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Don't you just love a temperature inversion.

Chris Evans | 06:36 UK time, Wednesday, 18 March 2009

It's early, I'm up, my day is slightly different today which is why...

... I have time to write this and -

describe the lovely temperature inversion.

A temperature inversion is what gives us that lovely low hanging mist in the mornings. It's something we have to learn about at pilot school.

Warm air rises and as it cools, if it has moisture in it, clouds form at the dew point. Normally the ground remains hot because of residual heating from the day before but when we get a day like yesterday, where the ground heated up but not sufficiently and long enough to remain warm over night, there's not enough heat left in the air in the morning to help it rise and, like a car with no gas, it has nowhere to go. Its parcels cannot rise until later in the morning when Mr. Sun comes out to heat up the air again and becasue the dew point is now just above the ground, we get this brilliant hanging mist - very low cloud effectively - the type I can see right now outside my office window.

In fact as I've been writing, it's already beginning to lift. Looks like another smashing day down here in Berkshire.

Alright now - thank you so much for all the breast pump advice, muchly taken on board by Tash, keep it coming, let's spread the word and share the knowledge people.

And one more thing today - I had a dream last night about Jenson Button, he was so pleased with his new F1 car he took it out at the weekend to show his mates and ended up crying after a bus ran into him. Now I can only think I dreamt this because of my recently found concern over the mental stability of Bernie Ecclestone re the new point scoring system for Formula 1.

This subject could well make up a large portion of tonight's show.

Bernie has announced it's all about who wins the most races this year - period, so one guy can come second in all of them but if another guy wins one, then he's the champ. I think this is what he said, not exactly those words but a model to that effect, if I am wrong I apologise. I'm off to check and will be back to discuss.

Ecclestone is by all accounts a business genius and is well known for his eccentricity but surely this is the kookiest of all formats.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Wave to us CLP, while you're up there in the blue yonder!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Tell Tash, best time to use a breast pump is after the first feed of the morning and place a warm flannel on her breast as she is using the pump.

    Great show

    S xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning CLP & Bloggeroonies!

    It's not such a gawjus day here but still dry so I guess I should be pleased... after all it means I won't have a muddy Booboo to deal with after our stomp in the woods.

    New F1 rules... he really doesn't like Lewis does he?

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning All,

    Chris, up here in the valleys I think we're just in the clouds...........

    Back in work today, been catching up we whats been going on, and I wanna go home again........


  • Comment number 5.

    Good morning all.

    Although not an avid follower of F1, my DS is. He is yet to proffer his opinion, and there is no doubt it will come! He's of an age where he wishes to share his opinions, whether requested or not!

    As to the weather here in the good old 'Vale of York' it's very gloomy. I'm not planning to go anywhere today other than perhaps a walk over to the local market so no worries re driving in it for me. In fact, the weather can keep doing what it likes until next Wednesday when I want lots and lots of sunshine. The exams will be over and I can get outside again.


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Chris et al,

    Another lovely day in Kent (sorry Lyndyloo).

    Living by a river I often see that low mist, which makes the river look so beautiful. However, when it's really foggy you wouldn't even know there was a river there sometimes!

    Deev - Is it wrong of me to say that I was hoping Hull would win!?! Being a Chelsea fan and all. Bring it on ;)

    Going back to the other blog, my parents don't own a DVD or video, which makes buying presents very hard. My Dad has a computer which he is a whizz on, but my Mum, bless her, doesn't have a clue about any of it. They do have mobile phones, as I brought them one each, which they just about know how to use.

    Happy Hump Day everyone.


  • Comment number 7.

    Just wanted to say Good Luck to Debbie for today. And well done - for having the courage to ask for help - it's a massive step.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Ere Christoff.

    Up 'ere in Wigan I too woke up amidst a low mist.

    But then I sniffed bacon and warm creosote and remembered Renee had bin wtchin' Heston Bloomineck last night, so it was just me glasses had steamed up.

    Anyway, say one for me this morning won't yous. I'm off shortly with the Old Trouts Renee and Joan to launch a pre-emptive strike on Sainsbury's, and if they've started sellin' live frogs I'm in big trouble.

    Note to self. Don't eat the trifle.

    Where's she gone now. Ah no, she's out lookin' under the lilac bush and pokin' the fishpond with a stick. Best go.


  • Comment number 9.

    Morning All.

    Bernie's lost the plot Chris.

    He should think back to the Schumacker era. I seem to recall that when Hakkinen won the championship he obviously won more points than Schumacker, but less races.

    So under these new rules that would have given ANOTHER championship for Schuey!

    Imagine, if a driver were to win the first 10 races of the season, no-one would be able to overtake him, and therefore he could not race the rest of the calender and still win!

    I don't expect it will lead to the close seasons like the last 2 where the championship has been neck & neck all the way!

    Oh, well. Roll on March 29th. First race of the season and the clocks jump forward!



  • Comment number 10.

    Clodagh, also make sure you wear protective goggles if Renee cooks a roast dinner in future!!!

    Formula 1? Yawn ....

    Just of for a nap.

    T xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning all

    I can't get excited about F1 and think this new ruling will make it even duller. Mr Bernie seems to have it in for a certain lovely young chap.

    I am looking forward to the F2 (I think) that you featured on your programme recently CLP. Everyone using the same car and an 'inexpensive' one at that, relatively speaking!!! Much more like it.

    BTW, can I ask how come Rebecca is now on Five Live in the mornings? Why has she gone there? Shame...

    Not at work at the moment so can log in here. Bliss. Some silver lining for having a very sick car.

    Have a grand day all, from not-very-sunny Devon


  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all no mist but no sun either here.

    Clodagh send Renee to me - so many frogs in my pond when it rains can't move for them all over the garden and looking at what they are doing right now, looks like I may have loads more!

    Please do not start me off on that hair brained idea of scoring on F1 - If he keeps that silly idea don't expect I will be watching so avidly. Agree with Mezz - lost the plot.

    Lots to do again today including booking my train ticket for London - (keep forgetting) - and get ahead of myself with work so I can escape to bolt hole this week-end.

    Beesmum xx

    ps Gingembre - I saw that comment - norty lad !!!

    pps Good luck Debs - you'll be fine.

  • Comment number 13.


    Right. So last night was fab. We won - hurrah! And thank you for those of you who sent encouraging (or otherwise) texts!

    The irony of a french-man-shed scoring the winner won't be lost on a certain blogger, I am sure! xx

    Mr Deev wasn't impressed with my hailing a black cab in the middle of Holborn demanding he take us straight to The Emirates - the tube line we needed was closed due to some unfortunate incident. I'm sorry gang, but I was not gonna miss kick-off.

    Late night - got to bed about half one and up at half six this morning, so please bear with me and my inane drivelling today!

    Love ewe all. Truly, madly, deeply!

    Deev x x x

    PS: had a look at tickets for the semi-final: to be quite frnak I have more chance of providing Russell Brand with his first child! TV coverage it is then! xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Tins, am with you...motor racing (sport in general akshully) leaves me COLD! Was a Grand Prix widow for too many years and really don't get it...

    Anyhoo, Christophe, are you sure your dream wasn't to do with Charlie Nove (of Woganshire) and his reversal of a bus into a fire engine? Well, you never know!

    My morning started in a V bad mood. I should have just got up when I awoke instead of lying there fuming having just been a victim of the Sleeping Badger Fights Boxing Kangaroo (a little known Kung Fu move), and not being able to get back to sleep because he was snoring fit to bring the ceiling down...but I didn't.

    However, the Sun is out, the Sky is blue, and if I'd not forgotten my sunglasses, I'd have really enjoyed my walk to work. As it was, I could barely see where I was going.

    but I got here and the view over the sea is *GAWJUS* I tell you

  • Comment number 15.

    It is fair to say that only twice in the last 20 years would this new system have changed the overal championship (Lewis > Felipe last year and Prost > Senna in 1989). It's still absolute tosh mind and Bernie should see someone about this lapse...

    Oh and 10:36 and there is lots of mist hanging around the base of the hills here.

  • Comment number 16.

    pee ess Clodagh...did he use Wide Mouth Frogs?

    Coz you don't see many of those about these days

    ppee es Christophe, is it too early for ARF?

    Just gazing art the winnder, all is right with the world (at least for the next ten minutes anyway) and I FEEL GOOD.

    James Brown

    Many ts

  • Comment number 17.

    Ooooh I've just booked tickets to see Hairspray the musical for me to take Mum for her Mother's day prezzie on the 28th! Train booked, hotel booked, card bought! I just love spoiling Mum she'll be thrilled to bits as she only mentioned the other day how much she wanted to see Michael Ball before he leaves the show. What's more because she's got a blue badge (disabled as apposed to Blue Peter) I got the tickets discounted Yippee!

    Roll on a wek on Saturday...


  • Comment number 18.

    Just a quickie terdee.....



    CLP - Very interesting, reminds me of the times I used be away in me truck.
    See some beautiful things parked in the countryside overnight.... like looking out the window at midnight and seeing yer surrounded by rabbits or a badger!!!!
    And indeed..... mist... the dew!!!!!
    Ave seen some beautiful sunrises through the dew up in the scottish 'ighlands!!!!!
    Only problem iz the other end of the job..... being stuck on the M25 on a Fridee afternoon trying ter get 'ome but can't 'cos it's jammmmmmmmmmmed solid and surounded by a alot who seem ter only see....... The Red Mist!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    PS Goot a VERY BIG BINGO STAR PREDICTION TER MAKE ABOUT THE CREDIT CRUNCH.... Was goona do it terdee, do it termoz instead... pushed for time!!!!!!

    PPS The F1.... Why do we seem te rlike trying ter stop uz ave a British World Champion?????
    This new points system... they seem proud ter keep saying "Lewis wouldn't ave won last year if this system waz in!!" GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!!!
    Is that why they've brought it DAMN IN?????
    Wonder they ain't back date!!!!!
    Wouldn't think Bernie and Max are British!!!!
    For some reason it's this thing in this country were we seem ter like ter wreck our own country and everything that's good about it.... givin' it away.... the UK!!!!!

    Rant..... OVER!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    Soz too much of a 'urry ter comment on the length or INDEED the # position of terdee's blog!!!!!!

  • Comment number 20.

  • Comment number 21.

    Arsenal will indeed be going to Wembley as that is where the the semi finals are being played.

    Mr Spuds - jumpers for goal posts

  • Comment number 22.

    Guten Tag

    Have I missed a trick here with Formula One? Surely the Championship should be awarded to the driver with most wins not on a point system for coming second and third.
    I am also wondering about sponsorship with the economic situation. For example RBS won't be doing any sports sponsorship in future including Formula One. It's a bit of a worry.
    Perhaps banger car racing could make a big comeback.

    Mr Spuds. So you are a punk rocker at heart are you?

  • Comment number 23.


    This morning my throat is as hoarse as a very hoarse throaty thing. Shouting you see: at the ref, at the time wasters on the opposition, at the London Underground numpties ... all contributory factors.

    Fab night last night but GUTTED with a Capital G that This Here Deev will NOT be going to Wemberleeeeeeeey for semi action.

    Boooooooo Hisssssss and Yah Boo Sucks!

    Deev, grower of fine Spuds
    xx xx xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Surely the phrase motor sport is a misnomer.

    Where is the sport in a group of men following each other around a track in very expensive cars. You might as well watch the traffic on the M25, it would be more exciting.

    Mr Spuds - I was a punk before you were a punk.

  • Comment number 25.

    Mr Spuds

    Do you have an opinion on 2 wheeled motor sports, such as MotoGP, Superbikes etc?

    Deev, pseudo Goth x

  • Comment number 26.

    My comments apply to all motor sports regardless of the number of wheels.

    The clue lies in the word motor.

    I am not deriding (no pun intended) the skill and bravery (stupidity?) of the competitors, but all that is secondary to the skill of the mechanics.

    Therefore , in my opinion, it cannot truely be described as sport.

    Mr Spuds - Just like John Motson , he's a common tatter.

  • Comment number 27.

    I don't wish to appear rude, Mr. LoveSpuds........

    .........But you haven't a clue what you are talking about my friend.

    Stupidity doesn't even come into it.

    And, whilst the mechanics play a vital role - they build the bikes, and repair them when needed - they do not have a direct input into the developmental workings of the machine once built, re-built or tinkered with.

    The performance of said machine is totally in the hands of the rider, and the mechanics take their nod from the race engineer at the complete whim of the rider.

    As for stupidity, I think not. It takes complete trust, experience and supreme skill to ride side by side with another motorcycle at speeds in excess of 200mph, knowing that applying the brakes (for example) just 3 meters early can end in disaster.

    If you had any knowledge of what goes into two-wheeled sport, you would, I guarantee, amend your thought processes.

    A rugby coach nurtures, trains and prepares their team, does that mean that a rugby teams performances are not sporting because they have had their arena of application moulded by those assisting?

    I think not. And that's just one example.

    As for Uncle Bernie 'losing the plot', I would say that to lose the plot, first you must have the plot. Even as a team boss, his Royal Highness, Lord Bernard Of Ecclestone was often a sandwich short of a summer spread. The Bernie and Max show, is a farce.

    He's tried to get his grubby mits on Grand Prix motorcycling, but to date hasn't had too much of an impact. We've got a rights holder in place that is doing enough damage of it's own, let alone Bernie putting his size 4's into the mix.

    Formula 1 died with Senna, and no matter what exotic cocktail of ruling Ecclestone puts in place, it hasn't worked.

    The latest incarnation of rules is nothing short of ridiculous, and Chris got it right with his interpretation.

    Formula 1 is a joke.


  • Comment number 28.

    ** Deev now hiding under desk **

  • Comment number 29.

    Mechanics, designers, machines.

    What part do these play in sport.

    You mention rugby, a coach does as you say, what he does not do is build the players from metal and rubber.

    My personal definition of sport is one person, or a team, against another using strength, skill and intelligence to defeat their opponents.

    I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this.

    Mr Spuds - He may not know what he is talking about, but he is entitled to his opinion

  • Comment number 30.

    Lovepunk, and Tobes...coo...you're both setting fire to the blog today!

    F1. Everyone sitting quietly for about 1/2 hour until NEEEEEYOW, NEEEEYOW, NEEEEYOW etc, various cars go past...and then again for, what is it now, SEVENTY ODD LAPS!!! Pur-lease.

    Is a joke. End of.

    I was before you were

  • Comment number 31.

    Absolutely old son, healthy opinion makes for a healthy place to be.

    "My personal definition of sport is one person, or a team, against another using strength, skill and intelligence to defeat their opponents."

    I refer you to my post above, which you just agreed with.


  • Comment number 32.

    Hell's teeth.

    Hazel hun .... I feel good too!

    Isn't that a song by James Brown .....

    Anyone got anything spesh going down this weekend?

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    #24 "Where is the sport in a group of men following each other around a track in very expensive cars. You might as well watch the traffic on the M25, it would be more exciting."

    At the risk of having my head bitten off, I agree with Mr Spuds (not that I know what I'm talking about either but I too am entitled to my opinion.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Hazel, wish I could see the sea, you're soooooooo lucky, even if you did have to put up with badger/kangaroo wrestling 1st thing ... ooh that sounds a bit rude!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 35.

    "Mechanics, designers, machines - What part do these play in sport?"

    You mean the same designers who use computers and machines to design professional sailing boats, bicycles for the Tour De France, equiptment used by skiers, shin pads for footballers, swim suits for swimmers, rackets for tennis players and a whole plethora of other sports.

    Some of the finest minds are employed to enhance man's battle against his sporting competitors. It's been the case for many years.

    Metal and oil and two wheels is no different to legs and hands.

    This is 2009.


  • Comment number 36.

    I don't recall anybody's opinion being rubbished. Calm down, I'm am but having my own, opinion.

    What a lovely sunny day.


  • Comment number 37.

    It's finally happened. The mist has gone and we have a lovely Spring day in Yorkshire. Think I may talk a little walk outside for fresh air and a cool down!



  • Comment number 38.

    how many sports/jobs do you know of where you have to have a drugs test BEFORE you can work/play...

    nice day down here..i cant see the sea right now but i know its there!

  • Comment number 39.


    Just a quick visit. They want me to stay in for a week and now I feel sick. I don't want to be away for Mother's Day and can't decide when to go.

    Wasn't going to post but thought if not here for a week someone might notice, didn't want anyone worrying.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 40.

    Drugs testing is widespread in sports.

    Tennis, athletics, football, rugby, motor sports, skiing, swimming........

    It's mandatory. The banned substance list cost Haga a title showdown with Edwards in 2000.


  • Comment number 41.

    i know they do do testing but do they test them before they get in the car??

  • Comment number 42.

    as opposed to random drug testing through the season

  • Comment number 43.

    Not sure about the timing in Formula 1, but in bike racing they have a test pre-season, if pointed to do so. It's also implemented randomly if needed.

    But no, not before every leg gets thrown over the bike at every test/race.


  • Comment number 44.

    Morning all

    Can't really comment on FI debate as don't know enough about it.

    I am outnumbered by males in my household by 3-1 and all the discussions/arguements over sport ( which is all they seem to talk about) go over my head and I leave them to it.

    BUT....don't get me going over the socks and underpants debacle. They go into the washing machine and into the airing cupboard and a certain person seems to think he never sees them again.

    Conversation this morning ' what dark hole have all my underpants and socks disappeared into, would you like me to wash them myself so that I get them back?' Good morning to you too - very tempted to put them all back without washing them!!

    Md xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of a Jaffa Cake addiction support group?

    Ta !

    And I'm loving all this talk of bikes again.



    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 46.


    What a decision to have to make but perhaps you can delay going in until after Mothers's Day?

    Thinking of you ... you've taken a massive step to sort things out.

    Lots of love


  • Comment number 47.

    Have no clue about F1 so no comment.

    MizzDarcey - I think there are small people like the Borrowers who like taking one sock at a time. Another thing - How many different shades of mens black sox are there?

    Debbie - Sorry not been around so no idea where you have been today - but if can wait - go after Mothers Day, if its urgent then Mothers Day is just a day -some things may be more important? sorry probably not much help.


  • Comment number 48.

    Debbie - FB.



  • Comment number 49.


    I hope I'm not speaking out of turn here but please, if taking a week out will help you to move forward, just DO it.

    It's understandable you feel sick at the prospect but you have to face your fears. Once faced they will be a lot less daunting. You have to look after, nourish and cherish yourself before you will be of any use to others.

    To follow the aircraft theme, it's like when they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask before putting on the LM's. To do it the other way round may go against your instinct in the moment but you can't protect him if you're vulnerable yourself.

    So. Get Mothers' Day out the way first; it would be just a step too far for you to miss it at this stage, I'm thinking; and then see it this way. You are strengthening yourself in order to protect him. That's not the whole reason, of course; but baby steps, chicken. The longest journey starts with a single step.

    You can do it, sweetheart.


  • Comment number 50.

    Just my opinion, but shirley bst get sorted asap, as mentioned by Diddy Mothers Day is just a day. Having said that if didn't go see my Mum on 'the' day it would not be looked upon kindly.
    So as I've just contradicted myself I'll shut up.
    I'm sure you'll make the right choice, and things can only look up and get better - thinking of you, take care.
    Nicki x

  • Comment number 51.

    Debs - totally agree with Clodagh. And remember you're not alone - lots of us there in spirit with you and here to help you through.

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Ah motorbikes, one of me faves. Mr N's best mate is a champion drag bike racer and has been for a fair few years now. (anyone not in the know, he does not dress in feathers to perform this)
    His bike is sooo fast it scares the hell out of me just watching, he is totally fearless, until someone mentions the hoover then he's off like a shot.
    I used to attend lots of bike races, but my one true love is hot rods (that is not a rude thing, although quite partial to those too) I lost my beloved 1947 Dodge in the split with the ex, -somethings are unforgivable doncha think?

    Sorry I know diddly and squat about Formula 1, not really interested in roundy-roundy races, sorry to those that are - each to thier own.


  • Comment number 53.

    I sit corrected.

    The Schumacker era would have remained the same, however here are the years that would hvae been different under the new wins rule.

    1958: Actual champion: Mike Hawthorn
    Most wins champion: Stirling Moss
    1964: Actual champion: John Surtees
    Most wins champion: Jim Clark
    1967: Actual champion: Denny Hulme
    Most wins champion: Jim Clark
    1977: Actual champion: Niki Lauda
    Most wins champion: Mario Andretti
    1979: Actual champion: Jody Scheckter
    Most wins champion: Alan Jones
    1981: Actual champion: Nelson Piquet
    Most wins champion: Alain Prost
    1982: Actual champion: Keke Rosberg
    Most wins champion: Didier Pironi
    1983: Actual champion: Nelson Piquet
    Most wins champion: Alain Prost
    1984: Actual champion: Niki Lauda
    Most wins champion: Alain Prost
    1986: Actual champion: Alain Prost
    Most wins champion: Nigel Mansell
    1987: Actual champion: Nelson Piquet
    Most wins champion: Nigel Mansell
    1989: Actual champion: Alain Prost
    Most wins champion: Ayrton Senna
    2008: Actual champion: Lewis Hamilton
    Most wins champion: Felipe Massa


  • Comment number 54.

    That's more like it Mezz.

    I knew there were a few, mostly involving Prost, but couldn't, unlike your good self, be bothered to type it all out.

    Fair play.


  • Comment number 55.

    Afternoon CLP and bloggers........ah, temperature inversions - take me back to studying geography many years ago - I loved all that weather system stuff!

    Fantastic sunshine in my neck of the old woods again today and my washing is almost dry already!

    Agree with you fully CLP about the change in the F1 rules - won't reopen the debate on its wider merits, but personally I don't see this change being for the better.

    Debbie - I am so not qualified to offer you advice but I'd just like to wish you well, whatever you do, and I hope you can find a way of easing and ultimately resolving your fears and problems. Best of luck m'dear.

    Back to work - may pop in again later.


  • Comment number 56.

    Ee gad Mezz,
    You seem to know yer stuff!

  • Comment number 57.

    Had a lovely meander around the market and grabbed some lunch.

    I live in a gorgeous town - castle ruins, river and so on - which is beautiful whatever the weather. Today though, don't know what it was, I just had a huge sense of it's great to be alive.

    There's so much bad stuff going on in the world, and closer to home, that sometimes we forget to appreciate what we have. So what if the shops and stalls were a little tatty, the people too loud, the smells overpowering? The fact is many of us take those senses for granted. It's true what they say, you don't appreciate it until it's gone.

    So, despite all its ups and downs, today I'm glad to be alive.

    Sermon over - lol! Clearly too much fizz in my drink!


  • Comment number 58.

    Debs - how brave of you to take these first few steps, make your own decisions and make them in your own time. The advice on here is - as usual - top drawer. I've text you x

    F1 - ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 59.

    Debbie - Have always read Clodaghs advice with total admiration cos she always hits the nail on the head.

    If Mothers Day is important for LM then a few days probably won't make much difference but if its important for your Mum then surely she would understand?


  • Comment number 60.


    Thank you my dear. I now have the most amazing visions in my mind of a horde of drag queens, in their finest regalia ... feather boas, sequins, heels, false eye-lashes ... the works ... astride a load of Ducati's hurtling into Redgate at Donington Park!

    Now there's one for the Riders For Health day!

    Deev x x x x

    maybe that was a 5 hours sleep moment there ...... ?

  • Comment number 61.

    Funny you should say that - he can be a bit of a prima dona at times!

    And yes eyes need to be shut for longer than 5 hours..............speshly after a period of excitement such as you had last night, oo er!

  • Comment number 62.

    Debs - was trying to think of how to write what i was thinking - then read Clodagh's post and that said it all really!! I can understand not wanting to be away on Mothers' day but after that give it your best shot, girl!

    We will all be beside you in spirit, you know that!!

    take care

    CG xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Hull were robbed.

    I was closer to being on-side than Gallas!!


  • Comment number 64.


    I turn my back for two minutes and it all kicks off over F1. Sorry have no interest what so ever, but each to their own.

    Been on a jaunt this morning for work, which involved coffee, cakes and some certificate presentations. Life on the edge.

    Debs - As CG said we are all with you in spirit, holding your hand and guiding you through these tough times. Hang in their Honey.

    Now I best get on with some proper work!


  • Comment number 65.

    Now that is somewhere where modern technology could be put to good use.

    Why is football resisting the use of video evidence during play wheras almost every other sport used it?

    The downside is that it can slow up play but if it prevents incidents like last night then it has to be a good thing.

    At least the ref last night was consistently rubbish to both sides!

    Mr Spuds - He shoots, he scores.

  • Comment number 66.

    Good Moaning everyone from an overcast but fairly warm upstate NY. Temps around 50 today, but rain in the forecast for later......

    Chris, I agree with you completely on the F1 points/wins issue. There are other things that good old Bernie (the bolt....LOL) could have done to make the racing/championship more interesting and more competitive. As soon as we have a British Champion, he wants to change the rules......hmmmmmmmmm. I think points system based on wins, but also on overtaking. May be a bonus point for every car you over take and/or points if you don't get overtaken or something like that would encourage more competitive driving. Just some thoughts. Watching cars go around a track almost procession-like is not racing. But that's just my opinion.....

  • Comment number 67.

    Afternoon Bondy. Are the daffs out in NY? ... do they have daffs in NY???

    T xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Check this out Christophe!!!!


  • Comment number 69.

    Hi sparkle, no daffs up yet, we haven't had consistent warm weather yet. Some bulbs are beginning to peak through though. Daffs, will probably be up end of the month/beginning of April. That is if we don't have some really nasty snowy cold weather between now and then. Which I should say is not uncommon.

    How about with you?

  • Comment number 70.

    G'day to one and all.

    Have not been able to follow the blog recently due to daily pressures.

    Debbie-C - Clodagh summed it up beautifully. Take care.

    Pip7890 - I agree, and feel the same with all its ups and downs it feels great to be alive! Whatever the fizz was I must have had some too today!

    Niki - CtD - love the pictures you have painted. Gives me a whole new perception of motorbike racing. LOL.

    F1 - I'm like Gingembre zzzzzzzzz.


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Bond - daffs are out here!

  • Comment number 72.

    Afternoon 007 -

    I do love F1 - and have to agree that this new scoring will probably be, well, pants......

    Debs, have to agree with everyone else as well, hang on in there.....thoughts are with you....


  • Comment number 73.

    Mezz20, interesting facts. I think if little bernie wants to change the points structure then he should go back and change the championship winners based on races won........ It would be like saying that football championships would be awarded on games won........ As a point of interest (or not) most sports on this side of the pond go on a games won bases not points.....

  • Comment number 74.

    James, loads of daffs here. I love them, they're so bright and cheerful.

    They also remind me of my mum. When she used to take me to school when I was really little, we used to walk past this big posh house every day, and in Spring the whole of the front garden was just covered in daffs and she used to recite the first few lines of Wordsworth ...

    "I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o'er vale and hill, and all at once I saw a crowd - a host of golden daffodils"

    And I always used to join in very loudly with the last bit!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi. I'm overwhelmed by your messages, here, fb and phone. Thank you so much.

    Honestly you really do help!

    I have decided to go in on Monday. And I feel a little better already.

    This is the scariest thing that I have ever done. And she wants to start me on medication....that's the tough bit. Sorry for going on, again, your support is getting me through as always and when I'm better I won't be banging on here about it all anymore....yay!

    I was shown around the place, more like a hotel really and the grounds were stunning, didn't bump into anyone famous but will keep a look out!

    I will reply to all messages, just that getting myself together has taken blooming ages today.


    Deb x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    Which is no good at all if you're a San Francisco 49ers fan Bondy!!!



  • Comment number 77.

    # 68 that cant be real..surely...

  • Comment number 78.

    ps: all messages have helped but wanted to say Clodagh......wish I could hug you. Thank you x

  • Comment number 79.

    Well done Deb. You've made a decision and that's a good, first, baby step.

    Now, do remember to pack your designer sunglasses. After all, you don't have to be famous to act famous! :-)


  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Margot, do you have a lot of daffs in your garden?

    Hello eb, I think a lot of people feel the same way we do about the change in the F1 rules. As I said in an earlier post, there are other things bernie could have done to make the races more exciting.

  • Comment number 81.

    Debs, it will do you the world of good to have a bit of time to yourself. don't be surprised if you cry loads - sometimes when you allow yourself to stop trying to hide it, it all pours out - but it's very VERY therapeutic.

    And please try not to be too scared of the meds - I know a few of us have said it before, but they really can (and do) help.

    Much love

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 82.

    And I am loving PiP's advice about the shades!!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Tobe.....LOL The 49ers have been in a rebuilding season for about a decade or more....LOL

  • Comment number 84.

    Good on you Debs.

    I love daffs, they are my favourite flower. This time of year I always make sure I have a vase of them at home - because they cheer me up. I don't need fancy flowers, just a bunch of daffs. I am easily pleased :)


  • Comment number 85.

    Debbie, take the time you need, there will be other holidays. The most important thing to concentrate on is you.

  • Comment number 86.


    Yes, it's real alright.

    Years and years ago, one of my bosses at work was scared of flying, and had never flown because of it. Never even been to the airport.

    She was determined to beat her fear so for Children In Need she agreed not only to get on a plane, but with the help of hypnotherapy, she planned to parachute out of said plane. We said 'no way will she do it'.

    We were wrong.

    After two false starts, she went for it, and made the jump.

    Can you imagine that, unreal.

    This woman jumped out of the first plane she was ever in!!!


  • Comment number 87.

    Bondy, don't.......

    Bring back Joe Montana!!


  • Comment number 88.

    Hull were so not robbed.

    They were a bunch of time-wasting cheats! 5 bookings, I think?

    Gallas!!! Hero of the hour!

    Nowt will burst my bubble today. Nowt!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Joe Montana? Does he have a sister called Hannah .... ?


  • Comment number 90.

    Tobes......... It's been down hill for them since the end of the Montana/Young years......... Although I think the new coach Singletary will help turn things around for them.

    CtD, didn't see you in the crowd last night..... My philosophy is that it's only a foul or offside if it's called by the ref........ Gallas' goal wasn't called for offside, so it doesn't make any difference. They are not going to overturn it.....

  • Comment number 91.

    I joined a gym earlier....forgot to mention that. So in a while, the old Debbie will be back in all ways...skinny minnie!

    I have no idea what to say to my boss about next week by the way. I can absolutely not tell her what's happening but need three days off!

    Off to make a list of things to do.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 92.

    CtD, It would be more like his daughter but they are not related. I think her father is the guy that sang achy breaky heart.... his names escapes me for the minute.

  • Comment number 93.

    Same here re daffs, mum loved them she used to say they were all little trumpets heralding and rejoicing in the spring.

  • Comment number 94.

    Steve Young.....

    One of the hard men of the NFL. That bloke had more concussions than anyone Lawrence Taylor ever hit.

    That run into the endzone against (from memory) the Vikings to get them into the playoffs that year was amazing.

    Okay, Hull were partially pickpocketed :)


  • Comment number 95.

    I love daffs too, those and tulips. My tulips always end up going droopy though, why is that?

  • Comment number 96.

    Billy Ray Cyrus.


  • Comment number 97.

    Bond - not that many daffs but I'm like AliB a few daffs and its like sunshine in the house and garden.

    Tinsel - Debbie-C - Pips advice is great get the shades out!

    Tobe - #86 Wow. Even under hypnosis I couldnt have achieved what she did. Lol at the idea of the lady jumping out of the first plane she's been on.


  • Comment number 98.

    Tobe, agreed!! Always liked Young, he now is a pundit and of course a lawyer..... smart guy, got out before the concussions caused any serious damage..... Of course you know that LT was high on c*ke for most of the games he played in..........

  • Comment number 99.

    This thing is playing up, no?


  • Comment number 100.

    Afternoon all

    Glorious sun shine in Norfamps to-day. Good to be alive and kicking!

    F1 - oh do calm down folks - plenty of other stuff in the world to kick up about! Personally, I haven't had much interest since the likes of Prost, Hunt, Denna etc.

    Deev - Glad you had a good time with the right result last night. BUT, sorry to gloat - I AM GOING TO WEMBLEY!!! Albeit as an honary (should have spell check on blogs!!) BLUE when I'm actually a RED. Much beloved is going to put tape over my mouth and sit on my hands for the duration....he he

    Debbie - Good luck me darlin' in what ever decision you make. I always tell people that I'm in their pocket if in need of a hug and re-assurance. I'm sure alot of folk here would join me in your 'pocket'. Just put your hand in and we'll be there. MWAH!



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