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CE 1

Chris Evans | 15:16 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008

Never in a million years would I purchase a personalised number plate...

...well not one that was personal to me. Like the above CE 1 for example. I do have a few fun ones that I have bought over the years and another couple that I think finish off a car but not the naming ones no way no how.

I bring this up for two counts

1. So people might stop sending me details of really naff number plates that for some mad reason they think I may be interested in.

2. Because our number plates here in the U.K. are so big and bright and ugly that they can ruin a perfectly beautiful new car. Please can we have them redesigned to be more aesthetically pleasing or at least a little less obtrusive.





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  • Comment number 1.

    ... or do away with them altogether!!? But then, you feel like treating me to DIVA 1 my address is ......

    ARF this week Lampbie Pie, I would very much like

    Could It Be Magic - Take That!

    Lovin' what you do, even more every day!

    Cheryl the Diva xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hangs head in shame - got one and so has Mr B. Just wish I had kept the number on my first car YAB!!!!

    Off to hide in a corner.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Personalised number plates say one thing to me about the owner of the car... plonker.

    I tried it last week when it was tipping it down but how about ELO - Mr Blue Sky in light of the little bit of sunshine forecaste for Friday and the start of the weekend? Maybe a bit of encouragement for the weather... (I do like other songs by the way.)

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi-me again! Just soooo in agreement with CE1! The name/initials just have to be the tackiest things ever! The italic ones may just pip them as well! I thought they had been made illegal? And size does matter-they are so in your face-our plates that it just rubs in the naffness! Tacky tacky tacky....

  • Comment number 5.

    It's the Gary-Boys with blue lights on their under-carriage that crack me up!

  • Comment number 6.

    On the weather theme:

    I can see clearly now the rain has gone........

    can't remember who sang it

    or USA Political theme:

    Alaska by Tiny Spark


  • Comment number 7.

    Johnny Nash....i think

  • Comment number 8.

    The Blog seems slow today - is everyone working?

    ARF - leaning towards ALASKA by Tiny Spark now - yep go with that one.

  • Comment number 9.

    dookegg - i'm trying to work, but just can't muster up the energy. also making an effort not to be a "blog hog" and let others get a word in ..... ;-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    hello DJ1

    Yep - Ive never seen the point of fancy plates unless they relate in some way to the car - Ive got a 270 CLK for example so some sort of combination of that type -without mentioning Dan, the fact that I'm a man - or that I live in Belfast, would be justified in my narrow mind . .

    not sure why but personal plates have always struck me as either a huge lack if imagination or a magnificent waste of money on a grandiose scale . . or am I reading too much into things . . .

    on a brighter note, I saw the sun today . .

    DtM x

    ARF: Losing my Religion - REM

    love you all . . .

  • Comment number 11.

    Got rid of my # plate in Jan this year, it was attached to the car at the time, best decision I've made all year, mind you I do live on the IOM, 12 miles by 30-ish, shanks' pony or the steam train for me, stress free travel baby, oh yeah.

  • Comment number 12.

    Alledgedly some people down in "Auld Reekie" complained that as their new registrations would start with SN that it should be changed for 2008 otherwise their plates would read SNO8 = Snob! Hmmmmm - some truth there me thinks!

    Curious though that SNOT (SN07) wasn't challenged. Don't know if it was ever changed.


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi CLP I agree with you no reason for a personalised plate I make do with the one I've got on the car. However other members of my family do indulge.

    Hiya Insanity - I was watching Coast last night after The Restaurant and it was on the IOM it was so interesting and is now on my list of places to visit in the future.

  • Comment number 14.

    i once worked for a real eejit and he spent a vast fortune on number plates for the company fleet that reflected the name of the company. without mentioning the name of the company, every company car was something like ... D0G 1, D0G 2, D0G 3 etc etc. As his PA, it was my job to source the plates, deal with the DVLA and stuff like that.

    A total, complete waste of money - we'd all rather have seen it in our pay packets.

    Strangely enuff, he went bust y'know ....

    x x x

  • Comment number 15.

    Phoenix - how good was the Restaurant? Mango pulp? Surely not!!

    Russell and Michelle to win! xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Hiya Diva,

    Lurking as usual - I thoroughly enjoyed last year's Restaurant. I did think that some of the signature dishes were absolutely terrible and the right ones went but also the goats cheesecake with rhubarb wasn't overally nice either so unless they are really good with their establishment can't see them getting very far.

    Agreed the two mentioned above were very nice and good food.

    Lurker off home soon

  • Comment number 17.

    Phoenix, do let me know if you decide to visit and I'll find a suitable hiding place!
    Seriously, let me know and I'll relish the chance to show off one of the best kept secrets in the British Isles.
    In fact it was here that I met Chrissy boy for the first time during an inpromptu Johnny Vegas Charity gig; one for the scap book let me tell you!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Phoenix - I know Russell and Michelle. They are local to where I work and have used their company on many occassions for buffet lunches at my ex employment. They also had a daily sandwich basket round - everything made fresh to order with locally sourced, organic produce, home made cakes and pastries etc.

    They are genuinely as slushy and loved-up in real life as they are on the telly. I didn't know they were taking part and almost choked on my Pinot Grigio when I saw them!!

    Everything crossed that they do well.

    As for some of the sig. dishes - ewwwwww! It's gonna be a good few weeks viewing!

  • Comment number 19.

    My Boss bought an old car to do up from a friend.

    It wasn't till he opened the boot that he noticed the number plate which was VB ...
    which is his daughter's initials.

    He still has it on his car even though his daughter has one of his own.

    My ARF is My Life by Billy Joel.

    CTD. Forgot to say the other day when you mentioned Singapore Noodles put me in the mood for a chinese but could only get Singapore Chow Mein was nice though.

    Back to work.

    Sun is shining.


  • Comment number 20.

    I find I get a personalised (well unique anyway) number plate everytime I change the car - it's great the DVLA supply it free of charge!!!!

    As to the size - the powers that be will never decrease the size as they need to be able to see them on the speed cameras!!!

    CtD - as to co's buying up plates with their letters on I know an electrical supplier that used to do the same - wonder if they still do.


  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Everyone! Long time no blog...system don't like me. I have a plate that I bought in honour of my old dog...and I love it! Lyndyloo

  • Comment number 22.

    ARF- Cant give you anything (but my love) by the Stylistics pleeeeeeze? Much love L

  • Comment number 23.

    ARF - bilbo baggins by leonard nimoy - that is what mr bp has said that if he could get any song played on the radio that is what he would ask for!

    absolutely nothing to do with me

    super bpx

  • Comment number 24.

    ps i have a personalised number plate


    p665 fkn (not a current numberplate we own)

  • Comment number 25.

    Helllooooooo lyndyloo! you've been missed - how's things?

  • Comment number 26.

    "it's a womans job to resist chocolate..."

    Cheryl/Beesmum - You're fired!!

  • Comment number 27.

    LOL insanity .... I just heard the start of the show too and thought "oh oh" !!

    Great minds eh .... !!

  • Comment number 28.

    Gonna sign off now, once I leave work I never go online or watch TV so don't think I'm ignoring any messages pertaining to any of my posts - will catch up 2moro.

    i love you all so very much!

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi CtD Everythings good thanks and hello to everyone else in blogland too ...kisses L

  • Comment number 30.

    Greetings and Salutations from a warm and getting hotter Vancouver,

    As ever, when time affords, I have enjoyed the many offerings that you have all contributed to our forum this week. It never fails to disappoint and is a most joyous reminder of the humour that so defines our great nation of Britain.

    We are currently enjoying temparatures in the high 20's with the 30 degree mark coming for the weekend (see www.katkam.ca). I mean not to rub it in, but it is frightfully beautiful. A bike ride, a round of golf and a lakeside stroll all beckon this weekend and all punctuated by some piquant potations. Tough, I know, but what can you do?

    I hope to be online tomorrow but in case time does not allow that pleasure, I wish you all the finest of weekends filled with all that you enjoy.

    And to Mr.Evans and the team...thank you for such consistently impressive, effortlessly entertaining and proposterously positive shows night after night. You really are a credit to the ±«Óãtv.

    Oh, and don't forget ladies and gentlemen, don't cut corners or you lose your edge.

    Dr. T.

    P.S. Geology rocks. Vacuums suck.

  • Comment number 31.

    Insanity post 26 - I know I have had a bad day but why have I been fired? WHY? boo hoo waaaaaaaaaaaaagh!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Dr T good evening to you too.
    Actually had blue skies today and more forecast tomorrow not quite as warm as you are there though!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Saw one today with BL08 at front.

    Ne'r mind BM and SBP, each to their own!

    ARF - Children of the Revolution, T Rex, for the New Blog Political Party Bingo was on about. And it's a great song.

    A x

  • Comment number 34.

    Greetings Ter ALL...... in the words of Christoof boy.... that of course includes you.... but does it include me.... I don't know?


    Bingo Star ere coming to you from a place of BIG anticipation.... aka Kharkiv Ukraine...

  • Comment number 35.

    Evening each

    I have a confession...i also have one of `those` plates! Mine was a wedding pressy from the ex... and i kept the surname when we divorced..

    ..tried to sell the plate when we split but noone wanted it (odd name you see!) so delighted in putting it on the brand spanking shiny new car i`d bought with some divorce money... and annoying said ex husband and his new `woman` immensely! Offered to sell it to him for twice the going rate but still havent received a cheque.... wonder why?!

    My sis also has one that was my late dads and always reminds me of him when i see it.

    RIght, with Boleyngirl for ARF - Children of the Revolution pls - fab song choice there BG!

    HAppy thursday evening to one and all....maybe back later but if not then have one for me..

    mSc x

    PS -last day at work tomorrow for 2 wks and only 6 sleeps til hols...just a teensy,weensy bit excited Scoobs! x

  • Comment number 36.

    Hey, cheers Scooby! Have a great holiday!

    A x

  • Comment number 37.

    All week since Mondee they 'ave been building the 'uge stage 'ere in Freedom Square, Kharkiv for Fridee's Queen concert which kicks off their MEGA European Tour.
    More and more truck loads ave been arriving all week. Slowly the stage 'as goot bigger and bigger and today they are doing the final checks. Even trucks from England ave been arriving... it's so exciting seeing aload of trucks here with UK number plates!!
    And so many tech/ roadies ere that speak english... normally am the only english speaker around ere.
    As the gig iz being set up in a public place ave been watching it unfold as most of Kharkiv ave. The locals are taking photos and staring in amazement at whats going on. I don't think they ave ever seen anything as big before.
    The stage must be at least 80 to 90 foot 'igh by over 100yds across. The cobble stoned square goes back some 450yds and about 191 ter 193 yds in width, (maybe 194 but don't ave a go at me if am out a few yds)... the square is the second largest in the whole of Europe.
    There are multiple speaker stacks 50 feet 'igh and six separate stacks on scaffholding going back.
    Today they were testing them with Madonna and AC/DC tunes... the sound was awesome!!!
    Over 100,000 people are going to be ere for tomorrows free gig and it's going out live across Ukraine and Russian national tv!!!!
    And all this for an english band.!!!!!
    I feel so proud ere being British... we are going to show Ukraine and the world just 'ow awesome Britain can be!!!!!!!
    We are still good at doing some things in the uk.

    Tonight we are 2 hours ahead of the uk ere and they ave just set up the drum kit.... yes Roger Taylors drum kit iz set up!!!!! Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
    The stage is awesome, with 'uge tv screens either side and the set on stage is just amazing..... and they are testing all of the lights and smoke machines... The Taylors drum kit is surrounded by smoke and a god like mass of white.... bright.... lights.... it makes me 'airs stand up on the back of me neck!!!!!!!!
    It's like the calm before the storm, the storm..... of my all time favourite band, the storm of MEGA WROCK, the storm........... the stooorm........ of QUEEN!!!!!!
    It's so sad Freddie Mercury is not alive.... 'e waz the best!!!!!!
    I feel a little emotional!
    I'm really looking forward ter seeing The May live, it was Brian May who inspired me ter take up the electric geetarrr!!!!!
    And Paul Rogers will be great too. I believe 'e sings some of 'is old bands songs like Free and Wishing Well or Alright Now, yes I am!!!! And the brill tune by Bad Company - Feel Like Makin' Love!!!!!
    Am outta breath!!! Gasssssp!!!

    Tomorrow I 'ope ter come down and catch rehearsals... then am going ter try and get a close spot near ter the front... gotta get their early...... this is gonna be the biggest
    I 'ave ever been to... am so glad I stayed an extra week 'ere for this!!!!
    Plus i'm so looking forward ter showing Inna this iz what Britain iz about!

    Soz all gotta go and listen again ter me new Queen + Paul Rogers CD I bought yesterdee in a music shop... the cost only 4 quid. Yeah albums are so cheap ere. I goot the new Coldplay Viva La Vida mega CD at the same store for 3.30.... bargain, it's 15 quidder back 'ome... in fact a clear the shop out their music is cheap!!!!!

    WROCK YOU BEAUTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP For ARF... at 17.30 uk time the concert ere begins, when your on air (19.30 ere) so for ARF, it's gotta be Queen and We Will Wrock YOU.......... BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am off before I give mesen a nervious breakdown!!!!!

    PS If you wanter see this tour they are touring around most UK cities throughout October and November... goolge Queen + Paul Rogers.com and the dates are all on their website. They come ter Liverpool Oct 17th... might take me mum ter see them again then!!!!!!

    PPS CLP Personalised number plates... I went crazy and bought one ter put on me Lotus Esprit V8 but sold the car just before I waz gonna bang it on. Me plate is V8 then me enitials. Just ad ter get it as it wazza bargain.... only problem ave not 'ad a car, new enough, ter bang it on for three years.... so in true Bingo style... ave goot a plate but I aven't gotta car ter show it on - know what am sayin'!!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    PS Me blog above, the width and lentgh, iz ter give you an idea of the size of the Freedom Square!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    Oh dear guilty too. So guess that makes me a plonker with lack of imagination. No arguement here.

    I don't see the harm with just initials, they are only special to the people driving the car or indeed family. Now if I had 5EXY or Mr Debbie was to have 8IG8OY, I would have a problem with that!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 40.

    Evening each

    For ARF: I'm with Bingo - Queeeeeeennnnn We will rock you. Now I'm not a techno-person but my brother had a recording studio in Newcastle many years ago and did lots of demo recordings for local bands.

    As an older sister, I was sort of forced into office work but I really, really wish I could have followed my instincts and gone with the music business.

    Anyway, back to Queen - they might not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you listen to them on a good sound system, their production was absolutely the best. Sharp and excellently mixed. I believe Freddie did the mixing and was a pain in the arse to the production team. But, well worth it.


  • Comment number 41.

    Aw insanity we love you too!

    Good morning by the way ;-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Annie - my ex-bf had a recording studio. We had one holiday in six years and got thru many, many post-it notes on the fridge! All's not bad tho - we were meant to be going out to a gig and he took a booking at the last minute - so I went to the gig with my best friend and that's the night I met Mr Diva :-)

    Bingo - lovin' your girth!

    Queen's good, if Take That fail to get picked!

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Annie, I was a big queen fan and was gutted when Freddy died.

    I remember lying on my bed watching the memorial concert, must have been 1992 because I was pregnant with my first baby and I felt her move for the very first time! Sure she was dancing.

    Anyway she's been a queen fanatic since she was twelve and for her 16th birthday surprise we are going to see them at the NEC! Can't wait to see her face. A bit nervous about Paul Rogers but everyone says he's amazing. Also nervous because I haven't been to rock concert since 1990 (!!!) and we're standing and we're all very short.

    A x

  • Comment number 44.

    Boleyngirl: That's funny. You'll just have to find a tall person and sit on their shoulders. Saw Queen when they were just beginning. At Ingleston near Edinburgh. Concrete building, and when Flash started I had to go as far back as possible cos it really hurt my ribs.

    Great, though.


  • Comment number 45.

    Annie that won't be hard because the tallest and widest man with the largest head fom the Huge family in Massivetown always comes to sit in front of me, wherever we are.
    Wish I'd seen Freddy, dead jealous.

    Family calls, laters.

    A x

  • Comment number 46.

    My last concert was at the Carling Academy in Newcastle. Alabama 3. Gathered together about a dozen friends and had a ball. Met up in the pub down the road, drinks, catch up, then the sticky carpet Carling Academy (which I think used to be a bingo hall).

    You'll be fine. I'm old enough to be your mother I'm sure and I had a great time. You meet all sorts of great people at concerts.

    Bet you have a great time.


  • Comment number 47.

    yep, I had one when I had a nicer car, got rid when we bought the family model!!

    Hope you're all well and are gearing up for a great weekend....I'm on nights Fri and Sat but will pop in as and when.

    ARF - Antmusic - Adam and the Ants


  • Comment number 48.

    Gingembre: I remember being really annoyed by Adam and the Ants when my daughter played it VERY LOUD in her teenage years.

    Hope your Friday and Saturday nights are peaceful.


  • Comment number 49.

    Guilty as charged.

    In my defence - it is neither my initials nor the old man's but a three letter word that sums up what we do professionally (if you were here last night you'll probably guess) plus 3 numbers. Quite cute really because when we went into business we could either buy a seven year old quality car with a personalised plate or a brand new bog standard middle of the road car. We went for the quality image and ended up keeping the car for eight years and it still looked as good as new.

    Don't know why I'm justifying myself, clearly because I'm a plonker with no imagination ha ha!

    MV xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Annie, I know how you fell, my 17 year old daughter has discovered Adam and the Ants and plays it very loudly in her car. The trouble is I don't know where the volume control is on her radio - or the on/off button. It's usually obvious isn't it but I can't fathom it out so every time I move her car I get deafened - and I never much liked him in his day anyway!!!

    MV x

  • Comment number 51.

    Hear hear bin them number plates, so say I.

    It's like those daft Baby On Board signs. What's the jackanory with those guys? What's the point? I swear. If anybody needs to take note not to crash right up the chuff of the car in front just because there's a Baby On Board, trust me they shouldn't be drivin'.

    Should read Baby On Board....Eejit Drivin'.

    However. Many's the trip I've endured from Wigan to London with the then small daughter and two nieces, whereby we reach the end of our road to a rousin' chorus of "Are we there yet? I want a wee..." etc., and the Number Plate Game has been a sanity-saver.

    Simple rules. Take the number plate of the car in front and make a phrase from it. The rudest one usually won. Words such as wee, poo and bottom featured strongly and many a mile on the M6 dissipated to the sound of hilarity before the fight over the last jelly baby kicked in (why are sweeties in a packet never divisible by 3), and the said girlies thereafter needed to be subdued with Jive Bunny, tales of the Bogeyman and a rolled-up Wigan Observer.

    Happy Days.

    And besides. I love the Northern Ireland regs, BJZ. I always think it's Bejeazus. Not to mention my erstwhile little blue VW with the registration FG0T, so beloved by the GBF Damian.


    Any road up, who heard that tale on the show about the wasp saved from drowning by that kind chap, and it showed its gratitude by goin' for him. Excellent.

    See that's wasps for yous. Nasty little buggers, no point to 'em. As much use to the Animal Kingdom as a one-legged man in an a*se-kickin' contest.

    Swat 'em that's what I do. Buddhist or no Buddhist, I can do spiders, mice, iguanas, traffic wardens, whatever, no problem but show me a wasp headin' straight for my pork pie.. Bushack. Make my day.


  • Comment number 52.

    MV: Teenage children are on this earth to annoy/deafen parents.

    I remember lying in the bath with a cup of tea. Bon Jovi blaring from the right wall (son) and Big Country blaring from the left wall (daughter).

    They did, eventually, grow up to be very nice people. Despite my trying to kill them on occasions.


  • Comment number 53.

    What's really funny Annie is that she listens to a load of stuff that I really like - the Doors, anything bluesey - and says we had the best music in our day. That's a turn up, although I have to say I agree with her!

    Now, volume control, that's a completely different matter. It seems that the music in her bedroom has to be loud enough for her to hear it when she's in the garden having a fag.

    MV x

  • Comment number 54.

    Clodagh. Right back at you girl. Been there in the car trying to swipe the kids in the back. And, yes, why are the words, wee, poo, bums, boobies so funny for kids???


  • Comment number 55.

    And farting at inappropriate times - always gives them the giggles!

    MV x

  • Comment number 56.

    Annie. I don't know but they make me laugh too.

    Am I a bad person?



  • Comment number 57.

    As for the farting...at the age of 28 my sweet, delicate little baby girl finds it hilarious when sharing a bed with her poor mummy to trap her beneath the bedclothes and let rip.

    It's not big and it's not clever is it.


  • Comment number 58.

    Clodagh - Not at all. I look back at my kids young years and think what a great time we had. Even though they were little shites who drank too much, fought with each other and gave me a load of grief. But we had a great time getting through it.


  • Comment number 59.

    Clodagh, clearly she thinks it is! Thought it was only men who did that - to their girlfriends.

    Think kids find Granny's farts the funniest!

    MV x

  • Comment number 60.

    My little grandsons call me Fiddle Fiddle Gran. Would tell you why, but maybe not.


  • Comment number 61.

    Annie, bless you, hahahaha xx

    MV. My Granny always blamed the dog.


  • Comment number 62.

    Clodagh: Not because of farting I must say. They call their other Gran Scuse me Gran.

    I'm heehawing as I write. Don't you just love them.


  • Comment number 63.

    My Granny didn't have a dog - she just carried on as if nothing had happened. My brother and I had to suppress our giggles - children should be seen and not heard and definitely had no right to laugh!!!

    MV x

  • Comment number 64.

    Of course, said brother and I would then giggle all the way home - whilst saying words like wee and pooh and bum.

    MV x

  • Comment number 65.

    A propos of nowt, Renee is watching a fashiony show thingy on TV and McFly are on.

    "Ooooh," says she. "I like McFly."

    Hahahahahohohoho just because she has a pair of (elasticated waist) jeans and a leopard-print jacket she's a Funky Rock Nan.

    85 and a McFly fan. Bloody marvellous.


  • Comment number 66.

    Wot you saying here Clodagh??? I've got a leopard-print jacket. Got it in Per una.

    And I'm a Funky Rock Gran. Right!!!!


  • Comment number 67.

    Here's our in-car guilty secret:

    take gulps of pepsi max, or your fizzy drink of choice, and see who can do the best burp.

    Beats I spy hands down.

    Intrigued re. the fiddling Anne. Are you a violinist?

    A x

  • Comment number 68.


    Ah yes but are you on the Warfarin, do you put bicarb in the sprouts and creosote on the bacon butties and did you entertain half the Polish Air Force during the last Unpleasantness?

    Thought not.

    You little minx. Hurrah!!!


  • Comment number 69.

    Ah, burping, something I have never quite got the hang of. My daughter, on the other hand, could quite easily burp for England - clearly takes after the ex. In fact, she and her 2 half-sisters could all be in team GB!

    MV x

  • Comment number 70.

    I've always wanted to burp to order, can't do it either MV, I think it's genetic. Youngest daughter can though. Perhaps it should be a sport for 2012? But the pepsi max works wonders.

    Gotta go

    a x

  • Comment number 71.

    I sometimes manage a very small one after a very large meal - causes lots of hilarity because it is such a struggle, especially when my daughter's clan just intersperse their conversations with huge belches. Nice!

    MV x

  • Comment number 72.


    Many thanks for the entertainment I have just caught up with.

    now what was I going to impart.... forgotten totally gone - oops

    Hi Bingo and Lyndyloo missed you both.

    Diva - the restuarant was good tonight on B2 did you catch it?

    I've agreed to come out of retirement and go back to playing Volleyball - what on earth possessed me I have no idea - 1996 I retired!! I will be on the ouch list from Thursday next week - believe me.

    ARF: Proud by Heather Small for all our olympians and paralympians you have done us proud with your achievements.

    For fun - Grocer Jack please

  • Comment number 73.

    ARF - She's Electric by Oasis please

    I'm not suggesting we should do this but do you think if we all requested the same song that CLP would read out everybody's name?

    MV x

  • Comment number 74.

    Disappear for a minute to go the local shoppie for fags, come back and you're all disgusting!!!!!

    No, don't burp in musical notes, but I do have a friend who does - and who thinks its hilarious. NOT.


    Boleyngirl: No, not a violinist. Just used to say to the little'un: Would you just stop fiddlin with that!!!!

    His other Gran, when he was doing something he shouldn't, used to say 'Scuse me!!!'. That's how we got our names. Told you he was a genius. One of his first words was dehumidifier. God knows why.


  • Comment number 75.

    MV and BolynGirl I can't burp or fart in public either - can't burp at all

  • Comment number 76.

    oops sorry boleyngirl just where's my spelling gone to tonight.

    Hiya Annie

  • Comment number 77.

    Daughter's just totally fluffed her AS exams but can burp the names of all the Caribbean islands - Bar bay dos, very funny (guess you have to be there!). Knew there was something for me to be proud of!!!

    MV x

  • Comment number 78.

    MV: My 3 did bugger all at school. Went on to do YTS rubbish, then got a hold of themselves.

    They all now have Masters in Archaeology, Politics and Social Policy, living good lives, great friends and make me very proud of them.

    So, don't worry, she'll get there in her own time.


  • Comment number 79.

    The chat here tonight has given me a giggle thank you. LM gets into my bed, lets rip and tells me it warms the bed up. Logic eh?

    Anne, might have told you this before but LM calls my mum 'animal nanny' and Mr Debbie's mum 'dinner nanny'. So sweet.

    Off to bed in a minute, soooo tired.

    x x x

  • Comment number 80.

    Debbie: Just bet they love those names, eh?

    You'd put up with anything for your grandchildren.

    One of my friends is 'Choo choo Gran' cos she lives near a railway line!!!!


  • Comment number 81.

    Just realised I didn't comment on Chris's blog. I'll get a telling off from the Blog Polis!!!

    My reg is very like my initials - quite by accident. I want BIMBO, thank you very much DVLA.


  • Comment number 82.

    Good point Anne. You see Chris' post are like any comment, you don't always have something to say in response.

    For example recently, if you don't like tennis what can you say to a post about tennis other than 'I don't like tennis'?

    I do try to pass comment when I have one honest :-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 83.

    I'm back.

    Fed (rump steak, roasted veg)
    Watered (2 glasses of vin rouge) and

    TV'd .. Phoenix: yes it was excellent. Car crash disaster doesn't even begin to describe it. Fancy asking for the customers to pay for drinks after waiting all that time for no food. Hells bells!

    I can't burp or fart in public. It's wrong. Not a major fan of burping really. Not keen on sicky vom things and burps always make me stress that there may be a follow thru ... anyway .. moving on ...

    I knew from the second I saw my Micra (even tho it's not a Honda Civic or a Mini Cooper) that we were destines to be together. Y'see, the end bit of my reg is KOW. Made for each other!!! Even Mr Diva agrees .......

  • Comment number 84.

    MV #73 ..... that's kind of already happened when CLP caved in to Blog Pressure (oooooh The Power!!) and played Don't Stop Me Now.

    So many of us had requested it (was it me who started it after easyjob went to NZ, Anne?) then everyone just followed on by asking for it too. At 5.05 pm on Friday 20th June he opened ARF with it and I almost crashed my Micra - I was driving up the A14 at the time en route to the Moto GP at Donnington Park (hence knowing the date - I'm not an anorak - that's just a rumour!) (nor am I a hoodie, come to that)

    Maybe we should try it again???? Or maybe not????

  • Comment number 85.

    Well I was going to request Chas and Dave - Rabbit ;-) for the ARF, but given the conversation perhaps Bette Midler - Wind beneath my wings would be more appropriate!

    NY and FLA here I come!!!

    DD out

  • Comment number 86.

    DD: That is sooooo naf!! Sorry.

    We have to stick together now folks. It's got to be Queeeeennnn for Bingo.


  • Comment number 87.

    Love that song DD, off to bed soon with that song going around in my head and maybe some more strange dreams on the way.

    x x x

    PS: 'the answer my friend, is blowing in the wind....'

  • Comment number 88.

    You off overseas too DD?

  • Comment number 89.

    I always preferred "The Sideboard Song" by Chas and Dave ...

    I don't care, I don't care, I don't care if he comes round here, I've got my beer in the sideboard here, let muvva sort it out if he comes round here

    Sheer lyrical poetry eh!!??

    And you all thought I was a "goth/rock chic" !! x

  • Comment number 90.

    I like the "Redneck Woman" song too, but don't know who its by. Purely for line about having her christmas lights on her porch all year long


  • Comment number 91.

    Cheryl: Gretchen Wilson 'Welcome to the Party'. Just love it.


  • Comment number 92.

    How do chaps.

    Its been a while - didya miss me?

    I've always wanted the number plate T19 GER, but alas, not had the chance. Also looked into W110 CAT (wildcat) but somebody that has a mini cooper has got that one.

    Passing on a message from Errol, Alisha is home and the problem was an infection in a tooth which has been removed now. I did say the only person that I knew of that was born with teeth was Richard 3rd, and he wasn't a nice man...

    ARF request from me - Riverboat Song - Ocean Colour Scene, please.

    Would really like to ask for The Bitch Is Back - Elton John, but thats a family matter and not for here

    Anyhoo - 8 more sleeps, and 4 more work days before a well deserved break for me, and a break for Errol.

    Laters taters

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 93.

    Sorry, got over-excited there cos someone else likes my music.

    Welcome to the Party is the name of the album. Redneck woman is the second track.


  • Comment number 94.

    LOL! This is sad but a real Chas and Dave fan here and have brainwashed LM too! When we meet up again I'll get him to sing it to you.

    Let's not forget the genuis of 'daahn to Margit...'

    I'll have to listen to some on youtube before I go up now. So naughty, I promised Mr Debbie I'd go to bed early as haven't felt well today.

    Well he's in the garage, probably have a little while yet before he comes in.

    x x x

  • Comment number 95.

    Debbie: Mentioning youtube, you've just reminded me that my youngest showed me a youtube thingy - Japanese Binocular Football. Hilarious. Have a look.


  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Mariella, good to see you back.

    That is great news for Alisha by the way, such a relief for you all.

    x x x

  • Comment number 97.

    MW,a! ... mwwwwaaaaah! missed ya! and yay xx to Errol and Alisha.

    lol at your tongue in cheek ARF request. Had Sir Elton on in the car just t'other day. Thought it maight be something by Guns and Roses with a huge geeetar solo by Slash. Or 'Slash' - that well known Queen song!! Chin up xx

    Anne - thank you for that info. Will have to go on iToons and sneak a peek.

    Aaaah Debbie - can't wait to hear LM singing Gercha Cow son, Gercha ..... btw - what on earth is a "cow son" .... shame they supported The Spurs tho!

  • Comment number 98.

    With all the talk of Queen... (sort of) whatever happened to the idea of the Q spot on ARF for Dont stop me now by Queen? I need any excuse to sing and dance along to it!

  • Comment number 99.

    Tom: I could sing it for you - but you really wouldn't like it!!!

    Right, off to bed. No more nonsense. Book at the ready.


  • Comment number 100.

    Yay! Tomgriff ... I often harp back to the hallow'ed menshun of a Q Spot. It was definitely there, wasn't it. Talk of dropping the O Spot, in fave of a Q Spot, or alternating them ....

    CLP ..... we want a Q spot!


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