
Women’s rights and inclusion

The hold women in high esteem and address them as dharma Patni (one who promotes and preserves the rightful conduct of life). Traditionally in Hinduism, a woman's role has been seen as supporting family life including playing an important role in the religious activities of the family.

However, the role of a Hindu woman in the family has changed greatly over time due to many factors including and the impact of Western cultures. In many modern Hindu communities it is accepted by many that men and women have equal worth. So a Hindu woman might choose to pursue a career and be the the person who earns the most money in the household. Importantly, women who are mothers have always been highly respected and seen as having great worth in Hinduism. That said, all women have different roles, because of their , which is their duties depending on the stage of life they are at.

Over time many Hindu women have stepped forward to promote the rights of women and many charities have worked hard to raise awareness and promote the well-being, inclusion and rights of women.

One charity which has devoted itself to the campaign for women's rights is the Manushi organisation. The interventions lead by Manushi have influence change and the way women are viewed by many.

In the , Lord Krishna pointed out to his disciple Arjuna that women are as worthy and as capable as men of achieving liberation, or .