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Chris Evans | 16:42 UK time, Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Oh, well, my my - can hardly swallow and me ears are blocked. A new innovation in the Evans househild of late has been

......Goodfellas the mini series.

After I've arrived home, now I am once again mostly living out of town, turned the sprinklers on the desired earthy areas, said hello to the dog, had a power plate moment or twohad a bite to eat, a quick stab at the crossword, it's all I can do to keep my eyes open. However, I do of course have the nightly futile battle with the television, which involves me staying awake as late as I possibly can regardless of what it is I'm watching along with the fact that I am so barely conscious that I can hardly take in a single a thing that's being transmitted my way.

Wisdom however, has recently assuaged me to stop this ridiculous habit in favour of the voluntary serialising of my favorite movies. Goodfellas took four nights, there are natural breaks if you look for them. It was perfect, You have your little fix and create your own cliff hanger moment and don't wake up the next day hating yourself for staying up for no sensible reason and then ruining the first half of the next day.

This is a big tip. I have acquiesced at the right time over one of the wrong things in my life and it feel good, it feel real good, fellas.



  1. At 04:57 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Slightly Bruised Sammie wrote:

    CLP - I don't even bother with TV anymore. The Beeb has some good dramas, but aside from that...

    I read. I read all sorts of things, but the grizzlier the murder, the better! What does that say about me, I wonder?

    S xx.

  2. At 06:37 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Straight Outa Bristol wrote:

    Happy 1st Birthday Drive-Time crew ! come for a slice of cake, beer and top selection of bands and DJ's from Bristol, at my little shindig in London.. on Thursday 19th April, at the Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes - I think it's gonna be a corker! Beeb radio's moto is 'In New Music We trust'... well I bring you new music, live'n'direct from Bristol.

    On the subject of TV... I've now gone off watching Friends, as it's been repeated too much now, and you can see the joke that's coming up... now that summer's starting to shine, get out more!

  3. At 06:43 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Jodi wrote:

    I love reading books, and much prefer reading to watching the box.

    I am 'romping' my way through Jilly Coopers classics at the mo, and I must say loving every minute of them. I was never interested in her books until my sister in law bought them for me as a pressie and I must say I was pleasantly surprised!!


  4. At 07:25 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hey - it's now 19.25 (or 07.25 in Jack Bauer land) ... where is everyone? Did I miss the invite to the Blog Gang Party Games? There wasn't that much garlic in the curry (well, OK - it was loaded!)

    Good show tonight dahling CLP ..... tomorrow is the BIGGIE .... happy berfday to you blah blah.

    Laters amigos.

    Viva La Diva

    Cheryl x x

    PS: The rhubarb cake is wicked!

  5. At 08:24 PM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Gracious where is everybody? Heard the first hour of the show Chris - great as usual. So what is the big acquiescence? (Sp?) I have the feeling that there is big stuff going on with you Chris and you are not telling but there again why should you?

    Enjoy the veg - mange toute one and all.

    Follow the turtles here

    Go Genevieve go!

    Ciao xx

  6. At 10:18 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Less Bruised, BUT Learned a Lesson Sammie wrote:

    SOB - I know what you mean! I loved Friends when it was on the first time round and couldn't wait for the new series to start! Now though - it's not the same, although, I still watch my fave episode (I forget what it's called), the one where we know that they know that we know, etc, etc!!!

    It's deathly quiet here - what's happened to all the Bloggers???

    S xx.

  7. At 06:11 AM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Is there a party somewhere else that everyone else has gone to?

    Happy first birthday Chris at Drivetime.

    Mwa xx

  8. At 08:36 AM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    so, Chris, when you say acquiesced, do you really mean you have given in to, or accepted something? Now this thing, although wrong, is now part of your life in a good way?

    Or have I got it TOTALLY wrong?

    The boy and I have a nightly battle with the futility of the telly too. We have a gazillion channels, and there is still b-all on. So we watch crap and re-runs. However, I made a decision last evening...because the boy isn't due home until gone 18.30 (CtD), and I'm usually through the door around 17.10 (again CtD), I am going to go for a walk to and on the beach (weather permitting) and then do a bit of housework when I get back. Hopefully then, I can just sit and read a book (other literature available) whilst the boy winds down, and watches crap and re-runs.

    Walking is free whereas a powerplate isn't, and I can avoid the squealing of the Children of the Damned (you may remember the little darlings who share our communal garden) for about an hour til they have their bath and bed.

    Aside from that, you should see the sunsets around here at the moment...divine...

    Plusses all round I think!

    marche marche

  9. At 08:55 AM on 18 Apr 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Something wrong here - keep getting yesterday's blog!

    I feel the same about tv - except friends, of course. Reading books is the best. Am waiting for Jodi Picoult's new book to come out in paperback so I can afford it.


  10. At 08:57 AM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hello :0)

    I have to say I have a love affair with my TV - but only certain Programmes. I love NCIS and Law and Order CI and any period Drama around plus House and there are two new ones called Shark and InJustice... However I do have a major issue with watching adverts so instead I video the programmes I like each week and then the next week watch about 1 - 2 hrs of TV before Bed each night but without the AD :0)

    Actually it's normally only about 1 1/2 hrs of TV becaus the Adverts are missing so I'm saving my time to! Hurrah!!

    Hope your feeling better soon CLP. x

  11. At 09:00 AM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    So, wotcha doin tanite then please?

    Should be a lovely evening, so possibly a couple of glasses of chompannier sur l'herbe?

    I may join you with a couple of beers sur la plage.

    Whatever, it'll be grand!

    Happy Birthday Drivetime!

  12. At 09:25 AM on 18 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Penguin and Hazel - I think what CLP meant was that he is acquiesing to going to bed at a reasonable time!

    Now that I've split from my partner of 13 years (cripes) I get to go to bed really early. Before I'd want to stay up with him and chat, catching up on the day but now I can just please myself. So I'm miserable apro-pro the split but cheerful because I get enough sleep!

    Who says you can't have everything!

  13. At 09:43 AM on 18 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Good morning and a very happy 1st birthday to you Chris, at Drivetime


  14. At 11:32 AM on 18 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    OOO - best thing on tv at the moment is Prison Break. Edge of the seat stuff and just fab

    Best wishes for the whole of drive time - including us. A year of fun and frolics.

    Here's to the next year....


  15. At 11:44 AM on 18 Apr 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    I too am a huge Jodi Picoult fan I've read them all apart from nineteen minutes (Anne G - I too am looking forward to the affordable paperback.)

    If you watch things through cable replay the adverts are cut out.

  16. At 11:50 AM on 18 Apr 2007, Jodi wrote:

    I too am a huge Jodi Picoult fan I've read them all apart from nineteen minutes (Anne G - I too am looking forward to the affordable paperback.)

    If you watch things through cable replay the adverts are cut out.

  17. At 12:04 PM on 18 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Happy 1st birthday...what a good year it's been :) :) :)
    De Smith x

  18. At 12:19 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello Chris, drivetime team and fellow commentors/bloggers

    Hoppy Birdday to you
    Hoppy birdday to you
    Hoppy birdday Chrissie Lamby Pie
    Hoppy Birdday to you

    I am looking forward to the show, I am a bit worried about Chris though..there's something going on with him..who knows, maybe it's just sleep deprivation!?

    I am a telly addict, and watch good stuff and utter guff - however, that gives me an edge over mrC at pub quizzes when it comes to popular culture

    Straight outta bristol - I'm there in spirit (i'm 41 yrs old, so prob too old for your gig, but i do remember driving from bristol to archway (prob over 20yrs ago) to see "the wild bunch" probably the best ever DJ's from brizzle

    Must dash..loose women is on ( doubt CLP watches that)
    Caroline x

  19. At 12:24 PM on 18 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    I keep getting yesterdays blog too...!!!

  20. At 02:06 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Sigh Not Simon wrote:

    Hi Chris et al,

    dunno what's goin' on wi' blog but I'm getting mighty confused as to what day it is today - yesterday I put a comment on Monday's blog and yesterdays blog has just appeared today. If i end up mistakenly putting Monday's comment on today's blog there'll be trouble I'm tellin' ya !

    Anyway, I'd just like to add my twopenneth (other coins etc....) to the '24' / 24 hour time debate currently raging throughout the last 3 days' comments....cos I'm a bit of a closet pedant (Mfr you'd be proud !).....and my point is....
    ......that when specifying a time in 24hour format, you don't need to put a dividing '.' or':' in the middle - four numbers should suffice.
    (mmm....pedancy aint what it used to be - I feel slightly unfulfilled)

    anyway.....oh yes, Hazel, I forget which day your blomment appeared now but you've got a lovely line in Simon (and his brothers) stories - i didn't so much drift off as become hypnotised !
    (actually it might have been straight confusion now I come to think about it)

    Happy Birthday CE Drivetime !


    PS - haven't a clue which day's blog this is gonna appear under - any takers? - how exciting.

    PPS - whatd'ya mean, nothing good on TV ? I've a lovely carriage clock and a photo of me Mum.

  21. At 02:57 PM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Wowie! Tuesdays blog entry just appeared on screen for me - on Wednesday! Hmm...is it me or has there been a few technical hitches as of late?

    Anyways, Hippy Happy Birthday Mr Chris Evans Drivetime ESQ Sir....

    So there's CLP breaking up movies into little chunks and here I am sticking to tv programmes on dvd. I'm watching the West Wing Season 4 at the moment, which is great, I can watch one episode or carry on for hours if I please...(of when Mrs Tickle arrives and asks why I'm still watching the tv!)
    Actually I make it sound like I'm glued to the screen...if only! The hedges need planting you know...

    Well I'm looking forward to todays blog entry now!


    PS - Caroline, thanks for the update on Galway, my aunt lives there and even though it's a bit of a drive from Cork, news on the waterworks has...forgive the pun...dried up!

    PPS - In a nutshell, there's a nasty bug in the water in Galway and everyone looks like they're blaming the council for letting it happen and wasting the money to sort the prob on other items!

  22. At 03:10 PM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Later the same day. The boids are singeing the bells are ringeing for me and my ham sandwich.

    I have just had the chance to read some of the comments (all 17 of them) on this page, and I feel I have to voice a concern.

    It has been said before, and by far better qualified personnel than me, that if one reads a constant supply of romantic novels, it means that one is lacking a certain amount of romance in ones life.

    The fact that I read in #1 that Sammie prefers a book containing a grizzly murder or five, terrifies the living daylights out of me.

    Hands where I can see them please


  23. At 03:19 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Afternoon gang!

    I agree with SNS - the blog thing is getting confoosing. It would seem that Tuesday's blog wasn't put up as a 'header' but the 'next' arrow from Monday's blog takes you to Toosday but as yet (1511 Hrs) there's no sign of Wednesdays blog. Oooooh me head hurts now!

    The week off work is going well. This morning I did an 8 mile Moonwalk training walk. Only 4 weeks left to the big night - excited/nervous/scared .... can't decide which! My 8 miles took me just under 2 hours. Gonna try for 12 miles on Friday morning, building up to the big 20 miler over the May Bank Holiday weekend (when Mr Diva will be away in t'Lake District on a walking/beer/blokey bonding weekend with his mates).

    Ho hum.

    Wonder what CLP has in store for the Big One tonight?

    Talking of "One" - did anyone see that Harvey Goldsmith thing last night with ex-R1 jock Mr Read? Classic comedy. Spinal Tap of the radio waves. Thank heavens for Evans is all I can say!

    Good stuff on the telly? Nip/Tuck, The Apprentice, 24, LOADS of footie of course, Casualty, Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty .... but agree about taping the commercial stations and wizzing the ads.

    Books? Waiting for the latest Ben Elton to appear in paperback - hopefully the airport will have it in May when we fly to distant shores (Cuba - wooohooo!!) Started Martina Cole's Closer in the bath earlier - hardback. Very heavy to hold in the bath. Love Marian Keyes and Patricia Scanlan too - the Irish humour is fab! And music biogs. Anthony Keidis and Gene Simmonds were particularly entertaining.

    Right, let's see if this gets thru ... has anyone noticed duplicity appearing again on our hallowed blog? I thought the IT brigade at the Beeb had sorted that out (btw - on Russell Brand's blog someone referred to the Beeb IT peeps as 'geeks'. How harsh is that? Totally uncalled for!

    Anyhooooooo, laters amigos - roll on 5pm!

    CtD x x

  24. At 04:02 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Many happy wotnots! Are we playing pin the tale on the locker boy later?

    Duck duck goose with the Phillipa (Wahey)?

    Musical chairs with the whole crew?

    Altered Images to start the show, I feel.

    Stick my piece of cake in the post for The Fox if you will!

    DD out

  25. At 04:27 PM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    A word in praise of Steve Wright.

    He has just played my absolute No.#1 FAVOURITEST record of ALL time...NO exceptions and NO substitutes.

    Manfred Mann - 'The Mighty Quinn'

    No idea why I love it so much...but then that's me...

    nose rub

  26. At 04:35 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Martin James - where are you? How's it going?

    Long time, no hear ....

    CtD x x

  27. At 04:41 PM on 18 Apr 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Oo-er, this blog's all over the place today! Have only been able to see Monday's so far, then I post a message and lo and behold, Tuesday's appears - aaaaah! I'm copying this now in case Wednesday's blog appears before me!!

    Anyways, happy 1st birthday to CLP and the gang. Thanks for all the madness and music and here's to many more shows.

    Don't forget to save some birthday cake for Foxy!!

    jillygoat xx

  28. At 02:20 AM on 19 Apr 2007, john wrote:

    Oh well blogging while watching the Osbornes. Utterly bizzare. Great show, two of em in fact since CLP graced us with his wisdom. Not sure about that, he has not been back here to tell us all off for ages. Just been on the Guardian unlimited website reading the thoughts of George Monbiot. Heaven help the human race if that man ever gets a say. Gonna have a quick look at www.badgerbadgerbadger.com to get a bit of sanity back in my world

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