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Chris Evans | 14:02 UK time, Tuesday, 24 April 2007

So they are here, the girls. It's time for a hen party round at ours. Would you like to see them ?

Well here you go then...



And whilst we're at it. The veggie patch is COMPLETELY finished.


Broccoli, chev, rhubarb (fifteen months to grow !). a million onions, etc, etc, etc.

Partook in some wild boar last night (from the freezer of course.) pan fried three minutes, total in a reduced simple red wine sauce avec caramalised onions. Bloomin' gorgeous.

The sun is back here down south and with it a much lighter mood, yesterday was a weird one.

The rumour round where I live is that I'm buying all the pubs and most of the golf courses. Totally ridiculous, hilarious.

This has happened to me countless times before. These fantasies are often perpetrated by the current owners in an attempt to bolster any other offers they might hope to receive concerning the sale of their various businesses. If any potential buyers are reading this, rest assured you're on your own, good luck and whatever you do, don't offer the asking price..

I realised long ago it's far better to just be a part of something, enjoy it and then go home, as opposing to being the one everyone blames when things go wrong.

No thank you.

Have a nice day, I have to go and lie down in a dark room now as it's the Once a Month Club tonight and I have to focus. There is much to be discussed and plenty of steam to be let off.

CLP 2007



  1. At 02:31 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Elmlea wrote:

    what no pictures?

    Hope all are okay on this great Tuesday, keep thinking its Wednesday but not quite sure why!

  2. At 02:37 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Bonjour tout le monde!

    I 'ave bin away from the blog for a short while, due to work commitments (Mustang Sally)

    busy busy busy, I've been catching up on the blog, but it seems CLP has been having trouble with his "boys" and now his "girls"! You must be cluckers!

    Anyway nose back to the grindstone!!


    DD out

    PS Love the ickle fluffy lambs ........ in a curry! HL

  3. At 02:44 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris and bloggers!

    Today I have been looking at houses I cannot afford! I cannot afford to buy any house un fortunately and I am dying for a three bedroomed house with a garden!!

    However I am a girl with a plan! I have worked out I can get my sizable debt (many years spent at uni that got me no where!) pain of in four years, and maybe rustle a deposit! However the house prises just seem to be going up and up and up!!!

    Well Chris enjoy your night with your friends! I will be having that lovely alcohol fused chat at the weekend!

    love em26x

    But hope is all we have and must be clung to at all costs!

  4. At 02:46 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Norman wrote:

    I just harvested my first rhubarb yesterday, which was planted last spring and left alone last year. Well worth the wait Chris :-)
    I made a crumble with some oats and ground almonds in the crumble, and a little ginger and orange zest in with the rhubarb - fantastic!

  5. At 02:57 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon Mr CLP!
    Good job it's a hen party, I'd hate to see the state of your home if you were having a stag party....

    There's a rumour in my part of the world that I'm going to be drinking on all the pubs in the area...of course, that's crazy...I'm off to a restaurant tonight..

    Ok, enough bad jokes, enjoy your darkened room, and everyone else have a good Tuesday.


    PS - Still raining in Cork.... :(

  6. At 03:05 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon CLP!

    Glad to hear the OAMC is still strong... along with your opinions. I have to agree to the whole concept of not having to own everything and being able to walk away from it. I've done it more than once and have come to the conclusion that pubs are like boats... the best days are the day you buy it and the day you sell it... everything in between is just one long battle!

    It's going to be dinner at a friends house for me tonight so have fun and we can swap tales in the morning.


  7. At 03:18 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Christophe...I hate to be a sycophant, but I agree 100% with your sentiment, thus:

    "The sun is back here down south and with it a much lighter mood, yesterday was a weird one."

    The girls look very pretty...and there isn't anything in the world like a superfresh egg, lightly poached, on a softly toasted buttered slice, and from your own hens too...luvverly stuff! Our green grocer darn the road does delishus free range (collected in the last couple of days from hens who go shopping and lunch with friends) eggs, and only 55p for 1/2 dozen...a must for our weekend breakfasts...

    Re the rhubarb - My Gran'ma would tell you to keep a bucket and shovel by the front door, in case any horses go by...and her rhubarb was possibly the best in the world...

    Yes, a much better day today...and someone has just offered to buy my budgie cage. I shall tell them no, because Chris Evans may be buying it.

    an oeufs an oeuf!
    chook chook

  8. At 03:20 PM on 24 Apr 2007, lisa wrote:

    ...the hens .... mar-vel-lous!

  9. At 03:34 PM on 24 Apr 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    So glad you are happy with your garden. You are sounding in great form, so that's fabulous. I just don't do gardens. They are SO much work, endless hassle and I don't find it rewarding. I'm sure I'm completely on my own with this one!

    Love the picture of Sally with James Taylor! Usually if we get to meet our heros, we smile at the camera with a nervous cheesy grin, but here she is, draped over his legs - terrific!

    Enjoy the OAMC - hopefully you can have a lie-in tomorrow morning!

    C xx

  10. At 03:47 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:


    I need a lie down - WHAT A DAY!!!

    What a lovely harem your girls make. Look after them...

    It's great when people start spreading rumours. I just love it. Never had a rumour about property buying, but did once get told off for taking home a young man (18, bless!) after a night out - complete twoddle of course (I like my men older and more rugged ;-p ).

    I gave up caring a long time ago. The people I love and respect know me and they know the truth. All the others can make up silly stories to while away the time in their sad little empty lives if they like, I don't care!

    Re: OAMC - hmmm - haven't even set a date for the first one with my girlfriends yet...

    Over and out,

    S xx.

  11. At 03:50 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:


    I agree with what you say "... it's far better to just be a part of something, enjoy it and then go home, as opposing to being the one everyone blames when things go wrong." - I agree with this as last week I was part of a live music night in London promoting the music/bands from round yer parts ... Bristol.

    I took to London 2 bands and 2 DJ's and put on the night at the Bloomsbury Lanes in Camden. Well, on the night it was on which was last thursday, it was quiet! this was due to the Camden crawl going on.. and of course not many came down and supported the bands/musicians from Bristol.. and not even the invited press either! well for thouse of you who didn't show.. the night was great fun and the music was fantastic!

    at least I was part of something, enjoyed it and then in the wee-small hours went home, but I felt sorry for the bands who took part, as the London audience didn't appreciate them!

    I am now in the progress of doing a podcast of the night, which I will put up on iTunes for free download, on my music series called 'Straight Outa Bristol' do tune in.. it will be episode #37.. now you too can hear about the night, and see if you would have enjoyed the bands from Bristol!

    I've also put online the photo's of the night which you can view at my website at www.straightoutabristol.co.uk

    The veggie patch is a great thing to do Chris, and also.. you now have hens too ! - so plenty of yolks to come from you then.. :)

    Have a good Once a Month tonight! - what are you up to? - do take a few photo's of what you do and be sure to post them here!

    But.. what is the 'One and ONLY' pub that you own? and where is it?

    Have a good show today..

    Sam D
    "Putting Bristol on the map, through the worlds
    top independent music podcast series on iTunes!..
    Straight Outa Bristol. Get it today!"

  12. At 03:52 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Red Wine Gravy and Caramalised Onions.

    O M G. Heaven.

    You should taste my husband's French Onion Soups. I could quite happily lick it off his butt it tastes sooooo good.

    Sun isn't shining here, but it is warm, and I don't have a migraine, so all is good with the world.

    One of my son's mates got chooks for his Christmas, and a wee eggloo. He loves them. I'd quite like some too, but I'd also like more cats.


  13. At 03:55 PM on 24 Apr 2007, martin james wrote:

    You say lefty and righty. I say Itchie and scratchie! Oooops!!

    You see folks from what Christoph says thier are disadvantages to having a bit of dosh. Would I want to be he who lookes more like a naughty school boy, Roman Abramovich - nope. Good luck to Roman and all his money and all the problems it brings. But, I could have a lot of enjoyment giving most of it away instead of buying football clubs and multi million pound yachts. Which is why I`m thinking of setting up a charity to do good, early days though. I`ll let you know the name once I`ve registered the web site. But still very early days.

    And while I`m talking on doing good, try Crisis at Christmas in London. Very worth while, I have volunteered a few years now, you meet some very nice peope and enjoy yourself while doing a lot of good.


  14. At 03:56 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Em26, do you wanna buy a budgie cage?

    A snip at just £280,000 and it has an en-suite sand mat.

  15. At 04:03 PM on 24 Apr 2007, martin james wrote:

    How come Christoph Gingee Pie you have a vegie patch when you have sold your house? Is it at the pub? Or in a another garden?

    I`m thinking that buying a small plot (1 acre) of farm land and living in a caravan on it could be a cheap way to be a country bumkin.


  16. At 04:19 PM on 24 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    When I was working as a private housekeeper (for the rich and not famous) I had a never ending supply of fresh eggs and produce from the garden - now I've to tame a wild patch of hillside in my rented property, hmmm, not so easy. I'm not quite sure where to start - so I bought a petrol strimmer and, yep, I still don't know where to start.

    I had been quite motivated by CLP's stories of his garden developing but boy has he outstripped me in getting things done.

    And as it's raining again in Devon (Again, again) I guess the garden will just have to wait a little longer!


    PS Em#26 - in just the same boat as yourself although quite a bit older, I'll warrant. I keep trying to convince myself that house owning is a dream sold to us by a consumer society and not really necessary - but it's not really working! I want my own home, too!

  17. At 04:31 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Welsh Rarebit wrote:

    Afternoon Christoff,

    Must compliment you on your hens, have you thought of names for them yet?

    I bought the husband two hens for his birthday a few years back, Blodwen & Fifi were their names, fox got Fifi unfortunately, and Blodwen missed her terribly. Anyway, Blodwen made a great escape overnight, crossing a road, 3 neighbours gardens, 2 fields and arrived at a small farm just outside the village where she still resides! Didn't have the heart to take her away from her new found friends.

    Stewed rhubarb with panacotta....


  18. At 04:40 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    J, have you tried filling it with Petrol and turning it on?

  19. At 05:04 PM on 24 Apr 2007, parker wrote:

    The love story of Ralph and Edna.

    Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

    Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.
    Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out.
    When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.
    When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. *The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness.
    The bad news is, Ralph, hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead."
    Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?

  20. At 05:07 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Paul wrote:


    All this talk of food isn't fair! My little boy, Josh, he is only eight and loves his food, however he has had a rather horrid (understatement) bout of sickness since Friday morning........and hasn't stopped yet!! He is only able to eat dry biscuits and baked beans and drink flat coke and lemonade, you can imagine the effect it is having!!!!!!!!

    Oh well, I'm sure he will be better soon and back to his own self.

    Keep it up Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  21. At 05:07 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all

    What cute Hens, have they got names Chris?

    I don't have a home right now but staying in an old house on a golf course. Quite nice if you play golf but not if you have a dog who keeps running away and playing chicken on the near main road. A dog with nine lives.

    I think I've lost half a stone this week in stress and dog running.

  22. At 05:23 PM on 24 Apr 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Christoff & Blog friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I agree yesterday there was a crazy atmoshpere in the air. I saw 5 road accidents during me travels truckin' - way more than normal. I normally come across that many in a week not a day.
    I think it's because were having a rainy period and on a Monday after the long taste of summer we've had recently.
    I find it's amazing how the weather seems to affect people's moods. I've noticed driving people are less friendly when it's raining- bonkers or what. They obviously ain't heard of Radio2 with Wrightie & Christoff.
    I'm glad of a bit of rain- helps keep the old garden green n' mean. Aye and Christoff it'll do the veg patch the world of good- am tellin' yer!

    Talkin' of bonkers- Chris, last Tuesday, you were talkin' about people being bonkers, but wouldn't name names. I've been trying to think who you might be talking about.
    You said a female. Couldn't be Sally- she comes across as very level headed. Maybe it's your producer? But surely your producer would ave to be very level headed to be in control of the super tanker of radio that iz your show Christoff.
    Could it be Amy Winehouse? - now she is both ravin bonkers and you could say conkers. She's crazy but conkering the music charts- am tellin' yer friend.

    I once worked with a bloke who was bonkers and conkers. He was the manager at the pizza shop that I worked in. He had a tough shell, always lived on a thin string, then, one day, he just cracked friend. Oh the stress of pizzas.

    PS Any chance of playing Chestnut Mare by The Byrds. Chow friend!

    PS Russell Brand- another who's ravin' bonkers & conkers.

  23. At 06:12 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Peni wrote:

    ah, chickens. We had some once in New Zealand. There are no predators there, so they can wander about at will - they all slept in our olive tree at night. One disappeared for a while and then came back with 12 chicks in tow one day. Rocky the rooster was very proud - he used to turn up at the kitchen door every morning for his breakfast toast crusts.
    We have got the chicken house, and half built the run, back here in Blighty, but I'm a bit worried about foxes etc eating them all, as the kids will be scarred for life if they find them with their heads bitten off - how good are foxes at digging? How high can they climb? Answers on a postcard, please.....

  24. At 06:30 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Great to see the poultry and am sending you a copy of smallholder magazine for the programme, would you like me to come in and talk about poultry? Never ever heard of gloucester reds, yours look like rangers to me. If so they will be excellent egg layers. Lots and lots of people are keeping poultry now, for eggs, for exhibition and just because they are pretty.

  25. At 07:02 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Deb C wrote:

    Just polished off large bowl of oxtail stew ( 2 days in the making - loverly!) only dissapointed none left for freezer week.

    My inherited rhubarb patch looking great - perhaps harvest some tomorrow for a crumble.

    Great show once again - just getting used to checking the blog pm instead of am.

  26. At 07:10 PM on 24 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Gardening is good for the soul :)

    Sammie re rumours;

    Those that matter don't mind.
    Those that mind don't matter.

    De Smith x

  27. At 07:25 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Ah I love Chickens! Have you named them yet Chris? I feel Maud is a chickens name. Nice and traditional.
    I was watching TV today and Len Goodman was on there talking about American Strictly Come Dancing! I love that man, i would love to be on Stictly it looks hard work but an amazing thing to do. Better than sitting in a jungle or in a house for weeks on end!

    Once a month club! Can't wait for tomorrows post! hope its a great night for you and all the bloggers, missy xx

  28. At 07:49 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Since the day you first rolled into the club everyone assumed you were buying it.

    And, in the light of recent developments, speculation has grown.

    After all, and I'm sure you will agree, it is a beautiful, tranquil and relaxing place to be.

    As I mentioned, I played the course for the first time in going there for four years over the Easter weekend, and only then did I truly realise how lucky I am to be part of it.

    Oh, and to bump into you from time to time, of course.

    But, you are quite right. Go there, enjoy it and walk away.

    Glad to hear all is well. Look after the chooks.

    Peace & love


    PS If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man

    PPS Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel

    PPPS Fingal O'Flahertie Wills

  29. At 07:52 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Since the day you first rolled into the club everyone assumed you were buying it.

    And, in the light of recent developments, speculation has grown.

    After all, and I'm sure you will agree, it is a beautiful, tranquil and relaxing place to be.

    As I mentioned, I played the course for the first time in going there for four years over the Easter weekend, and only then did I truly realise how lucky I am to be part of it.

    Oh, and to bump into you from time to time, of course.

    But, you are quite right. Go there, enjoy it and walk away.

    Glad to hear all is well. Look after the chooks.

    Peace & love


    PS If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man

    PPS Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel

    PPPS Fingal O'Flahertie Wills

  30. At 09:02 PM on 24 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Now that's what I like to see Christophe, party snaps. Just like me own, a pair of lovely birds and some chap in a body bag lyin' down in the veggie patch.

    As for the rhubarb, will you be forcin' it? You might need to consult with the Rhubarb Triangle, ovver t' Pennines from Wigan. They'll let you into t' secret, and my mother Renee will send you her special recipe for a nice drop of custard that tastes a bit funny but shines your shoes up a treat.

    Speakin' of custard. Mud Beds. Now I'm sure it's me but I don't trust the mud bed. It's like tryin' to sleep in a bucket of jelly and although it's many moons since I tried one, I still have the recurring nightmares of bein' swallowed whole by Willy the Whale. Plus it's not a bit funny when you try and get out and it's like bein' on Morecambe sands, veerin' about like a new-born giraffe.

    Not for me. I'm stickin' to me aul mattress. Not literally. I've washed the custard off.


  31. At 09:11 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Danielle wrote:

    Chris, I'm going to sound like Mr Wogan now and say, "Is it me???" Tell me, What in Gods name does CLP (at the end of your blog) stand for? Surely your initials are CE. I know, I know. They are... and don't call me Shirley ! Boom, boom. See, even my jokes are as bad as Terrys. PLEASE put me out of my misery and tell me, before I start to wear ....beige !

  32. At 09:25 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Sarah wrote:

    Seems like I am coming of age. I am enjoying things that I thought I would never even dare admit to think about! Fisrt of all the veggie patch idea seems like a good money saving, enviro friendly thing to do, secondly I am listening to radio two on the wireless, thirdly I look forward to the 6 and 10pm news and have a slight crush on Hew Edwards. And finally I look forward to Sunday nite TV for Antiques Roadshow. Not sure whats next..........am only 32!

  33. At 09:52 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Jo-Anne wrote:

    I love speedway and am a supporter of the Coventry Bees. Racing motorbikes with no brakes is excellent to watch!

    I am really excited to hear that Chris 'Bomber' Harris will be on Chris' Wednesday's show.

    Bomber has a great sense of humour. After a particularly nasty looking fall the other week (Coventry Vs Lakeside Hammers) Bomber eventually got up and walked away. When asked by the announcer what had caused the crash Bomber claimed he had just 'fallen asleep.'

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bomber and the Bees for the season so far. I would also like to wish Bomber and Scott Nicholls all the best for the forthcoming Grand Prix events. I am backing the Brits!

    Thanks Chris Evans and the team for raising the profile of speedway.

    It would be great to see you at Brandon to watch the bees one Friday.

    If you fancy it, get in touch.


  34. At 10:00 PM on 24 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    All this talk of rhubarb.

    Reminds me of the marvellous trip to Paris with the Genius daughter a couple of years ago.

    The ride atop the Tour Eiffel was fine. The walk up the Champs Elysees was pleasant. Sailing past Notre Dame, climbing up to the Sacre Coeur, drinking expresso on the Rive Gauche. Lovely.

    But the discovery of the Hotel Custade round the corner from the Rue Barbette..........FAB.

    Hurrah! I wonder if it's still there. I must say its appearance did evoke the same feeling of doom and despair as my mother's Custade and was probably the same temperature.


  35. At 10:03 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Rumours??? hate 'em
    You should think yourself lucky you don't live in Norfolk, it seems everyone you bump into knows you or someone you know!
    You wont believe the amount of apparent strangers I meet who then tell me something about me or a friend or family member - drives me mad.... that said, it's the only thing about Norfok I dislike.

    Love the chickens, like other bloggers I'm keen to know they're names. I remember the genius naming of Alfred Hitch, the cock on BB. Will you be that good again CLP?

    ...and I fully agree it's best to be part of something, enjoy it then go home with 'no worries' at the end.


  36. At 10:12 PM on 24 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    I too would like to know what CLP stands for?!?

    De x

  37. At 02:28 AM on 25 Apr 2007, John wrote:

    I think I know what CLP stands for but I am not going to say for the sake of suspense, not to mention making a complete monkey out of myself if I am wrong. What I would like to know is how come CLP came about? There must be a woman involved.

    JK Nonegreen

  38. At 07:31 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Beryl wrote:

    Christophe Lammie Pie...........

  39. At 07:37 AM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris and Bloggettes

    Couldn't get to the blog yesterday but the show was great - Emmerson Lake and Palmer - my goodness I was 16 again, fantastic. Great news about the hens, can I just plug the Battery Hen Welfare Trust who try to find homes for ex-battery birds. A pal of mine has just taken three and although they look a bit scrawny with feathers missing and such like, they are laying like good-ens. I'm told the feathers will return with a good moult - I always feel better with a good moult! Anyway take a look -

    Hope the 'morning after the night before' isn't too bad Christophe.

    Choux Fleur and have a swell day.

  40. At 08:39 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning, schmorning!

    Hump day - GREAT - not far from the weekend..

    Sarah #32 - my sister told me off for watching Antiques Roadshow the other week - she said it was a 'fogey' show! I happen to think it's interesting...

    I DO know what you mean though - all of a sudden, you realise you're ageing. The next step is saying things your mum says and the next step after that is doing them...


    Happy hump(ing?) day all,

    S xx.

  41. At 08:54 AM on 25 Apr 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    chickens are lovely.
    chicken and chips , chicken stew, chicken curry...
    and as its "empty the freezer week" heres a question for you..

    how long can you keep a chicken in the freezer ?

    i put one in last night and it was dead this morning.....what did i do wrong ?

  42. At 08:58 AM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Caught at least half an hour of the show last night, and you really sent me off on my evening out with a big fat spring in my step! Thanks for that!

    So, Christophe, what do you think about an official 'Hen Naming' competition? Or not, obviously...as you may have already done the naming...

    I'd like to choose: Clara, Betty, Leonora, Harriet, Emily and Rose...in no particular order!

    ...and Brian, for the big fat cockerel...

    Thank you for your time

    ps Crazy. Lovely, Person

  43. At 09:08 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Sharon Smith wrote:

    Hi Christophe,

    Looking after neighbours chickens this week, not much to it - let them out in the morning, top up food and water and shut them in at night to ward off Mr. Fox. No good having veggie patch, except to feed an abundance of rabbits who are thriving on daisies at the moment (must cut grass) - yawn!

    Wild boar sounds very tastie (I'm sure I've met a few in the past). Never worry about rumours, in my experience what people don't know they invent anyway. Always enjoy the show as and when I get to listen. Love you all x

  44. At 09:33 AM on 25 Apr 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Jo-Anne #33 - re: Speedway - what a fantastic sport! I went to my first speedway meeting when I was 7 years old (Glasgow Tigers at the White City) - it was the last meeting of the season and my parents took me to see the fireworks at the end of the meet. Well, I hated the fireworks but loved the speedway and have done ever since.

    I am now 50, but when I was 12, I went with my mum and dad on a "Speedway Holiday" around Britain and of course, we went to see the Coventry Bees!! I really must make a point of getting back there - 38 years later!

    2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate? Great days!

    C xx

  45. At 09:35 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    HL - fab names for the lovely ladies! I think the big fella should be called Michael...

    S xx.

  46. At 09:48 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Alan Ball - RIP
    .......a very sad day for football

  47. At 09:55 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Chicken George wrote:

    Hello CLP

    Now you need to get yourself an incubator and some fertilised chicken eggs of your favourite or a variety of breeds, follow the instructions. 21 days later you will have some little chicks. For ages the eggs do nothing, then they begin to rock. I 'cheep' at mine every day and then they pip and hatch out. Its a miracle.

    Do it - you won't realise just how much fun it is!!

    Enjoy your day.

  48. At 10:02 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Excellent Emma wrote:

    Good morning everyone and of course Chris. Well I havent been on this blog for oooo at least 6 months and its fun coming back on and seeing some of the same old names - i have missed it. However in the meantime I have been trying to work out what I want to do with my life and its funny i remember something you wrote a long while ago Chris about how things just seem to lead on from each other and then you just seem to find you are taking the right direction. Well it seems to be happening for me and what a lovely feeling especially when you realise that how you want to live your life is up to you its an awesome feeling being content with who you are and where you are and where you are going. Thank you Chris for being a constant inspiration on the Radio.

    Anyway lovely hens very cute. A friend of mine has just got some goats very very cute. I only drink goats milk and eat goats cheese much better for you, so think one day a little goat in the garden should be a must.

    Weather in Stafford is at last reasonably sunny, after the constant rain for 2 days however the gardens really did need it.

    Have a great day everyone and keep smiling x

  49. At 10:22 AM on 25 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    HL - you are fast reaching genius level in my books. Do I take the strimmer outside do you think?!!

    : )


  50. At 10:36 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Your hens look gorgeous, I'd love some but I've heard they poo everywhere and as I'm about to start childminding I don't really want kids walking hen poo into the house every five minutes.

    Hope the OAMC went well last night and your head isn't too sore. I've got two of my best friends coming round tonight and one of them has a lot of stress in her life right now, so think we will drowning our sorrows in white wine!

    I am really suffering with hayfever at the moment; does anyone know of any cures? My poor 10 year old has it too and I feel so sorry for him.

    Chris, I think when you're rich and famous and a lovely guy people will take advantage of you and expect things of you. Just remember you can't please all of the people all of the time, but we all think you're fab.

    Em xx

    PS Why the sudden fascination with Steve Wright?

  51. At 11:24 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    J - Is it a personal strimmer? Cos if it is, the neighbours may have something to say...

    S xx.

  52. At 11:39 AM on 25 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Working at home today and have found this website...

    Soooooo good!!!

    S xx.

  53. At 12:56 PM on 25 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Excellent Emma - if it starts raining could you pop down the road and take my washing in please??? Merci Buckets.

    Have often thought about hens but don't think Sophie puppy would appreciate the invasion into her garden. She likes to chase the ducks on the K-nal though.

    Veg plot is now going to have to wait until next year when I will be able to actually think about it in full, rather than rush it and get things in the wrong place. Have ordered Christine's Garden book for some sensible garden advice.

    Sammie - wouldn't a strimmer be a bit excessive - couldn't you just get a ladyshave??

    Working from home is the best - am in the office but am on my ownso it's almost like WFH!

    :o) Jo

  54. At 02:02 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M - try putting local honey on your toast/cereal (or whatever) apparently it works
    - don't ask me how, something to do with bees and pollen.

    A mate of mine in Norwich swears by it, my bro just east of Norwich tried it after years of struggling and is now loads better...I assume you're a Norfolk gal by your earlier Stephen Fry comments?

    good luck


  55. At 08:47 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Peter S wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Has Steve Wright offended you? Are all your comments tongue in cheek?What's really going on And when he reads out great show,love the show...does he mean it? Surely those letters are made up.
    Thanks Chris........great show.......AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  56. At 08:18 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    I can beat that!!
    What about our hen nights at haunting breaks searching for ghosts?????????

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