
OK, so you've mastered all the words and actions to Wind the Bobbin Up, you can fold and unfold a buggy in a instant and make music from recycled household items, but that’s only the start.

How many of these can you relate to?

Dad holding toddler outside
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They're a tough crowd, but you've definitely won your little one over with your chat.

1. You’re reliving your childhood

You probably thought those days of being covered in mud or paint after playtime were over – until you became a dad. Having as much fun as your little one is something you might not have expected, but it’s most definitely a win and great chance to unwind from your grown-up responsibilities.

And, who would have guessed you’d find playing with a cardboard box more enjoyable than watching televised sport?

2. You’re a renowned comedian (and all-round entertainer)

To your little one, you are the funniest person in the world.

And while you’ve always thought of yourself as mildly amusing, you didn’t expect you’d end up with such a strong fanbase.

It’s not about your witty one-liners: ripping paper, silly dances and peekaboo are central to your routine. Even Peter Kay isn’t this adaptable.

And guess what? As well as being hilarious to your baby, you’re also helping build their communication skills.

3. You’ve got lightning-speed reactions

You’ve developed a sixth sense, knowing exactly when your little one is about to fill their nappy, stumble or when a toy is about to slip off the kitchen worktop.

Your quick reactions have saved a floor from being covered in baby food and prevented full-on tears. Phew. Premier League goalkeepers: watch and learn.

4. You’ve got mealtimes sussed out

Now your little one is weaning, they’ve turned into a food critic more demanding than Gordon Ramsay.

You're no longer thinking back to the pre-baby times when meals were chilled-out, and are focused on the tips, tricks and coping strategies that can stop tantrums in their tracks. You’ve even found some ways to keep them entertained in their highchair and have fine-tuned your cooking skills.

Dad leaning over his baby who is holding onto his glasses.
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You've got the hang of this baby babble malarkey. Most of the time.

5. You can babble with the best

Deon, from our Dad Life series describes chatting to his baby like conversations in “Chewbacca gargle style” and we couldn’t put it better ourselves.

You might not know what they’re saying sometimes, but you’ve developed an excellent ability to babble back – and your baby loves it!

6. You pack the Tetris way

You cut your professional teeth getting all your holiday gear into a carry-on suitcase. And now you’re a dad, you can you can pack endless baby kit into a change bag, cupboard or drawer like it’s a spatial-reasoning puzzle.

It's all in a day's work.

7. You’ve got advanced nappy-changing skills

You’re such a pro multi-tasker that you use nappy changes as a chance for you and your baby to bond during a busy day.

Singing and talking through changes are great for babies’ brains – and who knows, might even make the smell more bearable.

Dad smiling with his toddler who is stood in a box.
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Who knew a cardboard box could be so much fun?

9. You can decode gestures and actions

Your baby tries to communicate with you from the moment they are born.

It’s not easy to work out what they're trying to say before they use words, but like a Sherlock Holmes of baby emotions, you can decipher every glance away, pursed mouth and clenched hand.

10. You’ve learned to go with the flow

You’ve become a lot more patient since you became a dad, which research shows is partly due to changing hormone levels and the fact your priorities have changed. Those things that niggled and annoyed you before you became a dad just don’t matter as much.

Night-time feeds are tough and tempers still get frayed, but celebrate the fact that you can entertain your little one even when you’re knackered.

11. And finally: you keep on keeping on

You know there’s no such thing as a perfect parent and you're learning on the job.

So, toast the small victories like they're the greatest achievements; managing to have a catnap while your baby sleeps, having plenty of laughs and leaving on time to meet dad friends… these all deserve a hearty high-five.

In case you missed it