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That's where the mucus takes me.

Chris Evans | 10:21 UK time, Thursday, 19 March 2009

Another glorious day down here in sunny Berkshire, Marky Mark, the guy who drives me...

... is on Mums duty today. His Mum and my Mum, I think they're off to Eastbourne, lucky them eh ? You gotta look after the Mums.

I was out for a wee while last night, a biz meeting with a couple of glasses of wine thrown in after work, late home but up with the lark this morning, the new body clock has officially stabalised.

Noah still has a snotty nose, so it's been like having a little piggy around of late, he can't clear it himself the poor little mite and apparently the best way to de-snot an infant of such tender years and inability is for one of his folks to suck it out, like one might a snake bite.

This totally works is what we hear and seeing as Mum has to do all the rough stuff normally 'cos Dad physically is not able, when it comes to de-snotting it's, "Daddy over to you."

Imagine my delight when we discovered there is now also an electronic de-snotting device on the market. How fast do you think I moved to acquire one ? Very bloomin' fast.

God bless technology and all who sail in her.

Every day, in every way I am discovering a new found respect for my own Mum. You gotta look after the Mums.




p.s. IT'S OUR LAST ALL REQUEST friday FOR A FORTNIGHT tomorrow...PICK us a winner GANG.



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  • Comment number 1.

    This weekend, our very own Beezer will be celebrating a LANDMARK birthday.

    Therefore, for ARF dearest lovely CLP, please please please can we have

    I Feel Good - James Brown

    For Beezer.

    And I hope all bloggers will join with me in making her BIg Berfday as special as she is.

    Thanks Chris.

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Hiya bloggers!

    ARF- I FEEL GOOD! James Brown.... for Beez Burfdee!!

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 3.

    It gets my vote

    James Brown - I Feel Good

    Happy birthday!

  • Comment number 4.

    ARF - I feel good
    by the 8th wonder of the world Mr James Joseph Brown, Jr.

    Thank you


    Happy Birthday Beez x

  • Comment number 5.

    ARF: I feel good - James Brown. For our lovely Beez and her special birthday.

    Please Chris!


  • Comment number 6.

    James Brown - I Feel Good!

    De snotters... would that have been on Tomorrows World?

  • Comment number 7.

    James Brown - I Feel Good please CLP.

    Yes, totally look after the mums I agree well done you.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all

    Beautiful day here darn sarf!

    I echo request for 'I feel good' and if we all do it, you will have to play it Chris 'cos those is the rules!!

    Happy Birday Beez

    Penny x

  • Comment number 9.

    I think it might have already been mooted, at least on Wednesday, but here goes...

    'I FEEL GOOD' by the very James Brown.

    Or 'The Bee Song' by Kenneth Blain

    for R Bees

  • Comment number 10.

    ...and Christophe, I think the idea of a De-Snotter has already been mentioned before too...an electric straw...

    Or just a straw with mummy or daddy at the other end.


    Anyone else remember this (or similar)? I'm sure we used to skip to it...but I guess it isn't quite the Bumper Car song...

    "Hot snot and bogey pie
    All mixed up with a dead dogs eye
    Stir it thick with a stick
    Then wash it down with a bucket of sick...etc"

  • Comment number 11.

    Happy Birthday Beez Baby x

    I feel good ARF, James Brown.

    From your devoted virtual bloke.

    JTT xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi everyone,

    Can I join in the congratulations to Beezer and ask for

    I feel good - James Brown.


    Debs - thinking about you!!


  • Comment number 13.

    it is deceptively chilly outside even though the sun is shining brightly.
    i did feel good,now i feel rubbish but thats not how the song goes..!

    james brown please for beez

    happy birthday


  • Comment number 14.

    OMG! OMG!OMG you crazy lot!!!!! -

    Now the whole world knows I am 18 with a few years experience tacked on.

    Thank you guys - you are a lovely bunch.

    Beesmum xxx

    (Deev & Ste xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you know why)

    Debs xxxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Yeah - I go for JB too, for our Bezza.

    I requested it on the other Blog and I'll request it again here.

    For she's a jolly good Bezza
    For she's a jolly good Bezza
    For she's a jolly good Bezza
    and so say all of us xxxxx


  • Comment number 16.

    ARF - I Feel Good - James Brown

    Happy Birthday Beezer!

    And it is perfect for this week!


  • Comment number 17.


    I'm probably wearing a smile equal in size to the one more than likely platered across your chops right now!

    You're very welcome .... because you're worth it!

    Deev x x x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    Bless you Bees, our pleasure.

    Thank for the thoughts. Last day at work for a bit today but nobody here knows that. Getting Mr D to phone in sick for me next Monday am. Pretending that I have tonsilitis!

    Don't like lying but what other choice.

    Tins, mum phone me back to apologise for her reaction. Suppose hearing that her daughter is off to a place that you read about in the papers was a bit too much for her.

    Onwards and upwards!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 19.

    ...and just in case any of you missed this...

  • Comment number 20.

    ARF - I feel good, James Brown

    Even though having just read the snot blog I don't feel particularly great.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Debs, glad to hear it. Now, have you got your shades ready?? :-))

    Can't believe CLP is going to be away for 2 whole weeks.

    Oh by the way, Happy Burfday for 1st April CLP!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 22.

    LOL Tins, but the things we do for love eh?

  • Comment number 23.


    I Feel Good - James Brown


  • Comment number 24.

    hey Chris and folks! As it is Mum's day on sunday and as you said chris we have to look after the mums I concur with the above sentiments for

    I feel good by james brown

    for all our mums including b's

    Happy birthday & mums day


    ps - YUCK!!!! my vegas nerve is in overdrive ! Snot sucking - Bleuagh, gag, gag!

    (I think that is what you called it during your petfood trials)

  • Comment number 25.

    Of course Tins, shades at the ready ;-)

    Phoned my lovely mate last night and we both ended up laughing and crying together. Especially over the shades....she's going to visit me a couple of times and I'm so pleased.

    Speaking of shades is the sun still shining? The only window is the office I'm in today looks over a bakery.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 26.

    Do you know what, I don't recall ever sucking on my daughter's nose (and that's a sentence I never thought I'd write!!)

    Unless I've deliberately blanked it out.

    Mind you I couldn't pull her wobbly teeth out either, ugh, yukkity, makes me feel ill just thinking about it!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Wishing you the very best for next week Debbie - we are all right here behind you.

    ARF - I Feel Good by James Brown, of course. Goes without saying.


  • Comment number 28.

    Have good day mums. I used cotton buds for my daughters nose - it works well. Noah, how about some more photos of you. Tell mum and dad to put some up. Tash, have good mothers day as it's your first one. I can still remember my first one.

  • Comment number 29.

    ARF - I feel good - James Brown

    Epecially for Beez - Happy Birthday and have a great weekend x

    Debs - Good luck for Monday and the week ahead - the've got to be over-sized glasses you know, Ab Fab Darling!! Will be thinking of you.

    Tins - I can't ever remember sucking on my kids noses either and wobbly teeth - ugh!!
    I adore my grandchildren but I draw the line at that!


  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon peeps.

    ARF - I feel good.

    Bees, have a fab birthday, you lovely lady. xx

    Pen-blwydd Hapus, Cariad - as we say over the border!

    Debbie - how can you fail to overcome with all the good wishes that are coming your way? Take care x

    Now everyone get outside, even if it's just for 5 mins, to enjoy the sunshine. Top up your vitamin (is it D?)

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 31.

    ARF - james brown - I feel good - for beesmum - you know your worth it

    Debs - feel I have missed something but good luck for next week - will fb you soemthing esle as well while i remember

    sun is out - stuck in work - role on the weekend

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 32.

    ARF please please please cna we have Guns'n'Roses Sweet child of mine??? x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    I did the ARF thingy, filled in the form an everything, but if CLP's gonna ring one of us it MUST be Deev or the lady herself Beez.

    So if you read this Chris call someone far more deserving.

    Debs, all been said already, but hey, kick it girl, this is time for you, we'll all be hanging around these parts wishing you the very, very, very best.

  • Comment number 34.

    I feel a little bit sick re the snot talk.

    Do you know it's snot funny at all ;)

    Chris, I can't believe that you are going away for two weeks. Hurry back.
    Could we have a picture of Noah before you go?? Pretty Please.

    Deb - All the very best for next week. Remember we are all in your pocket, cheering you along the way xxxx

    HL - Previous blog, I am now an Elder of my church, which is hilarious as I am only 40 and quite bonkers, so why they think I'd be good at it I've no idea. But I feel honoured to have been asked.


  • Comment number 35.

    Have just been catching up on previous blogs - not been here for a while!

    Sorry to hear you've been having trouble debs - hopefully they will get to the bottom of it all next week. I would advise telling work the truth though - not specific details - just you're going for medical treatment - it may be better for sickness benefit in future (if required!)

    Inverted temperature - hate it! we never get gentle mists - full blown pea soup haar is the result up here! I would go outside but think I'd end up catching a chill as I'd never find the door back in!!!!

    Cuppa time! dooo dodo do dah dah do dah dah Cuppa Time! dooo dodo do dah dah You can't touch this - biscuit coz its mine!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Hi everyone,

    ARF - I feel Good by James Brown for Bees.

    Bees - Have a very, very Happy, Joyous Birthday!

    Debbie-C - all the best for next week. Will be thinking of you. Hugs coming your way.

    CLP - I used one of those techie things when my two were that young. However, it wasn't electric in my day, it did the job marvellously.


  • Comment number 37.

    Crumps, you are correct, is vitamin D...I (for one) shall be prostrating myself atop the roof of my building at lunchtime in order to soak up the optimum.

    One thing I cannot soak up is nose goop. As I may have mentioned before, my Red Indian name is 'One Running Nostril' and my Catholic name is 'Our Lady of Perpetual Snot'. Am glad I live where I do as there is a distinct lack of foliage and general grass and trees...although having said that, our office window is directly above a small park, so I don't get off that easy...

    Captain Stella...water-soaked cotton buds are definitely the way forward. What a cracking idea, and one I shall certainly use!

    ick and bleurgh

  • Comment number 38.

    I hate snot.

    ARF - I Feel Good - for Beezer who was, I think, the first ever person to reply to my drivel nearly a year ago. Landmark birthday - it can only be....Happy 30th Beez!

    Debs, I hope next week is the start of better times for you xx

    Alibaba - Congratulations. You sound incredible important.

    Hazel - that song, was that the same one Arthur Askey sang? Bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz bzzzzz honey bee honey bee, sting if you like but doooOn't sting me?

    A x

  • Comment number 39.

    Afternoon all

    Another sunny day - horrah!

    ARF - I feel good - James Brown

    Have a great birthday Beez. Hope it is full of great surprises.


  • Comment number 40.

    ...another ARF for the pot...

    It snot unusual.

    Tom Jones.

    AliB, that really made my smile...an Elder eh? You'll be far too busy and important to bother with the likes of us now. Do you get to wear a long white cassock and boss the choirboys around? Will you be joining the Masons too...

    Debbie, I'm sending virtual grapes along with my very best wishes for your hospital malarkey. There will also be a virtual bottle of Jack Dan1el's finest, but make sure you keep it hidden from the nurse.

    Bees, I don't think you're about tomorrow, so just to say


    and there will be a cake-type dunk-in at approximately 11am at my desk in the morning.

    Everyone else, if you've not signed the card, it's at reception

  • Comment number 41.

    Boleyn, indeed it was...

  • Comment number 42.


    Is it your bus pass birthday then?

    Mr Spuds - looking for a clip around the ear, if you ask me

  • Comment number 43.

    boleyngirl, Not important at all - they seem to let any old riff raff in here :)

    HL - Fortunately It's not that sort of church, so I shall just continue to be my mad self. It won't change me and if it does, please feel free to slap me - hard!!


    It's great all this love spilling out for Bezza xxx What a great Blog this is.

  • Comment number 44.

    Ditto #33 re ARF - form sent in at beginning of week.

    BeesMum - happy '21st' you lucky thing. If you're going to get another key to the door you're going to need another key cabinet!

    Debs - ask CLP if you get can MarkyMark to take you - he won't be using him! Imagine that: oversized sunglasses and 'spensive car! Do a bit of 'because she's worth it' hair shaking. They'll be trying to work out which girl band you're from :-)


  • Comment number 45.

    AliB, an Elder - wow, it does sound impressive. I expect you'll be doing much stroking of your imaginary beard whilst pondering on big decisions from now on!

    I have been

    Milk Monitor

    Prefect (although I still think they spelt that wrong!)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    ARF - I feel good - James Brown please!!

    Happy birthday B's Mum xx

    Hope next week goes OK Debbie, I'll be thinking of you xx

    Have a great break Chris Tash and lil Noah xx

    Sorry gone a bit overboard on the kisses xx hey have a hug too ()!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 47.


    On behalf of our Beez, consider yoursen clipped!

    Deev x

  • Comment number 48.

    Beezer - very happy burfday wishes for this weekend from me too.

    I'm not sure which day yours is, but we have a (quite big) child's birthday to celebrate this weekend ourselves. I just hope the birthday drinks with all the friends don't get out of hand - you know what those young people are like............tsk, tsk........so I'd better stay sober myself just in case I need to intervene!

    Fingers crossed for a sunny and happy day for both.


  • Comment number 49.

    James Brown - I feel Good for Beez

    Happy fridayeve all of you.


  • Comment number 50.

    ARF: I Feel Good by James Brown for the wonderful and only BeesMum. Happy Birthday my friend. I hope you have a really wonderful time. You deserve it.


  • Comment number 51.

    Morning everyone from sunny upstate NY.

    Hi Dook, long time, no blog. How are you.

  • Comment number 52.

    Happy Birthday Beez,

    ARF: anything by Leonard Cohen!!!

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 53.

    IT WAS A JOKE DEEV !!!!!!

    How about James Brown - I feel good?

    Rips x

  • Comment number 54.


    Just a wee note to say Happy Birthday to B-smum this weekend! Have a great day and enjoy being spoiled!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hey, talking of Marky Mark (#44)... Does CLP sit in the back when being driven - think chairman of the board, or next to Mark like mates on a drive?
    Anyone know or anyone care?

    Think the good weather must be getting to me!

  • Comment number 56.

    ARF - I Feel Good, James Brown for BeesMum please, pretty pretty please.

    Gawjus sunny day here in Edinburgh, a bit cool, but lovely all the same.

    Not been around much thanks to some nasty computer virus but new laptop on it's way (hurrah!) so will catch up v.soon.

    Have a lovely weekend peeps.

    Angela x

  • Comment number 57.

    ARF: i feel good - james brown

    happy birthday b's mum

    liz xx

  • Comment number 58.


    I will deal with you later, but for now, I have meeting .....


    luv ewe all

    x x x x

  • Comment number 59.

    Ah see Ripster, I quite like a bit of Leonard Cohen...Sisters of Mercy and So Long Marianne being particular faves...but possibly not for an ARF...

    On the back front, my colleague kindly gave me some codydramol earlier (I've had them before, so don't worry prescription-wise) and although the pain is wearing off...I'm feeling distinctly unfocussed...good job I'm not driving or operating machinery eh...

    AliB...not that sort of church? As in 'not that sort of girl'?

  • Comment number 60.

    Rips, I think you're playing with fire....LOL

  • Comment number 61.

    I Feel Good, by James Brown

    For Beezer.

    Happy Birthday Beesmum

    Hells x

    CLP Poor little Noah, I hope you are all sleeping okay.

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Bondy,

    Hmm - been lurking of late, but starting to feel like joining in again :-)

    Has any one checked out Tiny Spark yet? Apparently another EP coming out soon :-} Their My face site has a clip of me cousin playing on a balcony ?!?! CHRIS - please listen to them, I know you will get hunners of request like this but would like someone elses opinion - coz mine is Very Bias!

    toodle pips

  • Comment number 63.

    Dook, glad you decided to join back in. We missed you!!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    cheers bondy! Have meeting with accountant this afternoon :-( so felt that I needed to be amongst friends before hand!! Anything to keep my sanity!

    Am glad the weather is improving - you never know I might even ride the horses this weekend!

    Oh now I've gone and done it - watch this we will now have gale force winds and torrential rain appear from no-where this weekend.


  • Comment number 65.

    Thanks again you guys - am really enjoying myself here - not getting too much work done either!

    Yes I am grinning more than usual and thanks for giving Mr love spuds a clip round the ear Deev.

    The birthday is Saturday and right now I am sneaking off for a while to go and have a look at one of my presents. It arrived last night at the garage and true to my recent form with cars they were unable to get off - as the transporter hydraulics had broken ! I may need a - dare I say it leg up? - no praps not with you lot - I'll just stand on a ladder.

    Back later

    Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Dook, I know what you mean. It's tax time here and I had to call my tax guy to set up a meeting. I always feel like a boy having to go to the headmaster office when I have these meetings...... Have to do it though.

  • Comment number 67.


    Whilst it was meant in jest, don't get me wrong.
    I love Leonard Cohen.. grew up listening to it.

    May explain some of the issues on my mothers side!

    James, danger is my middle name!!!

    Oh! just checked, no it's not, it's Trevor!



  • Comment number 68.

    21 on the 21st Beesmum!!

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy the new motor.

    Pen x

    Hiya Bondy

  • Comment number 69.

    Spot on Pen !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Penny, hope you are well.

    Rips, LOL

  • Comment number 71.

    B-sMum - what sort is it???? Is it a "posh" one?? is it? is it?

    Up here there is Jag at a show room 1 yr old, fully specked, 2000 miles, Cost New £80,000. Yours for only £45,000! Wouldn't you just be sick if you were the guy that bought it new - you'd have lost £96 per DAY!

    Just call me Jezza "the hamster" May!!!!


  • Comment number 72.

    Nice thought Pip do you think CLP would let me borrow him?

    Told my boss everything before leaving earlier :-S

    Off to pick up LM now, catch up soon!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 73.

    so, Rips, maybe we'll have to have a Leonard Lobby to get more played on R2!

    Anyhoo chickadees, my colleague has just directed me to an acupuncture clinic that has a drop-in centre this afternoon. As this would appear to be quite fortuitous, I think I'd better nick off pretty soon and go for some needle sticking toot sweet...

    So, just in case I'm not about tomorrow, I'd like to say to Bees, mirror, signal, manoeuvre, especially if you're going up that ladder in a short skirt.

    Happy birthday lovely...

  • Comment number 74.

    Dook, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the hamster Mr Richard Hammond..?

    Or are you a hamster? A hamster who keeps chickens. Possibly in her cheek pouches.

    But that's not for here.

    By the way, I saw my first 2009 ladybird at lunchtime...landed on the path in front of me having zzzzzzzzzzzzzd past my ear...does this mean it's summer?

    Also happy birthday to fi's (big) girl x

    rattlin' rosie

  • Comment number 75.

    Arf request -

    Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK

    Mr Spuds - Is that a saftey pin through his nose?

  • Comment number 76.

    Hazel_love - it was an amalgamation of all three of them:

    Jeremy "jezza" Clarkson
    Richard "the hamster" Hammond
    James "captain slow" May

    On the animal front - we have pretty much every farm animal conceivable round at home!


  • Comment number 77.

    Bono Dias

    Sid Snot oh no can't go there it's not in the best possible taste.

    So it's sychronized dancing at five tomorrow is it with James Brown.... get on down.

    Bee have a beezer of a Birthday.

  • Comment number 78.

    Well done Deb. Honesty probably best policy etc. Just let it sink in now, like with your Mum.

    We should get a petition up for MarkyMark to take you. Come on everyone shout really loud to CLP:


    Let's see if that works.



  • Comment number 79.

  • Comment number 80.

    Can I just share with you all how bored I am this afternoon.

    There is no one in the office and I am really not motivated for work, and very easily distracted.

    Anyone want to play with me?


  • Comment number 81.

    I loved Kenny Everett, PP.

    It was all in the best possible taste!!


  • Comment number 82.

    I'm with you Pipster!




  • Comment number 83.

    Responding to CTD's request on FB -

    ARF: I feel good - James Brown

    and Happy Birthday B-sMum

    First post from a long time lurker - I feel I know you all so well!

  • Comment number 84.

    Thanks for that PP, forgot how priceless Kenny Everett was.

    Haze - hamsters and cheek pouches - an awesome wonder of nature. We had one who would fill her cheeks up with whole grapes, they'd stick out the side of her neck making her look like a furry Frankenstein's monster. Toffee she was called.

    Leonard Cohen - have you heard his orginal version of Halleluja? I played my year 6's (that's 4th year juniors in old money) the Jeff Buckley version (I love it) and the Alexandra version (I hate it) to compare and contrast. Then I played them Leonard's own and they laughed their heads off! They said he sounded drunk. Come to think of it he does a bit.

    Suzanne takes me dowwwwwwwn to a place by the riiiiiver...

    Like a bird on a wire, like a tramp in a midnight choir, I have tried, in my way to deflea...

    A x

  • Comment number 85.

    I want to play....just told LM too....now that was harder than the boss! He's given me a teddy bear to take with me.

    Nope, no leaking eyes from me yet, sure to come later though.

    My boss was brilliant. Once a week, when I'm back at work, me and her are going for a coffee and a chat to see how things are going.

    MarkyMark giving me a lift? So funny Pip. But could be very embarrassing!

    So Bees are you doing something really special for your birthday....your not 18 with a few years experience every year you know. Or are you? ;-)

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 86.

    Debs, well done - and fab that you'll get support at work too :-))))) The first step is the hardest and you've done it - brilliant, go girl!!! I'll be thinking of you next week - I'll be in your pocket too - hope they're deep ones!!

    I'm off now - and not in tomorrow - so can I just say one more time

    ARF - I feel good??

    Happy Birthday Beez.

    Much love all, see you Monday

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 87.



  • Comment number 88.

    In fact why not Beez and Debbie? A car full of beautiful bloggeroonies xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Thanks Tins not sure if I've done the hardest step yet. I have to get through that door and watch Mr D leave at some point.

    I'll have pockets big enough for the lot of you hehe.

    I think Bees deserves a posh car more than me!

    x x x

  • Comment number 90.

    Sounds a brill idea lyndy.....

    Cum on CLP fix it for them both!! All together now......if we shout loud enough maybe we can get it sorted along with the ARF

    I feel good - James Brown


  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Suzy, Welcome!!!! Hope you continue to blog......

  • Comment number 92.

    Hey Suzi - good to have you here!


  • Comment number 93.

    Afternoon all, just popping in!

    Can I be the first to request for the ARF James Brown - I feel good for Biggles Mum's special birthday!

    Is it a card

    Is it a parcel

    no it's a bus pass!!!!

    Luv ya Beez

    DD out

  • Comment number 94.

    Don't you just love ugly mean looking cars !
    Taken a pic and will put on fb tonight. Covered in dust from the docks and white granules from the transporters hydraulics!! Two hours apparently it was stuck there!

    Don't have any shades at the moment so Debs the car is all yours - ok Markey Mark?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Well done Debbie, I am so proud of you, as I am sure are many others.

    You go Girlfriend xx


  • Comment number 96.

    Just got an email from my boss, telling me to get out of work mode and get better soon so I can come back and help her. Should have told her sooner really.

    Looking forward to ARF this week, wonder if Chris bows down to the pressure the bloggers and plays JB for Bees.

    x x x

    Thanks AliB..oh and DD lucky you're not within slapping distance from Bees hehe!

  • Comment number 97.

    Thanks Deb, take care hun! not been around much recently but thoughts and hugs!


  • Comment number 98.

    Bloody Chris Evans.

    I went for a walk today, and stopped off in a shop for a can of coke (other soft drink products are available) and with all the talk of snot, I just wanted to 'do' a Dick and Dom and proudly stand there in the queue and shout out at the top of my voice....


    That's your fault Christophe, yeah, your fault, yes you Mr. Driving time!!



  • Comment number 99.

    ARF - I feel good, James Brown for beesmum please Chris.

    Happy birthday Bees xxxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi Debs,
    So glad you told your boss, I bet that gave you a bit of a boost to know she's understanding and supportive - people can be really surprising at times, restores your faith in human nature.

    I still prefer cats! - well apart from my man.



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