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Chris Evans | 15:47 UK time, Friday, 14 September 2007

He's got me back, he's got me....

... by the short and curlies. ITV have gone back to the cooking and back to the Gastro God, Monsiuer Pierre White.

I loved it when he gave the girl with the gob the Spanish Archers, he is hilarious. I can't believe he's not gonna do any more telly, give him a chat show, All White on the Night.

Friday is my yes no day. When my assistant comes to me with various requests that have come in throughout the week, we average about one yes every six weeks or so, I've learnt that saying no is a distinct advantage to having a nice life.

Sometimes I even say no to things I secretly want to do, like this morning a request came in from Question TIme, would I be on the panel... now of course I would love to do it but I've pretended a thousand times at home whilst watching and frankly the polymathic grasp of current affairs displayed by most of the contributors gives me the willies.

There are of course the odd exceptions and these people are made to look decidedly stupid and seeing as I do a pretty good job of that myself most of the time I think I'll have to give it a miss.

Knowing your limits is far more important than knowing your strengths me thinks.

Knock Knock ...

Who's there ?

The doorbell fitter.

Ha ha hee hee, it's off to another airshow for me. Shoreham by the sea !

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:12 PM on 14 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon one and all,
    Just a quick one this afternoon as my cold is back and need my bed! Thanks for all the comments re, the phone call. Left a message on his Voicemail this morning say that I'm ill with a cold and he sent me a lovely txt message on his break.

    Debbie- thanks for the comment re wedding photos. Hope you are ok today.

    Cheryl the diva- I keep seeing yum shoes everywhere! Its so unfair!

    Right will be back later. love to you all xx

  2. At 04:23 PM on 14 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hooray! It's Friday again!!!

    I knew he'd lure you back to HK it's far too good not to watch. I love MPW he's soooo polite and interesting and I get the feeling that everyone wants to do their best for him... Is that how your team feel?

    Have a superdooper weekend!!!


  3. At 04:30 PM on 14 Sep 2007, Gaby wrote:


    In using the word 'polymathic' you have automatically not only gained a permanent seat on the QT panel, you have also won THIS audience over already...mange tout, mange tout.
    Had to get the dictionary out for that one, am tellin' yer !!!! : )


  4. At 04:57 PM on 14 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere in the ploice car park in the middle of Shrewsbury.

    CLP man I like yer picture on yer main page. Good job you ain't touched yer 'at with those dirty 'ands. If yer did yer'd look like the cricket ploice, not just the blog ploice, with black n' white all over yer 'at - am tellin' yer!!!!

    PS Gaby (yesterday #41) - Yer could be right there that i'm giving CLP ideas. Sometimes I think i'm suffering from delusions of gradeaur and I should book mesen inter see a shrink then times like now Gaby I realise don't put yersen down Bingo. I don't mind at all if I give CLP little ideas - ter me 'e's a radio friend, i'm easy - AM TELLIN' YER!!!!

    PPS CLP - Beautiful Title ter the 12th Sep blog. Yer wern't bloggin CLP from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllantysilio- gogogoch in Wales?

    PPPS While i'm ere i'd just like ter say ter Sally Boazman can I take this opportunity ter offer BIG appologies for not sending you a birthdee card. I was worried yer might think i'm a stalker so I just wrote yer a song instead.


    PS I hear Wrightie's outta rehab next week!!!!!

  5. At 04:58 PM on 14 Sep 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Arfday greetings...... now it could be the horizontal hold but I have been thinking that MPW reminded me vaguely of Tommy Cooper but after his oyster salad assembling last night I am sure there is a distinct chance of a stray gene linking them. Also when he does his pre feeding talk and thanks everyone I can nearly see him shrug his shoulders and say Thank You Very Much. Great Boss Man....... gives you hell when you mess up but backs his troops to the hilt against the rest of the world. Magic!
    Have a great weekend all.

  6. At 05:55 PM on 14 Sep 2007, Mr crocodile wrote:

    Tried so hard for a request song for my dog. I had to take it to the vets today to be put down.

    She was called Laura, it would have been champion to hear Laura I love you, and say love to all the other lovely pit bulls out there.

  7. At 06:12 PM on 14 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris, enjoying the show today, my lovely Nanny and Da used to live in Shoreham, I have so many happy memories of it but of course have no reason to go back there now.

    Have a great weekend everyone especially Debbie, I really hope its a good one for you.

    Going out in an hour, better put my warpaint on!

    Em xx

  8. At 06:58 PM on 14 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Wow Number one again, just spoke to my fella again as he left me a message on my voicemail saying get well soon. Wow now gonna play Viva Las Vegas on the show! LOVE IT! Happy weekend everyone x

  9. At 09:23 PM on 14 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Oh my lordy lordy.

    A couple of days out of circulation chasin' me tail and what do I read.

    Debbie sweetheart me eyes nearly popped out me head when I read that Mr. Debbie had read the posts.

    My immediate reaction was horror and guilt at contributing to any further distress; I felt I should say I was sorry.

    But you know what. I'm not. Because sometimes when we're refusing to listen, we need a slap round the mazzard with a wet fish to make us. And it seems that Mr. Debbie got that slap, even though none of us here intended to dish it.

    He was bound to have been angry and mortified, and it's to his credit that he's calmed down and come around. He obviously loves you, sunshine. I've me fingers, eyes and legs crossed for both of you but as long as you keep that communication open you'll be home and dry. Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    Right. Now is there anybody else out there I can offend? Don't hesitate to ask. After all, I'm a mum and that means I know EVERYTHING.


    Well now. 24 sleeps to go to Singapore and already the daughter is in dire danger of spontaneous combustion.

    It's a funny thing. I'm back to Ireland next week and shan't be back till almost before we go. So said daughter and I will as usual be desperate to see each other, as is always the case when we're parted for some time. And yet we'll not be up the steps of the plane before we're punchin' each other's lights out. Hurrah! 2 bossy birds together, see.

    Ok that's me for now. Christoffe Lamb Pie on question time, now THERE'S an idea, marvellous.

    I wonder who they'd put 'im on with, hahaha ey what about Anne Widdecombe. Or that numbnut who writes that column in the Mail, whats his name Peter Hitchens. Or better still save him for George Bush.

    I know what he means though. I've made a right first class toe-curling twonk of meself on several occasions. Not least on Ready Steady Cook. Eew I've just got the heeby-jeebies thinkin' about that, don't ask.

    Right. Me bath's run. I've an appointment with the loofah and Clarissa Dickson-Wright. Shrup, Bingo.


  10. At 09:42 PM on 14 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And by the way Christoffe.

    That picture.

    I only saw a sight like that last night as I returned from dinner and opened me front door, and it dropped down from its web. I had to welt it with me handbag and get it in a half-nelson before escorting it in an orderly fashion over to the rhodedendron bush.

    I bet it's back tonight with its mates. It'll be "Ere, fellas. Wait till you see what I nearly landed on last night. EEEW..."


  11. At 09:45 PM on 14 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And by the way Christoffe.

    That picture.

    I only saw a sight like that last night as I returned from dinner and opened me front door, and it dropped down from its web. I had to welt it with me handbag and get it in a half-nelson before escorting it in an orderly fashion over to the rhodedendron bush.

    I bet it's back tonight with its mates. It'll be "Ere, fellas. Wait till you see what I nearly landed on last night. EEEW..."


  12. At 10:46 PM on 14 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Evening all,

    Clodagh, I am so glad that you don't feel bad because you shouldn't. I value your advice, you are always spot on and you make me laugh out loud. You did not offend at all and can I call on you anytime when he needs a proper slap and with something harder than wet fish! x

    I did him no harm to read how I feel. Of that I am sure. (Mr Debbie, if you are reading this then go and do something useful like empty the dishwasher or something).

    But seriously, he won't be reading. This isn't really his thing. Much more interested in talking about cars even has his own website. Bless.

    Mr Crocodile, really sorry to hear about your dog. Our dog died a little while ago so I sympathise. Wish you well.

    Missy, you go girl! Keep us up to date then, sounds very promising so far. Hope you feel better soon x

    Em M, hope you are having a great night out. Let us know how it goes x

    And Gaby, what does polymathic mean?

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, I'm sure going to try my hardest.

    Love Debbie xxxx

  13. At 11:13 PM on 14 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Clodagh, I'm glad that you don't feel bad. You shouldn't. I value you advice and you are always spot on. You make me laugh out loud and you definately did not offend. Can I call on you in future if Mr Debbie needs a slap around the mush with something harder than a wet fish? (Mr Debbie, if you are reading this then go off and do something usefull like empty the dishwasher!).

    I believe that it did him no harm to read about how I feel anyway. You are absolutely right, so no harm done.

    But seriously, he won't be reading. I mentioned the blog to him earlier and he looked at me as if to say 'what blog?'. This is not his kind of thing and he would far rather be talking about cars etc. Even has his own website. Bless.

    Mr Crocodile, sorry to hear about your dog. My dog died a little while ago so I sympathise. Best wishes to you.

    Missy, you go girl! Sounds very promising so far. Hope you feel better soon x

    Em M, have a great night out, let us know how it goes x

    Gaby, what does Polymathic mean?

    Hope you all have a really good weekend. I know that I shall do my best to. Blimey look at the time, must go to bed now. Nite.

    Debbie xxxx

  14. At 11:26 PM on 14 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Evening all,

    Clodagh, I am so glad that you don't feel bad because you shouldn't. I value your advice, you are always spot on and you make me laugh out loud. You did not offend at all and can I call on you anytime when he needs a proper slap and with something harder than wet fish! x

    I did him no harm to read how I feel. Of that I am sure. (Mr Debbie, if you are reading this then go and do something useful like empty the dishwasher or something).

    But seriously, he won't be reading. This isn't really his thing. Much more interested in talking about cars even has his own website. Bless.

    Mr Crocodile, really sorry to hear about your dog. Our dog died a little while ago so I sympathise. Wish you well.

    Missy, you go girl! Keep us up to date then, sounds very promising so far. Hope you feel better soon x

    Em M, hope you are having a great night out. Let us know how it goes x

    And Gaby, what does polymathic mean?

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, I'm sure going to try my hardest.

    Love Debbie xxxx

  15. At 12:12 AM on 15 Sep 2007, Ian Stewart wrote:

    Show today. You will pick up a bike this weekend. Don't do it.. Honestly, its not worth it. Been there. Seen too many accidents as an ex biker. DO NOT DO IT. It seems to be but is not cool. You do not need a bike. Spend 200K on a cool car instead. PLEASE take this as sane advice from a nutter(?) that's been thru it and survived.
    Think about it: no protection, surounded by lunatic drivers. AGHHHHHHH.
    If you are reading this and are not Chris Evans please please pass my message on to him, it is so, so, so important.
    All the best

  16. At 12:19 AM on 15 Sep 2007, Ian Stewart wrote:

    Show today. You will pick up a bike this weekend. Don't do it.. Honestly, its not worth it. Been there. Seen too many accidents as an ex biker. DO NOT DO IT. It seems to be but is not cool. You do not need a bike. Spend 200K on a cool car instead. PLEASE take this as sane advice from a nutter(?) that's been thru it and survived.
    Think about it: no protection, surounded by lunatic drivers. AGHHHHHHH.
    If you are reading this and are not Chris Evans please please pass my message on to him, it is so, so, so important.
    All the best

  17. At 03:18 AM on 15 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I think its right to turn down Question time. Its not good enough for Chris Evans. The programme is never honest. I have been in the audience a couple of times and unfortunately when you get the chance to ask the questions the topics are of no interest. Only when you get back home does the meaty stuff turn up. Its a shame but the programme is just a medium to project recieved thinking on the nation. Nothing new or innovative ever comes out of it. Somehow the radio version is far far better.

    JK Nonegreen

  18. At 08:50 AM on 15 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris you would be great on question time we need some one with there finger on the pulse of life....tell em how it is.

  19. At 09:49 AM on 15 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Kinda Late today CLP

    I love the air shows. Although I think they are a tad dangerous. Last one was in Cornwall,and we parked up at the side of a gorgeous country road, with little hares bouncing along the meadow at the other side of the fence, and we stood and watched in amazement as the planes flew past dangerously low and then the red arrows came and knocked everyone flat.


    Husband and Son completing their Three Peaks Challenge this weekend with Snowdon. So myself and daughter (currently at Hockey Practise), are going to entertain ourselves and try NOT to buy a kitten.



  20. At 11:41 AM on 15 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Be careful on that bike Chris......get all the

    lessons you need & then some...

    We 've lost some special people on two wheels

    your as vulnerable as an egg on that bike..

    De x

    we miss you J Dean sooooooooooooooo much

  21. At 01:20 PM on 15 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Talkin' of dangerous persuits but not as dangerous as being amongst all the nuttas on the roads who think they can drive but ain't got a clue.
    I bet if the back end came out on 90% of peoples cars they would not know what ter do - probally 'it the brake which is the very thing ter make yer back end coming out turn inter a full spin - STEER INTER IT, THE SAME DIRECTION THAT YER BACK END 'AS COME OUT that's the answer - am tellin' yer!
    But yer gotta be lightening quick ter stop yersen spinning.

    Forgotten what I came on 'ear about?..... on I yeah!!!!

    It's my second fav GP of the year after Monaco - The Belguim GP.
    I've got a good feeling about the GP driver I was born on the same day as and who I support - Giancarlo Fisichella.
    He's 'ad a terrible time lately. I just don't know what is the matter with 'im' Fisi seems ter 'ave lost 'is 110% drive and determination.
    He's been 12th, 13th even 15th lately and 'is team mate beating 'im all the time, 'e always used ter beat 'is team mate - come on Fisi man.
    I'll stick me neck out and say I feel the could be a top 6 finish this weekend - COME ON FISI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know Fisi likes the Belgium track too, so good luck!!!!!!!

    PS just 'ope 'e doesn't crash at 170mph at Eau Rouge like a couple of years ago. Mind you crashing an F1 car at 170 is safer than crashing a car on the road at 40mph - am tellin' yer!!!!!

    PS CLP any chance of on Mon playing Eau Rouge by Chris Rea - wrockin' tune about this spectacular corner in F1 racing!!!!!!!


  22. At 02:10 PM on 15 Sep 2007, Jani wrote:

    Hi all,

    Its been a long time since I blogged but Debbie I've been following your story and really feel for you. If CAB can't help just yet try CCCS, Consumer Credit Counselling Service - they are a charitable organisation,are free to use and are really good with mediation, repayment plans etc. They really helped me a few years back.

    Hope you dont mind me sticking my nose in and hope it helps. Your blogs do seem to be more upbeat lately and I hope it continues.


  23. At 08:46 AM on 16 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I love SHoreham and the Airshow every year and I had a fab time yesterday until 1520 bst

    I just hope the pilot died doing what he loved the most and that he enjoys hid flying in heaven.

    God bless.

  24. At 11:09 AM on 16 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Terrible news about Colin McRae.

    I was just blogging yesterday, at the weekend, something I don't normally do and talking about one of the greatest corners in motor racing - Eau Rouge.
    Little did I know just 3 hours later, Britains greatest ever rally driver would be killed - Colin McRae.
    I was a keen fan of his. I followed Colin around many a time on the Network Q RAC Rally.
    In 1995 I remember all he had to do was win the last rally of the year, the British one, to become the first ever British World Rally Champion.
    I followed him round most of this rally and was one of the 50 or so people, in the forest in North Wales, who witnessed him cross the finish line on the last stage to make history and become the first ever British World Champion. I remember him getting out of the car and being congradulated by David Richards, the boss of the Subaru team.
    We all then went to the rally HQ at Chester, to join the thousands of spectators, to see him recieve the trophy in the awards ceremony.
    It was Colin who played a big part in making Subaru go from a small car manufacturer to the popular one that you see today with Subaru Imprezas all over the roads.
    It's so sad to hear this bad news.
    He was just a ordinary scottish bloke who made it to the very top in world motorsport with his incredible driving talent.

    Also sad to hear about the pilot who was killed at the Shoreham airshow that Chris said he's attending this weekend.

    The huge coincidence is I had a joke I was going to put on the blog Mon or Tue about a eccentric person by the jokey surname of Hurricane and jokingly I was going to ask Chris to play Athletes new single Hurricane. But i'll leave it for in a week or two.

    The plane that crashed by coincidence was a historic Hurricane.

    A very appropriate song to play would be the sad song - All Good Things Come To An End by Nelly Furtado - very appropriate lyrics for whats happened.

    My thoughts are with the families of everyone involved in these accidents.

  25. At 06:43 PM on 16 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:


    What a thoughtful and interesting comment re rally driving. Very sad, and Burns has been lost too, due to illness.

    It seems to me more air accidents happen at air shows than anywhere else.
    I am also not a fan of light aircraft which rely on one engine. I once flew in a six seater thing over the Carribean. It was like flying in a baked bean can with wings and wheels, an experience I would never wish to repeat.

  26. At 07:00 PM on 16 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:


    I echo your sentiments. Colin was a true great. It seems so strange that we have lost two of the sports greats (Richard Burns) in such tragic circumstances. The great rally in the sky will be a heck of a race.

    Well. Mrs MfR is now winging her way to Dubai and I am moping round the house wondering what to do next. When I knew she was going I had all sorts of plans in mind, out on the bike, watch a few movies, write a few pages, but now I am home alone it doesn't feel right. It's funny how you can crave some time alone, but when you get it you're not really sure what to do.

    But, then maybe thats just me.

    One comfort is that in a few weeks time she'll be back in Dubai, except the big difference will be that I'll be there too.

    Have a great week everyone. Before you know it, it'll be Friday.

    Peace & love


    PS Exit light. Enter night.

    PPS And lots of wavy hair like Liberace

    PPPS Flint Marko

  27. At 09:03 AM on 17 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Good morning lovelies.

    Hope everyone is ok today.

    Clodagh, I have to ask ... what did you (attempt to) cook on RSC?????


  28. At 11:12 AM on 17 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Prof. Plum & MfR - Yes it was a terrible waste when rally driver Richard Burns died of a brain tumour in 2005, only 34 he was, I think would have gone on to win many more events.

    Abit of a coincidence both Colin & Richard being scottish, the only british drivers to win the World Rally Championship and passing away in their thirties through events outside of their sport.

    It's a shame they were very down to earth blokes from what I knew of them.

    Onto something more lighthearted -

    I've 'ad a stressful weekend as first F1 driver Fisi ,that I follow, 'e qualified a poor 10th only for 'is engine to blow which mean't starting last. How much bad luck is Fisi going to have this year?
    Then 'is car fails on the first lap so 'e retires - starts last, finishes last - STRESSSS!!!!!!!!

    Then ter add insult ter injury I 'ear Nelly Furtado 'as gone blond!!!!!!!!

    CLP man please whatever yer do don't play anything by Blondie aka The Debbie 'arry.


  29. At 11:47 AM on 17 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Dooms day is here! My tribunal is at 2pm and the nerves have set in. Can't eat, can't rest. Went to see my doctor today who wrote me a letter to show them. I have done all I can, I've seen citizens advice, got letters from an MP who has an interest in m.e, my acupuncturist and now my GP. I've got all my points I need to make written down. I have done all I can just got to go in there and try and make them see sense. All ready thinking what I can sell on ebay if I don't win! Will update you later! Everyone send good vibes at 2pm.
    And thank you for the kind mesengers, missy xx

  30. At 11:50 AM on 17 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    I agree with BINGO STAR-

    please, please Chris dont play Debbie


    De x

  31. At 11:54 AM on 17 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Missy, am sending lots of +++++++++++ve vibes, starting now, until you get back on this blog and tell us how it went.


  32. At 12:06 PM on 17 Sep 2007, wrote:

    missy - good luck. Thinking of you hun!

    CtD x x x x

  33. At 12:09 PM on 17 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Good Luck Missy

    De x

  34. At 12:22 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Drew Skinner wrote:

    Well I would just like to say that it's ok all these tv chef's doing on the box but what is the point of the celb thing really why whats wrong with Mr White just doing his thing and insulting t he customers who complain. Marco for primeminister infact Marco for God thats what I say.

  35. At 12:48 PM on 17 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    I'm sending positive thoughts to you and rattling my rosary beads (well, I've had to put them down to type this!)

    Good luck!

    C xx

  36. At 12:50 PM on 17 Sep 2007, j wrote:

    A huge thank you to all those who sent birthday wishes - I had a lovely day on Thursday, not even ruined by coming home to a very, very sad dog and dog poo all over the kitchen floor!

    Bingo - I hope Sally enjoyed our song as much as I did!

    Missy - perhaps you can, one day, education us here about ME. I understood it was a fad thing from back in the 80's - I didn't realise it was still on-going. I hope it works out right for you.

    I'm distraught - after tonight no more MPW gorgeousness on the box...



  37. At 01:13 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Good luck missy, thinking of you xx

  38. At 01:20 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Joanne Mandley wrote:

    Hi I really want to make the fish pie as featured on Hells Kitchen but I cannot find the receipt on the internet or in the cook book that accompanies the programme. Can anyone help??

  39. At 01:22 PM on 17 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi there,

    Jani, thanks for your advice. Please don't feel that you're poking your nose in, not at all x

    Good luck Missy, you are probably on your way now and will read this when you get back but have my fingers crossed for you x

    Hope everyone's having a good Monday,

    Debbie x

  40. At 01:24 PM on 17 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Me again......

    when I say Putin's given the three minute warning I mean the three minute warning that Bush 'as accidently got 'is red nuke button mixed up with a red m&m!


  41. At 01:27 PM on 17 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I thought everybody 'ad done a runner this morning - the blog was so quite - for a minute I thought Putin 'ad given the three minute warning and I were the last ter know!!!!!!!!!

    Good ter see everyones started bloggin' again.

    J - I hope you 'ad a spiffa of a birthday. I know me birthdee tune was a bit errr.... ott, abit err.... crayzee but sometimes yer just gotta be a little crayzee - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!


  42. At 03:31 PM on 17 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Whoo hoo! All sorted and as you can tell, my benefit has been granted. There were two people there, a really nice man and a HORRIBLE woman dr. The man ( a lawyer) has seen many cases like this with m.e and knows a lot about it. Then the doctor (who I sat opposite) asked me questions and it was horrible, everything I said she gave the pursed lips and may have done the classic eye roll.
    Then the lawyer asked us to leave the room, while they have a chat and 5 mins later I was told I got my benefit, thank goodness, so the car ride home was spent basically going on and on about this woman, but its all over and I never want to go through that again.
    Just left a message on the fella's voicemail telling him the news. On the phone for an hour last night and had a great chat and he text this morning wishing me luck, roll on thursday!

    Thank you for all the support, I really appreciate it. Roll on the show xxx

  43. At 12:10 AM on 18 Sep 2007, Richard Griffiths wrote:

    Hi Chris i'm quite a fan of yours, But one thing makes me want to turn you off, when on drive time you ask people where they are going who they are looking forward to meeting,thats all great. But when they announce what car they have, that makes me want to turn you off. You see life is'nt all about what great materials we have. That's where all of todays problems stem from,people have to have this and that, even if they can't afford it. Its about who you have around you,life's experiances. The kids you have on who tell you about the thing they done for the first time. Thats great !
    I'm not a poor whinger, just someone who cares about where society is going.

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