whopping 13°C here!!


  • Comment number 51.

    ARF request:

    I'd love to hear Bon Jovi's beautifully atmospheric You Wanna Make a Memory ... but as it makes me cry, I guess it's not the best way to start the weekend is it??

    So how's about good ol' Living On A Prayer to get the weekend going?

    Huggles, Susan

  • Comment number 52.

    Leigh just realised I missed your post.

    Welcome to the blog. I've not been here very long and they are alomst all a very friendly bunch. Look forward to hearing from you again

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning chris

    I left Fridays song yesterday

    get the weekend of to a good start

    take me girl I'm ready Motown Jem junior walker love to all the family

    Have a good show ? What's going on in f1 it's gone radio rental love ya loads

    Stewart the chaufffer" & the lovely cathy x

  • Comment number 54.

    Well, you are truly a lively and considerate bunch. Thank you for all your welcome's!

    This is actually my first blog as well so good start to this kind of thing.

    I'm also surprised everyone has similar music taste to me, although i like mostly everything but my favourite stuff is 80's rock.

    Bon Jovi is on that list, and again i saw them last year...again, very good.


  • Comment number 55.

    Awwww, thank you TB! I really do need that triple shot latte now though, so going to rally the poorly baby and lazy lass and head for the coffee house! Join me anyone?

    Nic - you have a fabulous holiday and tell us all about it when you get back!

    Thanks Seza, but she’s been a poorly baby since last week and we’re getting fed up with the medical professionals having no explanations. Joys of parenthood!

    Awww, Pen, it’s nice to be missed! She’s in my arms just now, finally dozing! The sun is here in the Highlands, so sending some south!

    NM -och dinnae be intimidated! They are, on the whole, an amazing bunch of caring bloggers and blogettes, wonderful in ‘print’ even more wonderful in the flesh!

    By the way - Bloggers Meet on evening of 13th October in Glasgow - details on CLP Bloggers FB group ... I think!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Morning all! quick drop in before collecting small boy from school.

    That Victoria Wood song always makes me laugh!! Mind you lots of her stuff does, even if i've seen/heard it lots of times over!

    I would think reading out a whole book will take AGES - especially cos if you "um" or "er" or stumble over words I guess you have to start again! (imagine how Stephen Fry felt with all the Harry Potters!) But great that it is read by the writer himself!

    We used to love Winnie the Pooh tapes (that long ago!) in the car - now graduated to Matilda on CD which is a 3 disc job!! Trying to put some on small boy's MP3 player for our hols - but not an "i" one so am struggling a bit!

    Oh and CLP - where can you get a silver Buzz like that?!

    ARF - Fantastic Day by Haircut 100 - just cos Fridays are!!

    love Cornishgirlie xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Morning CLP et al,

    When does the book come out? I need a good read for my honeymoon in a couple of weeks. Is there anything in it about the beer we had on Poole Quay a good few years ago?!

    ARF - Jump in the Line (Shake Senora) - Harry Belafonte

    I'm new to this blogging world, it seems like a step up from Facebook!
    Have a great day and looking forward to 5pm!


  • Comment number 58.

    Susan - amazing blog - how do you do it and on so little sleep?? Good to see you back x

    Baggie - still giggling at you doing the lift dance - can just picture you patting your hair into place and walking out of the lift as if nothing had happened.

    Dragon - your trip sounds awesome, you must have some great photos and memories.

    Good to see you back on the up Billie x

    Annie - hope you get through today ok - thinking of you xx

    Welcome Nic and Leigh and have a great holiday Nic.

    Darce xxx

  • Comment number 59.


    Just popping in to say have a good weekend to everyone whatever you're doing.
    I'm off to Cornwall to watch another sister get got!
    Wedding fever this year it seems.

    Shall we run a sweepstake on how many times Lyndy - just - pops her head round the door of the completed nursery this weekend?
    Put some pics up won't you, those W the P murials are first class.
    Exciting times to be treasured x




  • Comment number 60.

    Morning each!

    Love the pic CLP...i have a buzz in my bathroom..and i dont have kids..whats all that about?!

    Now..went on my mission to bottom slapping supermarket on way home last night to purchase their entire display of Wispa Golds..and they had none!

    Thank you to Crumpy and MC for the offer of sending some..very kind..however a certain Beez has told me to expect a jiffy bag at home tonight..yay! Thank you so much in advance..you guys are amazing! Oh, and im still convinced they are not yet selling them in Yorkshire..do Cadbury not know that i, their best customer, lives here?!

    Great to see everyone (well most!) on last night.. made me giggle catching up!

    And yes, we sang Maxwells Silver at school Deevs along with Leaving on a Jet Plane and other random songs! But VW `Cant do it song` is one of my all time faves...the show its on is often repeated on Gold (that word again!) and i make the GM record it everytime so i can sing along!

    Right..time for ARF.. can only be one thing this week..

    GOLD by Spandau Ballet..

    Right..off to do some work..last day for 10 days..yay.!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 61.

    ARF - The Foundations - Build me up buttercup

    Cheers Chris and enjoy Goodwood.



  • Comment number 62.

    Welcome back HLS..keep smiling Chick!

    And welcome to Leigh and any other new bloggers..

    As for tastes in music..my week off is kicking off tonight with an 80`s Pop and Rock Extravaganza night tonight...should be a fab night!
    Then GM b`day tomorrow, mine on Sun (Happy Birthday to MCM too..great day to be born although ive got a couple of years on you!) then few days chilling then the GM and a gang are doing the National 3 Peaks challenge for charity..and i`m their driver..aargh!

    So if anyone sees a stressed woman driving a white minibus with a group of mucky lads in the bag going up and down the west side of the country next weekend then wave..thatll be me!

    And very remiss of me earlier..welcome home Dragon..sounds an amazing trip!
    And Lyndy..`citing! Look forward to the pics when room is done!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 63.

    Here's a classic - If I had $1000000 by the Bare Naked Ladies.
    Dedicated to Al, Jan, Jen and Joe who's 18 this Sunday!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Aargh..could be here all day!

    Hi Darce..hope you are well! And Rips have a lovely weekend..
    SBP - lift dance made me giggle..type of thing i`d do that!
    MTF..def try the damp cotton tip suggestion..otherwise just stick with sticky keys!

    Really am going now..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 65.

    Sticky Keys......no good for ARF...how about Sticky Fingers???


  • Comment number 66.

    Hi Chris: It must be so difficult to dictate your book - as you say, the words must seem relentless! However, the end result will be so worthwhile, so just hang in there!

    Hi to everyone else - the blog is flying along these days - really good topics!

    Seza: I also have to add that I love "Let's Do It" - VW is a genius!

    From the previous blog - boleyngirl: "Grow Old With Me" makes me weep like a baby every time I hear it. How you managed to recite some of the words are your wedding, I can't imagine! What a special moment that must have been for you and MrB. If I hear that song and MrS is nearby, I end up a blubbering wreck!

    Welcome to the newbies: Nic, Leigh and Marky. Hang around - the blog is great, and you will love it!

    Susan: great to see you back. What a girl you are - I don't think you missed a single person on your post!

    Happy Friday everyone else!

    C xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Greetings Ter The Christoooooof Evans Boy & ALL..........

    Bingo Star ere.........

    CLP - Didn't yer mention terdee yer meeting with The Will dude ter do abitta wreeting.... if it's still one for terdee..... 'ope all goes Will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well both Will & well - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS If yer both get creative BLOCK.... yer now, sorry know, where a am.... more than 'Willing' ter 'elp!!!!!

    PPS Don't forget the Personal Pigeon idea..... a think that's a relatively good name!!!!!!

    So terdee am really excited..... meeting Suzie a bit later and still aven't told 'er what the BIG surprise iz.... a just 'ope a 'aven't been too naughty and she fails ter show!!!!! 'ope ave noot frightened 'er with talk of we might get arreasted.... a joke of course!!!!!!!!!!! Actually she better DAMN show.... it's costing me enough!!!!!!!

    Any way am noot gonna blow the surprise yet but..... all a will say iz.................... nothing!!!!!!

    PS For ARF - CLP any chance of me all time fav Coldplay tune.... Difficult actually ter say which iz me favourite az so many are good but a love 'The 'ardest Part' tune.... MEGA!!!!!!!!!!!
    If that's no good, any Coldplay tune would do pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope all ave a most nice weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!@!@!@!@@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!

    Finally..... at last ere's me Italian GP report.
    Maybe a bit of a delay az it ended up noot too much ter write about from a Fisi point of view az no points were invlolved. Unlike on the roads were if yer go too fast yer can get points yer don't want in F1 it's a case of fooot ter the floor and go az fast az yer can ter get points yer do want - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    Any way bit of a BIG learning curve for Fisi and in particular the long Parabolica curve did become a learning curve.... literally!!!!
    WHATTA COINCIDENCE..... The Parabolica curve waz the corner a mentioned in me pre-race write up az the one that leads onter the long straight, INDEED one of the most important sections of the Monza track for a good lap time. Unfortunately it didn't 'elp Fisichella's confidence what with the car understeering off there in the final practice session before the real serious stuff began of qualifying. Resulting in 'im 'itting the tyre wall causing a fair bit of damage to 'is new beautifully gleaming red machine!!!!

    A case of Fisi Parabolica-ing up the Parabolica!!!!!!!@@@!!@!

    Due to this years rules that yer can't test much, Fisi couldn't drive the Ferrari at all until the first proper practice session on Fridee!!!
    On top of this Monza iz such a difficult track ter set the car up!!!
    Yer need very little wing for the VERY long straights yet az yer ave so little wing then the car becomes less grippy and abit, actually change that.. ALOT, of a 'andful, particulalry in the fast corners..... such az the, much mentioned ere, Parabolica!!!!
    Thus leading ter Fisi's mistake and off track incidentation that left a dent in more than 'is car!!!!
    Now before yer say; well Kimi goot 'is Ferrari inter 3rd on the grid and finished..... errrrr 3rd, so why waz Fisi so slow compared ter Kimi!!!!
    Well firstly Kimi 'as been driving the car for the whole season so 'az become accustomed to it's 'andling characteristics, yet Fisi 'asn't and for 'im it's been a test of character!!!!!
    On top of this the KERS system that Fisi 'as never used before and really affects the way car 'andles a lot differently ter the ForceIndia without the KERS system.
    Then on top of that... noot 'aving full confidence ter take that Parabolica curve well and thus enable 'im ter build a lot of speed down the long straight.... a BIG reason a feel why suprisingly Fisi didn't do a lot of overtaking down that straight!!!!!
    Sadly just missing out on points too. The positive waz 'e did finish the race and 'as leaned a lot about the car!!!!
    All in all, a difficult weekend for Fisi driving 'is dream of a Ferrari!!!!
    A personally feel it's a mistake Fisi leaving the suddenly come good ForceIndia, especially after a lot of 'ard work and 'eart ache, the fruits of this are know, sorry now, just being realised!!!!
    I'm sure if 'e 'ad stayed at ForceIndia 'e would ave goot a podiumn result and a strong possibility of winning the race!!!!!!

    But being an Italian & 'is ultimate dream.... 'e 'ad ter do the move!!!!!

    Looking ahead.... I'm sure the Singapore GP will be a lot better 'as it's an easier ter set up the car cirrcwwit, sorry circuit, (thought a waz italian for a mo then) and one of Fisi's favs tracks so a wreckon 'e will do well at this GP!!!!!

    Just a shame 'e didn't do the MEGA and win the Itailian GP!!!!!!

    Another thing too..... I think Fisi will probally go back ter ForceIndia next year but maybe 'e won't ave ter if 'em ends up with a full drive next year at Ferrari!!!!!
    There's rumours of teams running 3 cars with the Ferrari boss di Montezemolo strongly arguing in favour of this so maybe 'e 'is aving thoughts of giving ter Fisi a full race drive next year.... plus a know they are friends too!!!!!
    On top of this, all the controvsey surrounding Renault & Alonso.... it doesn't bode well for Alonso.... 'e always seems close ter trouble Alonso.... remember all the shenanigans at McLaren!!!!!
    Maybe Ferrari are aving second thoughts about Alonso!!!!! So maybe they won't ave ter run three cars and Fisi will still end up with a full drive there anyway!!!!!!!!!

    Az for all the bad stuff at the moment surrounding F1, a don't wanter get inter that wreet now but it's a shame!!!!!!!
    Nowadees the racing iz often so boring compared ter the dees of old!!!!!
    A mean if a driver does a mega move and it goes wrong aka 'e collides or forces another driver off a bit.... the rules are so regimented that 'e will be penalised!!!!!!!!!
    Yet behind the scenes the management seem ter be doing their best ter destroy F1.... MAD!!!!!
    Bring back the days of wheel ter wheel Senna/ Mansell proper racing and of course Murray Walker when drivers overtook...... errrrrr like racing drivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 68.

    Afternoon all

    Can't wait for the book Chris. Your's will defo be top one on the pile I have on my wish list for the season beginning with C which is not allowed to be mentioned yet.....(please!).

    Hope everyone is fine and dandy and looking forward to the weekend with fun stuff on the agenda.

    Hi to all newbies, hope you enjoy being part of this fun place.

    Sun is out here on the Ox/Bucks/Norfamps border and should be for the whole weekend - hurrah!

    Not much to report other than fatigue due to the footie 'up North' last night. Might have to become a full-time Blue. Would make my life alot easier!!

    ARF - Anything by Average White Band - cos that's the gig we had to miss last week due to illness.

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Afternoon all

    Hope you are all well.

    Been running backwards and forwards to Mums as washing machine broken and they can't come and fix it for NINE days!!!!!

    Not happy, wouldn't mind if it was old not even had it's 2nd birfday yet.

    ARF Hey Ya by Outcast to cheer me up

    Thanks Chris


  • Comment number 70.

    #69 Bingo is that good or bad!!!!!

  • Comment number 71.

    ARF - victoria wood, lets do it!

    Because it's made everyone here laugh today, and it is genius!!

    Right, off home to check out doggy - new name, Ozzie rather than George (don't ask!). So far he's desqueaked 3 toys (and that's only because he's only had 3 so far!)- he's such a cutie - who'd have thought a squeaky chicken could give one dog so much joy????

    Have fab weekends all, ignore the nasties!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Afternoon peeps, oldies and newbies.
    Bunked off early from th'office hence able to blog int th'afternoon. (why am I using that silly 'voice'- must be coz I listened to more of the Lancashire Hotpots on youtube after The Chippy Tea song yesterday.

    I do love a funny ditty and have some vinyl of Billy Connolly and Mike Harding. Have a soft spot for Jake Thackary - anyone remember him or am I showing my age?

    Sun is really trying to come out here in N Wales - hope it manages it.

    Will repeat my ARF from yesterday - It's Not Unusual - Tom Jones.
    Can't help but sing along and dance.

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Susan - I'm sure my mutt would love to cuddle up with ur little one - since the boy arrived she never seems to get the attention she thinks she deserves!!

    Love VW - not only her songs but the shows as well.....'Two Soups' anyone!!

    Tins - my mutt seems to be scared of squeaky toys.......mind you, her own shadow can scare her if she's not expecting it.....some gun dog she's make!


  • Comment number 74.

    OO forgot to say - welcome newbies!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Me again!

    Crumpy..i missed the chippy tea last night..was it on CLp show? I heard most of it last night too! Love the Lancashire Hotpots..championed them to everyone about a year ago.. anyone who hasnt listened to them then you tube them NOW! Will cheer up your fri afternoon no end!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 76.

    Afternoon everyone,

    Welcome to the newbies too.

    Scoobs, lucky you having time off , enjoy . Hope your parcel arrives.

    I have yet to track down a WG, trouble is when i get in the chocolate isle , i become overwhelmed !! Should i get this , what about that, .....

    Tins, so pleased your doggy is in a lovely home .

    Rips, enjoy the nuptials !

    ARF - Heaven 17 - Temptation , thank you

    Happy Friday everyone

    MC ;-)))

  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Guys

    I have already suggested a song today but i'm not sure if its good etiquette to recommend another.

    I am doing the great north run this weekend for get kids going (Charity) and its my first half marathon. Ill be there with 55,000 other crazies running 13 miles and thought a song along the lines of running would be a good suggestion.

    So, my other ARF is - Born to Run, by the Boss, Bruce Springsteen. What do you think, any other running suggestions?


  • Comment number 78.

    Thanks MC..few days chilling planned although out tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night, sunday and sunday night..i`ll be a wreck by Monday!

    I feel happy...!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 79.

    Hi all, sorry no time to chat, will be back laters

    ARF - Road to Nowhere??????? Love it

    Byeeeeeeee for now x

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi just listening to Jeremy Vine talking about parking fines. How about John Denver " Take Me ±«Óãtv Country Roads" for the first song on ARF? It's a great song anyway.
    Truelyflo. X

  • Comment number 81.

    Buggerrrrrr, just brought the milk in from milk man - put the bottle side on the fridge, top fell straight off. Pint of milk all over everything in me fridge arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • Comment number 82.

    Bingo, hope the surprise goes down well with Suzie!

    Both myself and Mr P are getting a tad bored with F1. Agree bring back the old days and Murray!!!

    Tinsel, Glad Ozzie's settling in. Great ARF, but I'll eat my hat if it's played! lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 83.


    Oh, you will end up like me .... coming back to work for a rest hey !

    MC xx

    PS, anyone heard if Bondy is Ok ??

  • Comment number 84.

    Nice people, Bingo, F1 and all the WG's I desire.

    Should have done this years ago!

    MB x

  • Comment number 85.

    Leigh......you trying to muscle in on my Harem?????

    Doing runs for charity will get this lot on your side immediately..

    And yes.....you can have an ARF change of mind, we don't have many rules here.....except, just be nice to one another.


  • Comment number 86.

    To add to the Friday happiness, here's a little poem one of my old ladies just brought in for me to put in our newsletter

    Are you lonesome tonight?
    Is your bra far too tight?
    Are your corsets all falling apart?
    Does the size of your chest
    Wear big holes in your vest
    Does your spare tyre reach up to your heart?
    Are your stockings all wrinkled?
    Your shoes wearing thin?
    Are your knickers held up
    With a big safety pin?
    Are your dentures so worn
    They fall out when you yawn?
    Then no wonder you're lonesome tonight!


    Seza has left the building!

  • Comment number 87.

    Happy Friday everyone! Welcome newbies!

    I was wondering the same as Jules about the page turning . . .mic is awful close to the pages, so you would have to be careful turning the pages. Unless you "slide" each page out of the way, rather than turning?

    And am the only person who's tried squinting at the pic to see if I can get a preview read??

    Been giggling all morning at the quotes from Lets Do It . . .had forgotten loads of it. Been walking around the office singing it to myself too. Appeared to scare Boss Man slightly when he walked in mid-rendition, think he might have been worried he was being propositioned for a second!


  • Comment number 88.

    Lol Seza - will have to print that out and show my mother tomorrow!!

    Welcome MarkyBoy.

    Have great birthday weekends MCM, Scoobs and her man.

    Hi Pen

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 89.

    SWF....honestly...flirting with the boss now r we??????

    Hi MB...

    Seza...good poem...see, even the oldies have got a sense of humour..(sorry Sir Tel! just kiddin)


  • Comment number 90.

    A picture is a thousand words. In this blog`s picture we have Buzz Lightyear, who featured heavily in Clp`s past shows. I remember when they came out they where in big demand with kids and adults, next the bubble wrap under the mike. That featured on one of Clp`s past shows too, as the bubble wrap skirt/dress got popped, but that was then. I’m trying to think of what cars are in the silver picture frame, I think a yellow Fer 275 GTB and a B/A/M/Fer...? But not sure. Christophe, you have to read out ALL those pages? Good luck with that, it`ll all be worth it in the end. Is that one of Noah`s nappies or did you pinch a towel?

    ARF: Chris Rea - Girl in a Sports Car; Queen - Flash Gordon; Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape.

    Am I allowed 3?

    mj x

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi all, especially the new folk, please stick around!

    Just dropping by...

    ARF - Pulp - Common People - please!!!

    Catch you later, need to be working!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    No MTV....just 2...lol

    Don't know that Chris Rea one tho'....????

  • Comment number 93.

    Great Poem Seza, don't know why but I can picture Freddie Star singing that!!

    Hi back to you Darce, how you diddling, on the up I hope xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Thanks for the birthday messages on both this and yesterday's blog, I'm looking forward to a great weekend!

    MTF from last night, I'm near Falmouth.

    Oh and Chris I know I've already asked but my ARF ABBA I have a dream, especially for my 30th on Sunday!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 95.


    ARF - Electric Avenue, Eddy Grant

    And Yes I had to look up who the artist was, but for some reason that's been stuck in my head for days!

    I sympathize Chris, funny how normally I can speak pretty well, but when it comes to talking with important people, or having to read something aloud I always seem to switch letters round unintentionally. Spoonerism I think it's called.

    Off to do battle with the hoover.


  • Comment number 96.

    Pen - I think maybe he sang his own comedy version of Are You Lonesome? It's ringing a bell with me too!

    TB - not intentionally anyway! Although he has now offered me a few days work next week too (was supposed to finish today), so maybe the thought of me flirting with him didn't scare him that much, eh?!


  • Comment number 97.

    hello CLP and all

    Sorry not able to catch up on blog properly, but love Buzz Lightyear and Woody!!!

    ARF - New Order True Faith

    I abs loved that video!!!

    Have a great weekend one and all


  • Comment number 98.

    SWF...u go girl........climb that ladder...no matter what...lol

    Arr...almost forgot...so u not in the valleys....then where, may I ask???

    Happy Biffday MCM...you young child...!


  • Comment number 99.

    Oh, nearly forgot, Happy Birthday MCM!

    JG x

  • Comment number 100.

    Well us "unemployed" types have to do what we can to earn our bread!

    Right this minute I'm in the lovely Vale of Glamorgan, and I live just outside the Vale in Bridgend.

    So not the Valleys. :-P


    PS: Did anyone else hear on the ±«Óãtv news this morning that staying in in your PJs is the new fashion . . .must make me super trendy for the first time in many many years!


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