
Latest from Libya

| Monday, 3 March 2011 | 10:57 - 23:00 GMT

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    hi, my name is alpha from guinea. would you please call me back. i think the international community’s ultimate goal should be making kadafi leave the power.

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    Mwangaza in Uganda: They will regret when Gaddafi is gone and they will never have a strong leader like him again.

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    Chinedu posts: As necessary as it seems, it is unclear what the U.S and U.K are doing in Libya. Expect this to have a significant effect in the 2012 U.S elections.

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    Mehdi in Australia emails: Why is United Nation, Us and all their western allies are not taking any action against invention of Saudi and Emirate troops in Bahrain ?

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    PUTIN is right;western crusade in LIBYA is primitive to say the least- p.w.w-nrb,kenya

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    Curt emails: The indiscriminate killing and destruction that's being carried out by Colonel Gaddafi is an assault to all freedom loving peoples of the world. The world should be in full support of the UN actions.

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    Sarah in the US: I was against the invasion of Iraq and am against this action in Libya. It's apparent the Libyan revolutionaries need help, but we should stay out of it.

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    Joel in Uganda posts on Facebook: Gaddafi deserves it. France keep it up. Sarkozy we are behind you.

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    BD in the US emails: As a United States citizen and a veteran of the war in Iraq, I dont not support the current involvement or any additional involvement. I do, however, sympathize with the Libyan people. We are told over here our government is broke and our politicians are asking for cuts in education, health care, etc yet we seem to have plenty of money to be the "Global Police Force". This is disturbing to many of us over here in the states.

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    Corey in the US emails: I am an American and I absolutely abhor the idea of putting our forces on the ground in Libya. Our foreign policy has been increasingly imperialistic. We need to step away from that perception. Perhaps even transfer "leadership" of this campaign to the French or the UK.

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    Matthew in the US emails: Approve of the airstrikes, but I cannot stress the importance enough of coordinating with the rebels, and finding the targets most important to helping their cause. I do not support ground troops. The united states already is involved with two wars in the middle east with no need for a third.

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    Robert posts on Facebook: Is it the oil that is bothering the west or just the dislike of Gaddafi? Let them not impose leaders as they did in Iraq.

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    Alex in the US emails: I would not support american troops on the ground in libya, we can support them from the air against attacks on civilians but we shouldn't fight a war for them.

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    Idriss posts: If China decides one day to attack Taiwan what will the west do? Or why was the west crying when Russia entered Georgia pursuing rebels what happened? Why are people picking fights to intervene in?

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    Segun posts: International diplomacy is such a messy game, isn't it? So much double talks hidden agenda, self-interest and nonsense.

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    This is Rasheed from Uganda.I support the coalition but that’s not enough.The libyan oppositions need also the land forces to oust that dictator.

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    Jorji emails: We should be using this money for Katrina, Japan, and all other truly humanitarian support! We need to drop food and medicine and water not bombs.

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    Livia emails: I have listened to a lot of information and discussions about the Lybian crisis. I still don't understand why Western countries are protecting the revolutionaries in Lybia. It should be the Arab League and the African Union.

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    Penjo posts: In this modern world and with the lessons we've learned from other conflicts, I could not imagine that the UN of all organizations will support a rebellion. What do they expect a President like Ghadafi to do, see rebels coming to move him from power and do nothing? It's a shame to you all supporting this.

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    My name Col from South Sudan, I appreciated very much what the Western did by helped Lebia people from the hand of pretender, dictative and murdered, never regrete, the secret for all the voices against UN action is to re-enforce dictative leadership against Democrative e.g Where were they those who are complaining now against UN action when Gadafi was killing and threated his own people? Why AU fail to solve Ivory issue while claimed to be consult? Be carefull with corruption it may affect u one day!

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    Jaydev in India: If everyone focuses on past mistakes like in Iraq and Afghanistan we can never move forward. Living in the past cannot help make new changes in the future. Let the UN make Libya the new first proper democratic government.