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I was up early with Noah today again...

Chris Evans | 10:38 UK time, Thursday, 17 September 2009

...but really felt like I could kill for just another half hour of kip - I felt dog tired.

So when Tash wakes up and goes to give him his feed, I say, "Hey babe, do you mind if I have a quick sleep catch up ?" She replies: "No problem" so I go back to bed and set my alarm for forty five minutes time.

Now here's the thing, not only did I go straight back to kipsville but I also had three very vivid dreams. So here's the question, did I need to go back to bed for the sleep or because somewhere deep down I knew I had to get these dreams out that were bugging me ?

Either way, when I woke up I felt a million dollars !

We are indeed strange creations.





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  • Comment number 1.


    I too had vivid dreams last night - possibly after the emotion of watching my beloved Arsenal in the Champions League!!

    ARF - Rocks - Pimal Scream

    Lovin' your work!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    What were the dreams?? We need to know!
    Lottery numbers perchance?

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning CLP!

    So what were you dreaming about? I can never remember my dreams when I wake up...


  • Comment number 4.

    Tel me this Big Chief CLP, . . .

    do you ever dream about the Blogees - your faitful correspodants, Bingo, Cheryl, Clodagy, Mr. Ripley . . et al . . .

    if the answer is yes to the above question, may I suggest you take some time off, alone for a while . . .

    DtM x


    The Cure - Friday I'm in Love . .

  • Comment number 5.

    I reckon you desperately needed the sleep! I too was up early with my 16 month old son (5:48am to be precise) No such luck on getting some catchup sleep though! Looking forward to the show, Noah and I always listen whilst he has his tea!

    First time post, long time lurker!!

    Love Noahs Mummy

  • Comment number 6.

    L~OL DtM !!!


  • Comment number 7.

    CLP...don't talk to me about vivid dreams....just try those nicotine patches mate and it's like Total Recall time.....wierd stuff indeed...spleshly when you think you're Arnie....

    Deevs...ta for the new blog notification.


    PS- I'll be back!

  • Comment number 8.

    morning noahs mum - glad you joined the party!!

    I drempt last night I met susan boyle - no idea why but she was very nice!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 9.

    Typical..one of my usual essays (!) then a new blog!

    Anyway.. dreams are a weird thing indeed..we all have them in us but dont always remember then anytime.. weve been here before but imho ou needed to get them out CLP..always good to start the a.m with a clear head!

    TB..on a mission to find wispa golds today..at a different shop in a different county so different newsagents..wish me luck!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 10.


    The Vapors-Turning Japanese


    Blow the dust off it first tho'.


  • Comment number 11.

    Correction........new ARF


    ZZ Top- Sharp Dressed Man

    Coz I am....


  • Comment number 12.


    Did you have cheese for supper? Always dangerous I find.
    And what were the dreams about - stop teasing and tell. Please!


  • Comment number 13.

    Howdie noahs_mummy

    Welcome to this ere blog, altho not your first visit?? Do you play golf, perchance?


  • Comment number 14.

    Hello CLP and all

    Unlike you CLP I was up bright and early at 6am raring to go! Even Alfie the dog looked at me from his bed as if to say what time do you call this, get back to your bed!!! Did't have any memorable dreams though! So are you not telling your dreams as otherwise we wil be analysing your life for you thanks to mr dream man you had on a while back?

    Have just received this link and for all you cat lovers or those who like something to smile about.....

    Have a good one all


  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris,

    I am fascinated by vivid dreams, the type where you are really, actively involved but are somehow aware that you are dreaming at the same time. I've looked into it in the past and the best time for them is when you have that expra snooze in the morning! Our alarm (in schooltime) goes off for Boleynman at 6.45am, and I always go straight back to sleep.He often drags me out of the most real and bizarre situations when he comes in at 7.40 with my coffee (bless'im).

    I think there are some people who can't go back to sleep once they've woken up, but not me. I love a powernap of an afternoon at the weekends, but never dream then at all, no idea why.

    Can't believe it's ARF time already - will have to think about it.

    Btw Baggie, have you written all your thankyous yet? I bet you have you efficient lady. I've done most but am mopping up on an "as and when I see them" basis - then I say "I've been meaning to send you this for aaaaaaages". Shameful.

    A x

  • Comment number 16.

    Morning all... Am a complete newbie to the blogging malarkey, but having been following for the last few months.

    CLP - it's all about the sleep. I'm reliably informed by my sister who has 3.5 sprogs (the 0.5 being due early next year) that parental units such as yourself need all the sleep they can get their hands on.

    Methinks Nic's thoughts re cheese are possibly correct. Cheeeeeessssse - so good, but can seriously confuddle your mind!

    AnnaBelle xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    PS apparently there are some vivid dreamers who have got it down to such an art that they can actually control what they dream about, by repeating words before they go to sleep, setting their alarms for a certain time around dawn then going back to sleep or somesuch. So, allegedly, they can say "Right, I want to see what it's like to fly so I'm going to dream I'm flying". And of course then there's no limit to what you can get up to!

    I watched a film recently about a man who had a relationship with another woman in his dreams, regularly, and it got him into no end of bother. Can't remember what it was called but his fantasy lady was that Spanish temptress, Penelope Cruz. I wouldn't fancy competing against her at anything!

    A x

  • Comment number 18.

    OI DTM!
    They wouldn't be dreams they'd be nightmares....

    I too, took myself back to bed this morning when I should have got on the road and back to the office - re-awoke two hours later at 7:45 and had a leisurely breakfast.
    This couldn't happen at home and I feel slightly guilty!

    As for dreams - like just about everything I do nowadays - I know I have them, I just can't remember them!



    PS - Tango, I don't know Will Carling, I just stalk him on Twitter. He is following me now though which is quite a buzz.
    Must remember not be rude about Quins.

  • Comment number 19.

    PPS I'm not saying it's true but I read about it on t'internet. It also says that people who dream vividly are exceptionally intelligent, now of course that bit is true.

    A x

  • Comment number 20.


    I have played once or twice yes, although I can't say I am any good at it!! The sun was starting to set by the time we were nearly finished!!!


  • Comment number 21.

    Will be quiet now.

    A x

  • Comment number 22.

    Hey Boleyngirl, I have had rudey dreams about people I worked with and they've been so realistic that I've then been extreeeeeeeeemely embarrassed facing them the next day!! It happened once when I was with my then partner (not the most recent one, the one before, sigh, so many men, so little staying power) and I felt soooo guilty when I woke up!!

    I do have very vivid dreams - ergo I am exceptionally intelligent too!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Tinsel, I never doubted it!

    Ah, THOSE dreams. Yes. Have you ever wondered if it's possible that the other person might have had the same dream and is also looking at you in a new light? So that it did actually happen, but just in a different dimension ie dreamland?

    Sorry to hear the last one didn't work out - his loss indeed.

    A x

  • Comment number 24.

    I also have a rude dream and it's a recurring one - worse still it's about one of our fellow bloggers.....

    I'm not telling you his name though - Haha!

    Boleyn - you will not be in the slightest bit surprised to hear that my dreams are not vivid.



  • Comment number 25.

    BG - thank you cards - Mr bp has designed them and just waiting for me to give him numbers so they can be printed and sent!

    Those kind of dreams, very embarrising - hope the other person has them too as I have one occasionally about a certain David 10 inch - how bizare if we met and he said your the girl from my dreams .........................

  • Comment number 26.

    rips - your having that dream too?

  • Comment number 27.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    Aaaah the fatherley powernap in the mornings, I don't know why either CLP but it's such a lovely one.
    Sold our house last week after 2 years on the market, found another staright away, solicitors tomorrow to sign papers, hoping to move in early-mid October. Gym last night, all on track for a week on Sunday.

    Dreams - man I love them, especially the vivid ones that have a fruity edge (Mange tout mange tout)
    - however I keep having one that I cross the finish line next Sunday, drop to my knees all emotional but no-one sees me, even my own family......very strange.

    Hot dogs are ready, kids are like unfed animals, see you all later

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 28.

    Aaah Baggie, good plan. I made the mistake of writing them all individually. Some got the same jokes on theirs though.

    Rips, aww. Neither are Boleynman's. He has dreams about buying rawlplugs, lagging the loft and suchlike! But he's very intelligent, in his own way (I can hear him now saying "Why do you always have to qualify a nice comment with a vicious backhander") and @m sure you are too!

    Anyway, I didn't make it up and it's propbably a load of piffle.

    A x

  • Comment number 29.

    BG - hand write each one? Are you mad??? We have a choice of four standard messages and the only thing hand written will be there names and ours!

  • Comment number 30.


    If you read todays entries - are you doing any book signings?
    If you are I won't get one until then, I'll be the one carrying a boot!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Bags, it's the teacher in me. But I did stick a little square picture of our fizzogs in the left hand corner of the card so that took up some room. And I didn't do my smallest possible handwriting, it was quite big really!

    A x

  • Comment number 32.

    Gingembre - I could try some amateur trick-cycling on that one but in truth I have no idea what it means and am absolutely certain that it won't happen! Good luck. And now I fancy a hotdog.

    A x

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Blogpeeps!

    Dreams.... pregnancy.... loads of dreams!!!! I've never had such vivid dreams and Baggie I too have them about a certain DT {{{swoon}}} but yesterday I was awoken by the sound of a cockerel crowing at 6am! Then this morning I woke up at 6am wondering why I couldn't hear the bird and hoping he'd not been eaten by a fox!

    I echo CLP... we are indeed strange creations!

    Booboo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 34.

    Come on Boleyn....come clean.

    You are the CMM aren't you - if not you are her twin.
    Damning with faint praise is another of her favourites!

    Why aren't you busy shaping the future of our great country anyway?

    Teachers - Pah!



  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Lyndy,

    Glad to hear that you are enjoying being preggers - so often not the case.

    I'll leave Tango to get modded for doing the joke about what woke you up yesterday morning.



  • Comment number 36.

    We are indeed strange creations Christophe!

    mj x

  • Comment number 37.

    Ahhh GUILTY as charged RIPS...how very dare you.....so you should feel guilty...I'm telling!!!! Dear Mrs Ripster.....I write to inform you...

    Being stalked by Carling....that's coz you don't drink enough of it...??

    And for Gods sake, don't tell everyone about your dreams...thought I could trust you???


  • Comment number 38.

    RIPS.....sooooo tempting to get modded...but I'll resist temptation...

    You can pay me later Lyndy...!


  • Comment number 39.

    Erhem your ripplness, you know you love us really.

    I have a perfectly valid note for my abscence - My Thursday timetable doesn't start in earnest untill next week as it is a 10 week course, so today I have had one meeting this morning and have another at 2.30 (known as dentist time here). So I am utilising my time by planning my mindshaping and thinking of fab things to do. For instance I think we'll sing "Alice the Camel" tomorrow afternoon in Y1. And Sally Saucer.

    And I'm doing jazz in Y6, d,ya wanna sing swing, ring-a-ding?

    Now stop your moaning or I'll look at you with that "You know I'm a nice person and too polite to shout at you but I have you under my power and you will not, no will not ever, mess with me" look.

    Just wish it worked on the Boleynteen2.

    A x

  • Comment number 40.

    Oops, absence.


  • Comment number 41.

    CLP -

    I bet a million dollars was happy ;-) bum! bum!

    Had to get these dreams out? nah, doubt it.

    ok I'm sorry to take this off track but .... did you hear/see about that poor chap stuck in hospital who posted that food bingo stuff on his facebook site?

    I did a search and found his blog ... check it out ... I laughed so much I don't think my pants will dry out this side of Christmas:

  • Comment number 42.

    Oops, sorry Miss,

    Alice the Camel' is the best, I creased up the first time the boy sang it to me.....it's the simple things - as ever.



  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon all

    Christoph, If ever I sneak back to bed after getting up for whatever reason, I always tend to dream and it feels like you've been there hours when in reality it's only been half hour!!

    This of course was the subject a while back, but I have been known to wake whilst having the most lovely dream and been so desperate to get back into it. But it never happens!

    Pen xx

    btw, Nic, love the blog name!!

  • Comment number 44.


  • Comment number 45.

    Rips, there's loads more where that came from! "Black Socks" is a good one too.

    It's a while since we had a a good blog singalong. Once ages ago we had a splendid rendering of "A Mouse lived in a Windmill". Chezza had a very pleasing alto voice and Tinsel was, well, undescribable, and there were others too I'm sure.

    Not got time now, as I have to hoover before I go out. It's hard being a superwoman.

    A x

  • Comment number 46.

    What's up Bingers?

    A x

  • Comment number 47.

    Ooops, nearly forgot.............


    Maggie May

    Rod Stewart

    Thank you

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 48.

    No reference ter yer blog above but these shares are driving me mad..... the ones ave goot me eye on but don't buy but am about ter buy suddenly rocket up just before am gonna buy..... and the ones a do buy...... well suppose a can't complain!!!!!

    Gotta go... try ter blog later.... still noot done me full Italian GP report!!!!!!!


    PS CLP - We all need abitta extra kip every now and then - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    A feel a joke coming on butta ain't goot time.... off ter London wreet know, sorry now!!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Tango - Don't know where to start mate!


  • Comment number 50.

    Dreams are the strangest things. I’ve never been in a fight in my life, but I had a dream I was in this fight, I woke up after punching the wall beside the bed - ouch! What’s was that all about?

    I wonder if animals dream, and what they dream of?

    Chris I bet your excited about the forth coming book launch, I know I would be. Always wanted to write a book, never had an idea for one! Love books, love libraries, used to bunk off school only to spend it in the local library! Love the smell of magazines and brochures!

    Love mj x

  • Comment number 51.

    Ay Superwoman...how does that 'Black Socks' go again..????


    PS-ooops...feel that scorning look burning into me now.

  • Comment number 52.

    Tango, it goes

    "Black socks, they never get dirty,
    The longer you where them the stronger they get.
    Sometimes I think I should wash them
    But something inside me keeps saying not yet".

    And it's not scorning, it's firm but fair with the hint of a twinkle.

    Gotta go, ta ra.

    A x

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi Chris,You never said what the dreams were about!!!!!!
    Sometime my dreams seem so real,i wake up and think did that happen,or was it just a dream,strange.!!!!!
    love to all.xx

  • Comment number 54.

    More thoughts on dreaming. Had an ex girlfriend many years ago who woke up shouting "the dog's in the oven". As if this wasn't bad enough we didn't even have a dog.
    "How to disappear completely" by Radiohead was written as a result of Thom Yorke dreaming that he was flying.
    My ex wife used to dream a recurrent dream about the same house and she could tell you in detail about all the rooms.


  • Comment number 55.

    Nic - I dreampt I was at a friends house, somewhere I had never been, and expained it back to him - and was pretty much correct - now that is spooky!

  • Comment number 56.

    Well in honour of the dreamy blog, how about

    ARF - Dream a little dream of me - either by Mamas and Papas or Beautiful South??

    Boleyngirl, please let us know when you've got time for more singing. After watching The Choir I'm desperate to join in!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    I just had a lovely lunch with a lovely lady of this ere blog parish.

    Cheers Seza!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    tins, my friends have banned me from singing in publc! Little do they know I now have Queen singstar :-)

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi chris

    dreams are a great thing it's strange they all so clear until we try to remember them

    have you ever gone back to sleep hoping u can re join them anyway my freind hope lifes kind to you & your loved ones

    Friday tune is up lifting take me girl I'm ready junior walker

    Kind regards Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 60.

    super_bagpuss - now you have scared me!


  • Comment number 61.

    Ah Baggy, doesn't mean you can't sing on the blog though!!!

    Altogether now ...

    T xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Re post 50

    By all accounts cats and dogs do dream, but cows probably don't.

    The more importent question must be , do androids dream of electric sheep?

    Arf request

    Supertramp - Dreamer

  • Comment number 63.

    Boleyngirl, is Black Socks to the tune of Baked Beans?

    Baked Beans are good for the heart
    The more you eat the more you f**t
    The more you f**t the better you feel
    So eat baked beans with every meal

    Sorry Miss, will shut up now
    T xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Rips... Yep I'm luving the preggers feeling and I may have told Ginge on the facecloth it has more than it's fair share of distractions (mange tout!). And as for Tango... well I suppose I should have expected a bit of smutty inuendo from somewhere... no harm done :))

  • Comment number 65.

    Nic.....what a fab ID....like it...do all you ex's have sleep problems???


  • Comment number 66.

    Afternoon everyone xx

    Hmm, dreams eh. Don't often remember mine, but the last one had Gok Wan in it - he was wearing those spongy green brillo pads under the insoles of his shoes... I'm sure there was more, but that's all I can remember.

    CLP, I always think your body takes just as much sleep as it needs. If you fall asleep in the middle of the day, you needed to. Unless you've got young kids of course, in which case all bets are off (any better last night eb?)!

    Boleyngirl #17 - noooo, that's just wrong. What happened to the element of surprise (or am I just too lazy to train my brain?)?? And re #39 - can I join in with the Year 6's? Pretty please?? That sounds like so much fun - why did we ever only sing hymns at work (and the boring hymns to boot)?

    Gingembre #27 - congratulations on selling the house, not easily done right now eh. Hope the purchase goes smoothly - is the new place liveable or will the sledgehammer and screwdrivers be seeing the light of day?

    AF xx

    ps Christophe, can I have This Charming Man by The Smiths for ARF please (although why do I think you've played it recently...)

  • Comment number 67.

    Oooh, sorry, I meant hymns at *school*. Although we may well have some form of singing ensemble at work, my voice is in no way up to the task!

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi Lyndy,

    Aah, I remember the 'benefits' of pregnancy fondly!

    I love Michael McCintyre's take on the 'helping to bring on the birth' where he goes through the main methods - S&x and curry and then reflects on the group of blokes who came up with it, sat in the pub going "I can't believe we got away with that!"


    PS MC - I am taking on Bingo's dislike of you for the time being. Very jealous.



  • Comment number 69.

    Early starts Chris ? Reckon come January you'll be sneaking out of the house before the boy is awake but you can go home and have an afternoon rest at the same time as he does.

  • Comment number 70.

    OOOPS! Apologies Bingo - I meant Tango.


    Moving on swiftly



  • Comment number 71.

    RIPS....am I going mad....MC....I see no MC post???

    MC still in Espana non????

    TBx scratchin' head with a puzzled look...?

    PS- that Mike Mc bringing on pregnancy....sooooo funnny...!

  • Comment number 72.


    RE: #13

    I think the lack of sleep the last couple of nights have caused the brain fog to descend. Are you thinking I might be a certain someone?

  • Comment number 73.

    MC is currently bragging on the far side about she has just bought tickets to see Mcintyre live.


  • Comment number 74.

    Drum roll.......

    I now have a completely empty 2nd bedroom!! The conservatory has a bed in and the nursery to be is full of wardrobes and boxes but all in preparartion for the new furniture to be fitted tomorrow.

    I've had home made spicy-spag bol for lunch and I get the feeling I may be needing a little snooze this afternoon! Wonder if I'l get any dreams to talk about (or not as the case may be)... com'on DT I need entertaining!


  • Comment number 75.

    i think maybe a few of us were NM!

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi y'all,

    Yeah, I seem to dream most between snoozing the alarm clock . . .or maybe it's just that it's easier to remember those, rather than the dreams one has while in deep sleep mode? I'd love to know what dreams I have that I don't remember, find it all very fascinating. Have toyed with the idea of keeping a dream diary, as I read it's easier to remember them if you get into the habit of recalling and writing them down first thing in the morning.

    And yup, have had "those" colleague dreams too . . . very disconcerting!!

    Hope you're all well,

    SWF x

    PS: Just enjoyed a Wispa Gold, thanks to blog mentions. Had already picked up a Galaxy - my chocolate of choice - but when I saw them near the till I was compelled to grab one!

  • Comment number 77.

    Hello Everyone

    I had a lively lunch too, despite trying to throw it down my front. Thanks Diva, do it again soon?

    Agree with all the dreaming comments, colleages, parents of children you know, between alarms, too much cheese. Check to them all.

    I'll throw into the mix tho, my mum's freaky dreams. She dreamt my little boy had been lost in the market palce & he had. also she dreamt I had been ill on holiday & I had but hadn't told her til she picked me up at the air port. Spooky.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Meant lovely lunch actually. Laid back rather than lively!


  • Comment number 79.

    Sorry to disappoint but no, I am not that noahs mummy! :-)

  • Comment number 80.

    RIPS.....you can tell MC from me....'still hate you....and hope you're burnt looking like a lobster'!!! Thanks.

    SWF- going for Gold ay????? Good gal....don't feel guilty, it spoils the pleasure!

    Seza- glad to hear lunch was good....stained top??

    Lyndyloo- spicy spag...careful girl....don't want too much of an early arrival!


  • Comment number 81.

    Had a dream about a teacher I had a crush on at school, the details of which are not for here, I was only 15 and I thought he was god's gift...............at the time!!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 82.

    PPP would that be Sting aka Gordon Sumner then...'young teacher..the subject..of school girl fantasy...'???


  • Comment number 83.

    Baz- He's been my school gorl/college girl/ grown woman fantasy for ever!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Bazza - not sure I was teacher's pet! lol

    Ppp xx

  • Comment number 85.

    tangobaz - yes most of my ex's had problems sleeping - at least whilst I was around ;)
    They probably sleep quite soundly now, however.


  • Comment number 86.

    Ok..stop with the wispa golds will ya! Been to the 2 (count em, 2!) places in the back of beyond i`m relegated to today so see if they had them...nada, nothing , not a gold in sight..

    ..but apparently the bottom smacking supermarket i pass on my way home has then..quick detour for the scoobs mobile tonight (thats my car by the way..NOT Rips van :)!

    Deevs and Seza..glad fun was had!


    And for some reason i`m singing Maxwells Silver Hammer in my head now..cos thats the type of thing we used to sing at school..we had very progessive (or weird) teachers! Come to think of it..prob not the best songto teach to primary school kids..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 87.

    Can I ask a question? Say someone comes round to your house, and very kindly brings a bottle of white wine. You don't drink white, but have a bottle of rose in the fridge. Is it wrong to make them drink the wine they brought rather than yours?

    Not a huge moral dilemma, I'll grant you...

    AF x

  • Comment number 88.

    AF..nope..on account that you will be drinking all the rose so they would have nothing else to drink otherwise!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 89.

    Don't worry Baz, I wasn't feeling guilty! Altho am wondering if also indulging in the Galaxy this afternoon will push me over into guilt mode . . .maybe I should try to save it for tomorrow.

    Sorry mSc! Hope you track one down later, if not let me know where you are and I'll send one over to you!

    Oh and welcome to the blog Nic, and any other newbies!


  • Comment number 90.

    AF - I think when choosing a bottle of wine to take to a friends most people would chose something they like (unless you know friend's preference), so would probably prefer to drink what they've chosen. I know I would!


  • Comment number 91.

    Thanks SWF..you`ll hear the wailing from there if theyt dont have them!

    I blame that TB..he got me started on them again!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 92.

    Gold!!!! Don't blame me...blame Tony Hadley and crew!!!!!!

    SWF....step away from the Galaxy...slowly........

    AF- I'm in the SWF camp.....I cannot stand it when (and it dont happen often...coz they know me) when people turn up with sh*te then proceed to drink your nice stuff.....BUT to be safe, my mate always offers me the choice...what I bring or his...we usually end up drinking both tho'.


  • Comment number 93.

    Nic.....I declare,from this day forth, you shall be known as 'Norty Nic'....(not Nasty Nic...)

    Coz you IS .......norty!


  • Comment number 94.

    I always take a decent bottle of red to Big Al's when he has a party. Well he does have a well stocked bar to tuck in to since he had his garage converted to a bar, complete with optics, a gopping great fridge, bar stools and a karaoke machine. If anyone comes round to mine with some cheap plonk, it gets used for cooking.


  • Comment number 95.

    Norty Nic.....well seeing as it's Thirsty Thursday, it's all round to Big Al's then...with some decent wine of course!!!!


  • Comment number 96.

    Thanks Baz, I'll take that! Or, as my son says, "cheers ears".


  • Comment number 97.

    Norty.....cheers ears....like it...must intro' that to my son.

    So roughly speaking, where on the map is Big Al's place? N/S/E/W?


    PS great to have some more male company....these women are driving me NUTS!!!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Oh hush TB, you love it!!! :-P

  • Comment number 99.

    ;-) mais oui cheri aka that welsh lass.


  • Comment number 100.

    Yay....me first century!!!!!!!!



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