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Chris Evans | 15:15 UK time, Monday, 16 April 2007

Some things you can never get right and there comes a certain time in your life when it's important to admit this. I have finally accepted that I cannot do anything...

physically to do with detail.

I can clear soil, I can cook up storms, I can move a house in half a day but I cannot do the things that make the stars twinkle in the sky. The sky, I can do, the stars I cannot.

I have a friend who can do all those things but cannot for the life of her get anything started. If it was left to her then the world would cease to spin but it would remain clean and look nice. I have all the energy required to get anything off the ground but little patience to unknot the bundles of string.

I need her and she needs me.

Talking of the stars, last night, I sat in the garden at the crucial time when the stars start to come out.

It's amazing as each of them pings on. Play with a friend and see who can spot the most.

Every time I look at the stars it reminds me to keep a handle on things. There are very few things that are important and hardly anything that is more mind blowing than the stars and the sky. Why aren't millions of us out every night looking at these woderful beings instead of cooped up inside drinking ourselves to death or watching 24 ?

Global warming is still rocking our weather the right way, if indeed it is global warming in the first place ? Contraversial but hey ho I'm just not so sure anymore.

Apparently there's a documentary out about MICHAEL MOORE not being that dissimilar to many of his documentorial victims when it comesto making himself available for a filmed chat, love to see that.

We're one this week, Wednesday is the day, we don't know what to do about it, any ideas ?

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:30 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Amanda wrote:

    One year old...hmmm....isn't that the Paper Anniversary? Or you could go literal and have a one-year-old birthday party with a Winnie the Pooh theme, cake and all. Or just have a nice think back over the year and the show would have the best bits of the year as testimony of how far we have all come.

    It has been a lovely year. I have been listening to you almost the whole time. I think I joined you in May or June. Have been a blogger from almost the first day it started.

    I would have to say that I am a details person myself. I am not a creator so to speak...I am an editor.

    Have a great Monday everyone!!

  2. At 03:32 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hello CLP

    A While since I've been on here! Your gardening is making me very "green" ;0)

    Was out in the garden myself this weekend but sadly I have no allotment and my little garden does not seem to take to tomatoes!


  3. At 03:39 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Yvonne wrote:

    Well I for one am constantly outside starring at the stars as I'm a keen amateur astronomer. I've often wondered the very same thing, why aren't more people out there puzzling over the mysteries of the cosmos. Looking at the stars keeps my problems in perspective I find. I'm a constant worrier but the night sky reminds me how small they are in the grand scheme of things...

  4. At 03:40 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Christo wrote:

    Interesting post, can't believe you haven't had a response yet?!

    Looking forward to the show.

  5. At 03:41 PM on 16 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    First of all tell Sam how very beautiful she looked in the drive-time dress...she looked absolutly stunning.
    Congratulations..what a lovely year its been...
    Thankyou..so much
    De Smith x

  6. At 03:51 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon Chris and Bloggy peeps

    I love stars, when we go to France on Holiday we often spend the evening watching the stars - you need special start gazing chairs that recline to avoid getting a bad neck - they seem to have much better light quality there and I remember one night I saw about 20 shooting stars (it was in the middle of August when the earth tilts at the right angle to make them all visible).

    I love the fact that you can see satellites too (they're the slow shooting stars!), we always wave just incase they're spy ones!

    Happy Monday (other ace bands are available)

    :o) Jo

    PS - Chris, you should get Christine from Christines Garden to come on your show and be your plot advisor.

  7. At 03:53 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Bonjour Monsieur Lambie-Pie, ca va?!?

    1 year old on Wednesday eh!? You gotta start the show with 'Happy Birthday' by Altered Images. So frequently overlooked by the Stevie Wonder birthday toon, in my mind.

    How about another theme show? The birdie theme show was FAB! You could have a party/birthday theme. Or "One" theme.

    Thirsty Thursday could offer celebratory drinkies from supermakret Cava to the finest Champagne and every sparkling Shriaz in between (yes, its red but when chilled and popped it tastes like heaven in a glass, trust me!)

    Forgot to say on Friday's blog: specials in pubs shouldn't be around for too long, they should use seasonal local produce where possible and be favourably priced.

    Me and Mr Diva went for a long walk in the Suffolk countryside yesterday and the pub we stopped at ONLY DO ROASTS ON A SUNDAY ......... what century are they in??? It was 24 degrees, we wanted beer and baguettes not a full on roast dinner. Anyhoooo ....

    Its now nearly 4pm so I'm venturing into the kitchen to prep tonights feast of lamb cutlets and veg (off the allotment, no less!) Roll on 5pm and the wonder that is the Drivetime show!

    CtD x x

    PS: Mr McC .. congrats on No3. A splendid choice of name and not in the slightest bit chavvy!

  8. At 03:53 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    We're one?

    I'm one too.

    Well, the job I'm in. Started the same day as you. I remember it well.

    You kept me going during the first few months with the commute from hell.

    And now I've relocated, you help me enjoy my still long, but much easier journey, every day.

    Why not have a bloggers request Wednesday? You blaze the trail tomorrow and we'll follow suit.

    After all, some of us a part of the furniture now.

    What a weekend.

    Saw the back-quack on Saturday and I feel right as rain now. Had a couple of pints in the sunshine at your pub Saturday afternoon and then enjoyed a nice walk in the blazing heat yesterday.

    Oh, and you're right about the stars.

    I once lay all night on a beach in New Zealand watching the stars. No light pollution, no noise other than the waves. That was 12 years ago and I can still take myself back there as if it were yesterday.


    Peace & love


    PS This must be just like living in paradise.

  9. At 03:55 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Wibs wrote:

    One year old? Happy Birthday to us! You aee not on your own mate, we are all with you every step of the way! I class you and your team as 'us', isnt that weird? I wanna be in your gang! (GG)

    How to celebrate - oooh difficult one!

    Whatever you or any of the team decide it will not doubt be fab - keep on and DONT LEAVE Radio 2

    i am scared you are going go to give us up!

    Byeeeeeeeeeee, see you tonight! or should that say hear!

  10. At 04:01 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Hey Chris

    1. how about a once a year club and invite your regular bloggers

    or play party games on the radio -
    2. Pin the song in 1 note ( bin done before, but hey)
    3. musical bumps - stop the music and get your listeners to shout out "BUMP" wherever thay are listening
    4. Best dancer ( obvious, but only funny on the M25 traffic Jam between stationary cars)
    5. pass the parcel - make it ARW and get a theme going so each caller has to choose a tune related to the previous
    6. get Margurette Patten to make a cake and then get an invited guest to decorate it
    7. Outside broadcast in Galashiels!

    I'm sure Ms Love, Moose, Sammie, Gaby, Chrissie, Susan S, Jillygoat, Prof, Dr, MfR, EG, MWa!, Tickle, Anna, Keith, any of the Ems, Tracey-Ann, CtD et al will come up with many more better suggestions
    Have a good one, will be listening at 5
    Love you
    Love Caroline x

  11. At 04:03 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    hi chris do the show on wednesday from a hot air balloon richard branson might lend you one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. At 04:07 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    We all need someone. Admitting it is the key!

    What to do on "Happy 1st year" ? That's easy. All request Wednesday (ha ha) but with a spin - you have to request via the Blog. Are there any tapes of Day 1 so we can all laugh at how nervous you were (for that read AWFUL - none intended !).

    Went to Supermarket for pasta (wholemeal of course) and bought a punnet thing of wee oranges. Satsumas or such like (who cares, they were wee and tasty and reduced to 20p) I think there were 20 or so in the punnet, I lost count. "I'll just have one" on the toddle home was a mistake. I did find a litter bin though to put the empty basket and skins in (polishes halo). Oh well, it will give me energy for tonight's "Body Pump" class at the gym. But now I wish I'd bought the other two punnets sitting there. But someone else will have the pleasure of those (halo REALLY shining now! Any second now it will fall down and choke me.......... I HEARD THAT!)

    Susan S. (and other north of Border who met up) : belated 'thanks' for the glass raised. I take it you enjoyed the China Buffet King. Would you go back ? (I don't mean as a OAMC, I mean with others etc).

  13. At 04:11 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hello Chirs,

    Your one already - blimey i rember listenin to the last of Jonny Walkers shows - thinking can anyone really better this, i am not one for change and had got used to his way, but then along came you & yours & wooh unmissiable and makes the journey home so much better!!

    Ideas of what to do... will put thinking cap on but then you & yours usally manage to pull off a great show to match the occasion (no pressure then!)

    Have a good un


    p.s Jo- pups are soo funny - its funny when they first bark & they scare themselves with the noise, oh oh thens theres the first wagging of the tails, first time they ask to go out for toliet - it makes you so proud!! :-0)

  14. At 04:12 PM on 16 Apr 2007, john wrote:

    Hey Chris, its cool to be one, I think the show is getting better all the time so congrats. I love looking at the stars and every time I stop and look, I think I want to get out there and discover whats there, it drives me nuts if I focus too long on that notion. In fact I go as far as saying the human race will not really have reached adulthood until we get away fron this pretty little planet and spread out accross the multiverse.

    I reckon starting things and not being able to focus on the detail is a bloke thing, thats why my house is a pit with lots of gadgets.

    JK Nonegreen

  15. At 04:13 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris...Firstly, Global Warming. According to historians on various news sites, the earth was likely to start warming up anyway. It doesn't matter what we do, or what we don't, sooner or later we aren't going to be around anymore. It's mainly propaganda put up by the world governments to make us vote for them. Even the democratically elected parties have the capacity for FAR better policies than global warming, but they ain't so interesting.

    ...and secondly, the other thing...I think the world falls into two camps between the starting and the doing...It's whether we know anyone who can carry on once it's started...you do, so that's all fine!

    Anyway, I hope you don't mean that you have run out of steam now and are thinking that you can leave it for someone else? You cannot rely on said friend to carry on with your veg patch. This is far to big a job for one person to do on their own...and anything you cultivate (that isn't gorged by the various herbivores/vegivores etc before you get a chance to harvest it) wouldn't be yours...it'd be hers!

    Be that as it may, can't believe you have no ideas for Wednesday. I don't believe it ONE BIT. You have way more up your sleeve than nothing! I'm sure there is sunnink light-bulbing it's way around your noggin...

    home soon said zebedee

    ps don't just look at the stars, be up there with them...or get yourself an Observers Book of Astronomy

  16. At 04:15 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:


    I am the complete opposite to you. Detail, detail, detail - that's my thing. I have been described as 'anal', but I prefer perfectionist!

    One this week hey? Gosh, doesn't the time fly when you're enjoying yourself? I think you should have a suprise All Request Wednesday, when listeners ring in for their favourite guests, etc.

    I love the stars. I love looking at them and trying to spot a shooting star!

    I have been in a meeting for the last 90 minutes and now I'm out (and almost ready to go home), the sun has gone in!!!


    Never mind,


    S xx.

    P.S. Jo - we had a spotty dog when I was born. He was a nutter. Absolutely lovely and great fun, but a nutter all the same!

  17. At 04:20 PM on 16 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Congratulations on being one - what about doing the show from somewhere like a shed convention or forest foraging floor - ok how naff was that idea!

    I'm a closer/finisher but only because no one else will ever finish things off. Very dull - I want to be the ground breaker sometimes!

    Re stars and how they make one feel: 'nothing matters very much and hardly anything matters at all!' Wise words from my big sister...


  18. At 04:20 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Norman wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Many happy returns on the 1st anniversary!
    How about a phone round of as many of the great guests you have had on over the past year as a sort of cyber birthday party. Let them pick a tune too!

    I think there is convincing evidence that were are into global warming - but why/how is the relevant question. The politicians would have us on the anti CO2 bandwagon - led by the sincere and intense movie making Al Gore .... But I would recommend a look at www.channel4.com/science/microsites/G/great_global_warming_swindle/ before you make up your mind.

    Have a jolly one on Wed :-)

  19. At 04:24 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris, haven't listened or read for days, you have been missed. I've been overdoing it over the easter hols, I don't like the way I feel after a bender, a little but grubby, tired but manic, and much, much older. I know I need to knock the party lifestyle on the head, but the trouble is, everyone's so keen to help me tip the booze down my neck cos apparently I'm so much nicer and much more fun after a drink. The only person who doesn't think so is my mum. Who's right?
    I'm just glad to be back to a bit of normality tomorrow, never thought I'd be pleased to get back to a job like mine!
    Re celebrating your birthday, how about getting lots of babies on who are having their first birthdays on the same day - not quite sure how it would work, but you never know!!
    Think I'm like you Chris, I'm an ideas person but I get bored and can't be bothered to see things through. You and your friend sound like the perfect match.

    Looking forward to five,

    Em xx

  20. At 04:24 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Dan wrote:


    I'm exactly the same as your mate - very tidy, clean, all that there but can get round to be doing absolutely nothing over a good 3-hr period - very busy in my head, completely organised but actually achieving very littleof any substance or forward progression. A simple case of mind getting over the matter bit.

    Heres a party idea - take a boat, the radio kit and broadcast from the open sea, or rivers as the case may be - get the summer wind in all your lungs and celebrate your first in style.
    Ahoy there, matey . . .

  21. At 04:27 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Sowwy should have explained better, it's white wabbits on the first of the month! So why not Wascally Wabbits on tthe Drive Time birthday!!!

  22. At 04:30 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Hurray for the first birthday! Great stuff...

    I'm similiar in the getting things started, I get lots of ideas, love getting stuck in, but by the time I'm mid way, I've lost all interest as I've thought of something else to get stuck into...

    I was looking at the stars the other night, great view from the back door - and then a bat passed by...!

    Anyways, hope everyone had a good weekend, I in gardening mode, another tree to be planted tonight...I'm still trying to work out when I got into gardening and is it a sign of getting on in life?!

    Big smiles!
    Tickle :)

  23. At 04:31 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Very philosophical post today... I like it!

    All 3 things hit a chord with me. I am definetly not a detail person, always looking at the big picture and get bored and frustrated when the little details needed to be filled in.

    I totally agree its odd how TV programs can be more captivating to the human race than the fascination of the universe. I guess the lack of a final episode where everything becomes clear frustrates people.

    I also think the Global Warming debate still needs to continue, I too have my doubts but these days you feel ashamed to air them.

  24. At 04:32 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Scattynobrain wrote:

    It's great when we remember that we can't do everything - so much better than when someone else tells us.

    I love to star watch - wish I knew more about it!

    I'm sure you'll come up with something fab for the first birthday - and I'm sure other bloggers will think of something for you!

  25. At 04:48 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Jt wrote:

    Happy Monday CLP
    I think, given your love for the stars you should name a star after the show, not very orginal and a little naff i know but at least it'll be there forever!
    I personaly think the french Alps are the bestest place for viewing the stars after a long dinner with good company and a nice glass of vin rouge.
    Enjoy JT

  26. At 04:51 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Yay!! All Request Wednesday from the BLoggers!

    Yay Yay Yay!!!

    CtD x x

    PS: I love this gang!

  27. At 05:04 PM on 16 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Howya Christophe yous big Ginga Star.

    Ah the stars. Some of my most cherished moments have been beneath the stars.

    One cold starry night in Galway, for example. There I was, feeling sorry for myself and somewhat besieged after a difficult day, I walked out onto the beach and sat on the rocks amid the silence save for the lapping of the water, and was awestruck by one star, bright as the Koh-i-noor. At times like these I always imagine it's my much loved and missed little daddy looking down and blowing me a kiss, and making me giggle with some daft tall story or saying, as was his talent.

    Suddenly, through the tears, two shooting stars lit up the sky and the brighter one twinkled like a diamond. I swear I felt his hand on my cheek and the words, "come on, valerie bombshell, give us a titter.."

    Ok, so I'm a bit dippy. But if you can't marvel at the stars in the sky or the rainbows that are particularly spectacular in that part of the world, and let your imagination run a little mad, then what's life all about.

    I fear I'm more like yourself than like your tidy, organised friend. My head is all over the place. But I have a daughter who is a chip off her granddad's old block and has her feet firmly on the ground and thus we can conquer the world.

    Especially on a cold, starry night.

    Well, that's me.. Hurrah I can actually listen tonight and it's gone 5.

    A bientot.


  28. At 05:04 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    I bought the kids a trampoline a couple of summers ago... this will be our third summer with it. I can guarantee you that a couple of nights this year, the four of us, will all be lying on the trampoline. Head to head in the centre -feet around the outside, in the glorious blueof midnight watching the skies above hoping to see shooting stars.

    I spend most of my time with my head looking up. Just last week, I stood in the garden til I almost fell over watching the stars come out. Have you seen Venus in the sky just now, it is sooooo bright.

    The sky is just too good an entertainment not to watch, sit somewhere and look at the sunset, followed by a bit of star spotting.

    and join the Cloud Appreciation Society. (www.cloudappreciationsociety.com)

    Happy Days.


  29. At 05:06 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris and the Blogettes,

    wow one year old ... Happy Birthday!.......How about a highlights show to celebrate, spread over the week? ( next week) A sort of, text in and tell scrap book, look back at the best bits ........who else does that in April? Nobody, that's who, so let's be the first..... :)

    The problem with looking at Stars is that man-made light pollution makes it difficult to see them properly and even the brightest ones look dull in comparison with the cheap tacky bright lights of the city. Sometimes you just have to switch everything off and you'll see that your star ( that one you looked at when you were a small child) is still there as bright as ever and has been there smiling on you all along. Stars don't need other stars, they shine brightly all on their own but people, well, they need other people. To be a good person you need good friends, and to have a good friend you need to be a one......:)

    Keep smiling

    Rachel x

  30. At 05:12 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Aaaaargh I keep being BP's!!!!

    DD ticked off!!!

  31. At 05:17 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hmmm, very interesting. I think I'm a do-er rather than a planner, that's MrsW's speciality.
    My son is 2 on Weds so we'll be knee deep in a jelly and ice cream - I'm sure you'll think of something far more adult to do??
    Any bloggers out there with medical advice for me?
    Two weeks ago I had a arthroscopy on my medial meniscus (cartliage) and today I have awoken to a very bruised knee and a sharp pain from within??
    This is the 2nd op (first one in Dec) as it tore again whilst out running. Any ideas or suggestions as I'm fed up with the discomfort and I'm also now a stone heavier since the first op and really want to do some exercise to reduce the ever expanding waistline.
    CLP, you sound as if you had a great weekend?
    Love the sunshine - and if it is due to global warming then bring it on - sorry to be controversial but who could possibly dislike this weather we're having?
    Petit filous
    KW x

  32. At 05:53 PM on 16 Apr 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Happy Birthday to the Show (in advance). I'm in the camp for an All Request show for bloggers only. If you let us come up with our favourite songs tomorrow, that would give you time to get that organised for Wednesday. But, I have to say it, Hazel is right - YOU have something organised, my good man!

    The stars - I love them, they fascinate me completely. Years ago my lovely dad (no longer with us) and I were looking out the window at the stars - what a clear night it was. Suddenly, one of the "stars" starting moving across the sky. Up and down, forward and back. It was not a shooting star, because it was all over the place - way, way up in the sky, moving left and right, all over the place. This lasted for about 10-15 minutes and then it just disappeared. It must have been a UFO, I can't think of any other explanation. But, yes, back to stars - wonderful!

    Have a good evening everyone, I am just about to finish work - I have never been so grateful to get a working day out of the way!

    C xx

  33. At 06:05 PM on 16 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And on the subject of seeing stars...

    Not long after the fateful night beneath said stars in Galway, out on a night out on the razzle before Christmas in Belfast, I had one too many vodkas and a small but lethal shot of paraquat that purported to be a Baby Guinness.

    Needless to say I had to be carried home in a bucket and my only memory of anything beyond the chorus of "Down In One" is thwacking my head on some unyielding object, probably the doorknob or bedhead, but hopefully not the night porter, as I was attempting to get me jeans off over me head.

    Seeing stars is bloody right. A veritable kaleidoscope.

    So a word of caution if you DON'T like star spotting. Beware the Baby Guinness. It'll have your kneecaps off, your eyeballs on casters and ensure you spend the next day talking to God on the big white telephone.


  34. At 06:08 PM on 16 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And on the subject of seeing stars...

    Not long after the fateful night beneath said stars in Galway, out on a night out on the razzle before Christmas in Belfast, I had one too many vodkas and a small but lethal shot of paraquat that purported to be a Baby Guinness.

    Needless to say I had to be carried home in a bucket and my only memory of anything beyond the chorus of "Down In One" is thwacking my head on some unyielding object, probably the doorknob or bedhead, but hopefully not the night porter, as I was attempting to get me jeans off over me head.

    Seeing stars is bloody right. A veritable kaleidoscope.

    So a word of caution if you DON'T like star spotting. Beware the Baby Guinness. It'll have your kneecaps off, your eyeballs on casters and ensure you spend the next day talking to God on the big white telephone.


  35. At 06:29 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hmm ... th most handsome man in pop (not rock?)

    Agree with the shouts for John Taylor of Duran Duran. I was soooooooo going to marry him when I was 15 and didn't know better!

    Going back futher, there's David Cassidy, David Essex, Marc BOlan (or was he pretty?)

    I'm 38 now and go all gooey when I see old Led Zep footage on sattelite muso channels ... Robert Plant with those tight denims and long curly hair ...... oooops, strayed into the realms of rock again, sorry!

    Pop, pop, pop ....... Howard Donald gets my 'today'vote. Not pretty or effeminate. Good square jaw, hmmmmm ... deffo vote for Howard!

    Great show tonight CLP!

    CtD x

  36. At 08:26 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I get BP'd whenever I mention my website, which is really frustrating when you make a blog entry referring to an entry which you then find out has been BP'd!
    So it would seem that my web address in the ps' may be a one time only entry. Grrrrrr!

    DD out

    PS www.

    PPS freewebs.

    ppps com/

    pppps dissingdave

  37. At 10:03 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Dissing Dave #36:

    I can't see that you will have been BP'd for mentioning your website, then again who knows. Maybe you have been kicked-back because it is a personal one rather than summat else. I've mentioned web-links on here before and never got dunted.

    However, if you scroll thru messages on here, you will see that some names of participants are underlined. THAT (and I only cottoned on to this last week) indicates that they have a link to an external website which you can get to by clicking on their name (hint : right click on it and then choose "open in new Tab" if you have Firefox or the new Inernet Explorer 7, or choose "open in new page" if you have lower versions or a Browser that doesn't support Tabs. That way you still keep the CE Blog window open). Since I don't have a website to try it, I suspect (but can't prove) that you activate this by putting your website in where (believe it or not) it says Website under the email address where you post a comment (or "log in" so to speak). It may take a comment or three tho before your website is verified; I don't know.

    There's only one way to find out..........

  38. At 10:06 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Caroline - You've my vote for organising a 1 year old party then!! Hurrah!

    To celebrate, a bloggers request day - your favourite song from the past year - seeing as we're marking the passing of the first year.

    Plus, everyone has to do something new for the first time on Wednesday....hmmmm...

    Clodagh - are you still based in Galway? If so is the water back to "normal"?

    Well, a late enough update, so good night!


  39. At 10:08 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Dissing Dave #36:

    I can't see that you will have been BP'd for mentioning your website, then again who knows. Maybe you have been kicked-back because it is a personal one rather than summat else. I've mentioned web-links on here before and never got dunted.

    However, if you scroll thru messages on here, you will see that some names of participants are underlined. THAT (and I only cottoned on to this last week) indicates that they have a link to an external website which you can get to by clicking on their name (hint : right click on it and then choose "open in new Tab" if you have Firefox or the new Inernet Explorer 7, or choose "open in new page" if you have lower versions or a Browser that doesn't support Tabs. That way you still keep the CE Blog window open). Since I don't have a website to try it, I suspect (but can't prove) that you activate this by putting your website in where (believe it or not) it says Website under the email address where you post a comment (or "log in" so to speak). It may take a comment or three tho before your website is verified; I don't know.

    There's only one way to find out..........

  40. At 10:15 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Dissing Dave #36:

    I can't see that you will have been BP'd for mentioning your website, then again who knows. Maybe you have been kicked-back because it is a personal one rather than summat else. I've mentioned web-links on here before and never got dunted.

    However, if you scroll thru messages on here, you will see that some names of participants are underlined. THAT (and I only cottoned on to this last week) indicates that they have a link to an external website which you can get to by clicking on their name (hint : right click on it and then choose "open in new Tab" if you have Firefox or the new Inernet Explorer 7, or choose "open in new page" if you have lower versions or a Browser that doesn't support Tabs. That way you still keep the CE Blog window open). Since I don't have a website to try it, I suspect (but can't prove) that you activate this by putting your website in where (believe it or not) it says Website under the email address where you post a comment (or "log in" so to speak). It may take a comment or three tho before your website is verified; I don't know.

    There's only one way to find out..........

    (P.S. Beeb 'network problems' have prevented me for a while from posting this. Apologies for the 'repeat' if anyone has jumped in before me with the same info)

  41. At 10:47 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Caroline - You've my vote for organising a 1 year old party then!! Hurrah!

    To celebrate, a bloggers request day - your favourite song from the past year - seeing as we're marking the passing of the first year.

    Plus, everyone has to do something new for the first time on Wednesday....hmmmm...

    Clodagh - are you still based in Galway? If so is the water back to "normal"?

    Well, a late enough update, so good night!


  42. At 11:00 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Caroline - You've my vote for organising a 1 year old party then!! Hurrah!

    To celebrate, a bloggers request day - your favourite song from the past year - seeing as we're marking the passing of the first year.

    Plus, everyone has to do something new for the first time on Wednesday....hmmmm...

    Clodagh - are you still based in Galway? If so is the water back to "normal"?

    Well, a late enough update, so good night!


  43. At 03:30 AM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Have you ever heard of the Sidewalk Astronomers? They set up telescopes on street corners and try and get passers-by to look through them at the stars or sunspots. A lot of people just think they're loonies or up to something shifty. It's really sad that society is like that today, that we can't just stop and look around us once in a while. Maybe you could track one of these guys down and have them on the show.

  44. At 06:56 AM on 17 Apr 2007, Mandy wrote:

    Hiya Chris

    I was lucky enough to go on both the International Nurse's Day bunfights at the station whose name we do not speak of. As I recall on both occasions you made it up as you went along literally from asking for transport for the 50 of us to where we went and that worked out well. Would cause chaos at the ±«Óãtv but what the hell. I have fantastic memories of that day including singing exerpts from Oliver drunkenly on a table with Danny Baker to discussing the merits of cats vs dogs with you. Since it's rare for listeners to get to meet you ( as it was rare for anyone to do anything nice for us nurses) why not do the first 50 phone callers today and wing it on the birthday and get a party going? Unlike us poor nurses they won't HAVE to drink Guinness at 7am! !!!! It's what you do best. And bloggers he really IS a lovely guy!
    Love the blog! Chris xxx

  45. At 09:50 AM on 17 Apr 2007, Vanessa Coates wrote:

    You don't get everything wrong either. No man is an island!! I know i can't get patiently through a late afternoon traffic jam without you making me laugh.

  46. At 09:59 AM on 17 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:


    one year on - wow!!

    Two words I would like to say to you Christoph, in celebration of occasion.....

    Thank you


    ps dd

    pps keep

    ppps smiling

    pppps despite

    ppppps bp

  47. At 10:05 AM on 17 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:

    I was looking at the stars the night before last too.

    Have you done that thing (no, not that thing..) where you look slightly to the left of a star and it enables you to see the star more clearly.


    ps I think I saw Saturn too - but it could have been part of my neighbour's new security lighting.

  48. At 10:16 AM on 17 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:

    oh no,

    My second post has arrived before my first one, which may not arrive at all.

    Timing is everything

  49. At 10:48 AM on 17 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah Christophe Lambie Pie One Year Old tomorrow.

    Party games. That's the way forward. Mind you, the Thread The Spoon And Fork Tied Together With Hairy String Through The Clothes team game or the Suck The Jelly Baby On The End Of A Drinking Straw Whilst Doing Laps Of The Garden relay race, girls v. boys, will be a bit of a challenge on the radio.

    Pleeeeeease Christophe pretty pleeeeease can we play the Fish And pop Stars game. You know, like Mackerel Jackson, Pike and Tina Tuna and Squid Vicious....

    Yes we've done it before but you can choose the category. Marvellous. Ah go on you will you will you will........

    and Tickle.. No I'm not exiled in Galway, I only wish I was, I'm just there whenever I can get me bell, chain and puncture kit sorted. I'm all over Ireland with my work. As for the water, no, it's not fixed yet and won't be this year as it will take that long to get rid of the contamination. But hey, that's no problem for my Irish friends, they are all highly delighted at the prospect of anything dangerous or illegal and relish the opportunity to give out to the council.

    So Bottled water it is in the Jameson's.

    Well, must be off now, I've serious shopping to do and Party Games to contemplate.


  50. At 10:53 AM on 17 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Shocking news of yet more shootings in America - is this the only country that has this type of horrific event, or does it just not get reported anywhere else?

    If it is just in the States, then why?

    And if the why is their gun culture then surely they would do something about it.

    An astrologer once told me that a country has a birthday and that the states is July 4th 17-whatever it was, which makes them a very big stroppy teenager!


  51. At 11:46 AM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Not so hot 'n sunny today darn 'ere then. Never mind, the birdies are still trilling their trills, and the bunnies are...that's not for here, sorry...lets just say, bunning their buns.

    Anyhoo, happy Tuesday Christophe and all you beeeyooooties! Always fun. Was Muggy yesterday, now is Tueggy today.

    What did they do to the water in Galway please?

    Along the lines of party games...similar to those suggested by the lovely Clodagh...another one...Blowing A Malteser (no other honeycombed chocolate balls available - you know it!) Across The Table Into The Person On The Other Side's Mouth But You Have At Least Three People On Each Side Of The Table And You Have The Battle Of The Straws.

    Unless that sounds too complicated, obviously.

    Oh, and Clodagh, I thought it was gonna read Bell, Book and Candle...I thought for one tiny but very strange minute, that you might be a witchfinder...I need more fluid...contaminated or not, frankly!

    Lawks, it would appear that I have a stalker too. However she says that she isn't one...so what to believe...hmmmmmmm.

    watch this space ( )
    dull isn't it

    ps J - which would make the USA a Cancer. How ironic.

  52. At 02:08 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Thanks for the advice one and all whether on here or on my blog. All I know is that if I put my web address on here either in the main body or in the website box, my entry fails to appear. If I leave the address out my blog appears.

    As a test I will post this message twice once with the address, once without! the time is now 14:09

    DD out

  53. At 02:46 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Sigh Not Simon wrote:

    Happy 1st Birthday...
    ....to you Chris AND, of course, the Bloggers/commentors/blommentors !

    A truly inspiring show.

    Talking of which.....(and thanks to Caroline's idea for the inspiration) How about getting some regular listening and/or blogging couples who have offspring who are exactly 3 months old tomorrow.......and talk to them about what inspired them to be parents ? ;-)


    Just a thought

    Now, must get off and ask my other half which one of her bundles of string she would like unknotting ! She of course will, in turn, kick my bottom to get 'one of those jobs' started. It's a great balance of teamwork....just like all the other good things in life.

    Happy Tuesdays to all.


  54. At 03:00 PM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    As an Aries you are a starter - a fire starter. Lots of wind, to get the fire (idea) burning and then leave it to a few earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) to add fuel and keep it alight whilst you go off to ignite another project somewhere.
    I'll guess that your friend is a Virgo as the only info I have to base this upon is a very strong Virgoan triat - order. Virgos typically love order and neatness. A Virgo looking at the night sky would probably want to tidy them up and put them in neat rows so maybe she isn't a Virgo at all! If she is, look out......it may be all sweetness and neatness now but may soon become OCD's and eternal nit-picking. I should know....my mum's a Virgo. Bless her! xxx

    As an amateur astologer stargazing has long been a favourite passtime of mine. I got hooked as a child when my dad used to get me stargazing instead of a bedtime story when we were camping. You don't have to look at a clear star studded sky for long before you see a shooting star once I saw one - I was hooked. My dad had aspirations for me to take what was to him just a hobby and become an astronomer. Malhereusement I ran away with a rock band and took up astrloogy instead. Far out, man. xx

    I have the dishiest of dishes for you that my friend served up at her dinner party at the weekend. Halloumi cheese and figs. What a combo! The halloumi was stuck on a hot griddle for 30 secs a side and the fresh figs were cut down the middle and also had 30 secs each on the hot griddle - fruity/flat side down. This (2 x slices of halloumi and 2 x half of fig) was served on a bed of watercress, rocket and lollo rosso with some strands of parma ham. After this the main course and dessert were really disappointing. One for the gastro-pub menu perhaps? xx

    Finally I have done a birth chart for the show as a birthday gift and will e-mail it to the show address. You may find a lot of what is in there relates to you personally which is understandable as it's your show. I'd be interested to hear your comments even though you're a non-believer!

    More allotment action pour moi ce soir so no chance of hearing the show but I'm sure that it'll be geat as usual. It's become my refuge. Tonight I'm digging the beer hole. Does anybody know how far I'll have to dig to keep beer cool?

  55. At 03:03 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    15.00 Hrs.

    Late again today CLP ......

    Talking of time, Mr Diva and I had a 'catch up' evening of 24 last night. I find it REALLY annoying that "the following takes place between 7pm and 8pm" and yet the time checks throughout the programme are depicted as 07.08, 07.35, 07.54 etc etc. Surely, if its "24" (ie 24 hour clock), the time checks should be 19.08, 19.35, 19.54 etc etc ... otherwise its a 12 hour clock and the programme ought to be called "12".

    Or is it just me ? ?

    Baked a delish rhubarb cake this morning. Now venturing into the kitchen territory to tackle a lamb madras (8 chills in total - yikes!) and pilau rice for tonight. Also going to brave making my own Indian bread things but cheated on the bhajis .... they came from Tesco!

    Laters ...

    CtD x x

  56. At 03:41 PM on 17 Apr 2007, gingembre wrote:


    My daughter is 3 months ols this wek.
    I'll leave it to your imagination re: what inspired me 12 months ago!!!!!

  57. At 03:57 PM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Wotcha doin' DD? 'tain't workin' is it? Woss goin' on Billy? Gawd 'elp us guvna.

    Anyway...Deep breath, and for those of a short attention span, no animals were harmed during the making of the next minute or so....and in deference to CtD and her fine Rhubarb Cake, these events happen in real time. Pip pip pip.

    Sigh not Simon...there is someone I know who gets mistaken for a Simon, or for the Simon's brother...the even odder (it is a bit odd) thing is that he has a brother called Simon, who whilst looking similar to my friend, but in a familial way, looks nothing like the first Simon, who also, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't have a brother at all. I also know another Simon, who is the spitting image of a chap I work with, and you can make the word Simon out of the letters of his name. (No, not Simon). In my humble opinion, all the above mentioned Simons are TOTALLY GAWJUS.

    Sometimes you just gotta

    Steeeeeevie fae - Word of the day - 'dunted' fabulous dahling!

  58. At 04:02 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Slightly Bruised Sammie wrote:

    Hey you lot!

    Tuesday already!

    My cat has bled all over my beige sofas and cream dining chair seats - and her injury isn't even THAT bad!! I expected to have to take her to the vets, but some germalene (other vile smelling anticeptic creams and lotions are available) seems to have done the trick. Now I have to clean it all up, as I have 'someone' visiting tonight.

    Nuff said...

    S xx.

  59. At 04:34 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello all

    You're right Hazel...he must have something up his sleeve!
    I of course do volunteer to be head girl organising party games at the studio..it's my day off on wednesday!

    Lets see what CLP says today


    P.S I'm not the stalker, just like your pomes!

  60. At 04:35 PM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Sammie -In the words of the Churchill Dog - Steady now

    :o) Jo

  61. At 05:15 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    What happened to the blog today?

    For the first time in ages I was ready to read it at nine this morning - how disappointing....

    Feeling bit down and you always cheer me up Chris xx

  62. At 05:26 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Kazza wrote:

    Happy, happy birthday!
    A propos of nothing at all.... I went to see Danny Baker as the narrator in The Rocky Horror Show in Wimbledon Theatre last night and the whole shebang was fantastique. Go if u can this week, Richard O'Brien graces the stage as the usherette and is as louche as u like. It is so vibrant and uplifting; dammit Janet - go. Take ur mayes for a birthday treat. Grosses bises mwah mwah.

  63. At 05:27 PM on 17 Apr 2007, lis wrote:


    'the night above the dingle starry' (Fern Hill)

    You must try and read 'Fern Hill' by the wonderful Welsh poet Dylan Thomas

    ....the stars, the sky and the hay fields all figure prominently - it is a good time to read this one -really it is


  64. At 07:59 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Sharon Smith wrote:

    Dear Chris,
    Happy 1st Birthday. Stars are only shining because you can see them, so they know they need others, just have never been able to ask. Dont want to be cryptic, just jet lagged or head still in the clouds. Love you/your show etc.

  65. At 09:42 PM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    cannot believe you have been on air 1 year. when Johnny Walker announced he was giving up the drive time slot I was sorry to see him go, but who could replace him??? Then the announcement Chris Evans would be taking over the drive time slot!! Having seen lots of Chris's past jobs I was unsure that he was quite the right man, or women for the slot, let alone radio 2. How wrong could I have been. I love the show, the features, the guests and all the regulars, its FANTASTIC.
    I saw Chris at the Meatloaf concert at the Albert HAll at the end of last year and thought what a nice chap!
    Keep up the fantastic work, may the show go on for a very long time.
    Just lokked through the picture gallery, a job that looks like great fun.

    Thanks Caroline

  66. At 10:18 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Michelle wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Yes stars are amazing, especially when you see them from a boat, look out for a cluster of stars called the 7 sisters, they are amazing.

    Congrats on one year in the driving seat. The show is great and good company on the long and often tedious drive home from work.

    Best wishes

    Michelle Ladyman

  67. At 08:04 AM on 18 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Happy Birthday, and well done for a lovely, uplifting show - thanks to you all xx

  68. At 08:38 AM on 18 Apr 2007, tiggy wrote:

    Morning bloggers and schloggers
    I second Em M sentiments! Happy Birthday CLP et al!
    fab show, keep up the good work


  69. At 09:32 AM on 18 Apr 2007, Bren wrote:

    OK, I've got an idea but I expect it's too late now - I've only just read the blog. How about getting all the same guests you had on last year with updates on their situations, and all the same people you had on the phone for things such as Woman's Minute (if that was happening then, I can't remember sorry!)?

    You could also play songs that are in the same position in the charts as the sangs you played then were, or comparable songs such as new releases etc.

    In other words relive the same show one year on that will put the differences into perspective.

    Could be interesting!


  70. At 10:24 AM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Everyone!
    Sorry I haven't posted in ages. I dont even have an excuse, just being lazy!
    When I was on holiday I could see loads of stars but here its impossible!
    1 year old! it has gone so quick!!

  71. At 11:05 AM on 18 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Happy Birthday matey
    Hope you have a good one.
    My son is 2 today and my daughter 3 months old.
    We see, to have a lot in common?
    KW x

  72. At 12:44 PM on 18 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Happy Birthday one and all, hurrah!

    Ok here goes.

    Happy birthday dear Drive Time, a year old today,
    Always a laugh and with plenty to say.
    You cheer us all up as we battle along,
    Joining the fun and singing a song.
    Each one of the team has talents infinite,
    So all's going strong, well, until Woman's Minute.
    Then there's skin and hair flyin',and always a fight,
    for a bit of street cred and a bag full of ..Miscellaneous Artefacts.
    There's Jonny the Sport with his treats in his locker,
    With his shiny groomed quiff and a mouth like docker;
    Philippa Busby, top business brain,
    She'll never look back. Career down the drain.
    But as for our Christophe, let's give him a clapping,
    With his sweet ginga face you'd not tire of slapping,
    Stay just as you are, Christophe Lambie Pie,
    Comedy Crusader, here's mud in yer eye.

    Well I'm sure I could do better but I've got to get goin', and it's the thought that counts. Hurrah!

    Many Happies and many of 'em.


  73. At 01:05 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Steve Fripp wrote:

    Chris and all the team, congrats on a really great show; the people the content the fun the honesty and the serious bits all make it worthwhile. Chris you knit it all together so prefessionally - Happy Birthday !!

    I agree isnt the sky at night just amazing !

    As for celebrating
    1. play Cliffs "Congratulations - I want the world to know I'm happy as can be"
    2. Get people to say what they have completed in the past 12 months

    Steve in Devon

  74. At 03:08 PM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Bren @ 69....l love the idea. What a scrap book that would make. x

    Happy Birthday to the ±«Óãtv Radio Two Drivetime Show Team! May there be cake and jelly galore!

    Debs xx

  75. At 03:26 PM on 18 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear sho-o-o-w
    Happy birthday to you

  76. At 03:52 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Many happy returns CLP and the drive time crew!

    DD out
    (maybe in duplicate) (yeah right!)

  77. At 04:38 PM on 18 Apr 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Happy 1st birthday CLP and crew!!!!

    Thanks for the madness and music over the last 12 months and here's to many more .... don't forget to save Foxy some birthday cake!

    jillygoat xx

  78. At 03:33 PM on 19 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris & Happy 1st Birthday on Radio 2!! I have been listening to the drivetime show since you started (it gets me home!), and recently been following your blog posts, but wondering how people can access and/or post their message if they're not in front of their PC?! Well, I have the answer for you - they can call in from any phone (mobile or landline), leave their voice message & go online later and simply "read what they said" - how cool is that??! Drop me a line back & let me know if you & the team would like to try this out...

  79. At 11:18 AM on 29 Apr 2007, suzanne wrote:

    Please Chris,

    Love the show , guests are great, could you please advise the name and book that Michael sombody or other who's passionate about foods to grow and their nutritional effect on us. (I think he's called the good food doctor). It's my birthday soon, I don't ask for much (bleat) but would love to know the details so that i can drop a hint to my other half.

    Thank you in anticipation

    Suzy Bear

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