
This module builds on: Module 5 (M5) , Module 6 (M6) and Module 7 (M7) transformations.

Similar shapes

When a shape is enlarged, the image is similar to the original shape. It is the same shape but a different size.

These two shapes are similar as they are both rectangles but one is an enlargement of the other.

Similar rectangles

Similar Triangles

Two triangles are similar if the angles are the same size or the corresponding sides are in the same ratio. Either of these conditions will prove two triangles are similar.

Original triangle and triangle enlarged

Triangle B is an enlargement of triangle A by a of 2. Each length in triangle B is twice as long as in triangle A.

The two triangles are similar.

Example 1

State whether the two triangles are similar. Give a reason to support your answer.

Two similar triangle

Answer: Yes, they are similar. The two lengths have been increased by a scale factor of 2. The corresponding angle is the same.

Example 2

State whether the two triangles are similar. Give a reason to support your answer.

Two similar triangles

To decide whether the two triangles are similar, calculate the missing angles.

Remember angles in a triangle add up to 180°.

Angle yxz = \(180 - 85 - 40 = 55^\circ\)

Angle YZX = \(180 - 85 - 55 = 40^\circ\)

Answer: Yes, they are similar. The three angles are the same.

Example 3

State whether the two triangles are similar. Give a reason to support your answer.


Answer: No. Two of the sides of the triangle are increased by a scale factor of 1.5. The other side has been increased by a scale factor of 2.


Calculate the length of side

  • (i) AC;

  • (ii) DB.

An image of a triangle labelled ABC with a smaller triangle within it, DBE. The length of line AB is 5.4cm. The length of line BE is labelled 4.8cm. The length of line EC is labelled 2.4cm. The length of line AC which is the base of the triangle, is unlabelled. The length of line DE, which bisects the larger triangle, is labelled 5cm.


Triangles ABC and BDE are similar because:

  1. They share the angle B.
  2. Angle A = angle D because lines AC and DE are parallel.
  3. Angle C = Angle E because lines AC and DE are parallel.

To calculate missing lengths, begin by drawing the triangles out separately.

An image of the smaller triangle DBE on its own. The side DE, which is the base of the triangle, is labelled 5cm. The side BE is labelled 4.8cm. The side DB is unlabelled.
The larger triangle ABC on its own. Side AB is labelled 5.4cm. Side BC is labelled with two arrows and an equation: 4.8 + 2.4 = 7.2cm. The side AC, which is the base, is unlabelled.

The scale factor of enlargement can be found by dividing the length of BC by BE.

Scale factor \(= 7.2 \div 4.8 = 1.5\)

  • \(AC = DE \times 1.5\)

  • \(AC = 5 \times 1.5 = 7.5 \text{cm}\)

  • \(AB = 1.5 \times DB\)

  • \(DB = AB \div 1.5\)

  • \(DB = 5.4 \div 1.5 = 3.6 \text{cm}\)


Find the value of \(x\).

An image of a shape comprising of two isosceles triangles forming a bowtie shape. the left-most side is labelled as 24mm. The top left side is labelled x mm. The bottom right side is labelled 24mm. The right-most side is labelled 20mm.

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Enlargement Effect on Perimeter, Area and Volume

When we enlarge a shape by a scale factor, the length of each edge and the perimeter are multiplied by the scale factor.

Two rectangles

When we enlarge a shape by a scale factor, the area of the shape is multiplied by the square of the scale factor.

Two cubes

When we enlarge a shape by a scale factor, the volume of the shape is multiplied by the cube of the scale factor.


Two similar posters have perimeters of \(20 \text{cm}\) and \(80 \text{cm}\). The area of the smaller poster is \(24 \text{cm}^{2}\). Calculate the area of the larger poster.


The scale factor of the perimeters is \(80 \div 20 = 4\)

Perimeter is a measurement of length.

The scale factor of the areas will be \(4^2 = 16\)

The area of the larger poster will be \(24 \times 16 = 384 \text{cm}^{2}\).

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Ratios can also be used to express scale factor.


An image of two triangles, a large one labelled A and a smaller triangle labelled B.

The area of triangle A is \(216 \text{cm}^{2}\). The ratio of the side lengths of triangle A to triangle B is 3:1.

Calculate the area of triangle B.


\(\text{length ratio} = 3:1\)

\(\text{area ratio} = 3^2:1^2 = 9:1\)

\(\text{area of A} = 216 \text{cm}^{2}\)

\(\text{area of B} = 216 \div 9 = 24 \text{cm}^{2}\)


A photo has dimensions \(8 \text{cm} \times 10 \text{cm}\).

An enlargement of this photo has an area of \(320 \text{cm}^{2}\).

Find the ratio of the areas and the hence the dimensions of the enlarged photo.


Area of first photo is \(80 \text{cm}^{2}\).

Ratio of areas \(80 : 320 = 1:4\)

Ratio of lengths \(\sqrt{1} : \sqrt{4} = 1 : 2\)

Dimensions of second photo \(8 \times 2 = 16\)

\(10 \times 2 = 20\)

Dimensions of the enlarged photo are \(16 \text{cm} \times 20 \text{cm}\).

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