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Chris Evans | 16:27 UK time, Monday, 18 June 2007

Bonjour little ones, well here I am...

... back again.

Honestly this holiday has been like no other. I treally feels like I've never worked here. I suppose that's the sound of a good break.

We packed so much in to the last two weeks.

Work on various houses and properties, mums to look after, two five day trips to kick back play golf and eat great food.

Back yesterday in time to watch, Lewis (the second coming ) Hamilton clean up at Indianapolis and then try to stay awake long enough to watch the conclusion of the Us Open.

Did the, have I put on wait on my holiday ? test when I arrived in the office this afternoon, apparently I haven't according to the members of the team that replied. Maybe they've been briefed to lie in order to keep "the turn" in a positive frame of mind. Well if they were, they did and it worked.

So Monty fired his caddy over the last couple of weeks, or at least "parted" company with him. How's that work ? Does he have any rights ? Is it like a relationship, where if now Alistair ( his caddy) goes to work for another golfer, Monty will get jealous and want him back. Or is the caddy the ultimate submissive role ? There only ever to serve. Has a caddy ever walked away from a golfer or does it not happen that way round, is that just not the way it is ? Steve Williams, Tiger's caddy is the richest sports related Kiwi on the planet, he's earned eight and a half per cent of Tiger's winnings since he turned pro, that or thereabouts. Millions Rodders millions.

Have to go now to write the top of the show, hope you're all well and ok and all that.

Listening to Steve at the moment, he's rockin' as usual.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:56 PM on 18 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Guess What. Still no radio, but have husband's car tonight, so I'll hear you. However. my own car is looking a bit sad. In an attempt to fix my radio, he's broken the clock now too.

  2. At 04:58 PM on 18 Jun 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Great to have you back Chris! It has been quiet without you.

    Here is something weird...my department head bought us all wireless keyboards and mouses (mice?) with some end of the year technology money. So, if you don't have one, or have never seen one, it looks just like a regular keyboard/mouse but it has no wires. So theoretically, I can use this keyboard/mouse anywhere in my office. But, after using this thing for a week, I find that I have it rooted exactly where the "wired" keyboard/mouse was. I don't flit around and decide..."today, I will work from this corner" or "I feel like sitting in this chair". No, I sit exactly where I was as usual. The problem of course is, if I moved to any other place in my office to work, I could not see the monitor screen! So what is the value added of this new technology? I appreciate it for what it is...but honestly, how is this helping me. No wires, true, but now I have to keep everything running on batteries.

    If I want to flit around when working on my computer...I would just use my laptop!

    Have a great day folks!

  3. At 04:59 PM on 18 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Bonjour Christoffe and Sacre Bloody Bleu you've bin a busy bee.

    Hurrah I've missed you over there in County Waterford....Not to self; improve me aim.

    Shirley Bassey, aka. Burly Chassis as the Dear Departed Father used to call her, on Steve Wright. Marvellous. Top Bird. Can't wait to see her at Glastonbury in the Primark frock and wellies. Hurrah!!

    Butternut squash.


  4. At 05:00 PM on 18 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Yippee! chris your back!!!! My how we have missed you. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday and got loads done!
    It nearly 5pm and waiting for the show to start! Whoo hoo!
    I hope all you bloggers are well, sorry I haven't been on here much over the last two weeks, i dont even have a good excuse, but I have been doing a lot of reading at the mo.
    Love to you all as always, missy xx

  5. At 05:01 PM on 18 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Welcome back CLP!

    Glad your break was a worthy one. Trust me - a few days of being back in the saddle and you'll want another holiday. I spent my lunch hour today planning next year's Caribbean odyssey!

    Glad you're back on air - have missed your dulcet tones even if my holiday overlapped yours.

    British Moto GP this weekend at Donnington - will we see you there?

    CtD x x

    PS: "we" , "mums" .. is there something you wanna tell us honey-pie?!?!?

  6. At 05:10 PM on 18 Jun 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Nice to hear you again Chris x

    D x

  7. At 05:16 PM on 18 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Welcome back Christophe...

    Yep it was great to see Lewis win race number 2, he's been faultless all season. The race last week was even more exciting.

    As for the Caddies I'm not sure, normally you have to have not fulfilled your role to be sacked from a position otherwise you can claim unfair dismissal.

    Hoe can carry some clubs round a course be done incorrectly, unless you did what Steve Williams did to Tiger Woods and drop one of his clubs in the water.

  8. At 05:31 PM on 18 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Chris and team,

    great to have you all back!

    Live at 5pm is gonna sound great, every weekday.. well until you take another break.. hey, why don't I stand in for you, on Radio 2 when you next go away :)

    Us listeners love you! - and 'didn't he do well' on the George Michael show on CH4 last week, good to see you back on the telly.

    Listening now, live at 5pm, via the net.. and then via my phone, when I'm off home..

    U Rock!

  9. At 05:42 PM on 18 Jun 2007, wrote:

    dear chris i my birthday in the moring iam look
    forward to it chris

  10. At 05:52 PM on 18 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Sweetheart I hope you're tuned in to CLP and feeling better.

    Self-doubt is horrible, I know exactly what you mean. But listen up. As I've always told the Genius daughter, the only failure in life is failure to try. And should she fall on her a**e, her mummy's always there with the hand out and the box of plasters. Consequently she is one Top Fearless Bird with a bright future and an excrutiatingly embarrassing mother ahead of her.

    If I'd listened to Common Sense years ago I'd be huggin' me knees now, probably having taken early retirement due to the stress of teaching embroidery to the Bash Street Kids.

    I remember sitting on a flight to New York at short notice and with next to no preparation, crying for the whole 7 hours as I thought I'd fail miserably and look a complete eejit. But it turned my life around and empowered me in ways I could never have imagined and showed me what I'd missed all my life through trying Not To Have Ideas Above My Status.

    Nothing in life is ever as bad as the fear of it. So go girl, just jump in. Just make sure you've filled the pool first of course.


  11. At 09:50 PM on 18 Jun 2007, The BigUn wrote:


    Great to have you back on the radio! :-)

    You sounded tonight like the break did you good as the show had such good energy.

    Keep up the good work.


  12. At 10:25 PM on 18 Jun 2007, Andy Ford wrote:

    What about the George Michael gig Chriss, was it any good?

  13. At 08:43 AM on 19 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Mornin all

    Welcome back Chris - sounds like you've had a good break and haven't missed us at all.

    How do you become a caddy? Are they failed professional golfers? I can't imagine a teenager wandering into the connexions office announcing he wants to carry large bags for a living.

    Amanda - I have a wireless set and it doesn't move either! they are however, excellent for teaching as you can pass them round the classroom.

    Have a swell day one and all.

    Choux fleur xx

  14. At 09:25 AM on 19 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Ello, ello, ello, what have we here then?...

    Looks like the DCI got lost in his labyrinth of boxes... Send up a flare matey - we'll come and rescue you - perhaps HL can call International Badger Rescue?

    Chris - wonderful to have you back. X X X X

    Sounds as though you and a.n.other had a great time - I wonder though - do you listen to Drivetime when you're off?

    Clodagh - lovely note to Em.

    HL - feeling better honey? V quiet yesterday...

    Today is not a good one. Took me over an hour to get into work (usually takes 20 mins), I have sent my son to school without lunch, I have forgotten my security pass AND have also forgotten my prescription, which I HAVE to fill today. Poo. Looks as though I won't be having lunch today so that I can leave early - ho hum.

    At least the sun is shining - wasn't it light for a long time yesterday - summer solstice is nearly upon us and then it's all downhill as the nights draw in and we pull on our winter woolies... Christmas before we know it!

    OK Folks, will check in later,

    S xx.

    P.S. Son will be fed at lunchtime, don't worry!

  15. At 09:35 AM on 19 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Well isn't that nice. All back to full strength. Like a proper cup of coffee. It sounds like you had a blinding time Christoffe. The best holidays are either crammed full of the millionest lovely things, or triple LAYZEEEEEE!

    The boy and I are moving house on Saturday (at extremely short notice) and I've booked next Mon-Wed off, to unpack, settle the cats in and maybe, just maybe mind you, sneak off to the beach for an hour or so...we'll be just that leetle beet prochons a la plage hoorah!

    Anyhoo, my point, evenchuarlly, is that we are planning a triple LAYZEEEEEE holiday in November. He's been working FAR TOO much and FAR TOO hard for FAR TOO long to not have a sleepy time. There will be no golf, no racing, no mummies, no daddies, no montys, no caddies. Possibly a bit of piz buin, but that's about it.

    As (some of) you know, my interest in sport is minimal to say the least, but I gather Lewis Hamilton is the latest wunderkind to hit the F1 race track? Beat me with a golf club if I'm wrong. And I wouldn't know if that was a nine iron.

    Good to have you back Sir!

    ...and everyone else too...lovely...

  16. At 10:26 AM on 19 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Yay, we're back up and running!!

    Glad you had a lovely hols Christophe - I had a fab time while I was away too - lots of long long walks with my lovely man and the doggies on the beach, and lots of good food and good drink in the local hostelry! Very relaxing

    First day back at work today - can't believe it's only 10.30 - feels like it should be bedtime!!!

    Hi everyone - Hazel - good luck with the house move - is it lots of manic packing this week then???


  17. At 10:36 AM on 19 Jun 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight, Bonjour, Guten Tagga, Privet I ain't in a divet!!!
    (Privet russian for 'ello)

    Bingo Star ere.


    Very interesting show yesterday, all the astological 'appenings.
    Bit of a coincidence as I sent Wrightie an astro-illogical themed text yesterday.
    I was textin' ter say Lewis 'amilton. Sorry i've got ter get me ayches sorted. This is disrespect to our future F1 mega star!! Not sayin 'is name properly.

    I've always 'ad a problem with me ayches after I went to see a 'ypnotherapist errr 'arry 'ughes. He said everytime I say an aych i'll think a truck 'as just driven over me big toe- ouchhh!!
    Err goes - LEWIS HAMILTON - owwee!
    Did it but sounding like Micheal Jackson now! Schimowwe!!!! Owwee!!

    Yeah I was tryin' ter say Lewis Hamilton- owwee! don't you think he reminds you of Tiger Woods.
    He- owwee! looks very like him - owwee! and behaves very like Tiger Woods was throughtout 'is childhood guided by 'is father and then when he hit the big time he- owwee! blew all the competition away. Just as Lewis Hamilton- owwee! is now- owe!
    All the other F1 drivers are being left to look a little puzzled by how - owwee! Lewis has come straight into the sport and blown the competition away.
    I remember watching Lewis last year in GP2 racing and he was amazing then. One race, I think Malaysia, he came from something like 20th to 2nd or even won. Reminds me of Senna.

    Anyway I was sayin' he- owwee! reminds me very much of Tiger and by coincidence they are both Capricorns. Maybe theres something in all this zodiac business. Know what am sayin blog friends.

    Lewis Hamilton- owwee! Shimowwe!!! we should all beproud of him- owwee! as we may 'ave a british mega sports star ere.... here- owwee!!!


  18. At 10:39 AM on 19 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hey CLP / Johnny The Sports Monkey/Shed Man...

    As it's the British round of the Moto GP this weekend, can we get an interview with Bradley Smith on Drivetime this week?

    For the uninitiated, young Bradley is only 15 and is currently doing really, really, really (yes, really) well in the 125cc class of motor gp. He is being mentored by Alberto Piug (v.successful Spanish geez from a few years ago) and is in the factory Repsol Honda squad (same team that sponsors the current Mto GP World Champ, Nicky Hayden). He also comes from the Midlands so Donnington will be his 'home' track!

    Bradley deserves as much media coverage as he can get as 125cc is often overlooked as a'minor' class - in fact, it probably offers the closest, best racing of all! A few weeks ago he actually finished on the podium - hurrah!

    Just bear in mind that a certain Valentino Rossi started his moto gp career as a shy, retiring (hmm hmm) 15 year old in the 125cc class.

    Bring on Bradley!!!! You know it makes sense.

    For anyone going to Donnington this weekend - let's turn it into an orange blanket for our Bradley!

    Love and stuff

    x x x

  19. At 10:56 AM on 19 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Sammie, I think we've discussed it before, but it is a very bad mother indeed who will leave her son, shivering at the school gates, clutching his satchel, in his new cap, summer-weight blazer and Clarkes finest, with nary even a cheese string. I'm just hoping that he still has the fluffy polomint or vinegar soaked conker somewhere about his person to provide even just a smidgeon of sustenance at playtime.

    Thank you for your good wishes re the move. Yes Tinsel. Packing will be hitting frantic, around about 1130pm Friday night when the boy realises that despite his careful planning, he still hasn't emptied all his c5ap out of either the landing or the hall cupboards. I will be ensuring that I am next door in the pub at this point.

    For anyone requesting International Badger Rescue, please dial 0800-IN-BAR, and they will be with you as soon as badgerly possible. Please be advised that they may need to have a quick cup of tea, and possibly a bit of toast, before they can take to the skies, but can usually be available at relatively short notice for any of your International Badger Rescuing needs. Providing the car starts.

    The weather continues fine

  20. At 11:09 AM on 19 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Thanks Clodagh, you sound a lovely mum, my own mum wasn't quite like you so that's probably why I'm like this. I try to be a bit like you with my own kids, i think as long as they know you will always be there for them they should have the confidence to do anything.
    Bet Mrs E was like that with Chris and that's why he's so confident and positive.

    Good to have you back Chris,

    Em xx

  21. At 11:17 AM on 19 Jun 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph - good to have you back!

    Amanda - I have a really small desk for my PC and if I want to sit there and write stuff etc, I can at least move my wireless keyboard & mouse right out of the way. Not sure there's any other benefit though ......


  22. At 12:29 PM on 19 Jun 2007, elmlea wrote:

    Hi everyone

    Thanks Chris for playing Free as a bird last night! I love that song, but as its not on my compliations it never made its way to the mp3 player and I had forgotton how good it is!

    I went home and told the b/f thats what i want at my funeral! Okay I'm 26 but i like to be organised! Anyone else picked thier funeral music yet?

    Hope all ok!


  23. At 12:59 PM on 19 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Elmlea - I want Honest Questions by Daniel Bedingfield at my funeral - not sure if its appropriate but I like it xx

  24. At 01:39 PM on 19 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Weird. My boss and I were planning our funerals only last week, as you do!

    I want a purple/pink/gothic themed funeral (think Barbie Princess/Jordan's wedding/Hammer House of Horror!).

    My guests will happily reminisce my life (iffy spelling!). They will file in to "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" - joining in with the I Love You Baby bits. Or else.

    Also need something by The Cure - Catch has nice lyrics.

    My coffin will be carried by 6 burly chaps in tight leather trousers, biker boots and big hair (not Hoff hair - that's horrible!)

    As I'm interred (the fire bit) I want Motorhead's Killed By Death to BLAST out of the chapel speakers.

    Man - it sounds so good I don't wanna miss it!

    I've also told Him Indoors that if he holds it all in and doesn't do a Drama Queen Diva display at my service, I'll haunt him for the rest of his days.

    What a great theme to discuss - can't wait to see other's responses.

    CtD x x

    PS: Is MFR on his roadtrip at the mo - he seems eerily quiet.

    PPS: HL - good luck packing. Stay calm!

  25. At 02:41 PM on 19 Jun 2007, Richard wrote:


    good to have you ALL back, i have just been made redundant (like Monty's caddie) but i have another job to walk into! So i am off on garden leave - (interesting do i really have to do my garden? I hate gardening....except mowing the lawn very satisfying.) on full pay with a job to start after the summer! Happy days..... now what shall i do first....

    warm regards to all


  26. At 02:49 PM on 19 Jun 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CtD - wow, your funeral plans sound great ... if you know what I mean! I want Louis Armstrong's 'Wonderful World' and Pavarotti singing Panis Angelicus ..... (I typed that very carefully!!). I know I won't be able to hear any of it but they'll guarantee the tears will flow and I want 'em crying in the aisles !!!!!!

    Em M - I love that Daniel Bedingfield track ...

    My plans sound rather soppy compared to CtD's but then I am a sentimental old fool.

    Of course, I'd rather my plan wasn't implemented until i) at least another 50 years and ii) until I'm dead!

    jillygoat x

  27. At 03:30 PM on 19 Jun 2007, wrote:

    The Hallelujah Chorus - a loud one

    I'm Going ±«Óãtv - Tim Curry

    O Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi - ditto Hallelujah Chorus

    The Awakening - Alice Cooper

    ...still undecided about the Bowie track...

    So, I have parcel tape, bubble wrap, and a man with a flatbed. Normally one of my ideas of heaven (following on with the funereal theme of course) but of course it's for the removals...in the meantime, it's a knockout, anyone?

    ...if I could just find a greasy pole...

  28. At 03:53 PM on 19 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Many happy returns to Mr E et al and all those who have re-dipped their toes.

    On the subject of holidays (!?!)

    The flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served the food and drinks.

    As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told everyone that 'Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super.'

    On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed; North African looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. 'Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground.'

    She calmly turned her head and said, 'In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one.'

    To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat,'Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you.

    Tray-up, Bitch.'

    PS: HL - how's the HF - Bless you!
    PPS: CtD - MfR went on hols early last week.

  29. At 09:27 PM on 30 Jun 2007, Kathy Lewis wrote:

    Please can you help. I heard Chris Evans talking to a man about doing gardening as a form of excercise. A group of people go out together and dig, weed prune the country together as a form of excercise. Can you give me the web address so that I can get in touch. Chris spoke to this person a couple of weeks ago on his show.

    Many thanks

    Kathy Lewis

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