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Chris Evans | 15:48 UK time, Thursday, 19 April 2007

The whole team have steak hangovers from yesterday. Well actually they do not, it seems only Nic partook in the feast that was the rib eye steak from Steve the Butcher.

Having terrible trouble with my...

...well actually, I can't mention them but they do hurt.

Right blog fans, just had a pre show flake as a semi celebration of the fact it's Thursday and feeling particularly pesky.

Got into a position earlier on today that I haven't been in since January the 4th, 2006. It told me without doubt that my belly is a little bigger nowadays than it used to be and bigger in a different way.

You see it's not just bigger, it's changed shape. It's an older belly. Even if I do shed a few pounds, with the help of the legendary POWER PLATE, I know my middle will never look the same again. It's sort of filled out, like an overfull water bomb made with a decidedly cheep balloon. Far too much new going on, on the inside for the old outside to be able to cope with.

The blogs are now taking place in the afternoon as there is no internet in the Sticks where I live and so I have to wait until I get into work to process any thoughts I may have had.

Two hours ago I was attempting to fly straight and level at two thousand feet, in an hour from now I'll be trying to do the same thing here on the sixth floor of the Radio 2 building. I already have a licence for the latter, a licence for the former is looking like it's some distance away.

A bowl of Alpen, the delicious flake and a tin of manderin oranges that we were sent in yesterday and I'm pretty much good to go.

This blog is now, for the moment at least, a before ye' go home blog. It is no longer another excuse to not start your day.

Ha ha ha !

Come on y'all it's Thirsty Thursday and I for one need a drink.

CLP 2207



  1. At 04:25 PM on 19 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Oh god yes, have changed shape now I'm in the 40's - never, ever had to worry about my weight and now have a little pot belly and still don't watch my weight, but sometimes I wonder if I ought!

    Late day blogging no bad thing, surely. Just a different perspective on the day.

    Clodagh - please don't kill bees! I can't say enough about how amazing, fab and important they are and they are non-aggressive. Or maybe they are in Wigan! Who can say...

    Flying I've always fancied doing but can't afford it. For my 40th birthday I went to meet the gorillas in Africa and so instead of flying, for my 45th birthday (couple of years) I want to take a long distance motor bike ride. Can't ride a bike either but maybe by then...

    Happy thirsty, one and all. TGIF tomorrow is all I can say.

  2. At 04:25 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Good afternoon CLP.

    I'm 39 this year and everything is changing. Hips, belly, boobies, skin .. some things for the better, some not. Its a fact of life that we have to make the best of what we've got. My hubby is starting to refer to me as 'high maintenance' but hey - as long as I can afford it and it gives me confidence I see no problem!

    Annie G - the car is Purrrrfect! Getting used to the weird keyless ignition took some doing but I think I've cracked it now! I believe I got a real bargain and lomg may it run and run and run ........

    Just got back from a lovely long lunch with my best friend and birthday twin ('cept she's 5 years my junior). It was great to meet up without husbands or kids - we just sat in the pub for almost 3 hours, catching up, laughing, sharing tales and gossipping. The waiters were kind on the eye and there was a Desperate Housewives-esque topless gardener into the bargain!! Hurrah!

    Life's grand at he mo - a far, far cry from my recent portacabin hell. I'm really looking forward to starting the new job on Monday too.

    Tomorrow .. trraining walk / ironing / bit of housework or all 3?

    Off to concoct tonights delectation now - chicken in a 'Jimmys Farm' rub, home made potato salad and a big healthy garden salad with olives.

    Joire De Vive!

    CtD x x

    PS: Martin - talk to us please hun! x x

  3. At 04:26 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Time waits for no man, even you sir.

    Each passing day I find it more difficult to keep the pounds off. I dread to think what would happen if I packed in the regular exercise routine. I'd balloon within hours!

    Surely you can get hooked up in the sticks? You're only up the road and we're fully BB'd up.

    After my game of squash (not salsa) I shall be abstaining from the sauce as I mistook hump day for Thirsty Thursday and popped down the local last night before nipping round to the neighbours to deliver a message and coming back a bottle of wine later.

    And I like to save my thirst for Friday.

    When you return from your time travelling you need to get yourself down the gym.

    Peace & love


    PS All they found was his hat in a clearing

    PPS Big log

  4. At 04:27 PM on 19 Apr 2007, andy from ayrshire wrote:

    come on chris, some of these songs after the 5.20 interview are just plain daft. give us a chance to get it right.

    oh and ps, i see you like Curb !!!!

  5. At 04:28 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Good afternoon CLP.

    I'm 39 this year and everything is changing. Hips, belly, boobies, skin .. some things for the better, some not. Its a fact of life that we have to make the best of what we've got. My hubby is starting to refer to me as 'high maintenance' but hey - as long as I can afford it and it gives me confidence I see no problem!

    Annie G - the car is Purrrrfect! Getting used to the weird keyless ignition took some doing but I think I've cracked it now! I believe I got a real bargain and lomg may it run and run and run ........

    Just got back from a lovely long lunch with my best friend and birthday twin ('cept she's 5 years my junior). It was great to meet up without husbands or kids - we just sat in the pub for almost 3 hours, catching up, laughing, sharing tales and gossipping. The waiters were kind on the eye and there was a Desperate Housewives-esque topless gardener into the bargain!! Hurrah!

    Life's grand at he mo - a far, far cry from my recent portacabin hell. I'm really looking forward to starting the new job on Monday too.

    Tomorrow .. trraining walk / ironing / bit of housework or all 3?

    Off to concoct tonights delectation now - chicken in a 'Jimmys Farm' rub, home made potato salad and a big healthy garden salad with olives.

    Joire De Vive!

    CtD x x

    PS: Martin - talk to us please hun! x x

  6. At 04:28 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Time waits for no man, even you sir.

    Each passing day I find it more difficult to keep the pounds off. I dread to think what would happen if I packed in the regular exercise routine. I'd balloon within hours!

    Surely you can get hooked up in the sticks? You're only up the road and we're fully BB'd up.

    After my game of squash (not salsa) I shall be abstaining from the sauce as I mistook hump day for Thirsty Thursday and popped down the local last night before nipping round to the neighbours to deliver a message and coming back a bottle of wine later.

    And I like to save my thirst for Friday.

    When you return from your time travelling you need to get yourself down the gym.

    Peace & love


    PS All they found was his hat in a clearing

    PPS Big log

  7. At 04:29 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    True to form, CLP, you blog at the same time as I post a comment!

    Thanks for letting us know about the t'internet issue. It's always best to manage your customers expectations you know!

    Re: body shape changing, the day I got out of bed on my 30th birthday, everything dropped! I kid you not. A few stone later and it seemed to have picked up a little, but now I am 5 stone lighter, sagging has started again and if I'm not too careful, by the time I'm 40, my bottom will be at the back of my knees!

    I must, I must, I must improve my bust!!!


    S xx.

  8. At 04:30 PM on 19 Apr 2007, wrote:

    A BIG FAT CHEERS to you Christophe!

    I have been trying to maintain a straight and level course pretty much all day. My nurse says I've been doing reasonably well, except for a bit of a wobble earlier on when I lost the plot.

    I am now craving Proper Meat.

    I will be endeavouring to get round to the (aforementioned on yesterday's comment) butcher to select a suitably yumptious morsel of whatever may be todays finest.

    I can't wait to get home now!

    huh tell me more tell me more

    Is a power plate one of those things that you can defrost a fish on in about 20 secs?

  9. At 04:33 PM on 19 Apr 2007, wrote:

    The blog is now a 'don't slack off early' blog not a delay work forever blog unfortunately.

    My creative juices are often spent before it appears here and then I feel sad as I don't feel I have anything to contribute......

    As for middle bits never being the same again - try dealing with your first pregnancy - that's scary, knowing that your body will NEVER EVER be the same again (isn't that a song my Mel C??)

    As for yesterdays butchers blog - My local farmshop is family run and they are all trained butchers so they do everything themselves and know exactly what they are doing. Actually the men are the butchers and the wives make pork pies, scotch eggs, pies, hams and jams / preserves - it's a fab place and if you ever venture to the midlands you should visit (although you may need an interpreter as they are very broad).

    And as for cheapness - 6 beef burgers, 4 farmhouse sausages, 2 lamb & mint burgers and 2 lamb & mint kebab sticks... guess how much

    You'll never guess


    I know - cheap as chips....Plus if you know the number and are running late you can ring them and they'll stay open for you. Where else would you get such service

    Supermarkets my A*se

    :o) Jo

  10. At 04:34 PM on 19 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Thirsty Thursday starts in your pub with the neighbours after a weigh in at Weight Watchers!! Just praying not tempted by your Sticky Ginger Pudding. Need to get into that size 10 Wedding dress by July. I'm a sucker for puddings.

    Sam x

    P.S. Saw you a few times in the pub, think your looking good, don't worry about the belly.

  11. At 04:35 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Dan wrote:

    Good man yourself Chris - hope the flying works out . . . I tried helicopter lessons along the County Down coast last year, absolutely fantastic but a bit out of my league at £125 a throw
    Belly obsession is on my mind as well - I'm over to Bermuda in 3 weeks time to see my mate and it looks like the lump that is will have to remain concealed under linen shirt unless horizontal - far too lazy to exercise and its so bloody boring - I hate it - the only attraction I had with going to the gym was the steam room and the abundance of fit female company. But 3 weeks might be ok if I take a stab at it - we'll see. . . .
    Many congrats on your first yesterday - it just gets better & better - ole Tel had better keep an eye behind him . !
    Thisrty Thursday happened to be a wet Wednesday for me, so taking it easy tonight.
    Have a great one . .

  12. At 04:48 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    wow! you have described my belly to a tee, nice to know I'm not the only one who is blighted with one?
    As for the unmentionables, they're a killer, I suffered for a while with them too.

    The sun is still shining and I'm now glad I had my op as I probably wouldn't have discovered this CLP blogging. It's been nice to read all your witty entries as I suffer from cabin fever so a big thanks to all you bloggers and blogettes.

    If anyone out there has any advice on post-op recovery following cartilage surgery I'd love to hear it.

    I've been telling people your 'sir'loin story with mixed reactions, some think I'm crazy whilst others take it on board.

    Enough for today, just a quickie for now.


  13. At 04:52 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris...

    ... sounding like you're on fire babe......... looking fwd to 5pm...... ... Take me to your leader!!!! Yeah baby!

    Ok the shape thing.... don't worry about that .... I don't know any Elephants that are concerned about their shape.....:and they live for ages and look great in pyjamas....) If you're really worried get a man corset ........ ...they just make you squeeze out somewhere else though.. :) probably the ankles, then you'd never get your boots on....and barefoot is no place to be on the streets of London...... ...

    I'm all outta time .. gotta run across the car park now . (cue Aerosmith).. cos I don't wann miss a thing........

    Keep smiling


  14. At 04:58 PM on 19 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Very Criptic Blog today CLP methinks. Or should that be Chrispic ;0)

    Hazel-Love I had to say that I just read your entry yesterday and just had to go and "listen again" to Steve, I even fastforwarded to the approx time of your entry! Just so I could listen to the Mighty Quinn :0) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that song :0)


  15. At 05:49 PM on 19 Apr 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    O.K., now we know we are on a late afternoon blog, that's fine. Or "cool" as my daughter would say.

    I have totally missed the show this week. Haven't a clue what's been going on and no time to Listen Again, but you're surviving without me - it's all good!

    Changing shape - don't even go there! I look at my body (or try not to) and can't believe how it used to look. Hey, all you 20/30-somethings out there -enjoy it!! One day, you'll wake up and instead of a stomach there will be a large blancmange inside your PJ's!

    Take care Chris, will get to hear you next week.

    C xx

    P.S. Steevie fae Dundee & Glas: have been meaning to reply to you. Our Scottish OAMC was really great. EG (Scotland), MWK, me, and SusanS - who organised the Scottish meet brilliantly. Everyone was lovely and great fun - we all like a wee glass of wine! The China Buffet King was perfect (I have been there a couple of times before). We now look to you to recommend somewhere in Edinburgh in June for the next meet. But only if you will be there!!

  16. At 06:46 PM on 19 Apr 2007, wrote:


    You've been using the plate ,developing your ab muscles but not engaging and contracting them ,hence round belly. Jump on the plate - engage your abs - flat belly!



  17. At 07:32 PM on 19 Apr 2007, anna wrote:

    bodies changing shape - how many times have i recounted this story in the last few days but....

    in asda - the woman asks me if i want help with my packing. I said not its ok thanks, she said - the last pregnant woman to say that to me gave birth at the till, i smiled (having been mistaken for with child several times since i was with child i feel it is less embarrasing for all to go along with it.), i said - oh that must have been awful ha ha, hope it doesnt happen to me ha ha, she said how long have you got left and i said, oh ages yet Im only 5 mths and she said.... oh blimey, your big for 5 mths.....

    Jo - take this as a warning. Do your pelvic floors AND your sit ups. I have kegel muscles of steel, sadly my belly looks like the aforementioned blancmange.

    boo. :o(

  18. At 08:37 PM on 19 Apr 2007, martin james wrote:

    I had all my thoughts together, wrote them down as they came to me then clicked `Post`. NOTHING

    The blog told me to sned it again - I can`t my thoughts where thier, at that very moment in time! Do we have to write them to Word then keep `Posting` until it gets through.

    I finaly managed to get through last Friday to request a song. Did the young lad on the phone phone me back. Did he ever!!

    Why do I bother!!!

  19. At 08:39 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Nathalie wrote:

    Hello Chris and everybody

    Seems we are all in the same boat when in comes to our bellies. i will be 40 this year and its not the weight issue that bothers me but the texture. No matter what i do my tummy resembles risen bread dough!!!!

    We should definitely try to embrace our changing bodies easier said than done i know. I have had 3 children and feel privileged to have done so, the flip side is the bread dough tummy would i swap a wash board tummy for my children - never. So I am trying to be proud of how i am because of how i got here. But - would still love to be able to wear what i liked without worrying about overhang I am so dreading the high waisted jeans being trendy. Not because i am a slave to fashion but because once something is trendy that is all you can buy.

    Love your body and others will too (apparently)


  20. At 10:32 PM on 19 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ah Christophe.

    Who's lookin' at your belly. Not me. Yous is a Big Ginga Hunk of Gorgeousness and like thousands of other slightly unbalanced females (and my gay friend Damian from Dublin) I'd climb right over Brad Pitt to get to yerself. Hurrah! I bet Brad Pitt can't do that spectacular turtle voice.

    Fortunately for you I'm not very good at climbin', having a worse sense of balance than Norman Wisdom. I'm crap at ice-skatin', too. So you're safe.

    And J.

    Don't be frettin'. I've never killed a bee in me life. In fact I don't think I've ever killed anything, well maybe a wasp, but that's only because if you let 'im go you find yourself the subject of a Wasp Fatwa and he comes back in 10 minutes with his mates.

    Oh yes and I did once make an attempt on the husband's life with the iron but luckily it missed his head and went straight through the window so all was well.

    I'm the eejit who releases mice and squirrels and even burglars back to the wild. I even returned my pet ferret to the rat man after it made inappropriate overtures towards me budgie.

    So no worries.


  21. At 10:49 PM on 19 Apr 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    I had a rib eye steak recently - I think my first, me being a fillet fan. Anyway, this was when I was out for a meal with an old friend, who at one time could have been more, but I didn't want it to be more, but if he had had his way it would have been more. I'm sure over the rib eye steak that if I had suggested I wanted more then again it could have been more but I didn't want more so it wasn't more.

    It was a lovely steak though!


  22. At 11:40 PM on 19 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    It's time you flew down to Glastonbury then - and had a real sesh in the world famous (and allegedly haunted) George and Pilgrim pub! They have some great rooms you can crash out in to sleep off the effects of the ale!

    We can take you to the top of the TOR, the silence of the Chalice Well and onto the alleged burial sites of King Arthur and Guinevere! Followed by yet more ale at the rockin' Riflemans Arms!!

    Could you think of a better way to spend your weekend?

    Ross Hemsworth
    Glastonbury Radio

  23. At 11:45 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Putty Man wrote:

    Hi I`m new, not, if a little blue and putty man is not my name, but the blog police seem to have stopped all my other mailings.


  24. At 08:17 AM on 20 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:


    I feel so much more normal having read your reference to the belly region changing shape.......I have developed a kind of cummerbund-shaped belly - but it's not decorative or attractive at all!! It is a broad band of belly that just wasn't there before!!!

    Aged 43 and a quarter


    ps I trust my text praising Nice Nick yesterday was conspicuous by it's absence!!!!

  25. At 08:32 AM on 20 Apr 2007, m wrote:

    Morning Chris, just to say the eglu arrived yesterday! Lush, great to have some life in the garden again, home sure is quiet since i lost my old dog, miss him something awful, he would have loved em.
    Him indoors quite smug, not many blokes can say they live with three birds!
    Our bodies are wonderful things, as long as you are healthy in mind and soul you have no need to fret.
    Have a great weekend and thank's for doing the Omlet feature, would never have known about them otherwise.
    Stay safe.
    M x

  26. At 08:38 AM on 20 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre - Try to see whether your hospital has a hydrotherapy department - when I have my ankle ligaments fixed I was back playing netball within 7 months after 10 weeks of hydro (which is what I put my miraculous recovery down too!)

    Not sure about how it could help with cartilidge (am assuming it's your knees??) It is just fab though - and a swimming pool just isn't the same!

    As for the pelvic floors Anna, - am doing them all day whilst at work, well when I think about it....sssh though as my office buddies don't know and they might think it's a bit wierd! stomach crunches will have to wait for after the birth I'm afraid :o(

    :o) Jo

  27. At 09:24 AM on 20 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Welcome back Martin - the blog's been playing up a tad of late. Just keep hitting the 'back' button and then re-posting til it gets thru.

    Good to have you back - hope all's well mate!

    CtD x x

  28. At 09:33 AM on 20 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Ah so true Christophe

    Why does nobody tell you that gravity gets stronger as you get older. Not only does it make everything start to sag but try jumping off a chair or something - the ground hits you like train whereas a few years ago you would have just bounced!


    Ciao xx

  29. At 09:54 AM on 20 Apr 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Never mind the fat - what about the face that looks back at you in the morning. When did all that happen? Last time I looked I was young and now I'm beginning to look like my mother. Oh gawd.

    Nice to see Martin alive and well.


    PS: Should all us veggies have a chat about a potato?

  30. At 10:09 AM on 20 Apr 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    OK Chris, you're forgiven - no internet in the sticks is a good excuse!!! :-)

    Hurrah it's Friday!! Looking forward to the weekend - so glad I decided not to run the marathon this weekend (will I ever??????) - it looks like it's going to be hot and muggy. Good look to all who are doing it - it always looks brilliant, and always makes me want to do it - but when it gets to this stage (i.e. 2 days before) I'm always grateful that I didn't try and register!!!

    Have great weekends everyone.


  31. At 10:23 AM on 20 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Just finished doing my sit-ups and stretches following my hour long walk, I feel so much better to be back in my healthy routine following the overdoing it of the last couple of weeks.

    Chris, I bet you'd find if you abstained from alcohol for a couple of weeks your tummy would be flat as a pancake - just try it, you know I'm right!

    Cheryl, I too will be 39 this year, I don't like getting old, as it seems to be happening too quickly, inside I'm still a thirteen year old girl who is in love with Midge Ure!

    Whoever said babies take their toll on your body is so right, however flat my tummy gets, it will always be covered in stretchmarks.

    Love and Friday kisses to everyone,

    Em xx

  32. At 10:34 AM on 20 Apr 2007, wrote:

    sob, the butcher was closed, and then the boy phoned me to say we had been invited to a barbecue to the friends we have just helped to move house, so I just HAD to get some steak from somewhere darlings!

    Anyhoo, got four fine pieces of Sirloin (from a supermarket, but needs musted) for four quid! AND, not only but also, brought them home again as the barbecue maester had already marinated some steaks for our delectation...in coca cola...absolutely blimmin gawjus, and can highly recommend it, and will certainly be trying it myself!

    Never heard of using cola before...He does one can to a 1lb meat, and you leave it in the fridge or somewhere cool until the fizz is gone. Not to use flat coke though as apparently the fizz is what makes the steak soft...you have been warned...

    Although, Jo, I have to say, I think you must win the price prize, but then things are supposed to be a lot cheaper in the north...aren't they?

    on the other topic - Easiest way to lose half a stone - stand up straight! Gotta be worth a go! Dan?

    anyhoo, the teapot is calling

    ps Wafer thin mint?

    pps WASPS

  33. At 10:56 AM on 20 Apr 2007, Cattybump wrote:

    Well well well. 3 holes in the ground.

    Morning Krystoff!

    For now 'tis morning (I don't tend to do pm surfing much) and I'm truly loving the blog. Thanks to a cr@ppy internet service, I've not read since you got back from a well-earned break - so sorry, will you ever forgive me?

    As for the shape debate/debacle - I do wonder what I'll look like in a decade or so (tender age of 27 now). Will I stay slightly pudgey of will I get that 4 inches between my ears in gear and work at losing at least 4 inches from my (ever expanding) middle.

    Saw a website - not a very PC website, but humorous and sensitive none-the-less. - apparently it's a site where men discuss weight...

    This is perfect procrastination material - I'm supposed to be on-line job hunting. Don't imagine you'd need an extra pair of hands there at the Beeb, would you? I'll try anything twice! (well, almost anything...)

    Anyhoo, do please continue with all you do (it's splendiciously fabulous) and Wahaaaay - it's Fridaaaay!

    Take care Fluff.

  34. At 11:02 AM on 20 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Jo - thank you very much for the advice xxx

    I'll check out whether or not hydrotherapy has made it's way to Norfolk yet???
    Yes it is my knee, I'm wary because I had it done in Dec and then was given the all clear in March, went out for a run and it split again mid-jog (ouch!)

    Looks like the stomach's gonna keep growing for a few more weeks yet whilst I'm laid up?

    Bonne de douche


  35. At 11:32 AM on 20 Apr 2007, wrote:

    there is definitely something rotten in the state of blog. I keep seeing all these messages to Martin, and can I see a comment from Martin? No I can't would be the answer.

    Anyhoo, there it is now...so Martin, latest news...I think the pheasant has sadly copped it, but all the other bunnies and birdies are going strong. Why do I bother with them? Because it gives me a huge amount of pleasure to watch them that's why.

    Why should you bother? Because it gives you pleasure to keep trying, that's why...and we all miss people when they aren't there...don't be asking damn fool questions again please, or you'll be outside the head mistresses office for sotb.

    Raggyanne - Why? I have no idea why? The other one is Grocer Jack...for crying out loud! I'm a David Bowie and Alice Cooper fan...

    In the words of Olyve Oyle(sp?)

    ps tinsel, thought you'd put yourself away on 12th night...you ain't bin art for AGES!

  36. At 12:07 PM on 20 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Re cockie-cola - I think Nigella the Domestic Goddess herself did a receipe with a huge ham done in Coke. G't lush it is too.

    Glorious day - but because it's ARF I just can't get my head around working.

    Have a grand old time, everyone.

  37. At 12:13 PM on 20 Apr 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi Chris, drivetime team and all bloggers,

    You reminded me of my first (and only) attempt at the flying thing, it was a 30th birthday pressie from a bunch of my chums, a weekend in a nice hotel with flying lessons and flight in a micro-lite (or is it light) thrown in. It was fantastic, I actually got to land it, but I kept getting told off by airtraffic control for screaming - I was so excited.
    The only problem I had was the H U G E flying suit I had to wear (not a fashion problem) but made for a guy of at least six foot not a girlie just over five - caused massive wind resistance, or was that just the excitement?

    Best get on with some work I guess, Oh nearly forgot Happy belated birthday one and all

    Take care

    ps it's Friday I'm in love (Iknow I've said it before but hey ho)

  38. At 12:15 PM on 20 Apr 2007, martin james wrote:

    Cheryl, Anne thanks for thinking of me. I`m back home in my flat now. Unfortunatly this drinking thing isn`t as simple as digging a pond or tidying the house. If it was we wouldn`t have any alcoholics in the World. I`ve been up and down a bit recently, and yes I have been drinking off and on. But I`m going to try and get myself an alotment, I agree with Christoph that food is a great pleasure and freshly grown food can only be a good thing. I try to buy tomatoes on the vine as they smell of tomatoes and taste a bit like a tomatoe - why does so much supermarket fruit and veg taste of nothing? Cooked myself an Irish Stew (in the name of the law!) It was a Delia recipy, it took for ever to cook and filled my largest saucepan to the brim, but tasted ok. The dumplings where a disaster and got thrown away. Anyhow I`ve decided to stick to some good salads, with Rocket, Watercress etc. Food is such a great pleasure I think we all take it for granted, thier are the people who don`t have enough food and people too ill to eat. During my last stay in hospital with alcoholic hepatitus and gastritus I wasn`t interested in food and for 10 days relied on water and many drips in my arm. My one craving was for ice cold water, but ended up with luke warm water everyday. When I asked for ice I think the nurses thought I was having a laugh!!

    That I hope is in the past, and I`m going start again my no drinking plan, I`ll use the London Marathon as a marker, then when it comes around next year I can see how I`ve done after a year. But you have to deal with this boozing thing one day at a time.

    This rich list thing, I don`t envy people with lots of money, I envy people who are content with life and have found a passion they enjoy that ocupies thier minds and time. I have a theory that if you chase money for money sake you won`t find it, but if you have a passion/interest and energy and follow that it may give you both satisfaction and a bit of money.

    Oh well, I`ve just worked out my total wealth, if I sold everything it`s around £600 but I`m going to have to pay some to tow away the car so call it £580. I need to find that passion and just hope the energy will follow.

    Been rambling a bit, sorry folks. Hope everyone is well and making the most of it.


  39. At 12:19 PM on 20 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hazel - I love Alice Cooper. A true LEGEND. Have got our tickets for Wembley in November - with Motorhead as support its gonna be a noisy one - hurrah!

    Just waded thru 2 hours of ironing and only just managed to squeeze it all in the wardrobe. Guess I gotta start wearing it all again now ... one of life's many vicous circles!

    Had a phone call yesterday pm from my new boss. She's as excited about my joining her company as I am - good sign. She warned me there's loads waiting, so Monday morning it'll be sleeves up, high heels on and go seize the world. I'll keep ou posted, nautually!

    CLP - are you growing mangetout in your veggie patch? It would be rood not to, surely mon amie??

    The postman delivered my Moonwalk package this morning (race number, walking guide, t-shirt, baseball cap and the all-important bra to decorate). This has now given me the urge to vroom vroom into town to buy all sorts of pink ribbony fluffy pretty cutey stuff to stitch on aforementioned undergarment. Although its a really pretty bra so I might buy a sports style one with better scaffolding and keep the one they sent me to add to the undies collection.

    Ho hum!

    OK - dodging the hoovering can go on no longer. In the words of Arnie ... I'll be back!

    Bon appetit!

    CtD x x

  40. At 12:43 PM on 20 Apr 2007, Sam - Worcester wrote:

    Hey - steak makes me bad too....such a nice meal if it's cooked right but boy do i pay for it later!!! Weird tho' - If i have something like Beef Bourginoun like i did last night am fine....whats that all about??? Have a fab weekend Chris - looking fwd to listening later. Sam x

  41. At 12:45 PM on 20 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    TFI Friday.

    Well, we’re over the mini-hump and into Friday afternoon.

    In my mind I’m still 23. For me, that was an innocent time. Post-university, pre-stressful jobs, pre-mortgage and pre-complicated relationships (Disclaimer. Marriage not included).

    Like everyone else though, my near-37 year old body has other ideas.

    Muscles go ‘twing’ without warning, the back creaks like an old rusty swing, I am beginning to nurture the ‘belly’, I have ‘Smoke on the water’ circles around my eyes (Deep Purple) and hangovers? Don’t even go there. Takes three days to get over it.

    But I just can’t accept it. Last night I resoundly beaten at squash (not salsa) for the umpteenth time this year and as a result, I probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow. Tonight, I shall have several more glasses of wine than I know I should and will look and feel like death warmed up tomorrow. On Sunday, muscles, back etc permitting, I shall drag myself into the gym and put myself through yet more torture.


    Because I’m still 23.

    Still. At least I don’t have grey hair yet. Well, not many, anyway.

    Rock on ARF.

    Peace & love


    PS We can’t even think of a word that rhymes

  42. At 01:31 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Amanda wrote:

    I have finally got me wish and we are moving back to the UK.Have been living in th USA too long as I missed the meaning of leftie and rightie until I started to read the comments!I will be 46 in a couple of weeks time and sould really get round to having a mamogram.
    Have a good rest of Monday can't wait for 2.00pm when Chris is on over here on the computer

    see yAmanda

  43. At 02:18 PM on 26 Apr 2007, christine chappelow wrote:

    Hi chris
    I had a cheese dream about you!
    I dreamed that I saw you in a bar, you were having a quiet drink and reading a book and I tried to chat you up!
    You weren't interested so I went out for a walk and I was shot by a madman!
    Must lay off cheese in the evening!
    Love your show
    Chris x

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