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What's the big deal with The Victorians all of a sudden ? Couldn't move for them at the weekend.

Chris Evans | 10:20 UK time, Monday, 9 March 2009

The new movie, Paxo and then...

...Channel Four on Saturday night as well.

I mean don't get me wrong it was all very interesting but why now particularly ?

Our weekend, other than Vic and Bert, was an all round family blast. Noah's big sis, Jade came down along with her boyf and we all went round to my mum's en masse making the mistake of watching Saturday Kitchen before we went, which I have to say is still a damn fine old couple of hours of telly but just makes you want to eat your own fist for the rest of the day... pretty much what we did in the end.

We ended up havingh a Grand Designs More 4 marathon in the afternoon and a big old Indian at night time.

Sunday morning was all new, with Tash and I not allowing ourselves anything we like now before we have worked out, or at least raised our heartbeat in one way or another ! Usually the other unfortunately, i.e. cross trainer, bike, power plate.

This is gonna be the new regime around eleven so I can listen to Desert Island Discs whilst we're at it. I love Desert Island Discs but hardly ever hear it, from now on that WILL change.

Richard Madely was hilarious this week, he was obviously very conscious of not talking too fast at the beginning, a trait both he and I alike suffer from. To start off with he was fine but it so wasn't him, not that we had to wait long for the real Richard to step forward, it was only a matter of a couple of discs and his first few anecdotes before he was off and running as if he was commentating on the closing stages of The Grand National, bless him.

After that the Sundays, the sofa and sandwiches before Paxo and a load of surprisingly bright Victorain paintings - sweet child 'o' mine it doesn't get any better.

Speaking of which where is the little Noah man ?

Must dash, or as David Seaman says Moustache.




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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris,

    Am I the first??

    Glad you had a good weekend, sounds like fun. I'm afraid I didn't watch anything to do with Victorians, although I might take my Mum to see the Young Victoria when we have out girlie weekend in a few weeks time.

    Can't wait till 5:00.


  • Comment number 2.

    Well now, Richard Madeley...I can't do enough to avoid him frankly, but I do like the ol' DID on the occasional Sunday!

    For m'self, I'm looking to change our routine to a stroll on the beach...whether the weather...but this all depends how long it takes to sort a parking permit...else we have to keep going back to the car!

    Sunday, lovely Sunday...sounds like a cue for a song...

    happy monday

  • Comment number 3.

    Chris, you're weekend sounded perfick, except for RM - not my cup of tea i'm afraid.

    Hope you found Noah btw!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 4.

    That should have been 'your' of course! lol

  • Comment number 5.

    Sounds like a fab weekend - and like you are coping well with the little one!

    We switched on 10mins into DID and then spent half an hour arguing about who it was! Finally twigged when he mentioned about nicking stuff from Tesco - then spent the next half hour arguing about whether he did nick it, or whether he was genuinely forgetful!

    Love the show - keep up the good work.

    Norah_Batty in coldest Holmfirth

  • Comment number 6.


    I agree Chris there seems to be a lot of Victoriana around at the moment, but for me I can't seem to move for Shakespeare. Could be because I've recently read the Bryson book, or because my younger teen is off in Stratford this very day performing The Tempest at the Courtyard, but I picked up my Sunday Times yesterday and there was old Bill on the front page! Apparantly they have discovered the most likely, genuine portrait of the Bard, and Bryson said there probably wasn't one!


    All's well that ends well and all that.

    A x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris,

    Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Mine was dire. Hey Ho!

    I do live Desert Island Discs, but it's on at the same time as Michael Ball, so it's no contest really. I suppose I could Listen Again, if I could find the time!!

    How fantastic that Noah is allowing you a normal life .... eating with the family, watching the telly, time to workout - I think we managed to get round to that sort of stuff when MsS was about 3!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    err .... love Desert Island Discs!

    Must try to read what I've typed before posting!


  • Comment number 9.

    Morning guys,

    how are you all? I had a really nice weekend, Drinks (lots!) and a singsong with friends sat nite, and my little sis and her family over for a roast yesterday. Been studying today but am about to break for lunch I think and catch up with Brothers and Sisters from last week.

    I love Richard Madeley but always end up missing Desert Island Discs, I think it's such a shame you can't Listen Again to it, I know cos I once tried to listen to yours Chris! His book is in pile next to my bed, I'm currently reading the Bill Bryson Shakespeare one you all recommended weeks ago, really enjoying it so far.

    Right better go, take care all,

    Em xx

    PS Gingembre - thought of you yesterday x

  • Comment number 10.

    Listening to DID whilst you're at it?

    Whatever floats your boat, I guess...

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Bloggers CLP & family! Back from the piste and just checking in. Not caught up yet so don't know what's been going on yet. Hope you're all well. Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Welcome Back Lyndyloo - hope you had a great time.

    Never listened to DID in my life - usually at church. Not over keen on RM, but at least on the radio you can't see him scratching his head!

    Off now to my next job. Will log in again when I get there.


  • Comment number 13.


    Bored here today, it's too quiet but only an hour to go and I can go home.

    Didn't watch much tv over the weekend so didn't see anything about the Victorians. Managed to get my Dancing on Ice fix though.

    Had a horrid row with Mr Debbie yesterday which has left me a bit down today :-( Going off now for a walk around the bakery and to get some crumpets for micro testing.


    Debbie x

  • Comment number 14.

    ...further to the Victorian Question...it was all Second World War a few weeks back...with a bit of a Jane Austen fest lot long before that...I think all the TV and media companies are taking us through subliminal history lessons...can't wait for the Industrial Revolution (yes really...bring on the looms)...during the meanwhilst, Grissom is leaving CSI.

    The Badger is bereft!


    Plum, hope you had a fab birthday

    Gingembre, x

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi all

    Happy Monday to you all!

    Weekend was good for us...specially the footie! Blue V Red at Wembley, cant' wait.

    Had a day at MK Saturday with beloved and GD and her mate. Way too much purchasing by moi inc LBD for a 40th bash. Need to loose an inch or too before tho!

    Cheer up Debbie. We had a row the other day and it felt horrid too. Then to try and make up he bought flowers on the way home. Bless him. Totally un-necessary but nice.

    Forget the micro testing and toast crumpets instead. Lashings of butter and syrup, yum, sure to put a smile on the face.


  • Comment number 16.


    The chances of him bringing me home flowers are nil. And it's taken me an hour to eat half a bacon roll as my tummy is in knots today.

    I want a hug and I'll have to wait until I pick up LM for that.

    Ho hum.

    x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Debbie #13

    How do you micro test a crumpet? LoL x


  • Comment number 18.

    Debbie - virtual BIG HUG! Sure LM will do the trick.


  • Comment number 19.

    Sentimentations Of...... Peace..... And Love..... And...... And........... And.......... Can't Remember The Next Bit.... Ter CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere,

    CLP And INDEED ALL - 'ope all 'ad a most productive weekend, sounds like yours was good CLP!!!!
    Me..... errrr I 'ad anoother U2 weekend!!!
    Yeah watched me U2 Vertigo Tour Tape of their July 2007 gig live in Milan!!!
    If yer get a chance ter get a copy of their DVD for this gig (which they made a special DVD of the world Vertigo Tour at this particular gig in Milan) It's absolutely brill!!!!!
    It shows U2 in at their best.
    I love Bono, so eccentric and the way 'e works/ communicates with the crowd is brilliant.
    The gig must be ter 40/ 50k or more in a footy stadium!!!
    Bono starts talking ter the crowd in italian aswell as english... really funny if yer see it!!
    Then at the start of one song, 'Still 'aven't Found What Am Looking For'... while The Edge is gently repetitively playing the guitar intro... over and over again... Bono starts going of on one, in sort of deep, philosophical way.... saying "italy kind of invented the movies... such beautiful cinemas... glass stained windows of the 'ighest beauty.... such colour".... the crowd are silent.... wondering what 'e means... then 'e says...... "actually I 'aven't gotta clue what am talking about!!"... the moment is just so funny and uplifting, what with the brilliant music too!!!!!
    Later in the gig 'e sings in italian and MAN can Bono really sing. It's the first time ave 'eard 'im stretch 'is voice and 'e actually sounds like a tennor, 'itting some very powerful operatic notes... VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!
    Near the end... 'e spots someone in the audience with a t-shirt... 'e asks them ter throw it to 'im... they do and 'e takes off 'is leather jacket and puts on the t-shirt over 'is.... it's a blue London Underground t-shirt with the famous symbol on the front... it's just a mixture of brilliant and crayzee... funny the way 'e does it!!!
    Yer can see the expressions of The Edge, The Mullen and The Clayton looking amused and yer tell their thinking 'what's 'e up to now!!!'
    Ave 'eard them say in previous interviews talkin about Bono, ribbing 'im at all 'e gets up to with 'is charity work and eccentricity, they never know what 'e's gonna do next!!!!
    At the recent ±«Óãtv gig a noticed Larry Mullen looking a little amused at a presume Bono's antics!!!!
    At the recent ±«Óãtv coverage the way Bono took a photo of pregnant lady in the audience with 'er friend/ partner just an example of 'ow 'e interacts with the crowd brilliantly!!!
    'onestly all if yer like U2 get their Milan 07 Vertigo Tour DVD - U2/ Bono at their absolute best!!!!
    Also listening ter a one 'our U2 special interview on commercial radio Sundee. They were saying 'ow they wrote a lot of the new songs. Two of my favourites are Breathe and Magnificent, of which Bono waz saying 'e loves Magnificent... singing it takes 'im to a different place!!!
    Soon az a 'eard Magnificent... it instantly became a fav of mine!!! The words, the guitar riff.... the feel of it!!!
    Could be me second favourite U2 tune after Walk On!!!!
    A tell yer 2009 iz gonna be a brill year R2 music wise... if all these tunes are gonna be released az singles and CLP and all keep playing them az they become playlist regulars!

    By now yer might ave guessed a like U2 and still aven't come down after seeing and meeting some of them in London 10 dee's ago!!!!
    Just it waz such a MEGA experience/ GIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though it waz short!!!!

    PS CLP - a moustache aswell!!!!!

    Chowa..... addio....... errrr.. ARREEEVER.... DERCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Noot many paragraphs.... but it looks ok.... and noot to short!!!!

    Am 'appy with that one!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Noot too long either!!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    Debbie - big {{{{hug}}}} to you xxxx

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 23.


    Any room for a hyper-over-excited Deev in the house?


    Just this min got the tix - right on the half-way line, upper tier.

    Excited? I think I may well just combust before then ... !!

    Victorians: we tuned in to the re-run of Heston's Victorian Feast last night on Ch4. I have to say .... what a very odd little man he is. Not so much Chef, in the vein of Gordon, Jamie, Hugh etc ... more someone who messes with your mind (and your plate) as nothing is quite what it seems.

    Certianly in no hurry to dine chez Heston. Will be sticking to The Ivy. Or a hot dog at The Emirates!!

    Deb {{{HUGS HUNNY}}} x x

    Lunch now .... laters!

    Deev x x x x x

    and breathe ......

  • Comment number 24.

    Thanks for the hugs....I feel awful today!

    Cheryl I don't like that Heston man, gives me the creeps. And in my opinion he's more scientist than chef. Yuk.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon All,

    Chris, what's the secret......how do you manage to do anything remotely normal with Noah around???? We're just about stating to do other things and the boy is 16 months!

    We had a lovely weekend, t'other half was home (in Navy so away in week) and the boy on good form (running around naked upstairs with us following with nappy in hand!!) only to have to spoiled last night...

    Thanks to a domestic down the road, three cars (mine included) now have scratches all along the side.......the dog was kicking up a fuss and I told her to shut up, only to have a knock on the door by a policeman going 'is this your car, think you should take a look at it'................

    Not a great way to start my week off, but crime number in hand I've phoned the insurance and they're getting back to me.....

    Ho hum, better go try and get toddler to have a nap - not going to be easy, as he is currently playing Grand Prix with his Ferrari aroung the house!


  • Comment number 26.

    Oooooo get you Deev. How exciting! Enjoy the experience. Hope the result goes your way.Beloved wishes his lot got them in semi's!


  • Comment number 27.

    Wish I'd had a lovely warm Sunday in front of the TV! Spent it on top of a hill in Halifax, getting battered by the elements (rain/hail/sleet/gales), watching DS playing in hockey tournament. Why o why does his team always have to be the last to play? Just about warmed up now - some 24 hours later!

    You've got all this to look forward to in 12 years CLP. Your life is no longer your own!

    Any crumpets left Debbie-C? Sure could eat one right now, washed down with a mug of hot tea. Mmmm - comfort food here I come!


  • Comment number 28.


    Toasted and slathered with lemon curd.

    Lovely! xx


  • Comment number 29.

    Oh no. I feel a dash to the crumpet shop coming on. I'm supposed to be revising but I'm so easily led!


  • Comment number 30.


    Resistance is futile!

    Deev xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Talking about me??? Oh sorry, you said crumpETS!

    Gonna say - me slathered in butter and lemon curd would require a vat of both!

  • Comment number 32.

    Morning and afternoon everyone from a wet, windy and cold upstate NY. We put our clocks forward at the weekend, so tough to get up and going this morning especially when it's another day full of meetings let alone loosing an hours sleep. Oh well..... Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • Comment number 33.

    I let the side down - vanity/hunger over craving/desire won :-(

    To go out for crumpets would have involved putting my 'face' on and digging out decent clothes - rather than too-short-in-the-leg-baggy-at-the-knees 'leisure' trousers and mismatched fleece with fluorescent pink slipper socks!

    I compromised with a couple of poached eggs on hot, let's-pretend-it's-butter-but-it's-not buttered toast.

    No-one can see me as egg yolk dribbles down my chin! This is the life!


  • Comment number 34.


    Just got back from a wonderful weekend away with a bunch of friends. There is something very special about relaxing with friends.

    It is so lovely that you are doing the family bit... oh I just realised I would have missed Natashas blog and a new photo.........

    *goes back to Friday*

  • Comment number 35.

    The whole Victorian thing started off with Victorian Farm on ±«Óãtv2 from New Year, it was filmed about 5 miles up the road and was easily the best of them... along with What The Victorians Did For Us with Adam Hart Davies (How much of a legend is that man?!)

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh I really like Saturday Kitchen. So everyone what's your idea of food heaven or food hell? Got to with this week's choice of hell "salt cod " lordy I'd rather go hungry . Heaven ? Got to be sea food .

  • Comment number 37.

    Food heaven - beef stroganoff
    Food hell - tofu

  • Comment number 38.


    Tomgriff, I LOVED Victorian Farm, it was brill wasn't it?


    I too am curious to know how one micro=tests a crumpet?! (or a crumpy for that matter!!)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Ooooh that's a tough one ....

    Food Heaven - Tapas (can I have that?)
    Food Hell - porridge

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    Too many options really but .....

    Food heaven - Lobster
    Food Hell - Curry


  • Comment number 41.

    CtD, not to make you jealous, but we had Russell Brand on the Tonight Show last week. He was on with Gordon Ramsey. Gordon was trying to teach Russell and the host how to make crepes. It was absolutely hilarious. Of course Russell was on the show to promote his new book which was very funny too.

  • Comment number 42.

    Food Heaven - Chicken

    Food Hell - Fresh tomato


  • Comment number 43.

    Food Hell is easy - avacado
    Fodd Heaven - there's just too much to choose from! Possibly my mum's bacon and spagetti....

    Hi 007....How's it going?


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi Bondy

    Russ posted a Tweet about being on the Tonight show with Ramsay. Apparently he nicked a truffle from him?

    I can highly recomend the "new" book - even tho it came out over here at the end of 2007! Booky Wook is what you're searching for.

    Did you see I'm going to football next week too? Soooo excited!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 45.

    Aww Ebb - you've just reminded me - I hate avocados with a passion (but like guacamole, which is odd .... )

    On being invited to my mother-in-laws for a meal a few years back, I advised her I was avidly Weight Watching at the time and for starters she managed to combine quite possibly two of my worst foodstuffs to make one starter: avocado filled with cottage cheese!! ugh!!!!!!!

    Anyone who knows me well enough (or has followed this ere blog for any length of time) will have already read about my complete state of abohorrance for what I call "cat yak food" ..... porridge, macaroni cheese, cauliflower cheese, cottage cheese ..... ugh!! The mere thought ....

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi eb, did you have a good weekend.

    CtD, Ramsay gave the host (Jay Leno) and Russell a truffle to grate over their crepe, but russel put his in his pocket....... very funny. I did see you're going to the game next week. Is this your second game of the season? Who do they play?

    Food Heaven: Fish and Chips

    Food Hell: Mushrooms

  • Comment number 47.

    Can't understand you getting excited going to the Emirates........

    .....does anything exciting ever happen there? ;-)

  • Comment number 48.

    Ctd - always hated hated the green sludge, just tastes of fat to me.........unfortunately the boy loves them! Especially mashed up with banana.........hope his taste improves with age!

    My strongest memory of childhood is fighting with my mum over tomatoes, I couldn't leave the table till I'd eaten them.......and to this day I buy and eat them even tho I don't like them - my nephew looked at me strangely when I told him that!


  • Comment number 49.

    Afternoon............can I play too please?

    Food heaven - Chocolate (preferably dark and expensive)

    Food hell - anything which can be termed offal (for years as a child I though it was 'awful' - which it is in my view). The experience of school dinner liver has scarred me for life!

    Haven't had time for a full weekend blog catch-up but did anyone else nearly get blown away? Yesterday we had all 4 seasons in about 5 hours. Sun, rain, sleet, gusts of wind all mixed up!


  • Comment number 50.

    Ebb - I used to have that battle with fried eggs. Hated them until into my teens. Now its a Sunday morning ritual - bacon and fried egg sarnie!!

    Thunderclap - I'd go there even if it was empty! Been there 4 times now (Springsteen, 2 x matches and a Stadium Tour with Charlie George - pics on FB) - the place is AWESOME!!

    007 - it's the F A Cup Quarter Final match against Hull City. They beat us at home earlier in the season so may not be a walk in the park!

  • Comment number 51.

    Food hell - Liver or any other offal!!!

    Food heaven - too many to mention but will go with asparagus, dripping with melted butter and loads of black pepper and parmesan cheese shavings.....yummy


  • Comment number 52.

    Steffib - a kindred spirit!


  • Comment number 53.

    Food Hell- McDonalds
    Food Heaven- Most other stuff!

  • Comment number 54.

    oh derbyfi, I am going to have to change my selection now.

    My Food Heaven is going to have to be Chocolate (how could I think otherwise...)
    Food Hell is still mushrooms

    LOL Thunder..... good one!!!

    Doesn't wenger look like the eagle from the old muppet shows?

  • Comment number 55.

    CtD, FA Cup Quarter Final tickets..... GET OUT!!! Should be a good game, if Hull turn up to play.......

  • Comment number 56.


    I can eat tomato's any other way except fresh. I couldn't bite into a tomato or eat one in a salad - Yuck.


  • Comment number 57.

    Food Heaven - chocolate, chips, roast dinner, Chinese food, stew and dumplings, steak & kidney pud.

    Food Hell - custard, blancmange, rice pudding, semolina, glace cherries, goat's cheese.

    Sorry, just couldn't narrow it down to one foodstuff per category!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 58.

    oohh Steffib1 - gonna have to change my fav now........

    007 - still fuming over the car, see #25 but a day with the boy always makes me smile!


  • Comment number 59.

    Food heaven when drunk: doner kebab.
    Food hell when sober: doner kebab.

    How on earth does that work?


  • Comment number 60.

    LOL Obamarama! Good one!!!

    Also food hell ... anything prepped by James Martin!

    Not one of my faves, it has to be said .....

  • Comment number 61.

    Afternoon all

    Food Heaven - Cheese and of course Sunday roast with all the trimmings

    Food Hell - Chicken

    ...and it shows!!


  • Comment number 62.


    It's the same for me......but I still do - I'm old enough now to make my own mind up, but still make myself eat them with salad etc,
    can cope with them if I take the seeds out and load the fork up with ickle bit of tom and lots of everything else!!

    And the new research is the fresh ones aren't the best for you anyway, why can't I just give them up??......


  • Comment number 63.

    eb, sorry to hear about the car. Will the offenders insurance cover the damage? At least you weren't in the car when it happened.

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Bondy

    My youngest used to love mushrooms and now she hates them - what's that all about?

    Mr df hates prawns and any other seafood except 'proper' fish (his words) and I love it. So I have lots of prawn things when he's away with work!


  • Comment number 65.

    derbyfi, I have always hated mushrooms.... don't like the texture or taste.

  • Comment number 66.

    Anyone listening to SW right now, this Britney Spears song always makes me think of doctor who....... for what it's worth....

  • Comment number 67.

    Food hell - soft, runny eggs of any kind. Pretty much can't do eggs unless they are cooked to taste not much like eggs and smothered in salt

    Food heaven - crisps, dips and olives. but if we're talking 'real' food then it's paella.


  • Comment number 68.

    dreamur...... oooooo haven't had a good paella for years....... good choice.

  • Comment number 69.

    Hello again.

    #35, Tomgriff22, I'm sorry to correct you but I think the whole Victorian thing started off with her coronation in 1837!

    Students today, I don't know...

    Soz mate couldn't resist.

    Food Heaven - either pizza in Italy or cheese and crackers.

    Food Hell - tinned tomatoes mingling with scrambled eggs. Not in my house thank you.

    Steffi, me also for liver.

    Ebbworth, am "grrrr"ing on your behalf, what a pain in the bum.

    Lyndyloo, welcome home.

    Everyone else, howdy doody.

    A x

  • Comment number 70.

    Mmm yes, love paella.

  • Comment number 71.

    Ah, No Tasha Blog on Friday and no photo of the little fella. Not to worry.

    Food Hell - Tripe

    Food Heaven - most things now that I am not allowed to eat them.

    Hells x

  • Comment number 72.

    Paella. My signature dish to wow! people at dinner parties.

    And my lasagne. That's awesome!

  • Comment number 73.

    hi boleygirl....... I forgot about pizza. I would also have to add shepherds pie to my list

    lyndy..... YOU'RE BACK!!!!!! We missed you!!!

  • Comment number 74.

    I do a great coq au vin.

    A x

  • Comment number 75.

    007, so easy to make. give it a whirl if you haven't already.

    like you say CtD, people very impressed by it! But i just love love love it.


  • Comment number 76.

    Okay, now I am going to have to find an idiots recipe for paella so I can make it........

  • Comment number 77.

    So...007, are you sure it's not cottage pie you prefer???

  • Comment number 78.

    dreamur we must have been typing at the same time.....LOL

  • Comment number 79.

    Actually I like both, but sheps is my favourite....

  • Comment number 80.

    Just buy some paella rice (arborio) and often it will have a recipe on the packet. Well at least it does over here!


  • Comment number 81.

    Saffron, you'll need that bondy. I think saffron is magical.

    A x

  • Comment number 82.

    Thanks dreamur and boleyngirl. I'll give it a try..... if I'm not around for a few days you'll know it didn't go very well...LOL

  • Comment number 83.

    Dreamur, I use arborio rice for risotto, but ordinary long grain for paella. Doh, have I been doing it wrong all this time?
    A x

  • Comment number 84.

    lol 007. timing is everything....

    the cottage/shepherds pie thing is a family joke as a certain person didn't know there was a difference. Mind you also thought pantomime was pantomine up until about 5 years ago....


  • Comment number 85.

    Just that the arborio soaks up all the juicy stuff....


  • Comment number 86.

    I love watching the arborio glisten when you're frying it with the onions and garlic. And with risotto, the next bit is sloshing in the white wine, what a smell.

    A x

  • Comment number 87.

    Bondy - you need to infuse your saffron in your fish stock. I do a seafood and chicken paella (thighs) altho it also works well with seafood and rabbit (rustic spanish version).

    Then garnish with those whole tail-on longuistine and mussells in their shells.

    To serve with: a day old french stick, cut in 1" rounds, lightly toasted on both sides and left to go cold. Then, rub a raw clove of garlic over the toastie bread, drizzle with a very find Olive Oil and rub room-temp tomatoes into the garlicky oily mix.

    Trust me. Divine doesn't even begin to describe it.

    Deev x x x x
    MasterChef 2009

  • Comment number 88.

    boleyn all this is making me hungry already and now after your blog i'm dreaming of risotto.... i can smell it! please can we change the subject as its a while til dinner!

  • Comment number 89.

    find? fine!
    was drooling over keyboard xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Yes, and me too after Chez's paella description.

    Time for a cup of tea. Mmmm, tea, mmm cake...

    A x

  • Comment number 91.

    CtD, thanks I'll give it a try....o'er......

  • Comment number 92.

    Sorry - blinkin' work got in the way.

    CtD - that paella sounds great to me but I'd be the only one in the family who'd eat it!

    Do like a nice risotto too!

    Oh dear..............am very hungry now and dinner's at least 2 hours away!


  • Comment number 93.

    Afternoon peeps
    Just in from work - early today - and just wanted to catch up with 'what's occurring'.

    I can see we are still on food.

    Food heaven - almost anything Italian
    Food hell - custard - unless it's trifle then it doesn't taste of custard it tastes of trifle!!

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 94.

    CtD - when are we all coming for dinner??

    The best Paella I ever had was in Barcelona and I'm not a huge sea food person, but it was out of this world. Probably the best meal I've ever had in a foreign country.

    I feel quite inspired now to cook something nice for my tea - but alas I think it will be fish fingers!


  • Comment number 95.


    Trust me - I'd like nothing better than to cook for you all. Sadly my ickly 2 bed house prevents entertaining on a grand scale.

    One day .... when I have a sep dining room and at least one spare room tho ....

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 96.

    I'm cooking a prawn, squid and chicken chilli stir fry tonight.

    Nice and easy for a Monday.

  • Comment number 97.

    Ooh deev that sounds fab.

  • Comment number 98.

    see what happens when I go and walk the dog...and reading it has just made me hungary......I've tried to do paella and it's just not the same as on holiday!!

    007 - not sure what's going to happen, the police haven't interviewed the stupid mare that did it yet, she was too drunk........
    I want to move now, I love this house and one day it will be beautiful but this is the last of a very long line of the local idiots causing me and mine hassle that we didn't ask for - I don't want my son growing up round here...........

    If that makes me a snob, so be it........

    Sorry, rant over (just had to walk by the car, got my hackles up again)

    Right, dinner for toddler coming up. Spag Bol coming up.....


  • Comment number 99.

    Hi everyone,

    Chris its great that you and Tash have the self discipline to hold off from everything you want until you've done the gym thing. Am in admiration

    Debbie-C - big hugs winging their way across to you.

    Ctd - not surprised you are so excited - enjoy the match.

    Reading about all the wonderful food you are all describing, when I'm hungry is almost as bad as going round the supermarket without a listbefore having your meal. You want to buy everything. Its the same here I want to cook all these wonderful dishes. The smell and flavour is floating out of the blog into the room - mmmm!
    So will have to say goodbye, dash off and get some food.


  • Comment number 100.

    eb - forgot to say how sorry I was to read about what happened to your car.



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