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Chris Evans | 08:11 UK time, Thursday, 5 October 2006

Innocence, what is it? The ignorance of a non-sentient being, existing, knowing not why, knowing very little in fact, instinct making all the decisions

Instinct, another great word for another day

Innocence, what is it? A small child doing the most dastardly of things without conceit, without malice, without an intention to hurt.

Intent, another great word for yet another day

Innocence, what is it

everyone's favourite smoothie company

And we met the bloke behind the company last night. What a story!

He hired a juicer one weekend, bought a load of fruit that was about to go off very cheaply. He then went to a festival, set up a stall with his pal and saw if anyone wanted to buy smoothies. The answer was a resounding yes please. That weekend he took ÂŁ500, this year he took ÂŁ70 million. 100% true story, it really can be that simple.

He's rubbish with figures, he had virtually no business experience just an idea that something might work.

How did that gap in the market go unspotted ?

And you know what? He turned out to be one of the nicest guys you could ever wish to meet. The most striking thing about him is he’s totally alive. His eyes sparkle with a depth of energy. He’s confident but not arrogant. He’s interesting and interested, the most virtuous of traits.

I took him to my favourite pub with a couple of colleagues from the show. He brought his PR a lovely lady called Alannah. She and I ended up swapping favourite crossword clues, both being relative novices at 3 and 5 years experience respectively

Hold the line caller
 normal service will be resumed shortly

Back now, won’t tell you where I’ve been – we left them around midnight, they seemed like they’d had a great time, I think we may have found two new friends. Likeminded and likeable.

Any great ideas out there? There must be somewhere, what if one of them is about to pop into your head. How exciting


13.41 update.

Ok ok, how did the date go?

It didn't, it transpired that the handsome entrpeneur is already married. His wife's a babe and a very bendy babe at that being a yoga teacher.

Mushrooms tonight with our Nigel and a woman who leads a group called The Frugals, a growing band of people who vow to only spend a thousand pounds a year on living.

Thirsty Thursday's had a bit of competition from, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week but hey ho you've got to give it a go, haven't you ?



  1. At 08:32 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Stinus Andersen wrote:

    Good Morning,

    just wanted to add a word of warning which I think should be on the side of your new found friends product! Don't drink the whole litre in one go!

    Someone gave me a smoothy in work and I didn't realise how filling they were but loved it - so I drank the whole litre. Within a few minutes and for the rest of the morning I was sweating and feeling rather ill - just like after Christmas dinner when the Turkey isn't the only thing stuffed that day.

    However, have learned from the error of my ways and am now a huge fan of smoothies. Never bother with the machines and fruit and diy smoothies - life's too short - so thanks to your friend I get more of my 5 a day in a fraction of the time.

    ....now what's on today - banana - hmmmm - banana (add ±«Óătvr Simpson as appropriate!)

  2. At 08:44 AM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Dying to know how did last night go? was it as you thought, did you wear a green hairy suit and act like a goosberry or was it all above board? and the girls were they there just to enjoy a smoothie, the drinkable kind!!

  3. At 08:54 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    I like that blog, it follows my belief that good things happen to good people! It something I need to believe even if it isnt true!!


  4. At 08:55 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Morning All!

    Inspiring and thought provoking at the same time - THIS is why I love the Blog!

    Innocence - children are (or should be) innocent - that's what makes them such good company - the world is a wonderous place, they have yet to be touched by the harsh realities of life and every day is an adventure.

    I have exciting ideas from time to time and never actually do anything about them - I guess that's why I'm stuck on this Hamster Wheel of Life, and not throwing all my energies into something I really enjoy....

    Have a thoughtful Thursday...


  5. At 09:09 AM on 05 Oct 2006, jk wrote:

    Its amazing when you meet someone that inspires you. Although I have many friends I find that it's only one or two of them that I really spark off and they are the ones I only see occassionally and I feel all the poorer for it! Does this mean i'm particularly individual, as C you seem to spark off so many people?

  6. At 09:23 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Glyn Williams wrote:

    HMMMMM!!!!!!! Not so much a great idea, more like a strange dream. Yes! I had the strangest of dreams last night. Not a single dream, but a two parter!!

    There I was, out for a drink with non other than Chris Evans himself. I got a bit too drunk. Then wanted Chris to come and have something to eat with me. He wanted to go home so I faked falling over in the middle of the road with the intention of distracting him from his wish to go home. He kindly helps me to my feet and then my dream switched to the second part. Chris and I were doing a documentary about "Fat Boy" motor cycles and other "chopper" style motor cycles. We were to ride out to what appeared to be a beach location like Black Rock Sands and then be filmed riding around!! The sensation of riding the motorcycle felt very real and Chris looked very cool on a big Harley Fat Boy!! There endeth the dream or what I can remember of it anyway.

    That's strange in itself though isn't it? Why is it that we only ever remember bits of dreams and not the whole thing? Anybody know why that is? Hello....Hello.... Is there anybody out there?

  7. At 09:29 AM on 05 Oct 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Morning All.
    Do I smell the sweet smell of romance in the air????? Or am I reading too much into this blog.............

  8. At 10:00 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Viv Dolby wrote:

    Innocent was how I acted in the heat of the situation when I made my decision to give Martin a small pot of playdoh, from the range of prizes I won on womens minute last night. Instinct has taken over. My actions were and will rightly appear selfish, which is out of character for me and not intentional, so I email you to try to arrange sending him the xmas pud and ice-cream which he sounded so excited about. Innocence is apparent in my decision to send him this as I don't know anything about him for example- if I gave him the DVD's, has he got a DVD player? Instinct tells me however that perhaps my initial decision was right as he would definately be would be able to play with the playdoh. Then innocence returns from not knowing how they will keep the ice-cream frozen, especially if i'm not in when they deliver it. Now instinct wants to take over and keep the icecream to see what happens.................

  9. At 10:07 AM on 05 Oct 2006, david lumb wrote:

    a good Mange tout morn to all and enzo

    well christop someone like that i would stay well clear of sounds a bit dodgy son know what i mean say no more.

    never had a smoothie sounds nice(ish)!

    off out so catch up later

  10. At 10:17 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Whatever. Forget about all that Innocent stuff - how did the date go?

  11. At 10:17 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    PS. I went on a date too last night Chris.

  12. At 10:18 AM on 05 Oct 2006, SammyJo wrote:

    Morning all

    My good idea this morning............... instead of just pulping my usual 8 or so carrots to make my carrot juice I added some fresh pineapple (they never get wasted when you have a juicer Chris) and some fresh ginger. I feel I'm going to be zingy all day on that little concoction..........try it, you'll love it.

    PS. Wish me luck I've got interview today, 6 months off work is too long anyone.

  13. At 10:23 AM on 05 Oct 2006, jax wrote:

    good morning christoph, and all bloggers,
    a very thought provoking blog today, i think innocence depends on the perspective of others.i.e. the 5 year old who doesn't pay for the sweet in the sweet shop, innocent? the adult in a sweet shop,(with the mind of a 5 year old) who does the same thing, guilty???? or as has happened to me a few years ago the eight year old boy on holiday abroad, who had never seen topless bathers, and decided to see what they felt like!!!!!!!!!!!!!after profuse appologies,removal of said child,and an explanation of the offending childs behaviour, i gained a new freind. it's a helluva way to make new freinds.
    considering you seemed rather unsure you wanted to go on the night out and possibility of being the gooseberry on yesterday evening's show, you now seem to see that from a different perspective too. i often find it's the evenings out I am least looking forward to that I end up enjoying the most, maybe it's because my expectations at the outset are lower?
    as for great ideas, cant say ive had many of those in the last few years, or if i have, i havent noticed them and let them slip by while bogged down in the practicalities of every day life. hope your big idea is coming along well.

  14. At 10:27 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Morning LambyPie and Beautiful Bloggers,

    Hmmmmmmm....we all have visions of you typing this morning's blog on your trusty laptop *very quietly* downstairs waiting for the kettle to boil because...shhhhhhhhh..... you don't want to wake the beauty sleeping in your bed... shhhhhhhhh..... awwwww....

    Oh! Kettles boiled... make lovely green tea x2...

    'Hold the line caller
 normal service will be resumed shortly

    Padding quietly upstairs... maybe Enzo getting in the way "shhhhh.... in your bed Enzo....good boy"

    Into the bedroom... Shhhhhhhh....

    "Morning gorgeous, green tea?"....

    ... Either that or you had to go for a number 2.

    Thursday already eh? LOVELY!
    I have always loved Innocent smoothies and always make a point of reading the labels. Beautifully written and very human. And their html emails are all scribbly pencil-drawn, very nice.

    Have a good day lovely people
    Kyleigh xxx

  15. At 10:54 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Essbee wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Oh to have an idea like that - great story indeed!!

    Now - all i gotta do is come up with a new idea of my own.......hmmmmm....

  16. At 10:58 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Glad you sound so much happier today, i think we were both on a bit of a downer yesterday.

    I went to see Ruby Turner in concert last night, she was absolutely amazing and when she sang I Would Rather Go Blind it was like time stood still; get her on the show Chris, what a woman!

    Em xx

  17. At 11:29 AM on 05 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    A christmas best seller could be you publishing a book...

    "My Blogging Diary", by Chris Evans.

    This blog is almost like a diary. Maybe you could discuss, why you posted the blog on that day. Don't know about the legals - of publishing the bloggers entries?

    Something to think about? Therapy that pays you!

    My other ideas I'm keeping to myself! They're mine.

    So, what do you think?

  18. At 11:32 AM on 05 Oct 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    Morning Chis and all that read-eth!

    I was wondering when you were going to ask that question... Being a designer, I am always cooming across ideas that could work, be it different was for people to work or things we dont have, dont really need but would really like!

    The idea that always stops me from following these ideas through is, how can I possible do it...

    I love watching the Dragons Den, & think its a great programme, even if some of the Dragons have forgotten their manners alot of the time, I think there should be somewhere/someone that you can call or visit that you can discuss your ideas without them being poached, a hotline of you like. What I like about the Dragons is the wealth of experience they can shadow you in & I feel thats when all these little ideas disappear, when we/I realise that I have no idea of how to progress from idea to action!

    Looking forward to picking up my next podcast installment!

    Hope all are well & looking forward to the weekend!

    big love, tobes!

  19. At 12:22 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Excellent story. I was dying to know how the evening went, and great to know things like that can happen...I've been lucky recently, too, but "intent" to work is unfortunately accompanied by "indolence"...

  20. At 12:58 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Great Ideas -

    How about this for a great idea - The 100,000 people curry night out?

    Let's get a massive venue like Old Trafford and get all the listeners to the Chris Evans show together for a curry and a beer! After all, we hear about your legendary night's out Chris, but many of us would like to sample one lol!

    Would this et a new world record for the biggest curry night out ever?

    Ross Hemsworth
    Radio Presenter
    Net Talk Radio

  21. At 01:03 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Martin James wrote:

    We are in my favourite season, autumn, a season you can rely on. Summer is always a bit iffy, will is be hot or cool, you know there will be rain, but will we be sweltering with armpits and other places making you feel uncomfortable, with electric fans running trying to keep you cool, or just overcast and dull. Will that bank holiday weekend be dry and sunny or wet and windy – it’s summer you can expect anything. But autumn is so comfortingly very predictable; you know it’s going to be cooler, the airs going to be fresher without that high pollen air count. You know the leaves will turn to a million shades of gold, yellow, brown, green, and red and they will fall for children’s feet to kick through. And you can rely on that autumn bonfire, with scents that are such a great memory jogger. Without doubt some birds will head for warmer climes, leaving the hardy ones to see out the winter. It’s great to have seasons; so many countries just have none

  22. At 01:18 PM on 05 Oct 2006, prof plum wrote:

    the dictionary definition = foolishly trustful or a person who is free from all evil.

    Perhaps inoffensive, insensible, or insignificant, but in general insouciant.

  23. At 01:21 PM on 05 Oct 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning bloggers and Schloggers!

    The first thing I have to say is yesterdays blog was real good medicine. There was so much love in it I have a tear in my eye reading it this morning. Thanks very much for all of you who sent me good thoughts :-))))))) You make me feel special when I know I am not. Big hugs to you all! :-))))))

    Now for today’s teaser.

    My wife and I do like Innocence smoothie’s but I have to say I find them a little expensive so not for my fridge everyday as my kids would see them off far to quickly and not appreciate them at all, maybe they are too innocent to understand the expense?

    As for having ideas, I think we all have them but few act on them as in most cases it involves taking a chance and you have to be a special character to take risks.

    The right-hand side of the human brain, which controls the creative functions, is the side of the brain which is underused by the majority of people. Because it is underused, much creative talent in many people remains untapped throughout life. Until we try, most of us never know what we can achieve, for example one in three people in Britain have a desire to write a novel, yet only a very small percentage of these people progress any further than the initial stage of just thinking about it.

    I know what part of the percentage I am in and that is why I will never be rich in money terms just rich in love! :-)

    Happy Thursday everyone!



    Just a little joke that is a little risky for me to post so only read on if you want to!

    An Amish woman and her daughter were riding in an old buggy one cold blustery day. The daughter said to her mother, "My hands are freezing cold." the mother replied "Put them between your legs. Your body heat will warm them up." The daughter did and her hands warmed up.

    The next day the daughter was riding with her boyfriend who said, "My Hands are freezing cold." The girl replied, "Put them between my legs. The warmth of my body will warm them up." He did and warmed his hands. The following day the boyfriend was again in the buggy with the daughter. He said, "My nose is cold." The girl replied "Put it between my legs. The warmth of my body will warm it up." He did and warmed his nose. The next day the boyfriend was again driving with the daughter and he said, "My penis is frozen solid."

    The following day the daughter was driving in the buggy with her mother, and she says to her mother, "Have you ever heard of a penis?" Slightly concerned the mother said, "Why, yes. Why do you ask?" The daughter replies, "They make one hell of a mess when they defrost, don't they?"

  24. At 01:28 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Afternoon Christoph and all you wonderful bloggers (Thirsty Thursday - Yippee)

    Instinct - Something tells me that you have bucket loads of it and that you also act with Innocence and Intent when needed.................

    A massive load of love and hugs to everyone



  25. At 01:55 PM on 05 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Buongiorno tutti

    I've noticed over the last few days that's Chris' inherent sense of rebellion is beginning to surface. He's been very good until now, but he's now been told off two days in a row by The Powers That Be. Are we to expect an afternoon of Englebert Humperdinck or another High Court case in the near future? I hope not.

    I'm kind of with Helen here though. It's one thing Chris turning his personal life into public entertainment, but I don't think it's fair of him to do the same for the rest of the team. If Sally, or whoever, doesn't want to talk about their life on air then Chris shouldn't force them to do so. But then he's always done that, and I understand that it's part of the appeal.

    Ho hum.

  26. At 02:37 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Chrispy wrote:

    I bought a juicer and sent it back after 2 days - I realised it was just going to be another gadget that would be too much trouble to keep clean etc. But I haven't given up on smoothies - I let your mate do the hard work and help him become a multi millionaire, and good luck to him too.

    I've got cupboards full of those kitchen gadgets that I couldn't do without and can't even remember how to work now. Sandwich Toasters, Magic Bullet (don't ask), blenders, whizzers, tomato star cutters, plastic this, metal that. I keep promising never to buy another one and then on the Sattelite shopping channel.....

    What's going to exercise my imagination today is not innocence, but imagination. There's a word you can really work magic with.

    Happy Blogging


  27. At 02:54 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Chris. Great show, wife (Dot) and i listen most Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on the way home from where ever we have been in the country fitting blinds. We even make appointments for after 7.pm so as not to miss show! Dave. PS whats the trick with the varacos viens that you and Bruce talked about.

  28. At 03:16 PM on 05 Oct 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Chrispy #26,
    I'm dying to know what on earth is a "Magic Bullet"??????????

  29. At 03:27 PM on 05 Oct 2006, scott dench wrote:


    Last thing you said re Thirsty Thursday....

    I always feel guilty and bad when i have have a drink on a Monday (most guilty) Tuesday( not so bad) Wedneday (getting to be Ok) Thursday (fine) come Saturday no holds bar!!

    Then come Sunday it starts all over again... do i have some wine with the roast or not what a dilema.. does this mean i am an aloholic?

    Anyway hate mushrooms as does Chris Moyles (little chat he had with your man Ramsey this am), maybe your dude can turn me around tonight!

    Love, hugs and congrats to the the Fox my fourth expected early February and i am only 32!!

    Rock on thirsty Thursday, may have to have a bottle of wine with my spag bog tonight ... what do you think?



  30. At 03:50 PM on 05 Oct 2006, brian wrote:

    happy thirsty thursday

  31. At 03:51 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Andy wrote:

    Afternoon all,

    Crispy #26, I like you're thinking. Imagination is such an underused resource that it wouldn't surprise me if only a fraction of the population actually used there's! It's something I've been trying to get the hang of since growing up (physically anyway). I could entertain myself for hours with my imagination as a kid but hardly seem to use much of it's potential these days (get up, go to work, go home etc etc).

    Everybody should try and use there imaginations as much as possible. There are just no boundaries to what you can come up with!


  32. At 04:05 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris and the blogettes


    Good blog today,

    Back from my holiday! It was fab.

. is simply trusting that other people won’t do, what you wouldn’t even contemplate doing yourself.

    Keep smiling


  33. At 04:06 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hello all

    Anyone seen my lost comment? It was taken away for moderation some time ago and hasn't been seen since. Shame really, as it contained more than one great idea.

    If anyone sees it, please let me know


    J McC

  34. At 04:16 PM on 05 Oct 2006, mickster wrote:

    Afternoon Chrissy boy and Blogsters,

    When does the age of innocence finish? Is when Santa reveals who he really is?(Kids one day you'll know what I mean) or the tooth fairy forgets to call? or will it finish for blogster Melanie C when she finds out what a magic bullet is? Have you passed it when you reminisce about halcyon carefree days that have long since gone or will we always have a bit of innocence till we die, I hope so.

  35. At 04:34 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Typical. Of course he's married. All the good ones are.

    Just stick to the very very dry vodka martinis tonight (I just had one on my date last night) - they aren't too bad for the head I find.


  36. At 04:45 PM on 05 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Interesting, reading the blogs each day. I am surprised how little interaction there is with one another. Most people just address Chris, and I don't know whether or not he reads these comments, but I do know he doesn't tend to respond, directly or by reference on air.

    So in a sense it's just an opportunity for him to get his own views or thoughts before the world. I know he has a radio show, but working for the ±«Óătv he can only say so much on air without getting himself into trouble. he seems to have a bit more latitude on here.

    And then we read them and respond. I know I do, and I try to read other people's postings but, except on the odd occasion, that just tends to be that. I would have thought it would be more discursive, somehow. Getting a conversation going. but this blog doesn't work like that; I don't know why. People simply post their views about what is said, be they relevant or entirely tangential; barking or sane. And the next person does as well.

    I don't know if that's the idea or not.

    Nor do I know why I'm typing this. Except as an opportunity to comment on the process. Post-modern blogging, or whatever. I should be grateful.

    I also notice how horribly nice most of us are. It's all concern for one another's welfare and new age idealism. No cynicism, it seems, or venom. Bah humbug to that. Get your talons out...

  37. At 05:03 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Barry Martin wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I would like to know how "Innocent" the Fox really is after your soiree in the pub? Perhaps you should have a special introduction featuring Jimi Hendrix - Foxy Lady.

    A Fox fan (otherwise Barry, not as good looking as of east Enders)

  38. At 05:05 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Parsnip or James

    I agree that there isn't enough interaction, but the reason is simple. Updates are only given periodically, which makes it hard to strike up a conversation. This isn't a forum where comments fly around like text messages. The problem lies with the moderation required. If this message appears but my other doesn't then I've been moderated. For what reason I don't know. All I suggested was



  39. At 05:18 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Alife Moon wrote:

  40. At 05:25 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:


    As I suspected, my big ideas have been moderated out of existence! Outrageous. I'll post them on my own blog instead.

    J McC

  41. At 06:39 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Suzi wrote:

    I'm sulking with Innocent as they're stopping my favourite smoothie - the honey, lemon and ginger one. Grrrrr. Not sure if I'm keen enough to have a go at making it myself though - have a juicer sitting in the cupboard (as per most households) but frankly, life is too short.

  42. At 06:46 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Hello all!

    James Parsnip and Dr. McCrumble...you both have good points upon which I would like to elaborate. James you are right, there is not a real community here because it seems to be uni-directional. That is a shame as I would love to engage you in a real discussion. But as the good doctor pointed out, the technology prevents us from talking with one another. Instead we rather talk AT each other...or more to the point, talk at Chris. There has been a considerable amount of research centered around this medium and how it is re-shaping how we interact with each other. Do we become more honest when masked by this internet? How well can we really know each othere here? For instance, I have no idea where you two reside...nor do you know where I am or who I am. So how authentic can this really be?

    But I still look forward to reading this. What is that about?

    Well, have a great day.

  43. At 06:47 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Dr J McC

    lol....awesome blogging - really made me smile.

    re. your great idea - I think you ought to send Ravel down (and pretty sharpish too) to the Patent Office where he can register your idea - to avoid any shennanigans like that which befell the inventor of the telephone....if my memory serves me correctly (which it probably doesn't..), I believe it was not the afore-mentioned that invented said 'phone but someone else who was beaten to stardom via the patent system....

    Yours waiting to stand corrected... : )


    Keith - please forgive my asking what day next week? I know there are lots of us who will want to be sending you special wishes on that day.

  44. At 06:58 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Amanda wrote:

    I got carried away in my previous post and forgot to discuss the topic at hand.

    1. Innocence - to me that means complete transparency, no ulterior motive, no hidden agenda. To put it plainly, I have seen innocence and her name is Annebelle, my dog. She is exactly as she seems. She greets me at the door because she is so happy to see me, not because she thinks she has to. She loves me even if I forgot to buy her favorite canned dogfood that morning and had to feed her the dry stuff. She protects me from the evil squirrels that live in the yard, she lays beside me when I read, and just likes to be near me. She is an innocent.

    2. Big Idea - Oh it is big! But not patented yet so i dare not share it yet. Let me just say it involves drinking Margaritas (frozen of course). I cannot fail!!!


  45. At 08:42 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:


    Clearly my big idea has already fallen foul of the ±«Óătv censor, so I don't expect it stands much chance of being realised. Shocking really, but it just goes to show how futile it is to break free from the creative mould, or something like that....

    I'm going to send it out to my lawyer anyway, just in case.

    J McC

  46. At 08:47 PM on 05 Oct 2006, wrote:


    Thanks very much for stopping by. The big idea is dead, most likely, unless Channel 4 fancy taking it on. I could probably come up with a few more ideas.

    I do vaguely remember some controversy about the telephone patent. No doubt a well known search engine will reveal all if poked appropriately.

    J McC

  47. At 09:21 PM on 05 Oct 2006, The BigUN wrote:


    I had an appointment today to get a prescription renewed. My next is next Wednesday for a full blood to be taken and then the big one with my consultant on Friday the 13th at 3:50 in the afternoon. I should get shares in the NHS  All being well I should be out in time to listen to Chris on the way home. I may email the show for the very first time and ask for a tune to be played :-) I guess something like “I feel good” from James Brown?

    Talking of being on the radio I put a comment on the ±«Óătv site “Have your say” today in respect of the police officer who asked not to do his duty because of the Lebanon. They liked my comment so much they phoned me and asked me to take part on the show live on the World Service. I did it despite being very nervous it was a good debate. I enjoyed the experience but I think Chris’s job is safe for the time being! :-)))

    Happy Thursday!
    Keep smiling everyone :-))))

  48. At 10:18 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Elaine O'Neill wrote:

    Aha! So this is a blog is it? Here's me thinking technology's finally got the best of me and I'm catching up again.
    Take's a while when you get past 40 but hey, I'm not giving up.
    Innocence.............remember the faces on my babies before they discovered make up and straighteners................still there when they want a cuddle.

    Love the show.

  49. At 10:57 PM on 05 Oct 2006, Jane wrote:

    Hi Chris and bloggers,
    this is my first ever blog! Really fancy a smoothie after reading all the blogs. So rarely come across real innocence now that my children are older.
    Thought frugal lady on today's show was very interesting and I am sure I could never do what she is doing - for me it would be the ultimate challenge.
    look forward to all request Friday.
    Jane XX

  50. At 08:00 AM on 06 Oct 2006, Fountain Man wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    Another week nearly at it's end....or at it's beginning if your glass is half-full....personally I find I can never keep my glass half-full....it always seems to somehow evaporate, requiring yet another trip to the bar!

    I particularly liked James or Parsnip's entry at 36....I've often mused about the nature of blogging, and especially those who feel the calling to leave a message. The thing is James is only partially right....I think there's actually a bit more interaction on here than perhaps he gives credit to....even Chris has been known to post the occasional second blog entry to pick up on a point. Maybe it has more to do with the bloggers themselves and their need to simply see their authorial voice in print....irrespective of whether they are continuing a thread of debate, or simply making some random comment.

    In any event the whole is often better than the constituent parts....and the slightly bizarre stream of consciousness that ensues normally makes for entertaining reading.

    Well that's my random comment anyway!

    Have a great Friday one and all.


  51. At 08:43 AM on 06 Oct 2006, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Sorry I'm so late with this and it probably won't get posted, but I have to say Christophe, that I love your new pal's products, and not he is a pal, can you ask him why they are so fiendishly expensive?

    Love the packaging (and the fact he and his company have an ace sense of humour), love the ethos behind it, but why oh why oh why are they three quid for a single container?

    Sorry to sound like a whinger, but we just can't afford to spend that amount of money, no matter how nice or lovely the product. If he can cut the price by a couple of pounds or so, that woudl be ace.

    Other than that, brilliant blog, and will have a swizz at today's.

  52. At 09:59 PM on 06 Oct 2006, Sammie wrote:

    #36 - James or Parsnip,

    Why do you want Bloggers to get their talons out? If you like that sort of thing, have a look at the Radio 2 message board, it's full of messages from people that seem to have very strong dislike for each other - not sure if they work in the same office...

    As to Blogging - why do we do it? Could it be the vanity in us that likes to see our own musings in print? Probably!

    I've been on my own with my kids for 9 months now and believe you me, I love it, but miss the adult interraction; I am a busy person, have lots going on in my life, but actually, I quite like reading another adults thoughts - quite stimulating really!

    Let's see if you pick up the thread - complaining as you were at the lack of interraction between bloggers...


  53. At 05:30 PM on 26 Jan 2007, John wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Micro teddies are not just for kids my wife uses hers all the time, great show keep up the good work.


  54. At 12:26 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Tony Crowhurst wrote:

    Hi chris,

    Last week(on Thursday I think)you were talking about Mika and saying you were not sure about him - genious or sharleton. Well you pricked my curiosity and I went online to listen to a few samples of his music. After just three intros I was hooked and immediately downloaded his album. On saturday morning I was washing the car and listening to Mika on my mp3 player. The man is a genious. One minut he was like Freddie Mercury, then I heard snippets of early Robbie Williams followed by Jake of Scissor Sisters. To coin one of your phrases - it doesn't get much better than this.

  55. At 06:01 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Hello Chris,

    Please give a shout for the posse at vpapers.net as we toil on the cusp of art, innovation, and commercialisation, To the chef we offer vpapers – our offering to the world, and would like one of the houseboats as someone who cant afford a house either.

    Ths is our office meeting room - self stick papers to you from us with love.

    Shimmeron - and to the sunflowers of our backgarden biofuels I wish them to my daughter Jessie and my girlfriend Lizzy too. Good luck to me please Chris – ps do you want some samples.

    Stick it don’t lick it


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