
Chemical formulae of compounds

A is a substance that contains two or more that are chemically combined. The elements in a compound are present in fixed proportions. For example, carbon dioxide always has 12 g of carbon for every 32 g of oxygen.

A can be used to represent a compound. The formula shows:

  • the symbols for each element in the compound
  • the number of of each element in a unit of the compound

For example, magnesium oxide is made up of two elements, magnesium and oxygen. Its formula is MgO. This shows that it has one atom of magnesium for every one atom of oxygen.

Here are some more examples of compounds and their formulae. The number in a formula shows if there is more than one atom of an element.

Name of compoundFormula
Sodium chlorideNaCl
Potassium bromideKBr
Magnesium iodideMgI2
Carbon dioxideCO2
Carbon monoxideCO
Sulfur trioxideSO3
Name of compoundSodium chloride
Name of compoundPotassium bromide
Name of compoundMagnesium iodide
Name of compoundCarbon dioxide
Name of compoundCarbon monoxide
Name of compoundSulfur trioxide
Name of compoundWater
Name of compoundAmmonia
Name of compoundMethane

Many compounds exist naturally. They can also be formed from their elements in . In a chemical reaction, one or more new substances are formed. Most chemical reactions involve energy changes.

It is not easy to split up a compound into its elements - the only way to do this is in chemical reactions.

Chemical formulae of ions

An is a charged particle formed when an atom, or a group of atoms, loses or gains . The number and sign of its electrical charges are shown in text.

Names and formulae of some common ions:

Name of ionFormula of ionElectrical charge(s)
SodiumNa+One positive
MagnesiumMg2+Two positive
ChlorideCl-One negative
OxideO2-Two negative
Name of ionSodium
Formula of ionNa+
Electrical charge(s)One positive
Name of ionMagnesium
Formula of ionMg2+
Electrical charge(s)Two positive
Name of ionChloride
Formula of ionCl-
Electrical charge(s)One negative
Name of ionOxide
Formula of ionO2-
Electrical charge(s)Two negative

Simple formulae

The formula of an can be predicted using the formulae of its ions. The numbers of ions in a formula must give an equal number of positive and negative charges.

Name of compoundFormulaElectrical charges
Sodium chlorideNaClOne positive, one negative
Sodium oxideNa2OTwo positive, two negative
Magnesium oxideMgOTwo positive, two negative
Magnesium chlorideMgCl2Two positive, two negative
Name of compoundSodium chloride
Electrical chargesOne positive, one negative
Name of compoundSodium oxide
Electrical chargesTwo positive, two negative
Name of compoundMagnesium oxide
Electrical chargesTwo positive, two negative
Name of compoundMagnesium chloride
Electrical chargesTwo positive, two negative