
Multiple choice questions

Multiple choice questions appear throughout both exam papers and at both foundation tier and higher tier. Multiple choice questions are usually asked as questions, often starting with 'what is...' or 'why...'.

You have three or four options to choose from in a multiple choice question. You must choose the number of options asked for in the question by placing ticks in boxes. Most multiple choice questions require just one tick, but a few ask for two ticks. You will not get a mark if you leave all the boxes blank, or if you put a tick in more than the required number of boxes.

Multiple choice questions often have two answers that could, at first glance, be correct. It is important to check all the answers before deciding which box to tick. It is also important to check that your chosen statement answers the question - some questions might include an option that is a correct statement, but that does not answer the question.

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Learn how to revise with Dr Alex Lathbridge

Dr Alex Lathbridge breaks down how to revise for your GSCE science exams.

Sample question 1 - Foundation


The elements in the periodic table are arranged in groups.

What is similar about the elements in the same group?

Tick one box. [1 mark]

Chemical properties
Atomic numbers
Relative atomic masses
Chemical properties
Atomic numbers
Relative atomic masses

Sample question 2 - Foundation


Why are all the elements in Group 0 unreactive?

Tick one box. [1 mark]

They are all gases at room temperature
They all have the same atomic number
They are all in the same group of the periodic table
They all have a stable arrangement of electrons
They are all gases at room temperature
They all have the same atomic number
They are all in the same group of the periodic table
They all have a stable arrangement of electrons