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Hi everyone Hi.

Chris Evans | 15:05 UK time, Monday, 17 September 2007

What a craaaazy weekend, a real none stop festival of...

... doing stuff. Doing stuff, lots of it, except that is, riding my new beautiful motorcycle. This is primarily because I don't have a licence. I have, however been on the back Of Mrs. E. which was a very pleasurable experience, as always. Natasha passed her motorcycle test several years ago and so is good to go and looking fab whilst she's at it.

It took us half an hour to buy the bikes and over twice that to get the "look" right, not mine but Tash's, mine will never be right, it never has been but here we have a girl who can "do it."

Other events this weekend included Jamie's wedding, Mr. Theakston that is. Bloody hell what a bash, it was incredible. The marquee was amazing, there were flowers everywhere, the food was as good as any restaurant I've ever been to and then get this he's hired his local pub from 1 a.m. ! With fresh new bar staff and everything.

Then there was the air show on the Sunday and out with the Royal Navy last night. yes I'm tired, yes I should be refreshed and raring to go and I am because that's what this life of ours is for.

CLP. 2007.


P.S. This weekend also did see it's fare share of unfortunate events, in particular with reference to three specific air tragedies, all the more reason we should get on with things whenever we can.

Our best regards to the families concerned.


  1. At 03:29 PM on 17 Sep 2007, wrote:

    What flavour is your motorcycle ? Is it a big V as in Vpapers or is it more manic than that? I like the old Moto Guzzi's and Ducati's. I bet they loved you buying two at once!

  2. At 03:37 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Afternoon all,

    Mr Debbie used to have a motorcycle, I used to ride pillion and I loved it. The only thing was the leathers were absolutely necessary, but not too flattering!

    The padding is in all the places you really don't want it if you know what I mean. Bum, back knees! I was much slimmer then but still felt like a leather clad monster in the stuff! I have to admit if I see people on motorcycles without the right gear on I feel physically sick at the thought of the injuries should they come off the bikes.

    I still remember the time Mr Debbie broke too hard at a junction and hurt 'his bits' on the fuel tank. No, you're right, it's not funny!

    Regarding those tragic accidents over the weekend, well said CLP x

    Debbie x x

  3. At 03:37 PM on 17 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Ha ha - Get the Look Right.

    I was thinking about getting a "look", and moped and leathers is about as good as I'll get. I think I'd get a wee lemon moped, and nice black leathers. My Arse should look fantastic in that. Arf arf arf Tell me... are they are difficult to get out of as some would have you believe.

    ANyways, I had lovely weekend. Boys up Snowdon, that's them completed their Three Peaks. Daughter and me lazed about Friday night. Got up and did Son's paper round on Saturday (well I did more of it than she did - she has her excuses....), she went to Hockey practise, I went back to bed for an hour, then we picked up gran, went to town, bought Hockey stuff - sticks, guards, bags etc, and then went for lunch. Yummy.

    Saturdaynight was spent groaning about how full we were, and Sunday we ran about like looneys tidying the house, pretending we had been busy with house work all weekend.

    Boys came home at tea time to Lamb Roast, and we all sat and chatted and relaxed on Sunday evening. Too much rose consumed by moi, and this morning am running at Slow speed.

    Waiting to hear.........


  4. At 03:47 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Lovely Monday blog CLP! Mrs E is so lucky, it must be fab to be so openly adored (boys take note!!!!)

    Missy, how you doing??


  5. At 03:52 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good afternoon CLP,

    You must be exhausted - it'll be the bike test and written test next then.

    Go for it - life is for living.

    Re Colin McRae - what a loss, he inspired so many people to take an active interest in rallying, he'd done so much in such a short space of life. I've added my condolences to the official web site book.

    Other than that I attended a family friend's golden wedding anniversary over the weekend, took mother out for sunday lunch and had a visit from "the duchess" my sister who wanted some photocopying done so came to visit.


  6. At 03:55 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris, glad you had a fun weekend, mine was OK, Friday night was spent having lots of men ogling my cleavage while I tried to eat my indian. In the middle of helping my lovely son with his long division homework (help!) while singing all the fab songs from Hairspray.

    Em xx

    PS Sad to hear Jamie's got spliced, I always had a little crush on him, whoever she is, she's a lucky lady.

    Hope all went OK today missy xx

  7. At 04:14 PM on 17 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:

    God I'm tired.

    Didn't sleep a wink last night. Just when I thought I had cracked it. Maybe it was having the house to myself, maybe it was subliminal worries about the meeting that I hauled myself out of the house and drove 120 miles to attend this morning.

    Either way, I'm home alone again and ready to collapse.

    Spoke to Mrs MfR earlier. Dubai is cooking. Can't wait till we're both out there on holiday in a few weeks time.

    I think I might grab my mini DAB radio and go for a walk. Hopefully, the fresh air will help me sleep tonight.

    Peace, love and Zzzzs all.


    PS Call me when you try to wake her up

    PPS Till I'm six feet under I won't need a bed

    PPPS Foot on the pedal - never ever false metal

  8. At 04:16 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey Chris
    Your weekend sounded as hectic as mine - abso knackered coming into the office today - but in a good way!
    Summer has finally dawned today over Belfast - we can't remember as fine a day all year!
    Have a good eve . .

  9. At 06:04 PM on 17 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hi Everyone,
    I did a long post on the previous post but it hasn't appeared.
    Well..... I Won! Thank God! As you know I was so nervous and couldn't rest. Anyway to cut a long story short there was a doctor (femail) and a lawyer (male) and blimey she was horrible, but I did my look straight at her and get my point across and anyway its all sorted now, thank goodness.

    Left a message on the fella's voicemail when I got home and he just rang me to say congrats, now I can focus on Thursday. Can't wait, we had a great conversation on the phone last night.

    Thank you also for your kind messengers, it was very sweet of you and one day I will put a post on my blog explaining a lot more about m.e and the symptons but even I don't know everything about it. But for now I just want to relax and get on with my knitting! Love to you all, you're fab, missy xx

  10. At 06:05 PM on 17 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Just terrible news about all the people who died in the air accidents over the weekend. Note to self: stop moaning about nothing!

    Chris, I can see you are quite determined about the motorbike thing, so I wish you well. I'm terrified of them. Nothing - not even a guaranteed date with Philip Glenister, would get me on a motorbike! Well ...... maybe. Also, I would have real trouble getting on and off a bike - my knees don't work quite as well as they did in the past - old Baz Lurhman knows what he's talking about on that score. Note to everyone: look after your knees!

    Hope everyone else is o.k. MfR - I sympathise completely - I was awake today at 3am with Paul Simon singing "Graceland" over and over in my brain. Exhausting!

    C xx

  11. At 06:20 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    just a quickie -
    I hope all went well missy
    Thinking of you x x x


  12. At 06:32 PM on 17 Sep 2007, flo wrote:

    Did you both buy a Triumph each? which moedls did you go for - love all the old styling that has come back. Ride safe xx

  13. At 07:25 PM on 17 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Right this is the 3rd time I have tried to post. Well the appeal went fine and gonna get my money, thank god! It was pretty nerve wracking. There was a lawyer and a doctor and the doctor (femail) was horrible. The Lawyer (a man) was lovely and very understanding. He said he has seen many cases like mine and has an interest in m.e. Anyway the doctor asked me some questions and I tried to explain as best as possible. Anyway after 10 mins the lawyer asked us to leave the room and the decision was made that I continued with the benefit. Thank goodness!

    The 1st person I rang was the fella and left him a voicemail. Spoke to him a little while ago and he was lovely as ever. Now I can concerntrate on thursday. Oh I can't wait!!! We spoke on the phone for an hour last night and its easy to talk to him. Really can't wait! hehe

    Thank you for your kind messengers. It was sweet of you to think of me. I read some comments on here before I left. Well now I can get back on track and I hope I never have to do that again!Love to you all, missy xx

  14. At 07:42 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi Missy, hope that you're ok and it went well for you today x

    Debbie xx

  15. At 09:13 PM on 17 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris im surprised you have time to breath your that busy,....colin mcray a legend..

  16. At 09:25 PM on 17 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Indeed Christoffe, life is short and we should relish it.

    How sad and shocking the events of the weekend have been, you just can't take anything for granted can you.

    I've been speaking today to my fantastic friend, Craig, one of the most inspirational, hilarious, outrageous, marvellous eejits you could ever wish to give a good hard slap to.

    Craig suffers from cystic fibrosis and consequently has all the problems that go with this condition. In his thirties, he is, as he proudly proclaims, past his shelf-life. A bad infection can quite literally kill him at any time. So he throws himself into everything with the style and gusto that puts the rest of us to shame, and is utterly hilarious in doing so.

    Mind you, I have to remind him on a regular basis that givin' me lip and backchat and graffitiing on my face when I'm mindin' me own business power-nappin' can also kill 'im.

    Meanwhile, Christoffe, enjoy the joys a-wheel but do take care. And remember. If you're on the Stranraer to Belfast ferry waitin' to disembark and you're in front of a little old blonde bird in a Merc. with the imprint of a Dublin Council bollard in its passenger door, don't be revvin' up and gassin' me or else yous'll be on the business end of a Wigan Kiss.

    And Tinsel. It was in the day of Fern Britton and with a tin of rice pudding and a bar of chocolate; and I was truly cheesy. I'm hangin' me head as I speak.


  17. At 09:36 PM on 17 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris im surprised you have time to breath your that busy.....colin mcrae...rip.

  18. At 07:19 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    I'm very pleased for you, your anxiety came through on here in bundles. It must be such a relief for you.
    Good luck on Thursday (although I don't think you'll need it), going anywhere in particular?

    RIP to those involved in the weekend's accidents. Mt heart goes out to those left behind X

    Me and the boy are of to the dentist this morning. His first ever visit! Should be fun???

    Last shift for 2 weeks tonight. Bit of leave booked, off to Ibiza on Sat with the family - can't wait.

    Did anyone see Panorama last night? It was so accurate.

    Bonnet de douche


  19. At 07:23 AM on 18 Sep 2007, wrote:

    well done missy - i have been following your story and I'm really pleased it went your way


  20. At 09:14 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each

    Used to love bikes when I was young and daft but now I'm all growed up and then some, I'm scared to death of them. Be very careful boy!

    Missy: So glad you got everything sorted.

    AND folks: I had to scrape ice off the car this morning and I haven't had my hols yet.

    Anne x

  21. At 09:17 AM on 18 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Morgan one and all

    I did put a Fish Pie recipe on for Joanne on yesterdays blog but alas it never saw the light of day. I expect the blog police were afraid of my copyrights,

    The garden was full of birds this morning and two, a robin and a chaffinch were on the window sill trying to get in. Maybe I should have open house and have an avairy.

    Glad you got your benefits sorted Missy. Carry on knitting.

    Yesterday is history tommorrow is mystery today is perfect gift.


  22. At 09:24 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each

    Used to love bikes when I was young and daft but now I'm all growed up and then some, I'm scared to death of them. Be very careful boy!

    Missy: So glad you got everything sorted.

    AND folks: I had to scrape ice off the car this morning and I haven't had my hols yet.

    Anne x

  23. At 09:41 AM on 18 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    It's allll...... DAMN.. STRESS!!!!!!!

  24. At 10:00 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Ah Missy, that's great news - all our positive vibes obviously worked for you eh??!!!

    Clodagh, you and the lovely Fern on tv at the same time - now that would have been something to see! Rice pudding and chocolate - nowt wrong with that!!!!

    So, Barry won HK. I wanted Adele to win, I thought she was fab. I hope MPW does that again, it was just a joy to watch him brooding, glaring, teaching, shouting - but above all, sticking up for his team in the face of criticism - a truly great boss.

    It's winter clothes this morning ... brrrrrrrrr, autumn is here!


  25. At 10:33 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Congratulations Missy.

    Good morning to everyone else - any news on Hazel yet?


  26. At 11:05 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Nice one missy, so glad for you.

    I hate motorbikes, I always have. i've told my boys that to keep me happy they should a) never get a motorbike and b) never have a tattoo. I know some of you on here have tattoos and bikes and each to his own, but that's just the way i feel.

    I'm so tired today, watched HK and think its too late for me the day before I childmind as the kids start arriving at 7am. Tonight I want to watch that thing about the two boys at 9 on Channel 4, it looks depressing but good, but doesn't finish til 10.35. Ch 4 looks like good viewing all evening.

    Gingembre - didn't see Panorama but saw the chap on TV this morning, i know when I worked at CPS things were pretty bad, but I think the paperwork for coppers has gone crazy since then. Do you think you'll ever do what he did and move abroad?

    Hope you all have a happy Tuesday,

    Em xx

  27. At 11:43 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Elm wrote:

    Well done Missy - glad to hear that common sense prevailed in your case!

    Bikes - where do I start?? I love them, have a license myself but no bike as bought house last year but now have garage so hopefully bike next year!!

    I love going on the back and have done IOM TT that way - so if anyone local (Bucks/Berks) and wants a friendly pillion who can lean in all the right places then please let me know - will help pay for petrol in return.

    TLOMY hates bikes so bit of a loner at the mo but still have leathers and helmet in wardrobe waiting for action!

    Anyway have had a few days off and was ill at the weekend - typical.

    Elm x

    PS - if hamster (you all know who I mean) reads this, if you take me out on your bike I will thros dinner in as well!
    Well if you don't ask then you don't get! :-)

  28. At 01:00 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Monkfish wrote:

    Glad to see fom Missy's website that she is well enough to run a regular website/enjoy friends weddings and watching tv and of course Knit.

    Couldn't some of that energy be used to ever so gradually get back to work?

  29. At 01:10 PM on 18 Sep 2007, anonymous wrote:

    Monkfish - oh you're a real sweetheart aren't you! I'm curious to know just how much energy you expend when knitting, blogging and watching TV?

    I suggest you look at www.meassociation.org.uk where you'll see for yourself that M.E is not laziness but a recognised medical condition. Go on, I dare you - you obviously need educating.

  30. At 01:27 PM on 18 Sep 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hi Phoenix - and everyone - I've been absent for a while, in part due to pressure of work etc, but I've been keeping up with y'all.

    Hazel Love is still suffering from sick pooter syndrome although there was faint hope this morning that by the close of play today she might well be on t'internet again. If we all cross absolutely everything, then we might just make contact with her!! Anyhoo, she sends her love and says to say hi xx

    Missy - well done you!!!

    Have a good Tuesday.

    jillygoat x

  31. At 01:32 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Monkfish - I do hope that was written with your tongue firmly in your mouth??? If not you should read up on it and re-think.

    My cousin has M.E and you just would not believe how difficult life is coping with it.

    missy - I've watched your progress on here and am pleased that you have 'won' your latest battle, good luck again for Thursday.....you go girl x


  32. At 01:38 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Monkfish - I do hope that was written with your tongue firmly in your cheek??? If not you should read up on it and re-think.

    My cousin has M.E and you just would not believe how difficult life is coping with it.

    missy - I've watched your progress on here and am pleased that you have 'won' your latest battle, good luck again for Thursday.....you go girl x

    Em M - I would never leave this country to live abroad as my daughter doesn't live with me and I couldn't not be near her. Personally I don't find the paperwork too much of a bind and I do manage in the main keep on top of it.


    ...it is a pain and you wouldn't believe the duplication that goes on. I hate not 'being out there' and find it so frustrating sometimes.

    Look out, the sun's popped out again.


  33. At 01:54 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Monkfish ... please ...

    To paraphrase the words of the very wise Thumper ...

    If you can't say something nice, please don't say anything.

    Life's too short to be mean.


  34. At 02:38 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Monk fish I'm sure M.E. is not a very pleasant thing to suffer with unlike lot's of pikers out there getting benefit not due to them cause they know all the dodges.

    I don't suppose I should comment on the Mc Cann Fiasco. But what a strange story to be sure.
    Naughty child left alone at almost four years of age it's absurd.

  35. At 03:10 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon everyone.

    Firstly - CLP - great weekend! I love it when mine are like that - I feel as though I've skidded into the following week and find work, even though it's mad at moment, a bit of a rest!

    Missy - I am really pleased things are working out for you. With regard to the finances, you must have been extremely worried, which would not have helped your M.E. at all. As for Thursday - I'm so excited for you - what are you wearing?

    Monkfish. You're entitled to your opinion, however hurtful it may be to others. I think it's wonderful that Missy has so many activities to focus on; depression is an all too common symptom of M.E. and can easily set in. Missy is actually contributing to her well-being whilst doing the things she does. We all moan about the rat race, but I bet Missy would love to be a part of it.

    (Missy - that's not meant to be patronising in the least - I hope you don't think it is.)

    Hmm - motorbikes. Really don't like them, they frighten me. Special Friend used to have motorbikes - very big, very fast ones, but he decided he was too old for them and bought other summer toys instead - sportscars!

    Right - back to work - I bet CLP's posted while I've been writing this!

    S xx.

  36. At 10:23 PM on 22 Sep 2007, Liz Wood wrote:

    Hi Chris, was trying to get through on Drivetime yesterday to tell you that CBT stands for Compulsory Basic Training. I'm a lady biker and wish you all the best for Sunday's CBT.

    cheers, Liz

    PS. Love the show, listen to it every day driving home from work.

  37. At 10:25 PM on 22 Sep 2007, Liz Wood wrote:

    Hi Chris, was trying to get through on Drivetime yesterday to tell you that CBT stands for Compulsory Basic Training. I'm a lady biker and wish you all the best for Sunday's CBT.

    cheers, Liz

    PS. Love the show, listen to it every day driving home from work.

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