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Chris Evans | 14:14 UK time, Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Once a month club went well, er… I think.

Two members…

…lost in action.

Normally just the three of us, the perfect number for a social night out but last night we had a guest fourth, young naughty Nick, the vicar’s son.

At only twenty four tender years on the planet he was a little green to hang with the big boys but a kid has to earn his stripes some time and last night it was Nick’s turn.

“I’m nailed, I’m nailed,” mumbled Nick several times throughout the evening and indeed I think he probably was, the difference of course is that today he wins because after a little bit of a nasty head first thing he was back to normal by around 11a.m. This is because he’s almost just half my age, I on the other hand am struggling to recognise my own street outside.

Nick got a special invite out with the chaps because he’s leaving this week and to be frank is a bit down, he doesn’t want to leave but that’s the way it is unfortunately. Don’t ask why, it’s all very corporate.

He’ll be alright I have no doubt, he’s a bright boy and if I still did the hiring and firing, he’s the kind of officer I would want around my troops. I’ve put a few calls in to people in the biz., and I have a good feeling about him and his next media move.

One of the potential posts that might suit him could be as part of the production team for a new….. oh I forgot I’m not allowed to say. As soon as I can I will, I promise.

So Alan Ball has gone to the big football match in the sky then. All the people they’ve contacted to talk about him seem to be saying what a lovely fella he was. Lawrie McMenemy, a fine human being, said of him amongst other things,

“He was a family man.”

I think this is a great thing to be remembered as. It just smacks of personal success and fulfilment, very nice, very nice indeed.

Talking of footie I’ve spent a fuzzy headed morning trying to see the Wayne Rooney goal from last night. Sky can’t show it, they don’t have the rights (for once) and ITV (who do), don’t seem to think it’s important enough to have on their active system. I’ve been reading about it and it sounds amazing.

Mick’s do is tonight, but it’s the Chelsea Liverpool game, aghhhh !!!!!

Please God let the restaurant have a telly.

POOH POOH, how do you do,

CLP 2007-04-25




  1. At 02:20 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Oh Christophe Lambie Pie!

    Didn't think you had new people to the OAMC...lets hope Nic was nailed enough to never remember and reveal your darkest OAMC secrets...except we all know the thing with the chicken...

    I didn't see the Wayne Rooney goal last night either, but I didn't know there was one.

    I did hear the news about Alan Ball though, and think he is another true gentleman lost from the football arena. No one can take his place, and the tributes being made today are lovely. I hope his family can take some consolation from those tributes.


  2. At 02:27 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Glad OAMC went well, its my turn tonight so I will report back tomorrow re sore heads etc, but I agree, hangovers get worse and worse as you get older. As I'm the youngest in the gang, the only one under 40, i should, in theory, suffer the least. We will see!

    Keep meaning to say, my younger son is singing Rumbly in my Tumbly (Winnie the Pooh) with his singing group at the moment, and I found my record with that on one side and The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers on the other from 1971! I was so excited! Have you got a copy, it would be so great if you played it on the show don't you think?

    Love Em xx

    PS I saw Rooney's goal this morning and a clip of the new Harry Potter!

  3. At 02:39 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    don't you just hate it when the young whippersnapper comes out for a biere, appears the most wasted of all at the end and then is the brightest at work the following morning - -aaah halcyon days eh?

    Nice to see you care about good staff - I hope your influence and calls look after him for the future - can't be bad having CLP as a reference on your CV in the media trade.

    I fully agree with big Lawrie Macs comments, what a great thing to have said about you. Not many English footballers will ever be man-of-the-match in a World Cup final - sleep tight Bally, at least Mooro will have someone to reminisce with about '66 again xx

    In my opinion ITV have always been bad at broadcasting football. Funny how some channels just can't get a certain topic right? They do drive me insane some days/nights with their coverage.
    The Rooney goal was so well taken - very early shot - took the 'keeper by surprise. He's the weak link, bombard him next week boys.

    Looking forward to tonight's game - hope you get to see it CLP.

    bonnet de douche


  4. At 02:49 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Don't get me started on Corporate - you'd think that the NHS would know their own policies but unfortunately not...It took my sister to ask a tame HR man (who works in some private company) to find out information relating to my (not soon enough) maternity leave - he then emailed it to sister, who emailed it to me, who showed it my boss, who agreed and said to email it to HR - is it me or should they already know that they have told me exactly the opposite of what is in the national guidelines???? And thanks to I think Gloria who offered her HR advice on a blog some time ago

    Sorry - rant over, I told you not to get me started on CORPORATE!

    Anyhoo - can't help with the whole football thingy, you should have Sky +'d it I was researching pushchairs on t'interweb at that time - now there's a really confusing subject, is there any specialists of them around???

    As for a hangover - the only thing that has ever done it for me in terms of rejuvinating the spirit is one of those cheapo UHT banana milk drinks.... grim I know

    Hope all is well and Excellent Emma - is my washing still dry???

    :o) Jo

  5. At 02:49 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Sorry, I shouldn't shout.

    Being an ever so slightly worried Fulham fan, I'm not really in the mood to pay attention to much football at the moment, but I did catch young Wayne's goal last night and it was a bit special.

    It was one of those that you only think is possible on the Playstation - perfect pass through and without any need for a touch drilled in from the edge of the box.

    I once scored six in a match.

    For 2nd Hersham cubs.

    I'm off to batter my body for an hour of squash (not salsa) this evening and I may even take a bit of the Liverpool v Chelsea match in afterwards.

    Never really enjoyed being in the Premiership anyway.

    Much peace & love


    PS Captain America's been torn apart

    PPS A court jester with a broken heart

    PPPS The grass is green and the girls are pretty

  6. At 02:55 PM on 25 Apr 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    What a great blog today. So sorry Nick is leaving (poor Lyndyloo is distraught). I am sure you are right - he will be o.k., but what a nightmare to have to leave when he doesn't want to!

    Re: your recovery from last night - no doubt about it, it's just easy-peasy when you are 24, but try it at 50! Having said that, I now have my sensible hat on because I really cannot afford three days out of my life to recover from a night out!!

    I was so sorry to hear about Alan Ball. He seemed like such a great guy and his son said today on the ±«Óătv News page, I want him to be remembered as a nice guy. I am sure he was. Alan's wife died a couple of years ago and he never really recovered from that. His son hopes his mum and dad are together now, and if there's any justice, they will be.

    Chris, wish I could send you a video of Wayne Rooney's last minute genius goal. It has to be said, with Man U, the game is never over until the final whistle. They never lose heart, they never lose spirit and watching them, you know anything is possible. Good luck to them I say. Speaking as someone who would rather go to the Speedway than a football match!

    Will hear most of the show tonight - really looking forward to it.

    Take care one and all.

    C xx

  7. At 03:18 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris and all -
    Sounds like the OAMC was an interesting night then...hope the sore heads have passed...if only to clear room for more sore heads tomorrow!

    We had our own night out last night munching away on some fantastic food and wine...ooohhh..at 3.10pm I still feel stuffed! I think it'll be cereal later before my tummy returns to normal....but well worth it and yup, course I'll do it again!

    I went through a bought of getting hangovers after 1 glass of wine - sometimes about 20mins after that glass, but now...all calm and not a sore head in sight.

    Everything in moderation though
    Tickle :)

    PS - Will someone tell the loud woman opposite me in the office to keep the noise down!!!

  8. At 03:23 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    See Waynes goal here Chirstophe...

  9. At 03:24 PM on 25 Apr 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Chris & Blog friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Shame to hear that Nick is leaving. Though personally I think he should ave got the Joseph Multicolour gig- he was robbed- am tellin' yer.

    All the best for the future Nick!

    Aye blog friends i've got a Bad Bingo Joke ere-

    Alan Sugar fired Pete Docherty. He said- " Pete your a total shambles.... your FIRED"!!!
    Pete just shrugged his shoulders in a layed back way and replied- " actually it's BABYSHAMBLES, err Al guv"!!
    Sorry bad one I know.

    PS Christoff any chance of playin' some SUGAR SPUN SISTER by the STONE ROSES friend.

    Adios blog dudes!!!

  10. At 03:28 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    The OAMC followed by the PHC (Pounding Head Club) or in my case the STC (Sore Throat Club) after screaming at the telly during the United game for vastly different reasons!

    AB was a gentleman, met him on a couple of occassions and always willing to talk to the fans!

    Anyway off to hit the powerplate!

    TTFN, may catch you all on the flip side!!

    DD out

    PS. Jose, the tailor made long sleeved jacket with the shiny buckles is ready! Pick up at any time!

  11. At 03:31 PM on 25 Apr 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Oh My God - I'm in Heaven.

    Have just joined the technological world of the ipod, has taken me a couple of weeks to get to grips with, but I've just bought the best gadget in the world - an iTrip!!

    Its magical powers let you plug it into your ipod then you just tune in a radio and guess what.......I'm sat at my desk listening to Chris' podcast - Woweeeeeeeee.

    Am still blown away by how clever this is.

    My OAMC meets tomorrow - bring on the rose`!!

    Luv Ya! xx

  12. At 03:35 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Elmlea wrote:

    I'm glad rumbly in my tumbly is a real song - I sing it to my bf when he is late making my Tea and began to think I was going mad as no-one else knew the song - Also one of my favourites is the colder it grows song - Pooh Rocks!

  13. At 04:21 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Tim Connolly wrote:

    Hi Christoff

    Dont usually Blog only read and take in. You should be able to view the goal on You Tube by now !!!

    Tim Connolly

  14. At 04:40 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Sounds like a good night last night - and lovely to have Nice Nic with you.

    Rooney's goal was a corker (you see, girls can use cliches too).......mind you, Giggs' reverse pass had the perfect weight to it and Scholes' pass to Rooney for Rooney's first of two was made to look so easy - but that's Scholesie for you.

    I fancy the reds tonight ( but don't tell my brother).....

    .............on monday night there will be only one team for me though.....

    sorry, sorry to talk football but the maestro brought it up.


    MfR - please don't lose heart - if your boys play in their final games with half as much enthusiasm as your supporters sung at our last home game you will be three-quarters of the way there.

  15. At 04:41 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:


    It has got to be 'Son of a Preacher Man' by Dusty Springfield.....hasn't it?


  16. At 05:07 PM on 25 Apr 2007, At the tone leave your name and number wrote:

    And I'll get back to you.

    Can it be true, were you a private detective Chris in a former life?

    I myself am in that line of work, although incognito as a Plumber. Nobody would know unless they asked me to fix a leak.

    Glad to hear your feet are ok, fungal infection of the toes can be quite nasty.

  17. At 05:14 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    CLP Happy Hump Day

    I'm starting to get very upset about the deaprture of Nic... shame as he will be missed 'speshially by me! (Thanks for noticing ChrissieS)

    AB gent of the first order a great loss to his family and his public may he rest in peace.

    OAMC - I'm sure you said it was a strict 3 person policy but I suppose there are always special occasions and he is special!

    Off to sulk now as you didn't even invite me to join you for the leaving do :(((

    Luv n sulkiness

  18. At 05:19 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Bonjour little bloggers and blogettes!
    Sounds like you had fun last night Chris!

    #10 Sammie M like you I only just got an ipod! It still takes me ages to work it out but it is lovely!

    You know when you shouldn't email someone but somehow you can't resist. well i've just been in that situation. i am hoping that this person won't get the worng end of the stick by me emailing them!

    Well i am now off in the bath to listen to the show, oh matron!

    love to you all, missy xx

  19. At 07:10 PM on 25 Apr 2007, michelle dean wrote:

    hi christoff - lambie - pie

    well what can i say great music tonight, was bopping round the kitchen whilst cooking me sauaages ......mange tout ........ mange tout as you say
    anyway ..... not intrested about rooneys goal ................. as im not a man united supporter :-(( boo hiss

    as for Alan Ball ............ great arsenal player ........great loss to the world ..........nuff said RIP ........... :-)))
    so chris you are off out again tonight...... i hopefullly will be out on the town for my 40th birthday next week .......
    have great time CLP

  20. At 07:18 PM on 25 Apr 2007, michelle dean wrote:

    christoff - lambie - pie
    great show tonight , was dancing round the kitchen whilst cooking the sausages .........
    mange tout mange tout as you say clp!!!
    RE alan ball great man ..............sad loss to the football world ............RIP(and great arsenal player by the way )
    wasnt really into rooneys goal.............. as i dont support man united :-(((( boo
    anyway love reading the blogs , have a great evening
    much love michelle xxxxxx

  21. At 07:36 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M as we speak my blog for yesterday has not arrived re: your hayfever problem

    Quite a few Norfolk people I know swear by finding the most locally made honey to where they live and eating some everyday (on toast, cereal whatever)

    worth a try????

    Love living in Norfolk, shame the lovely countryside has the hay fever side effects for some people tho' - keep smiling


  22. At 07:45 PM on 25 Apr 2007, aye by gum wrote:

    Aye up Chris

    Fancy being able to send messeges to a Super star.

    Heck,well I really like the show and all and I can't get online from here often. I am at HMS Open Prison in Wetherby Yorkshire.Everyone here loves the show.

  23. At 08:00 PM on 25 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ah. Alan Ball.

    It's a sad day indeed. Still, it comes to all of us in the end that we get the call-up to Come In For Yer Tea.

    The trick is, like the sweet and lovely Alan Ball, to be well and fondly remembered, and I hope that, when I finally go up to the Big Shoe Shop In The Sky I will be remembered with a smile, like my little bold Daddy. What an eejit he was, bold as brass, daft as a brush and a face you never got tired of slappin'. Even at his funeral, everybody was laughing their socks off because of all the anecdotes around him down the Rugby Club.

    Mind you I suspect I'm headed in t' other direction. And if this happens any time soon, the daughter has strict instructions.

    I want none of this Happy stuff, everybody in bright colours and being Jolly.

    The daughter has to be distraught and inconsolable and sobbin' over me coffin. And if she can't manage it then snortin' into a lump of horseradish in the hanky will do it. Otherwise I'll be back to haunt her and I'll be that poltergeist that splits the lid on your Starbucks and dribbles your Toffee-nut all down your front.

    And on the football motif, Wayne Rooney's goal, bless 'im. Slidin' along on 'is knees like Peter Kay, is 'e sponsored by Germolene or what.


  24. At 08:30 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:


    Great show tonight - Alan Ball such a lovely man - reminds me of Emlyn Hughes. High voice an all that. Chap from the Daily Telegraph was good - I wonder what he's got stored up for you? Do you think you'll get a full page? I think it is a sign of age when you know who they all are in the obits - when I was a youngster they meant nothing, now I know nearly all of them - sigh.

    As for legends to bring back - Arthur Lowe - the man was a genius, Mark Bolan and ole blue eyes himself Sinatra.

    Feeling olld - haricot!

    Have a swell night with Naughty Nick.

    mwa! xx

  25. At 06:47 AM on 26 Apr 2007, harl wrote:

    So farewell to Alan Ball, no extra time for you I'm afraid. I know nothing about football but clearly he was well loved and respected by his many fans and friends up and down the country. He was a great player and had continued success after his playing days were over, Tommy Cannon must be devastated.

    Sounds like a fantastic night out Chris - do you think its possible that the locals see you handing so much cash over the bar that they mistakenly think you must be buying the establishment?

    Great way to finish the show Tuesday evening - Avenues & Alleyways, one of my favourites since the days of The Protectors TV series. I live just round the corner from Tony Christie so thought he would appreciate it if I wound down the car window as I passed and pumped up the volume - here comes another royalty cheque Tone! My mate lives even closer and tells the story of seeing Tony standing at his living room window; my mate decides, hilariously, to wave and mouth the words "Is this the way to Amarillo?". Tony, clearly never having been asked that side splitting question before, gestures - straight ahead, second on the right - at least that’s what it looked like!

    Have a good day

  26. At 09:21 AM on 26 Apr 2007, Excellent Emma wrote:

    Good morning all and Jo. I am sorry about the washing forgot to get it in luckily however it is the most beautiful day today, sunglasses on spirits are high. I definitely need a new car with no roof or as my 6 year old says a car without the lid on it - love that one. One of my other favourites is "Mazagine" instead of "Magazine" - very cute. So Jo from the clue of the canal are you in S or G. I used to live in G lovely village. This will make you smile Jo i work for the NHS lovely dedicated people shame about the management.

    Poor Nick media work is such a cut throat business but if he as clever as you say Chris he will find his niche.

    On Winnie the Pooh i love Eeyore he is my fav you just want to take him home and cuddle him to make him smile and i often sit and hum "The more it rains tiddly pom..... " mmm maybe i should get out more.

    I feel a slight dilemma regarding Harry Potter at the moment. Do I wait and watch the next 2 films before I read the last book or find out the end first - oh this is hard.

    Right must type up list of costumes for next play we are doing, last one was Oliver and I had to do 35 costumes and changes when I had never made a costume in my life was great fun. I love the production stuff although Im in this next play - how scarey my first performance as a Vicars wife - mmm theirs acting for you.

    Have a good day everyone !!!

    ps. I would live to say im bothered about the football but im not. However have been a Tottenham supporter for years saw Glen Hoddle underneath spotlight in the rain, wow shiny thighs.


  27. At 09:40 AM on 26 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Morning all and CLP

    Re youth and hangovers - never fear, NN is fast approaching the onslaught of psychological hangovers and I'd much rather suffer the physical, debilitating ones than those! I think they tend to kick in around 26 for 5 to 10 years, if memory serves me right.

    Re footie - just caught Roonie's goal on U-tube and, as an Arsenal fan, it's a fabulous goal. Damn!

    Re Rememberances - it may be a wonderful thing to be remembered as a family man - but what if you can't have a family!

    Happy Thirstday,

  28. At 10:05 AM on 26 Apr 2007, Sharon Smith wrote:

    Hi Christophe,

    Seems as though Alan Ball was taken off before the end of the game; I could think of a few substitutes but that wouldn't be PC!

    Secret of socilaising for the over 30's (that's the new 50 isn't it)? Late night or drink - never both - always manage to cope with headache - lesson never learned.

    Liked bloggers Tony Christie anecdote, will use it when I come across relatives that need to be pointed in the right direction! Amerillo yeh!

    love and kisses.

  29. At 10:52 AM on 26 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Moan mona whinge whinge - why couldn't the Chelsea game be on ITV instead of pay-per-view on Sky!

    I think we ALL have a right to watch these games not just those who subscribe to Murdoch Bank Ltd!

    Annoyed of Glastonbury!

  30. At 11:22 AM on 26 Apr 2007, wrote:

    clodagh, you could always ask lyndyloo to be your chief mourner...just ask her to remember how she felt when she first found out that Nic was l-e-a-v-i-n-g...sssssshhhhhhh!

    I have still not seen the Roonesters (?) Goal of the Year but then, I haven't been near a tv, and this one won't let me watch anything with moving pictures. Eastman Kodak have a lot to answer for.

    Anyhoo. CLP!

    I think it is the least you can do, for one of your most loyal followers, and you could post a BIG PICTURE of 'Noshable Nic' on here...just for lovely lyndyloo...I'm sure you have a couple of half decent ones somewhere about..?

    s'il vous plait ma petite barbe?

    ...and gingembre - it is on yesterdays...honey...

    J - NN? Not understanding?

  31. At 11:25 AM on 26 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Annoyed of Glastonbury = Couldn't agree more. Those sort of games and the cricket tests, all rugby six nation games, etc should be sacrosanct and on freeview/terrestrial. I will not buy sky as I will not give that little man any of my money but it does feel a bit like cutting off my own nose.

    I thought there was supposed to be a list of sporting events that were for the nation - but this seems to have been whittled down over time to be meaningless.

    He can have wimbledon though!


  32. At 12:07 PM on 26 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    HL - do you mean you don't understand NN (Naughty Nick) or you don't understand about psychological hangovers? If the latter - you remember the days when you'd wake up and then suddenly remember bits of the evening, with 'oh god, did I say that' and 'oh, why did I do that?' and 'everyone hates me' type thoughts. No? Maybe just me then!


  33. At 12:39 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Glastonbury - Im with you on that one too!! Why do they always show ManU but never Chelsea????? I need my Jose fix as often as possible - that gorgeous, brooding man ............. sigh!

    Anyway, hello all. Just wanted to say, heard on the radio this morning that one of the papers had the headline "God wanted his Ball back" ... isn't that lovely??


  34. At 12:59 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Time to be a little bit controversial me thinks!

    Welcome to post 1980's Tory and Fake Tory (Real Labour) Britain, the commercial market is king. The only rights you have are those that you pay for, and they can be removed without prior consultation.

    Footie on Sky is great! the quality of the coverage is much better than terrestrial, you want to watch it, you pay for it, simple rule, whingeing and moaning isn't going to change the fact, nor is it going to make you feel any better! If you want to watch the footie and it is not on terrestrial, go find a local pub or bar!

    It's a fact that if you're a footie fan, and want to watch live football, you need a sky subscription or cable connection, otherwise, it's the pub, ceefax or highlights. I love Sky where else could I also get to watch the new series of the Deadliest Catch (starting 8th May), the King of Queens (starting 1st May) and Two and a half Men (starting 7th May).

    DD out

    PS HL - NN = Naughty Nick

  35. At 01:00 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    re: Sky TV

    You can't have it all - without Sky's money (Chelski apart) there wouldn't be half the top foreigners (not including the cheap rubbish ones ie. Bolton, West Ham) in the game would there?

    Love 'em or hate 'em they have made lots of good things possible for English football, better players, grounds, coverage.

    I'm afraid in life you have to pay for what you get and reluctantly Sky is the answer for watching top sport.

    OMG - can you try and imagine a world where ITV have exclusive rights to the football.... missed goals, poor pundits, Man Utd sycophantic commentators, adverts every 2 minutes..........aaarrrggghhhhhhhh

    I need a lie down, where's the remote? channel 401 please


  36. At 01:26 PM on 26 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Oh dearie me. I'm about to be virginned on Saturday...or ex-Skyed if you prefer...and I've only ever had the sports channels switched on if my brother was staying at my house for cat-sitting duties.

    ...it was NN I ashamed to say...although I have to admit I'm not sure about psychological hangovers. They sound more like paranoia hangovers to me...and someone is usually out to get me after something I've done...so this is justifiable...just as soon as I've remembered what it might be, and what they look like...

    Now I have to go to the dentist to have two fillings. I probably won't be back later because I will be dribbling for England.

    Perhaps they will buy me for Man U.


  37. At 01:51 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Nev wrote:

    Sky and football - like most things in life there are 2 sides to the argument.

    Without their money football in this country would be behind much of Europe and we certainly would not have seen as many talented players on a weekly basis. Nor would we have 3 out of 4 champions league semi finalists.

    But without it we would have a premiership contested by all 20 teams rather than a maximum of 4. We would also have more english payers in the league and more chance of a half decent national team.

    The biggest issue is that teams are too scared to lose and dont go out to entertain. Still maybe it will come full circle if less people watch premiership games as there is little or no football played Sky will not have the income to pay as much for it. If we are really lucky this will mean clubs need to put bums on seats (rather than rely on tv money) to survive and we will see some entertainment.

    In the short term we need the other 16 clubs to gang up on the top 4 and get the money shared evenly otherwise the gap will just continue to get wider.


  38. At 01:53 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Good afternoon bloggers!

    I love Sky TV. We have the full package and I'd be lost without it. I do however object to the extra cost for the pay per view games - I only buy the Arsenal ones as they're my team!

    Can anyone help me? Most of you know that I've been training for The Moonwalk for weeks now. Well, since Saturday's 12 miles (and another 6 miles last night) I've been suffering with a really, really stiff shoulder/neck on the right hand side. It hurts so much and is making life rather tricky at the mo - reversing the car etc.

    I'm meant to be doing 16 miles this weeks but feel very wary as I don't want to aggrevate things any more.


    Other than that, the new job is still going well. I think I now know everyone's names - always a struggle! Settling into a daily routine and going home very very happy (albeit with shoulder/neck pain!!)

    Went to a local plant nursery at lunchtime and bought 2 plants for my new environmnent. I only hope they last longer than Russell Brand's goldfish, aptly named Christophe!

    Happy Thirsty Thirsday one and all!

    Hey Ho Let's Go!

    CtD x x x

  39. At 03:48 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    CtD - try massaging the base of your thumbs (or your big toes if you're flexible enough or mr CtD loves you enough;-)) - do horizontal lines across front and back, in little movements with your other thumb. Take about 7 or 8 'steps' each time. Give a really good rub on the base if the inside of your thumb (big toe) - to the side but in between the fingers/toes, rather than at the back iykwim. It may well be very tender - esp on the inside of your big toes!!

    That's a reflex point for neck and it may ease it if you do it whenever you think of it.

    Do your trainers fit properly? If you've been doing lots of walking maybe you've been putting pressure on your big toes, which could refer pain to your neck.

    Hope that helps.

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