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An invention waiting to happen. Waiting to happen I tell you. There's money in them there hills.

Chris Evans | 09:39 UK time, Thursday, 5 March 2009

Pray tell, what is this craggy range I see before me ? Why, if it isn't...

...the Hankie Himalayas.

If you adopt the right point of view, like a child playing at carpet level with his toy soldiers, the used up, crusty sheets of disguarded loo roll that surround my desk look just like some snow capped mountains from a far off land.

Alas though of course they are not, as the Evans family cold kicks in they are the remnants of glaciers of snot that refuse to abate from all three of our noses, all six of our collective nostrils. It's day two of our first ever three way infection, the first of many I am sure and it's now we're asking who was the perpetrator of the source.

Was it :

A. Little gorgeous Noah who is as pure as the heavens and as innocent as a lamb
B. Natash Shish kebab, mummy to the above mentioned angel and as good as the earth.


C. Big hairy nasty daddy who goes to dirty horrible London every day and breathes in
the germs of other men off his grizzly old microphone for two hours every night.

You don't have to be Dr. Johnson to figure this one out do you kids ?

I fear it's all my fault the three of us are blocked up with no place to go and here's the irony - I'm the only one who can take anything, little Noah being generally too little and all that and mummy being the hostess with mostest.

Dawg-gawn, all tips welcome. In the meantime enjoy the view, wish you were here.








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  • Comment number 1.

    I'm certain that over the last few days I've heard of so many people being ill I've caught the man flu... the odd thing is I've caught it over the Internet...

    Surely as any mother would say the best thing to do is have plenty of fluids and get lots of rest?

    ARF - Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick - Ian Dury & The Blockheads

  • Comment number 2.

    Oh and did I miss how the girl taking her driving test yesterday got on? I did my theory test yesterday and passed nicely...

  • Comment number 3.



    Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police

    Because quite frankly, Sting could have written that one for ickle auld me!!



    Cheryl the Cheeky Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    I have discovered this week that there is something oh so much worse than man-flu.....it's man-bug !!! Blimey you would think he was the first person ever to get a tummy bug. Weak and feeble are understatements!

    Before having a baby of my own I used to be dubious of colleagues who were parents that were forever catching colds and bugs from their little darlings (and missing work with it), but yes it has been happening to us. Usually me and hubby get the bug and little man gets away scot free. What's that all about??!! But i suppose I prefer looking after myself in a bug situation than the little man! And of course I never get the bug as bad as hubby ... ;-)

    Oh the treats of parenting that are never explained in those ante-natal classes!

  • Comment number 5.

    Poor CLP et al.

    Lots of fluids and plenty of rest is exactly the key to get rid of the lurgy. You can't blame anyone - so many germs in the world - could have got it from anyone, anywhere. Of course if you don't listen to your body and take time away under the duvet you will have to suffer for longer.

    Well done tom on passing the theory. GD has her's booked for next week AND her beloved has his tomorrow. Bit of competition going there... fingers crossed for both.


  • Comment number 6.


    Unfortunately, the really bad news about having a cold is, it has to run its course. It's a b*gger, but there you have it!

    Some remedies do help though, and I have often mentioned Pulmo Bailley - it worked wonders for me.

    Sending hugs ..... from a distance!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.


    ARF: Music To Watch Girls By, Andy Williams please :-)

    Starting to get the lurgy today, can feel it in the back of my throat. Thanks LM!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 8.

    ARF - anything from the BOSS. Can't get enough of him!

  • Comment number 9.

    Oh yes, weldone Tom. Good luck for the next part. My eldest failed it last week for driving too slow!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all,

    Chris, I'm really not sure I want to see a pic of all your snot encrusted tissues. Normally I have an iron stomach which gets turned at nothing, but nasal candles seem to do the trick. Especially when dripping from a childs nose and they lick it.

    Tom, well done on passing the theory. You should soon be on the road and wondering how you managed before you could drive.

    I am currently applying careful thought to my ARF. It would appear I have slipped into the 'Summer Songs' list on my ipod - loads of manchester type music so now deliberating and narrowing down as I type.

    Laters potatoes,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 11.

    CLP and family, get well soon, as said already not much can do, but lots of fluid, no dairy and fresh air! (not that London stuff in the centre!)

    And pulmo bailey - yeuch, that is the worst smelling, tasting stuff i've ever come across! I actually quite like most medicines but this stuff made me gag! Don't try this at home....


  • Comment number 12.

    I have heard putting Vick on your feet helps. Don't know how or why but I'm told it works.

    I'm still tapping away to rid myself of bad habits.

    My ARF choice would be TOTP's Ochestra El Bimbo .... no oh well

  • Comment number 13.

    Greetings Ter ALL,

    Me again.....

    CLP - Sorry ter 'ear yer still full of cold!!!!!

    If I 'ad a cold people and mentioned it more than once, people would probally tell me ter 'shut up and get over it!!!!!'

    Well I say ter yersen CLP.... and what a tell meself..... just keep doing what yer doing!!!!!

    As for who iz the reason for the cold..... Am sure Noah will get 'is own back BIG STYLE.... when 'e's older and starts school!!!!!

    My ex wazza school teacher and man did she forever keep picking up colds from school!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 14.


    I write this now with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye. It would appear that my loverly Errol and I are not destined to be together.

    He has betrayed me in the worst way possible and has made me realise he is not everything I thought he was.

    As always, the discovery to his misdemeanour has been accidental and I had no idea what was going on behind my back.

    I have just nipped to the windowsill where we have a pile of cds, and there, sat on the top was a cd by Delta Goodrem!

    You can imagine my horror and dismay.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 15.

    Firstly, ARF, The Mighty Quinn by Manfred Mann please.

    Secondly, today I have a coff. I did not have a coff yesterday and I don't know where it is from so it must be osmosis from blog or similar.

    Thirdly, Mariella, wuz just thinking about you only this morning wundrin where you is, so hallo.

    Fourthly, our heaters are still not working. Possible chilly living conditions contributing to coff.

    Fifthly, Christophe, you big horrible hairy nasty daddy...you only need to worry about Noah being poorly when the snot turns luminous lime green...this means that your child is radio active...which can only be a good thing eh!

    antibodies are cool

    In the meantime, if you're picking up germs or similar from icky microphones, get yourself some kills 99.9 per cent of all known spray (other killing liquids available) and do the mike with that afore you use it. With any luck it won't be the .1 that you take home. Obviously with health 'n' safety etc, you'd need to make sure that any electrical equipment is disconnected from a power supply before squirting.

  • Comment number 16.

    OMG! That is sooooo bad. Didn't know of anyone who had actually bought that CD until now!

    So....what consequences are afoot we ask?


  • Comment number 17.

    Ach. Mwa! Had already written my greeting, then have seen your missive...am shocked and horrified and have immediately returned my hat to the deep freeze (again). But I have to arst, wot is a Delta Goodrem?

    PP, I think I've got that on a single in the garage.

  • Comment number 18.

    Delta Goodrem eh. Ah well, I suppose it could be worse. :)

    Morning guys and gals, hope you're all chirpy even if you are suffering from el Lurgy.

    Well done on passing the driving test Tom; as Mariella says you'll soon be wondering how you managed before you could drive.

    And good luck to your GD and her beloved Steffi, 'spect the competitive spirit must be hotting up there!

    Debbie - Too slow?! That's a good one. Tell him well done, it's much better than too fast. Hope you get over the lurgy quickly lovely. xx

    Smarties - Man-bug is indeed worse, I don't know how they manage but somehow every infection is far far worse in mr Jumpy than it is in me.

    Hurrah for our jumpybean, he's fast asleep again. Away with the fairies for 9 hours last night. He must have woken up a few times though, the toys in his cot were all over the place when I finally dragged myself out of bed to say good morning. Suppose I ought to take this opportunity to get dressed. I love Thursday mornings, they are our slobby take-it-easy mornings. Only one a week, so I'm making the most of it!

    More later, until it's time to go to work.

    Hi ho, hi ho...


    jeni and the jumpybean

  • Comment number 19.

    dreamur: I burst out laughing at your comment! How right you are - it is vile.

    I had flu last Christmas and asked my lovely husband to ask the pharmacist for something to save my life. She recommended the old Pulmo. The aforementioned lovely husband didn't bother reading the instructions and gave me two teaspons of the stuff straight from the bottle. I thought my number was up - it should be mixed with water. Still vile, but after just a day of taking it, I realised I would indeed see the new year!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    PS CLP - Like a said yesterdee.....

    For a cold - Lots of extra strong mints ter get through the show - no side effects like some lozengers!!!!!!

    Or for something a little stronger - Strepsols seem ter work well for me... again with no side effects!!!!

    Ave taken some of the mediacted lozengers and they seem tergive me a 'eadache... make me feel a little worse!!!!!!

    Also loads of bananas, lucozade and gallons of liquids ter soothe the sroe bits and wash the virus away faster!!!!!

    Tea and water the best!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!

    Chow... again!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    PS For my ARF it can only be one choice and only one choice on this occasion......

    The band 'EVANS BLUE'..... with their most appropriate tune.... 'CAUGHT A LITE SNEEZE!!!!!!!!!!!'

    Very nice tune!!!!!

    Or maybe Weezer with their tune.... Dope Nose!!!!!!

    BINGO STAR DISCLAIMER... The above commentation isn't mean't ter offend any fellow bloggers... The above commentations come in 'umourous and friendship tones ONLY!!!!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    DAMN IT.... nearly goot the #22 again!!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    PS I hope you are going to recycle all those used tissues Mr Chris.

    Hazel. The You Tube video features Dr Who's Tom Baker on the bongo's.

    Much to do.

    Toodle oo

  • Comment number 24.

    A R F

    got to be Bruce springsteen - 10th avenue freeze out.

    "When the change was made uptown
    And the Big Man joined the band"

    Bruce and the E street band are coming to scotland for the first time since the early 80s and between this post and your Friday show i will hopefully have obtained tickets at 9am Friday.

    therefore song is either to celebrate or commisserate the attempt. :-)

  • Comment number 25.



    This Charming Man- The Smiths

    Because quite frankly, Morrissey could have written that one for ickle auld me!!



    Modest Mr Spuds xxxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Spuds and Deev. Honestly. Get a room!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Maybe they have already AND we just don't know it!
    Hope that wasn't tooooo risky. No dissin' intended.

  • Comment number 28.

    OK, think I'm there.


    Wild Cherry - Play that funky music.

    Cus that was written for me.

    And its quite cool, upbeat and sort of weekendy.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 29.

    Thanks big hairy nasty daddy for sharing that snot capped mountain with us, you're all heart!

    Well done Tom for passing theory test - halfway there now.

    Still thinking of ARF, but looking forward to Annie G's FNWC posts without her O's and with a glass of wine in her hand!!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Oh joy. The manufacturers of our storage heaters have gone into liquidation. Which is the opposite to me as I am turning into solid ice Chez Sett.

    Does anyone know how a STMS-330-A should work properly.

    I've had storage heaters before, so I have an idea, but nothing I've tried has worked so far. I've asked our new landlady to have a look, but she hasn't had a chance to come by yet, and with the weather turning colder again, I don't think I can bear it.

    There are three knobs, one says input, the next says output and the last, comfort. I've put the input up high, the output on 2 and the comfort off...as the time we put the comfort knob in it spend about £4 in 3 hours...there is one switch which goes into the wall, and the light on the switch goes on, so there is power, and the heater has been on too.

    Please, does anyone have this sort of heater...

    Christophe, even with all the lurgy etc at your house, I'm so jealous of you all being cosy and warm...

    The Mighty Quinn...the eskimo...hadn't even thought of that when I asked for my ARF!

  • Comment number 31.

    Hazel: what a nightmare for you - I cannot bear being cold! I will ask MrS if he has any tips/ideas/instructions. We did have storage heaters, but it was a long time ago, but I will ask the question.

    Thinking of you! As I said to you before: apart from slipping on ice, or seeing spiders in the house, being cold is the thing I hate most!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Hate to sound like a stuck record, but my advice would have to be get some early nights. Sorry but as soon as I get the sniffles I go to bed as early as poss and usually the cold disappears without a trace!

    Helped in school earlier, am just enjoying my guilty pleasure - the latest episode of Mistresses. Are there really people like those women?

    Take care guys,

    Em xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi ya lovely

    Have you tried heating up coca cola in the microwave and drinking that? It's a remedy I always try for colds and it's really good!

    Having said that, I don't do colds if I'm quick enough. Usually at the first sign of it I just tell my body that I'm NOT having it, and it retreats with its tail between it's legs to some far off place - possibly London, on a microphone at Radio 2!!!

    Sorry chuck, hope you're all feeling better soon. Take care. Jo xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Surely if the heating isnt working your landlady should sort it out (or am I being niave). She should get someone out to fix it.

    I did a quick trawl on the net to see if I could find a manaul for your STMS-330-A but no luck.

  • Comment number 35.

    #27 ..... :-0 Really!!! ????

    Right, had a proper chance to read CLP's blog for today and ..... it's put me right orf me smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel!

    Maybe you caught your bugs from U2 on Friday evening. In which case my friend, you have The Coolest Cold On The Planet. Official!!

    Chris - tis very nice that you do indeed wish we were there, but would it be to share your germy wallowing, or pass you another box of tissues, or watch old b&w moves under a blanket?

    Actually, that's not such a bad offer .... !! Kinda beats being in the office all afternoon - even tho I'm gonna be on my own from 3 o'clock ... YES!!!!!!! Bliss!!!!

    Might even do some Deev Dancing!

    Back later.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    The link will lead you to PDF, Page 25 would be good starting point.

    Hope this helps.


  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon all

    Hazel - I have to agree with Thunder - surely under your contract the landlady has to make reasonable efforts to provide you with heating and saying she's not had time to get by just isn't good enough!

    For a start aren't all rented properties' heating systems required to be inspected annually for safety and proper functioning? [or is that just if they run on gas?] When was that last done?

    My neighbour downstairs lets her flat on 12 month leases and always gets the inspection done before new tenants move in.

    My suggestion is that you request her to call round or send someone within 24 hours and say that you'll reduce your rent by 25% for every day you're without heating and see what reaction you get then! It's not as if it is June and lovely warm weather. It was only 2 degrees even in London at 7 this morning.

    Good luck.


  • Comment number 38.

    hello there good people of blogland!

    sorry for my absence - the evil that is faceache distracted my from here - but I'm back - for now ;-)

    Was is not on your show CLP that it was discussed that there are only a certain number of colds in the world (aprox 250) and that's why small kids always have a cold because they haven't been exposed to any before and that by the time your an adult you're less likely to get one as you've built up antibodies. Only if you are exposed to one you've not encountered before do you succumb! GP's can generally tell if there is a newcomer into an area if they and their staff start sniffling!

    I've always found hot diluted orange juice and paracetamol to help - Oh and a hot toddy last thing at night. If I remember correctly Highland Lassie has a good recipie.


  • Comment number 39.

    Afternoon Each,

    Phew, busy morning but on my own this afternoon (what's new) so Diva I might join you in some dancing.

    Sorry to hear that you are all still poorly Chris, but if you could stick too pictures of Noah in future rather than your snot rags it would be much appreciated.

    Are we having another Tash blog tomorrow? Hope so.

    I'll check back later to see if you bloggers are behaving yourselves!


  • Comment number 40.

    CLP That photo is sooooo gross!! Think of all the germs that are flying off your tissues and going to invade the universe. I tie a carrier bag to my dads zimmer frame so he doesn't do that, maybe you should tie one to your microphone.

    Hiyaaa Bingo not saying a word!!!

  • Comment number 41.

    Oh Dear CLP Looks like the dreaded Man Flu has kicked in good time!

    Sometimes the lovely ladies out there just don't understand how we always get much worst colds!!!.... I'm joking

    Myself and Mrs RJH Are on the way down to London town on Friday so will unfortunatley miss the show coming to see Dirty Dancing on Fri nite then staying to do the sights etc before homeward bound on Sunday Nite.

    If anyone can recommend a couple of good eateries would be most welcomed

    Will be listening out for the sniffles this evening and have a good all request friday and a good weekend everyone.


  • Comment number 42.

    ARF "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it id by dose, cos lurg is all around me, and how my snotter flows." etc. Just a thought.

    Sunny snowy mountains here, heaven.


  • Comment number 43.


    If you like a curry, try Masala Zone - goog 'em - they're all over the place but the one in Covent Garden is fab!

    There's also a great pizza place called Fire & Stone - Covent Garden area too.

    Can't go far wrong in China Town area if that's your thing ... all local to theatreland.

    I also love The Rainforest Cafe - Shaftsbury Ave. Can get a bit noise but a helluva lot of fun!! You may have to book tho, so again, goog 'em.

    Try this too ....


    Enjoy the show!

    Travel Deev x x x

  • Comment number 44.

    Robfaeskye- Brilliant!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Chris,
    Poor you, Natasha & Noah. I have a 3-year-old and a 3-month-old and it's horrible watching a poor little babe suffer with a cold. It can help babies to breath whilst asleep if you prop up the top end of their cots so the baby's head is lightly elevated. I also use an electric 'aromastream' from Neal's Yard and put essential oils on it like lavendar oil and/or eucalyptus and/or Childrens' Olbas Oil. You can also use baby saline drops to unblock a baby's nose if it is really bunged up.

    Hope that helps.
    Marie x

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Chris - Me again!

    I didn't mention that I turn on the aromastream in the baby's bedroom whilst they are sleeping.

    Marie x

  • Comment number 47.

    People thinks it's very funny but it's really very runny! No! it's Snot!

    Christophe, never mind the saga of the combined nasal cavities en Famille Evans, just be grateful you're not Steve Wright!

    As for the ARF: Alien Ant Farm's version of Smooth Criminal. A cover that was better than the original!

    Have a great weekend all!

    DD out

    PS MW,a - There are some crimes that can never be forgiven!

  • Comment number 48.

    You sound like you have a guilt complex there, Chris... Aren't Babbies more susceptable to colds anyway? Could have just been a walk down the road that gave him it, and then you're both tired, so you caught it too!

    Or vice versa...

  • Comment number 49.

    Mr Evans,

    Look on the bright side, if it wasn't for the colds you might have to think a bit for something to write about.

    Can't wait for Noah's first tooth myself.

    A very norty Mr Spuds

  • Comment number 50.

    Must ask - what has happened to the rebecca aka fox the fox? She had two bad days re the fox the fox questions and now she has gone!


    ps what was the road with the highest house number and what was that number?

  • Comment number 51.



    Brown Eyed Handsome Man

    Buddy Holly

    Pretty please - otherwise it 'snot fair!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 52.


    I wondered about Foxy, but on Tuesday Chris said she wasn't around for, I think, four weeks, but I've no idea where she is or what she is doing. Not that she needs a note from me, but I was just wondering like you were?!?!


  • Comment number 53.

    I think Chris mentioned that Foxy is doing a radio show of sorts for a month then she is returning.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 54.


    I do agree. On both accounts.

    Other covers better than the original - and I may well be shot down in flames

    Walk This Way - Run DMC and Aerosmith

    Blue Monday - New Order

    Come Together - Aerosmith - Thats the controversy starter.

    Dizzy - Vic Reeves and The Wonder Stuff.

    Add more if ya wanna.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 55.

    Duran Duran's cover of Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) recorded live.

    better than, dare i say it, Cockney Rebel.

    IMO, anyway!

    Deev xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Love Spuds: why don't you take a hike.

  • Comment number 57.

    Ted, thank you so much for that!

    Thunderclap, thank you for looking...I did that, and got nowhere!

    ...and fi, you are perfectly correct, but it's just frustrating as I thought I had them working...then they didn't seem to be...and I didn't even touch 'em again guv-na!

    Bless you all, and I'm hoping tonight will be warmer, else I'm gonna have to get another cat to put on the bed...

    In the meantime, you are all blimmin BRILLIANT...and make me feel warm inside...now if I could just get my hands and nose a different shade other than blue...

    thank you all so much x

  • Comment number 58.

    Chrissie ....don't rise to it.

    Happy Dippy Hippy Love Blog - remember!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 59.


    Talking about Cockney Rebel though, I prefer their version of "Here Comes the Sun" to the Beatles'.

    And I prefer The Pet Shop Boys' versions of "Go West" and "Always on my Mind" to absolutely everyone's.

    I didn't realise how much I love the Pet Shop Boys until I bought their "Pop Art" album last year. And I thought they were out of this world on the Brits.

    That dog on Suburbia is so talented too, barking in time and all.

    A x

  • Comment number 60.

    PS Hazel, sounds a nightmare, have you got anyone who could lend you one of those oil filled jobbies that you plug in - I don't think they cost much.

    I know you shouldn't have to but not being able to get warm is hell on earth, I remember when our boiler broke down. And I'm useless with a cold nose, not worth the time of day.

    Sending you warm vibes.

    A x

  • Comment number 61.

    boleyn - i bought Pop Art after the Brits - agree 100%.

    When I was an aspiring-to-be music journo in waiting, I rang Smash Hits to see what I needed to do to work for them, and got put thru to a very young, shy, pre-Pet Shop Boy Neil Tennant.

    Lovely soft Geordie accent.

    About 2 months later, West End Girls was all over the place!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 62.

    Cheryl: ooooh, it's very difficult!

    Hazel: That's great Ted has helped you - hope you have a warmer night ahead! (and yes, I know, that's not for here!)

    C xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Ooooh, that's a claim to fame Chezza!

    Thing is, at the time, and I remember it well, I wasn't fussed about them either way. I suppose I had other fish to fry and I wasn't particularly into techno stuff.

    Now though I am a Pet Shop Girl 4evA.

    A bit like MWa.

    Off to wedding hotel the noo to discuss numbers and menus, ooer, hark at me. Only 4 months to go!

    A x

  • Comment number 64.

    I know Chrissie, I know.

    Other covers of note: (apart from my lovely duvet!)

    Like A Hurricane - The Mission
    Tomorrow Never Knows - The Mission
    Dear Prudence - Siouxsie and the Banshees
    Ziggy Stardust - Bauhaus

    Or maybe I''m just an old Goth ..... ???

    Deev xxxxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Co-incidence!!! Siouxise just come on Cure Radio!!

    Cool ... I'm off to boogie in a Goth way round t'office!

    Toodles xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Now let's see what is this that I have just found stuck firmly in my cheek, ooh it's my tongue.

    Chrissie please try not to take yourself, or this blog so seriously.

    On the other hand I suppose you may have just been advising me to take advantage of the nice weather and go for a long walk in the country.

    Mr Spuds - I like to go awandering.....

  • Comment number 67.

    Back again..........but not sure I can cope with the idea of wandering love spuds!

    Marianne Faithful now playing on SW - that's a nice change.

    Still can't think what that brilliant idea for an ARF request was so I'll try another one:

    Sugar Coated Iceberg by the Lightening Seeds please CLP.


  • Comment number 68.

    Urgh, isn't it awful to think of all the fumes we're breathing into our lungs in London!! Yuk!

    Yellow - Coldplay please

    Liz xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    I have just had the confrontation, and it appears the situation is worse than I could have imagined vis a vis the Delta Debaucle.

    Errol sold a car stereo at the weekend at a car boot sale, but before selling it he removed said offending item and brought it home.

    So, he has been sent packing, with headphones and cd, under destruction to listen to it over and over again at full volume for 24 hours. A bit like what some parents do to their kids when they find them smoking.

    We will see what happens from there, but if he still want to keep the cd then thats the end for us.

    But I'm keeping the ring!

    MW, a!

    PS - We're all pushing up the tin can mountain top.

  • Comment number 70.

    PPS - boleyngirl, It took me a while, but I got it in the end.

    Its a being a bit slow day

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 71.

    Love Spuds: just forget it. I've tried so many times with you, in all your different disguises. I really won't answer you again, even though no doubt you will show up later with yet another name!

  • Comment number 72.

    with the fear of being shot out of the sky like soo many of my mallard cousins....................I have a leaning towards Mr Spud opinion albeit not so cutting or insensitive

    As one who has no inkling of babies and the grotty and/or cute things they get up to - one reason that faceache has distracted me recently is that I feel i have nothing to say or comment about the recent blogs from CLP.

    I realise that this is a BIG..... nae HUGE.... event in Mr Evans' life and at the present time, is all consuming.... I'm willing to accept this and forgive him for his indulgence as long as normal service will resume.

    I keep popping back over and lurk and if anything tickles my beak - i'll post! plain and simple

    So there you have it - my note for my absence.


  • Comment number 73.

    MW,a! - this is proof, if any were needed, that even gods have feet of clay! LOL


  • Comment number 74.

    Hiya dook - any snow where you are?

    And do you have a view on Delta G-gate? I tend to Mariella's side on this one.


  • Comment number 75.

    I guess I'm with Dook too but just love this ere blog. I don't think many of my recent posts have been baby-orientated coz I don't know nuffin about 'em, not having any n'all.

    Of course it's HUGE for Family Evans and if we don't like it, we can all just wander off.

    For now tho, you're stuck with me and my Deev ways!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    ewwwwwww too much information CLP and a pic too?!! yuk.

    Well done tomgrif - soon be whizzing round those country lanes - watch out for ditches.

    Mwa you are cruel - perhaps he just wanted to look at the picture? (always keep the ring though)!

    can't think of one this week but all this talk about oldies Sweet Soul Music ?

    Beesmum xxx

    When you are with the one you love an hour seems like a minute - when you are sitting on hot coals a minute seems like an hour.
    Dunno who said it - Einstein I think.


  • Comment number 77.

    I really didn't need to see the tissues Chris, I've enough of my own. Been like that for nearly three weeks now and it just won't go away. Still the sun is shining today and that makes me feel better. Poor little Noah, hope he gets over it soon.


  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Derby!

    Not a hint of snow here ;-( me thinks our local weather men were influenced by the panic of their southern counterparts when they issued the severe weather warning for snow here!!!! Having said that the temperature was at -2 last night and not much above 0 at 10 this morning.

    What's this Delta G-gate? - must have missed that one in my skimming!

    Just had a "deep" thought..........(that's thought Diva not throat!!!) ................... We must allow Mr. Evans to blog as he feels fit as he is not here for us - we are here for him


  • Comment number 79.

    Foxy's absence - she's covering a Radio 5 Live money programme for a month. Is the Geordie replacement Hannah the departing pig-keeper from the Archers? I think we should be told.

    Blog topics - give the guy a break, it's not as though he came up with nowt in the previous few years is it? Can't wait for Bingo's view!

    Freezing now.

  • Comment number 80.

    tons of meetings today, so won't be around much until later. Just time to post my suggestion for ARF, a real blast from the past...

    ARF: Lily the Pink by the Scaffold

  • Comment number 81.

    Thanks Penny and Rob for the Foxy info - I was just being nosey that's all.

    I am counting the minutes to home time as it's my Mum's birthday today and her and my Dad are coming over tonight with an M&S Chinese (other varieties are available) to celebrate - can't wait. Yum Yum.


  • Comment number 82.

    Dook - MW is not happy with Errol - see #69 and others above!

    'Each to their own' is usually my mantra but there are always exceptions to the rules! LOL


  • Comment number 83.

    My ARF suggestion this week is Mambo No 5, Lou Bega please. I defy anyone to sit still while this is playing!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 84.

    Just before I retire for the day.

    Chrissie S flippin heck YOU scare me to death but let me assure you as you might have been refering to me back there.

    I am not Aunty Karen, TTT, LoveSpuds
    My other Characters in the game of the blog were.

    Inspector Coco, Elenor Rigsby, and Johnny be good oh and Miss Snickersnatch ( that one was for CTD).

    heavens smile

  • Comment number 85.

    At the risk of sounding serious, this is the Chris Evans blog. He is going to write about what is happening in his life. When started the Blog, he regularly talked about getting drunk, chatting up the ladies, one or two blogs were a little risque, even!

    However, his life has moved on and I really do understand that if you don't have/don't want children, then all the baby chat may not be what you want to read.

    Chris has also talked about buying a Ferrari, flying a plane, buying a restaurant -not many of us are going to do that either -but it hasn't stopped us wanting to "chat" to Chris.

    I think we should all chill a little. These light afternoons are making some of us a little tetchy! And I include myself in that!

    C xx

  • Comment number 86.

    PP - why?

  • Comment number 87.

    Give Mummy hot drinks of lemon and honey and inhalations if olbas oil ( a few drops in hot water ) and lots cuddles .Rub vaseline around N's nose and sinus's ( and I think baby olbas oil is available ) ONE drop on his sheet and loads of cuddles .

  • Comment number 88.

    Can I chnge my ARF (or add another into the big hat labelled ARF ...)

    Kinky Afro - Happy Mondays

    Just because!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Yea Chrissy I'm tetchy too - I just read Chris's blog then skip through all the other been there - mine did - mine didn't. Usually stop at Bingo tho' - that makes me smile and other non mommies.

    Aha - James in meetings - bout time to bring out the Pink Frilly knickers. Smile 007!!!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 90.

    AHhhh - Delta G! gotcha! Wasn't she the aussie bint that Brian left Kerry for?

    M-Wa! - take solace in the following - Where are they now????!!!!!

    Westlife - going!...going!...going for gold!

    Neighbours......going!....going!... to C5!
    Delta.....who?!! :@)


  • Comment number 91.

    CTD My Booky Wook.

  • Comment number 92.

    Thanks BeesMum, I needed that.....

  • Comment number 93.

    With all and sundry getting new guitars - Annie a left handed one with a left handed book to go with it?????!! and Boleyn and others, - I think I may be getting one for my Burpday later this month - just seen the website he's been on!!!
    (well he's gone out and I'm nosey!!) Gonna be disappointed if I don't aren't I ? Perhaps he changed it so I wouldn't see Tiffanys! In my dreams.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 94.

    You are welcome James - might try red and black next time!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Now.... on the chance of me COMPLETELY condradicting my self................

    I'm skiving off early (well nearly!) to finish off the cake i baked this morning for my nephew's 2nd birthday and to wrap his ickle pressie! He lives dahn saff - well Cheshire to be precise with his mum and dad so don't see him very often so needless to say granny and grandad Egg are beside themselves with joy that they've come up!

    see you later


    ps Come on Tash spill the beans on Chris' Man-cold!

  • Comment number 96.

    Beezer - norty step for peeking!!!

    Go on .....

    PP - thanks! I might re-read Booky Wook - devoured it in about 2 days. Need to saviour every letter upon every page now!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Deev my norty step is reserved for Thursday nights - sometimes with a cushion - sometimes not!!!! depends how norty I have been.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 98.

    bees- its not the pic as there isn't even a case.

    And if it were for the good looks of said songstress then that'd be fine. After all Errol has to compete with Johnny D, and various other male type men of the handsome persuasion.

    But no, its was 'for the music'.

    This from a man that won my affection some moons ago by being a better looking look a like of Jon Bon, smothered in tatts, tight jeans, cowboy boots, long curly girly hair, with a music collection that ranged from soft rock, through to rock, heavy rock, prog rock, death metal and so on.

    I feel like I just don't know him anymore....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 99.

    MWA that is just tragic! - how on earth could he have kept that secret from you!! In that case, I agree with your first punishment!! Go girl

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 100.

    B-smum #89: exactly. Everyone gets different things from the blog. There are certain names I see and I never read a word they have to say. The blog is a big melting pot!

    C xx


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